contents week 1 week 2 week 3 week 4 week 5 week 6 week 7 week 8 week 9 week 10 week 11 week 12
#idonthaveanyideawhatimdoing #okletsnarrowitdown #letsgetitstarted #spreadsheetsandanalysis #outoftheloop #statsstatsstats #reddiquette #questionmark #emotionledtitles #jokes #catmeme #looking back
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#12weeksoffoodporn 1
After first lecture of Digital Marketing I was baffled with the assignment brief as it mainly focused on food, food on internet to be exact. Now the concept of sharing photographs of food on internet isn’t new to me, but those lone pictures of food on my friends’ Instagram photo reel seemed a little bit sad in my opinion. What was the point of sharing such images, as I didn’t practice it myself I didn’t understand it, are they lonely? Do they feel a need of sharing this, probably cold now, meal with rest of their social media circle? Sending a picture to a friend or family member with a recommendation of a restaurant doesn’t seem too bad, however sharing it with a guy named Bob that you met during fresher’s is strange. Don’t get me wrong I appreciate a picture of good looking burger from Almost Famous, however they have a message, they are trying to sell something here whether it’s a burger or a lifestyle, but as far as I know my Facebook friends don’t work for all those cool restaurants. So this got me thinking, could it be that the new art form was formed, and somehow everyone wanted to contribute their little piece? Learning about a concept of food porn immediately made me research the topic and it seems quite old, however with Web 2.0 boom it got to a point where everyone wants a little memory of what they had night before, just in case. Internet enabled millions of people to contribute fresh content every day; therefore we have
opportunity to see what Carbonara from Gusto looks like, which can sometimes be helpful, if we intend to go that is. However if we look the term up at popular encyclopaedia site, it shines more light on the topic as well as it gives more literal definition:
Food porn is a glamourized spectacular visual presentation of cooking or eating in advertisements, infomercials, cooking shows or other visual media, foods boasting a high fat and calorie content, exotic dishes that arouse a desire to eat or the glorification of food as a substitute for sex. Food porn often takes the form of food photography and styling that presents food provocatively, in a similar way to glamour photography or pornographic photography. By acquiring some background information I was able to have a better idea about tackling the assignment that revolved around the idea of creating netnography about an online commu-
nity that glorifies food. Next logical step was to find possible online communities that could act as my source of information, living most of my life in 21st century I had brief idea where to look. My immediate attention turned to reddit, facebok and youtube as well as bloggers that are today’s medium of creating opinions. In order to gain valuable data I had to set few criteria in order to narrow down one community that would be optimal for my research project. While looking for food content on those websites wouldn't be a problem, the activity and quality of discussion could cause potential issues. Another thing to consider is whether the community would revolve around specific kind of food or would it be love for the food in general. It's definitely important to narrow down one specific community that will provide sufficient data as the whole project depends on it. Also with upcoming netnography lecture , I hope few things will become clearer to me as currently I am on crossroads, trying to decide best fundamentals for my project that I am still a little bit unsure about. By next week I'd like to narrow down the research question, as currently it's too hard to judge which question would be best suited for me and the community that I pick.
Sites I was looking at: reddit:
First Attempt at a Wellington
#WEEK2 Its week 2 and by now I got a better idea of what I want to do with my research project, lecture on netnography as well as extra readings helped me understand better of what is demanded of me. Therefore to start my project as soon as possible I decided to conduct a little experiment that would show me which community would be best suitable for the assignment. With some of the ideas that I had last week about popular social media platforms I have managed to construct a little table with different variables that would hopefully indicate the best quality discussion that occurs as often as possible.
You’re Doing It All Wrong How to Make a Burger
i am a food blog:
Sunday Brunch: Spaghetti and Eggs Recipe
Food Porn FB front page
From these four social media platforms I have chosen a page that would be most recent as well as most popular therefore pages from reddit, youtube, food blog and facebook are the ones that were on top based on their popularity at this given time. Also in the case of the blog good SEO managed to “spit out” that website first in front of other food loving blogs after entering “food blog” into google search engine.
very bad and five being very good. Example of a very bad comment would be one that doesn’t involve in any type of discussion and could potentially be just “trolling”. On the other hand a very good comment would be one that adds something to the discussion and is viable source of data for the research project.
