Renewable energy - etwinning

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project, 2014 - 2015 Greece - Lithuania - Spain – Turkey




Renewable energy is important because we need a clean world in the future‌


We are a special team from Turkey, Spain, Lithuania & Greece


Renewable Energy There are many forms of renewable energy. Most of these forms of renewable energy depend in one way or another on sunlight. Wind and hydroelectric power are the direct result of differential heating of the Earth's surface which leads to air moving about (wind) and precipitation forming as the air is lifted. Solar energy is the direct conversion of sunlight using panels or collectors. Biomass energy is stored sunlight contained in plants. Other renewable energies that do not depend on sunlight are geothermal energy, which is a result of radioactive decay in the crust combined with the original heat of accreting the Earth, and tidal energy, which is a conversion of gravitational energy. If you think 100% renewable energy will never happen, think again. Several countries have adopted ambitious plan to obtain their power from renewable energy. These countries are not only accelerating RE installations but are also integrating RE into their existing infrastructure to reach a 100% RE mix. Solar power can be used directly for heating and producing electricity or indirectly via biomass, wind, ocean thermal, and hydroelectric power. Energy from the gravitational field can be harnessed by tidal power; and the internal heat of the Earth can be tapped geothermally. These tools and more can help make the transition from nonrenewable to renewable and environmentally friendly energy. However, none of these is sufficiently developed or abundant enough to substitute for fossil fuels use. Every one of these power sources (with the exception of hydroelectric) has low environmental costs, and combined have the potential to be important in avoiding a monumental crisis when the fossil fuel crunch hits. These energy sources are often non-centralized, leading to greater consumer control and involvement.


SOLAR ENERGY installing solar panels on the metal roof of the pool in Panorama-Thessaloniki-Greece This form of energy relies on the nuclear fusion power from the core of the Sun. This energy can be collected and converted in a few different ways. The range is from solar water heating with solar collectors or attic cooling with solar attic fans for domestic use to the complex technologies of direct conversion of sunlight to electrical energy using mirrors and boilers or photovoltaic cells. Unfortunately these are currently insufficient to fully power our modern society. The development of affordable, inexhaustible and clean solar energy technologies will have huge longer-term benefits. Advantages of Solar energy Zero pollution Zero cost production of energy – minimal maintenance Silent operation Reliability and long life Inexhaustible and mostly import-independent resource, (It will increase countries’ energy security) Keep fossil fuel prices lower than otherwise. Disadvantages of Solar energy High construction cost Luck of subsidies Difficulty in storage 6

HYDROELECTRIC POWER – HYDROPOWER A small hydroelectric project of Imathia-Greece This form uses the gravitational potential of elevated water that was lifted from the oceans by sunlight. It is not strictly speaking renewable since all reservoirs eventually fill up and require very expensive excavation to become useful again. At this time, most of the available locations for hydroelectric dams are already used in the developed world. Advantages of Hydroelectric energy: - Hydroelectric plants can function on demand whenever needed, unlike the thermal plants which require a lot of preparation time. - It is a "clean" and renewable source of energy with various benefits (reduction in exchange, natural resources, protection of the environment).


- Through the water reservoirs there is the possibility to satisfy certain needs such as water supply, irrigation halting torrents, creation of wetlands, recreational and sports areas. Disadvantages of Hydroelectric energy: - Big construction cost for dams and installation of equipment as well as the great amount of time needed to complete the project / facilities - The environmental distortion of the area where facilities are constructed (including the geomorphology, animals and plants) as well as the potential population movements, the degradation of areas, the required changes of the use of land. In addition, in areas of big constructions great changes in the microclimate and increase in the seismic rate have also been noted.

WIND POWER The movement of the atmosphere is driven by differences of temperature at the Earth's surface due to varying temperatures of the Earth's surface when lit by sunlight. Wind energy can be used to 8

pump water or generate electricity, but requires extensive area coverage to produce significant amounts of energy.

Advantages of Wind Energy: - Wind energy can be produced again and again since it is available in plenty. - It is the cleanest form of renewable energy. - Reduces fossil fuels consumption. - Wind energy has created many jobs for the local people, from installation of wind turbines to maintenance of the area where turbines are located Disadvantages of Wind Energy: - The wind turbines may cause the wounding or even the death of birds. - Too much noise of the machines - Turbines may cause aesthetic pollution - There is a need to cut down trees or generally to destroy a part of land on which the venture will take place. - Wind turbines are suited to the coastal regions or hilly areas which receive wind throughout the year to generate power. However, due to the technological advance and the stricter selection of the facilities location (e.g. floating platforms in the open sea) the previously mentioned problems as well as the noise of the machine’s operation have almost been solved. In any case, an environmental impact study should precede the construction of the Aeolian park or any other facility of renewable energy sources.



Geothermal energy is defined as heat from within the earth. The adjective geothermal originates from the Greek roots geo, meaning earth, and thermos, meaning heat. If the heated water within the earth does not reach the earth's surface, it remains as underground concentrations of hot water and steam, known as geothermal reservoirs. By tapping into geothermal reservoirs, we can efficiently heat our homes and businesses and even generate electricity. Advantages of Geothermal Energy: - It has low cost and there is no need to use fuel to generate the geothermal power, and because of this the purchasing, transporting and cleaning of it will just require low cost. - It cannot be affected by any kind of weather and it is not affected by the cycle of day and night and is not dependent on the light of the sun. - It is more advantageous than the energy derived from coal because it is much more cheaper. - The energy is 100% clean and cannot cause global warming. - Since it is a renewable source of energy it does not create any pollution and harm to humans and to other species. 10

- It is used as direct heating of homes and offices. - Exploitation of geothermal energy can create more jobs and opportunities for the local people. Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy: - The installation of geothermal is not that easy, there is a need to hire a certified installer and skilled workers to have the plant located. There is a need to set up electricity towers and to get steam from the deep within the earth. Because of this, the cost is very expensive and requires a long time for investment. - It is not suitable for all types of places; it is only appropriate for those places which have a lot of rocks below and those that can produce steam. - It might release harmful and toxic gases that can be very harmful to human. - The transportation of geothermal energy is not easy.

