1st folding chairs Larry Hoffman announces same day shipping for all orders
Selecting a seller for a large furniture order can be complicated. While pricing is ideally the first concern, buyers are also worried about getting an order on time and quality aspects. 1st folding chairs Larry Hoffman wants to put all of the concerns and issues at rest.
WWW.1STFOLDINGCHAIRS.CO M We are the prime seller of furniture
in the commercial market today, and our services have been around since 2002. We deal in tables, chairs, accessories, grills and even hotel furniture at great prices, simply because we aren’t a retailer looking for profits. We always guarantee the lowest prices in Miami area, and our products are available for quick shipping.
As an importer and wholesaler of furniture, we have most products in stock, which are offered to the customer at lowest shipping costs. We also offer same day shipping and are well networked to take up large orders in a short time. What makes us a true winner is our fantastic customer support team. Our executives always have special offers for customers placing an order for the first time, and we can help you in selecting the products wisely. In case a product is not in stock, we will offer clear shipping dates, as well.
9415 Culver Blvd, $ 164, Culver City, CA 90232 USA Telephone: 855-620-7296 Fax: 877-219-9936 E-mail: sales@1allchairs.com