In order to find “perfect” community I will test them under different criteria and those include age of the media (whether it’s a video/post or a picture), number of comments, then again number of comments but after 2 hours in order to check how often users comment on said media. The last variable is going to be my subjective opinion on the quality of comments rating them one to five, with one being
I’m going with reddit because quality of comments as well as their frequency is much better than on the other sites. So for example on YouTube, I stumbled upon quite old (3 months) discussion about the food presenter’s teeth rather than the food itself, which later started heated argument between “internet warriors”. While it would be possible to find some quality dialogue there, it would take too much time and could be just outdated. On the other hand, food-
porn page on Facebook was very active however it mostly consisted of tagging friends (in order for them to see the picture), say that they “love it” or just post a relevant meme. While it would be interesting to observe a meme conversation, for the purposes of this project I had to dismiss this community. The last page that was also considered was a blog and here the quality of comments was very high, however usually it was aimed at content creator and didn’t involve other users. Frequency of comments on this page however wasn’t good enough, I decided to stick with reddit for optimal balance. Now the aim for the next diary entry is to narrow down the question, create a framework with which i will be able to collect data sensibly as well as get some fi rst food porn posts.
Third week of the adventure with food porn and fi nally its explained in greater depth, now I know what I have to do! With online community pretty much all I need now is to start working it around my question that is:
What are the main themes and motivations for food related social media posting?
However fi rstly I will try to establish a framework that will let me collect data sensibly so in later stages it will be easier for myself to analyse it and see those themes and motives more easily. Firstly given the platform that I will use to collect my data its important to distinguish between good and better posts since there is a lot of food posters on “r/food”. Since reddit already uses “upvote” and “downvote” system my job is so much easier, because usually posts with higher amount of upvotes tend to have more comments, hence more data to collect from them. Now another feature of the portal is classifying the posts by different tabs which are hot, new and top. This feature will enable me to narrow down the posts that will potentially be most interesting. In my opinion using the top everyday will help
#12weeksoffoodporn me to get most discussed post as they would be the ones that got most exposure on that given day. So my plan would be as follows, everyday access r/food and look up the top post in this subreddit, and then fi nd the top comment, which similarly to the post gets upvotes and downvotes. Then I will record the whole discussion in the screenshot form with some quick notes regarding themes and motives that the redditors might be suggested by. Hopefully I will be able to link some of the posts with ideas from the literature that I fi nd on the topic. When I will reach saturation point (whenever that could be) I will stop collecting data and I will start processing and link it in greater depth with found literature.
So this would be my first potential data entry... “My wife makes the best breakfast sandwiches!”
...and this would be my potential analysis
and motives change across the world or if reddit has such strong community that people lose their real life identities and cultural upbringing for something that exists only online. Where they can be someone else and perhaps enjoy the sense of belonging to this particular group through using collective programming of the mind that distinguishes this group of people from another, by having separate culture. As you can see on the screenshots that’s the way I will try to collect my data every few days at random times of the day, which will probably end up to be evenings anyway. I will try random because reddit is dominated with US based users, therefore there could be some bias and I’d like to hear from different time zones as well, for example when US still sleeps. It would be interesting to see if those themes
Time to get some data! Like I’ve planned in previous week, this week I focus on gathering relevant data that will allow me to see any themes or motivations behind their social media posting. So far I’ve managed to get few data entires that perfectly resemble the online community that is reddit. My data will be stored in a simple spreadsheet that will consist of title of the post, initial analysis, interesting comments and score, which is determined by other users. The website brands itself as the front page of the internet and it might as well be one. Reddit’s users have ability of driving internet traffi c and making
things go viral. Redditors can upvote and downvote posts that other users submit, those with highest number of upvotes make it to the front page. This massive forum have different sub-forums that focus on different topics, the one I will be looking at is r/food. The posts that I will focus on, will usually have the “front page” status, what that means is it literally got to the front page of reddit, going beyond it’s default subreddit that is r/food. With thousands of upvotes (3000+) these food porn postings get a lot of attention, but what’s more important is that they get a lot of active attention. People discuss food porn entry in number of different ways, usually complementing presented food in over the top manner, resembling the food porn itself. Depending on the post, comments attract different people, which in turn create different discussion. After gathering fi rst bits of data it seems that authors of the posts have different reasons to post their food porn. Really it depends on the entry, if its something that is done by the author of the post, I have noticed that they try and look for appreciation of their hard work. Even more by titling the post in suggestive way, perfect example of that is the halloween cake that one of the redditors made. It was introduced somewhere along the lines of “nearly not as good as the original pinspiration, but still proud of it”. By using this title the post itself created a need in other redditors of appreciating the cake and they surely showed it in the comment section, where “it looks great” or “its better than original” were the common themes.
