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Virtually Impossible by Karen Buie

much confusion, and lots of anxiety among the musicians. “You mean I have to record myself singing ALONE??” Another question often asked was, “I need to use two different recording devices – how does that even work??” And finally, the never-ending issue of “Once I record my individual video, how will I get it to you? The file is too large to send in an email!”

There were many challenges and setbacks along the way, but we powered through it. Eventually, it got easier each time we began working on a new virtual presentation. In the beginning, it seemed “virtually impossible” that anything like that could be done. It was frustrating not being able to sing together with the rest of the group. It was exasperating to use technology with which we were not familiar with (and the technology did not always cooperate)! And it was grueling to do it for a long period of time, not knowing when we would be able to be back together in person again. But guess what? It wasn’t impossible at all. We did it! Using the editing skills of Jeremy, Matthew & Casey Cleveland (and the amazing ASL expertise of Sarah Hester), the Eleven20 Worship, Chancel Choir, Youth Choir, Kids Praise and Youth Praise Band were all able to offer virtual presentations in the worship services throughout the pandemic. Looking back, it was amazing how everyone overcame obstacles and worked together to create music at a time when we needed it the most. Eventually, the 9:30 and 11:20 Praise Teams and the Handbell Ringers & Singers were able to begin coming together in physically distanced small groups to pre-record music for the services. Soon after, with the introduction of the COVID vaccine, small groups could sing in live worship. Now we are finally able to have vaccinated members of the congregation share in singing. It has been an interesting journey with many challenges along the way, but what I have learned is that ALL things are possible through Jesus Christ. He will always provide, even when we think it is “virtually impossible”!

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