2012 Annual Report for the Community Foundation of Henderson County

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Contents Message to the Community








Community Foundation Features




Future Gifts






Board of Directors and Staff




Book of Memory and In Honor


Mission and Vision Statements


Message to the Community


hirty years ago, a group of committed individuals founded the Community Foundation of Henderson County, making it possible for people who care to make lasting contributions to causes that matter.

During the past three decades, hundreds of people have championed the Community Foundation through their work as board members, committee volunteers, donors and staff. In addition, these same people have championed their many causes through philanthropy and helped to improve our community through enlightened giving. Community Foundation grants and scholarships awarded to nonprofits, individuals and community projects have benefited countless individuals and families, creating a ripple effect that makes our entire community stronger and our future brighter. For 30 years, those who give through the Foundation have supported and strengthened health, education, human services, the arts, animal care, environmental and conservation efforts, and more. In 2012 alone, the Community Foundation awarded more than $2.3 million in grants and scholarships. We also received contributions that exceeded $2.2 million, bringing our asset total to more than $69 million. Currently, more than 70 of our community’s nonprofit organizations entrust the Community Foundation with endowment funds. This year’s Annual Report celebrates our 30th anniversary and reflects upon our donors’ work this past fiscal year. The red circles within these pages highlight some of the Community Foundation’s significant achievements. The circles also symbolize the ongoing nature of our work, as well as the inclusiveness that is at the heart of our organization.

life, they left a bequest of more than $14.2 million to the Community Foundation—the largest gift the Community Foundation has received to date. Today, the charitable wishes of the Scotts continue through grants from permanent endowment funds at the Community Foundation. The giving spirit of Foundation supporters can also be found in our story about Dr. Stuart and Carola Cohn, recipients of the 2012 Richard C. and Vina L. Sauer Award. The Cohns are exemplary local philanthropists who provide outstanding leadership and make significant charitable contributions benefiting our community, giving their time, talent and treasures to a variety of local organizations. Just as we draw inspiration from stories like those of the Scotts and Cohns, we are moved by the daily work of the Community Foundation, which founding director Kenneth Youngblood eloquently described as “being a part of something bigger—something on the level of grandeur.” We are proud to continue to build on the goals the Community Foundation founders had back in 1982 when they made their dreams reality by ensuring sustainable, long-term civic philanthropy through endowments that generate charitable gifts forever. And as we celebrate the remarkable milestone of our 30th anniversary, we thank you for your ongoing support of and dedication to the Community Foundation of Henderson County, both now and in the decades to come. Together, we can make your charitable dreams a reality—because anyone and everyone can be a philanthropist.

Within these pages, we also tell the story of the tremendous philanthropy of the late Richard J. and Betty A. Scott, who moved to the Etowah community of Henderson County in 1978. In 2002, the Scotts’ legacy was ensured when, at the end of Mrs. Scott’s

McCray V. Benson President/CEO

Jana Johnson Humleker Board Chair


Past Recipients of the Richard C. & Vina L. Sauer Charitable Leadership Award

Frank Ewbank Kenneth Youngblood Morris Kaplan Kermit Edney William E. “Jamie” Jamison William “Bill” Stokes, Jr. Marcia Caserio

Eleanora Meloun Tom & Sue Fazio Frank Byrd Dr. Colin Thomas Dot Marlow Duane & Peggy McKibbin Jeff Miller

Dr. Kathleen McGrady Family Robert & Doris Eklund Teddi Segal Marian Lowry

2 Big Hearts Dr. Stuart Cohn and his wife, Carola, sit in the waiting room at Pisgah Legal Services. They have been passionate advocates for this vital nonprofit since it opened its doors in Hendersonville in 1996.