#12weeksoffoodporn There is defi nitely something to look into, as its seems clear that appreciation could be one of the main reasons why people post things online. This need of feeling appreciated could say a lot about person that posts these delicious things and I will try to go in greater depth discovering more psychological factors that triggers them to post those pictures that make me drool. On the other hand, when food porn posts seem to be more informative, like ultimate cheese chart or delicious crepe, reaction to such posts focuses more on the food itself rather than the author. That could be as there is no hidden agenda? It seems to be perceived as something for people to appreciate equally, rather than putting the author on the pedestal. Reaction to these posts shows a sense of community between those people. They are all here to appreciate this gorgeous food and the fact that they use common language, makes them look as distinctive culture. The humorous references, inside jokes and word abbreviations make outsider feel not welcome. Its my job now to learn the language and follow the tribe, learning new signs and ways of appreciating food from all parts of the world. Therefore with next entry I’d like to get some academic literature that would allow me to back some of my claims up. Also I will study the community itself in more depth through continuing my search for delicious food porn data.
“A crepe from a small town creperie in Greece�
The Loop
you are here
#WEEK5 Another entry and there is another few ideas that I have that could possibly answer the question revolving themes and motives behind social media posting. In this week I tried following up on work done last week and get some actual academic literature mixed in. Some research pointed me in direction of article by Aaron Ballick who presents several motives that explain why post things online. Mostly it revolves around psychological ideas that people just want to be liked. All everyone wants is to be recognised. Whether its a way of thinking, something that we do or something that we enjoy ourselves, we like to share it and get thumbs up from people in order to feel appreciated. This perfectly comes back to my initial ideas that I got from data collected last week, hence I will move in this direction and look for psychological factors that make people do what they do. With this idea in mind I’ll try and gather more relevant data as well as some that could possibly contradict this approach. These weeks data entires include three different types of posts and three different reactions to it. In contrast to last weeks research, this week I’ve managed to get defi nition food porn post, one that truly makes you hungry, jealous and “turned on”. Author of the post titled it as his fi rst attempt on exotic soup and in truly food porn fashion the presentation of his food looks amazing. You can see the effort he or she went into to get every detail just perfect. Every ingredient is glorifi ed to a level where you can almost see and taste it yourself. Comments refl ect just that. General admiration of the food itself and presenta-
tion is truly overwhelming. With number of people asking for recipes and commenting asking detailed questions author can be truly proud, as he managed to get approval of few thousand digital food enthusiasts. This post goes back to the article that I have mentioned before, its interesting to see if recognition was author’s goal all along. If it was, hands down because it truly deserves some appreciation due to the hard work put into it. Other posts were not as food porny (?) as the one described above. One post attempted to be a food porn post however it lacked the over the top attention to detail aspect of it, therefore it was more of a novelty and just showing what author was about to eat (not destroy). Similarly the other post was a humorous one, the posting showed homemade cake that resembled a log. It was a birthday cake that a daughter made for her lumberjack father, and response to the post was on the funny side. Comment section bursted with jokes such as “For just one day, I wanted to forget about work...and what do you do?”. Or ones that quite specifi c to online community that is reddit such as “Lumberjack here. Can confi rm. This is a cake.” following popular “can confi rm” meme. However to fi nd this out I had to turn myself into another subreddit, r/OutOfTheLoop that helps people that are not familiar with current internet trends.
#12weeksoffoodporn Screenshot of r/OutOfTheLoop with highlighted graphic and 140,804 people “out of the loop”
Quick search within this forum explained the “can confirm joke” and brought me closer to the reddit community itself as now I was in on the inside joke. Yay.
Above is the explanation of the meme as well as further “trolling” by reddit users. Now I understand their community a bit better and it will help me in further analysis.