BIOMASS %B3%CF%89%CE%B3%CE%B7-%CE%B7%CE%BB%CE%B5%CE%BA%CF %84%CF%81%CE%B9%CE%BA%CE%B7%CF%83-%CE%B5%CE%BD%CE %B5%CF%81%CE%B3%CE%B5%CE%B9%CE%B1%CF%83-%CE%B1%CF %80%CE%BF-%CF%86/


Biomass is biological material derived from living, or recently living organisms. Wood remains are the largest biomass energy source today. In the second sense, biomass includes plant or animal matter that can be converted into fibers or other industrial chemicals, including biofuels. Plant energy is produced by crops specifically grown for use as fuel that offer high biomass output per hectare with low input energy. There is a great deal of research involving algal fuel or algaederived biomass due to the fact that it's a non-food resource and can be produced at rates 5 to 10 times more than those of other types of land-based agriculture, such as corn and soy. Biofuels include a wide range of fuels which are derived from biomass. The term covers solid, liquid, and gaseous fuels. Liquid biofuels include bioalcohols, such as bioethanol, and oils, such as biodiesel. Advantages of Biomass: We will always have the sources of biomass such as crops, manure and garbage. •

There is a balance between the amount of carbon that the biomass fuel release into the atmosphere and the amount that they extract from it. This is why biomass fuels do not contribute to global warming. Biomass fuels are clean. •

Energy harnessed from biomass is inexpensive compared to coal and oil. Typically they cost about 1/3 less than fossil fuels doing the same job. •

Biomass reduces the pressure on fossil fuels

Biomass is available in large quantities all over the world. Large pipelines across country borders and oceans are therefore most likely not necessary. •

Biofuels do not require many changes in cars and other places of use to be utilized. •


Biofuels help to reduce carbon emissions by 50-60%. According to the European Environment Agency, biofuels do not address global warming concerns. •

Disadvantages of Biomass: - Setting aside land for biofuels corps means less land for food production. - Extraction of biomass can be expensive. In some areas we find that biomass projects may not be worth the price and is therefore never finished. This is also true for the harvesting and storing of the different types of biomass.







we care for our planet

φροντίζουμε τον πλανήτη μας

Gezegenimizi önemsiyor ve koruyoruz

Cuidemos el planeta

Mes rūpinamės savo planeta

we enhance our life

βελτιώνουμε τη ζωή μας

Yaşam kalitemizi yükseltiyoruz

Mejoremos nuestro mundo

Mes pageriname savo gyvenimą






geothermal energy

γεωθερμική ενέργεια

jeotermal enerji

Energía geotérmica

Geoterminė energija

solar energy

ηλιακή ενέργεια

güneş enerjisi

Energía solar

Saulės energija

wind energy

αιολική ενέργεια

rüzgar enerjisi

Energía eólica

Vėjo energija

hydropower energy

υδροηλεκτρική ενέργεια

hidroelektrik enerji

Energía hidroeléctrica

Hidroelektrinių energija






Our poster in English


Our poster in Turkish


Our poster in Spanish


Our poster in Lithuanian


Our poster in Greek


Mini wind turbine

This mini wind turbine was made by our student Vasilis Kitsopoulos (and his talented father) from Greece. This wind turbine converts the wind power into electricity and lights up 3 small bulbs. 20

The photos below are from the Lithuanian team.

They’ve created and played a song about nature and ecology.

It’s a shame that not all of us take care of nature and destroy it. Let’s recycle garbage, clean streets and destroy slates. Let’s build up the solar collectors.

Let’s free nature


Furthermore, they put up a lot of creative activities from recycled materials.


The video below is made by the eTwinning team from Turkey

They’ve created and played a song about Renewable Energy. …Renewable Energy is changing our world…


“RENEWABLE ENERGY” - Project’s Song lyrics Part: Renewable this is quality label I’m telling you with different syllables Solar, wind and geothermal energy If you don’t use this in emergency Global warming effects in our World Fuel oil wastes is toxic, technical Technical information says life natural Recycling is solving environmental problems Hurry up! Awake and listen to me carefully Energy is saving your country (country) Electric will produce easily in earthquake Awake you awake other people in the world Keep in mind yes this is our nature Creative Project and Ι introduce you Save your world because this our culture You leave a new healthy generation Chorus: Renewable energy is saving our world, renewable energy is changing our world ( x4) lyrics: Serdar Kurt (student) music: Serdar Kurt (student) quitar: Yusuf Özer (student) 24


How many things do you know about renewable energy?


English subtitles in four Greek videos about RENEWABLE ENERGY These videos belong to the educational material of the

Photodentro/Educational Video (Digital school), which is the Greek Educational Video Repository for primary and secondary education. 26 27

painter: Kiki Petridou - 2nd grade





1st Junior High School of Alexandria, GREECE

TEACHERS Anastasia Chatziathanasiadou Stamatia Paschaliori Evangelia Kosarli


Šiaulių Sauliaus Sondeckio menų gimnazija, Šiauliai


IES Virgen de la Cabeza, Marmolejo



Loreta Narušienė

Marta Mª Sesma Berhó





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