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Cutt-Slam and Master Angler
Created in 1996, the Wyoming Cutt-Slam program helps anglers learn more about Wyoming’s cutthroat trout subspecies and increases appreciation for the efforts to enhance and conserve this precious resource. To participate In the Cutt-Slam, all you need to do is hit the road and catch each of the four cutthroat trout subspecies in their native range in Wyoming. Send us a clear photo with the date and location of catch in our online application https://wgfapps.wyo.gov/masterangler/Welcome.
To find out where to catch each subspecies, visit the interactive Cutt-Slam fishing map on our web page.
The Cutthroat Trout Native Range
Cutt Slam
Snake River Cutthroat Yellowstone Cutthroat
No Native Cutthroat
Bonneville Cutthroat Colorado River Cutthroat
Once your Cutt-Slam is verified, you will receive a color certificate featuring all four subspecies, a decal to advertise your accomplishment and a medallion provided by a partnership with Wyoming Trout Unlimited.
For more information and to see photos from past participants, check out our Cutt-Slam web page at wgfd.wyo.gov/Fishing-and-Boating/Cutt-Slam.
The Wyoming Game and Fish Department is pleased to now provide a program that recognizes the catch of trophy sized fish from Wyoming waters.
Master Angler Gabe Bouse, Seminoe Reservoir, Walleye
Brook Trout Brown Trout Burbot Channel Catfish Crappie Cutthroat Trout Freshwater Drum Golden Trout Grayling Kokanee Lake Trout Largemouth Bass Mountain Whitefish Northern Pike Rainbow Trout Sauger Shovelnose Sturgeon Smallmouth Bass Splake Sunfish Tiger Muskie Tiger Trout Walleye Yellow Perch 16" 23" 28" 28" 12" 18" 22" 16" 16" 20" 36" 16" 16" 34" 20" 23" 32" 16" 20" 8" 38" 23" 23" 12"
When you catch a qualifying fish and enter your catch at the Game and Fish website, you will be awarded a Master Angler decal of that species. Catch five different qualifying species and you will earn the Trophy Angler Award coin. Catch ten different qualifying species and you will earn the Ultimate Angler award. To enter or to see those already awarded, go to https://wgfd.wyo.