- erath_droid on can confirm joke:
It’s actually been around longer than reddit. Due to the (relative) anonymity of the internet people can claim to be anything they want, however without providing any actual proof of their credentials, there is no way to verify their claims. As a result a meme was born and people take it to the extreme. Can confirm, I am a Ph.D. student in Internet History.
Can confirm, was out of the loop... 10 @DIGITALDIARY
the post and its chance of being on the front page. Due to the fact that Im starting my research just now, I wont have a chance of exploring the sub forum before it became default, therefore possibly missing the chance on quality discussion and content.
In hope of fi nding relevant research on the internet concerning my study project, I stumbled upon a very useful tool that allows any user to check statistical data relevant to given subreddit. Since my focus of the research is food, I promptly typed in food in the redditmetrics search bar and this is what Ive found. The graphical representation of the data at the bottom of the page shows how subscriber’s growth risen over the past two years. We can notice that it was rather minimal growth until /r/food was chosen to be a default subreddit. When that happened users that created an account with reddit automatically got subscribed to /r/food. Substantially rising the growth of the subreddit, increasing overall amount of users.
What does that mean for the forum itself? Well, it can mean many things, fi rstly due to greater amount of people now visiting this sub-forum, threads there have greater exposure, therefore larger recognition for post authors. Secondly, the amount of posts could rise potentially as well, since users are directed onto this subreddit, they might try and give a go with their food porn submission. Downside to this would be the quality of content. Due to larger pool of submissions quality rich content could get lost, while poorer postings would get higher up due to their popularity or other content values. Since the forum became default it no longer attracts only food enthusiasts but also people that potentially don't even want to be there. Since all posts on reddit are downvoted or upvoted by one, much content can be downvoted to hell, essentially burring
This subreddit’s fact sheet with its greatest achievements in the world of reddit. Its rank is quite high with 34 out of all subreddits out there. The number of subscribers almost reaching 2 million indicates a great amount of exposure for all threads involved, however it could suffer from factors mentioned before.
#WEEK7 While gathering greater amount of data as well as reading through the comments of reddit users, I started noticing quite strong elements of culture. Previously Ive mentioned how I was out of the loop with certain jokes as well as memes. Now I have ability of identifying them and actually understanding. In search of some guide to other possible cultural factors Ive found a handy glossary of reddit terms. Many of them feature in comments gathered by me. Terms such as TIL (today I learned) or ELI5 (explain like Im fi ve), creates sense of belonging between the users, as they use semiotics which to the outsider will
seem like non sense. This will defi nitely feature in my research project as understanding of the online culture is the fi rst step, according to Kozinets, of truly immersing oneself in online community while conducting online research. I will also search for any academic literature that has connection to the use of language as its certainly is a way of creating online culture. Im confi dent that by exploring this community further I will be able to use those terms freely and be one of them. This sounds quite funny, as Im describing those net users almost as a tribe.
Screenshot of the forum thread regarding Reddit’s glossary
With their own language and terms that sometimes make a response I also found mention of Rediquette, a way in which users interact on Reddit. Here the user complains about the lack of attention towards it as well as distinguished himself and the community from other “tribes” that are not so advanced in the communication. The victim here is community of Youtube, where redditor calls them out and posts an example of comment that would be very popular on video portal, yet here its the most Youtubesque part of Reddit. With comments saying “upvote for X” this user shows an example of lack of development in the other community and almost as grown up calls his fellow redditors out. In order to stop such behaviour. Other redditors response with comments putting focus on the fact that Reddiquette is highly invisible and not really intuitive. Since upvoting doesn't feel like positive contribution to the discussion, this redditor claims, that our brain makes the link with other social media platforms such as Facebook or google. Upvote seems more like “I like this” or “I agree with this” he claims. This online argument makes for interesting read as clearly here we can see distinction between online communities as well as strong sense of identity and belonging.
#WEEK8 This weeks article is going to focus on academic journals. Im at a point in my study that I can see certain patterns emerging and now I need to confront academia in order to find support as well as further directions in terms of my research. So far I have established that recognition online is the main psychological driver that makes people post things online. The sense of validation is required in different parts of our personality. Everything that we post online we carefully read through (at least I do) and second guess ourselves if we are sure we want to expose this part of ourselves. We ask questions. Do I look stupid? What will people think? Will ‘insert name here’ like it? All those troubles create artificial problems that sometimes are too much to handle and we leave social media behind. For some however, it comes quite easily to share that they just had a cup of tea and now they are heading for a long relaxing
#12weeksoffoodporn bath. Sometimes the audience might get lucky and a selfie will appear only adding to the social experience. Ive managed to find quite good article from Aaron Ballick that focuses on the main drivers and reasons behind posting things online. He indicates that the main and only reason is need of recognition. We love seeking and being sought of attention. He underlines the fact that this psychodynamic function is required in finding and establishing inner self. He also writes that by creating social media platforms we create artificial and false selves. Ones that will be able to obtain all those likes. He says that our true representation of free self wont be available online since we control who we are online whereas in real life we don't have such a chance. Author from the TILT article makes quite interesting points and I have to say that I agree with them fully. I will therefore base my research on that thesis as it seems to explain the phenomena. However for purposes my research I will seek how recognition differs in different types of posts that are made on subreddit that Im investigating.
As time passes and my adventure with netnography, Reddit and Kozinets extends Im starting to pick up things that previously would be meaningless to me. Its almost a habit to screenshot a conversation that people are having online. I almost feel weird, this lurker approach is somewhat creepy. However its necessary evil and if I am to fi nd out the themes and motivations (I pretty much know what the motivation is - recognition) - I can deal with it. Kozinets’ book about doing ethnographic research online presents quite clear framework to work with. Also authors invitation of working together as reading the book helps. However due to the late discovery of the book in the library I had to jump few chapters and skip straight to data analysis, since most of my data was gathered. Well, rather I wasn’t able to come up with more themes than what I have already found and extra data would only be slotted in into existing codes rather than create new ones. While using Kozinets paper from 2002 I knew how to approach the data, on the other hand the research question itself demands emergence of themes rather than initial assumption. Therefore use of Grounded Theory works perfectly as it was guided through with both research question and the pioneer in netnographic world. So far the leading theme is the one that requires the poor recognition of skill. People tend to brag about their delicious meals. This assumption could’ve been made just from my Facebook feed. However for the sake of this study, Ive gathered data necessary to represent that theme. People will put great effort into their creations and then post it online.
It doesn’t matter who they are. The demographics range from old to young, from chefs to amateurs. Everyone wants to be recognised and get the pat on the back that says good job, your meal looks amazing. Usually those users will submit the image with a quite personal title. One that clearly says how little or a lot work they did. In this case it seems that the image of the food cannot defend itself. Authors of the images will try to put emotion into it, hoping to get a better
karma score. It could be that. Or just the way they are. The over personalisation of titles a post other user made while I was gathering my research. He claimed that such behaviour should be banned as it doesn’t truly refl ect the quality of content. His example of such post was a picture of a normal woman during WW2, and instead of being named as it is, personalisation created assumption that she became a grandma, therefore calling the post, “Somebody’s Grandma being a badass in World War 2’’. This could have great impact on my work as it would shift focus from actual submissions to a game where its players would try to out do each other for higher karma score.
User complaining about one of the trends on Reddit
#WEEK10 Previously I have mentioned how titles could be manipulated in order to get better recognition online, in this article I’d like to put focus into the link of the great photos and great titles - ones that truly make an impact or involve some sort of emotion. When analysing data in my wonderful and crystal clear spreadsheet I was able to notice the pattern between the quality of photos, titles and the actual food presented. There was clear link, the amount of effort put into each stage of submission would refl ect most of the time the quality of overall content. Therefore when dealing with a great food porn photo, the author would not spoil it with silly title or badly angled picture. The photographs usually were taken from the POV as it defi antly creates illusion of being closer to the dish. Despite the fact that some of the food porn out there is created through insane close ups on the juicy bits of meat, photos uploaded on the board would be elegant. This clearly refl ects the type of person those users are, attentive, paying great attention to detail. Type of food usually revolved around main meals and desserts. Submissions worth uploading were usually a challenge.
For just one day, I wanted to forget about work...and what do you do? - werdnaegnie
Lumberjack here. Can confirm. That is a cake. - YukonRandy
Can’t believe it hasn’t been said... She gave her dad wood - Boosiebenz Plot twist: It’s actually just a stump and she hates her dad.
“Cake a daughter made for her lumberjack dad.”
- tantony1992
On the other side of the spectrum, people that cared little about presentation of the food were either in the hurry or wanted just to get message across. They really didn't care how they were perceived. Ironically that was a clear indication of their personality as it showed how spontaneous they are. Its almost as if they went ‘now I will be spontaneous’, it doesn't work that way, when you are spontaneous you just do stuff. Whoever uploads anything on social media, for audience greater than their mum have some sort of agenda. Assumptions will be made since people love to judge, especially on the public forum with almost 2 millions of users. Its worth noting however that those posts would usually be of funny or unusual nature. Perfect example here is the cake log submission, quite straightforward, however while reading comments section, I chuckled few times. Sometimes I would be disappointed that I couldn't come up with such good jokes.
#WEEK11 Almost fi nishing the journey, last search for supportive academic literature begins! While quite strong on the motivation front, I feel that overall culture and defi nition of online communities could be improved as the report is being shaped. With clear indication from Kozinets about virtual communities, I went to look on how they are actually being formed and I found an interesting article from Prodnik. He supports my previous claims, that the use of language is essential part of culture, and only then online community can stay alive. The use of same symbols and language creates a relationship between members of the community, which are then distinct to others, outsiders. In reddit’s terms it will be the use of abbreviations as well as internet memes that create meaning. Such behaviour wouldn't be isolated to reddit only, as it could be applied to oth-
er, intense online communities. By saying intense I mean, ones that are quite active and their interaction is of high level. Coming back to Prodnik’s article, he brought up quite interesting thought about not such thing as virtual communities since, calling it virtual would mean to call it imagined. The word itself is opposite to real, therefore it clearly indicates that its not real. He suggests that even though members of communities on the internet wold never meet, relationships there could still impact their everyday life. Therefore the online persona would meet the real self. Ending I will bring up his very important point that:
Computers and the Internet have already become invisible to their users in their everyday use, and many of the latest social events should serve as evidence of how internalised this new technology and computer mediated communication has already become.
#WEEK12 - loo Refl ecting back on the whole process of doing this research I am able to say that I have learned a lot. My initial thoughts when starting this module were of confusing nature, however now having done the netnographic research I can see internet from slightly different perspective. Kids that were born 10 years ago do not remember times when Internet wasn’t there, they don’t remember the laggy connections and telephone lines being charged for every minute being online. The world has change and the sociodynamic changed with it. Just like Gutenberg’s press, we can’t imagine living without it. It completely revolutionised the way we live. It presents new opportunities, and as people move from one social platform to another different behaviours can be noticed. Food porn is just one of many trends that stole our Facebook wall by storm. At least few times a day (depending on the size of the friend list) we can see good, bad and amazing pieces of food that evoke different emotions. Having done this research now its fun to see how my friends put something online and then to automatically ask questions that would reveal why, when and what for. Just like with any analysis, this project engraved itself into my head and Im sure it will be hard to shake off the analytical approach while browsing Facebook straight after waking up. It could be compared to the pair of glasses that you put on and see all those things that you don't want to see. Being naive is sometimes easier, however in the long run it makes you vulnerable. Upon the completion of the project I can see number of things that went wrong or could go better. Initially the community itself presented some challenge as the amount of people was rather large.
Therefore close links between actual users could not be established with such small data sample. If I had the chance of doing the study again I would do it over longer period of time, this would increase the sample, clearing out any biases, as well as it would present direct relationships between users. Unfortunately, while reddit was a great community, the period of time did not allow for making that link. Perhaps if Ive made the study on smaller community then closer links would be established, that however could potentially end in catastrophe as blogging communities that I have found in the beginning of the process didn't seem to be active as Id like them to be. All in all I am satisfi ed with the way I have carried out the project, I feel that the motivation I have found is one that explains human behaviour online, as it directly impacts me and those around me. We all just want to be recognised as it boosts our ego, effectively making us feel better, more confi dent. This study have found 4 main themes that are quite distinctive yet they root back to the motivation mentioned before, in one way or another.
oking back Thank you for your time.