Richard C. & Vina L. Sauer

Charitable Leadership Award


he Richard C. and Vina L. Sauer Award honors local philanthropists who provide outstanding leadership or make significant charitable contributions to benefit Henderson County. This award exemplifies the meaning of doing what you can, when you can, to make our community a better place. As a wise volunteer once said, “You have two hands – one to help yourself, the second to help others.” The Community Foundation of Henderson County is pleased to honor Dr. Stuart Cohn and his wife, Carola, as this year’s Sauer Award recipients.Through the years, they’ve given quietly and significantly, steadily increasing their level of support. As donors, they have been on hand to offer support and give advice to various nonprofits in Henderson County. The Cohns attend many nonprofit functions and events, often serving as ambassadors by bringing others with them to familiarize their guests with the good works that these nonprofits perform. They provide leadership to solve community problems and meet community needs. They put to use their excellent skills and their passion for work. And they demonstrate their commitment to and passion for the youth of our community through a number of vital projects. In short, they are exemplary community citizens and steadfast advocates for the

poor and disenfranchised in Henderson County. We are grateful that the Cohns are willing to talk publicly about giving, frequently encouraging others to consider planned and annual gifts to benefit the community. Our area is made richer by their deep commitment to social action and community service. In association with the Children & Family Resource Center, Dr. Cohn worked specifically on the United Agenda for Children, serving as a faithful attendee at planning sessions and offering keen insight and solid advice about the process. The Cohns have been generous donors to the Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy for more than 15 years. As long-time volunteers, they often pitch in to work on mailings and other unglamorous, but vital, activities. These days you’ll regularly find Carola Cohn volunteering at Pisgah Legal Services, just has she has since 1996 when the nonprofit opened a one-room office in Hendersonville. The Cohns’ commitment to Pisgah Legal Services led to the establishment of an endowment fund at the Community Foundation. In 2003, The Mediation Center gave Carola Cohn its first Peacemaker of the Year award, an honor the Center gives to individuals “who have become part of our Peacemaking community over the years and added their commitment, support and energy to the

work of the Center in many different ways.” Rabbi Phil Cohen of Agudas Israel Congregation in Hendersonville says the Cohns are two of his favorite congregants. “They bring with them a genuine intelligence and generosity of spirit that infuses their personalities and their participation in temple,” Cohen says. “In particular, I am aware of their passion for keeping current with the news of the day – local, national and international. There is a Jewish legend that claims that the world is sustained by the work of 36 righteous people, without whom the world could not stand. They are quiet men and women of righteousness, and they probably do not even know that they have this role. This couple is the likeliest to be counted among the ranks of the 36. They are wonderful people.” Sauer Award Nomination Information Established 19 years ago as the highest award given by the Community Foundation, the Sauer Award recognizes an individual’s or couple’s commitment to volunteer service, generosity in giving to charitable projects and leadership in addressing community needs. Visit our website at www.CFHCforever.org for additional information on nominating someone for this award. Each Sauer Award Recipient receives a $1,500 grant to be awarded to the charity of his or her choice.


Leaving a Legacy Richard J. and Betty A. Scott


ichard J. and Betty A. Scott moved from Long Island, New York to the Etowah community of Henderson County in 1978. The Scotts had no children of their own, but they always gave back to their community, regardless of where they lived. While in New York, the Scotts helped publish a Braille cookbook for the blind. This was just one example of their generosity. Richard Scott, an engineer, retired from American Optical Company, where he had played a role in the development of soft contact lenses. The Scotts made their home in Etowah where they lived quietly. Mr. Scott enjoyed woodworking and built most of their furniture. His talent can be seen in the miniature version of Old Ironsides on display in the Community Foundation office. Betty Scott, a New York native who was active in local community life, loved browsing the collection of books at the Etowah Branch Library. Although Mr. Scott died in 1991, Mrs. Scott carried on their charitable ways by supporting schools, hospitals, and other charities in Henderson and Transylvania Counties. “Giving was always a part of their life,” a friend of the Scotts recalls. Friends remember Mrs. Scott as a woman who loved music, reading, animals, children and the outdoors.

Upon her passing in 2002, the Scotts left the largest ever bequest to the Community Foundation—a gift that will improve countless lives forever. The Scotts’ generosity provides significant support for the Friends of the Henderson County Library benefiting the Etowah Branch, the Salvation Army of Henderson County, Margaret R. Pardee Memorial Hospital through the Pardee Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc., Four Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care, Hendersonville Rescue Mission, Vocational Solutions of Henderson County, Inc. and the Blue Ridge Humane Society. Because these monies were placed in an endowed fund, these organizations will receive benefit from this one gift forever, a wonderful example of how generous people like the Scotts benefit charities through planned giving. In their estate plan, the Scotts left more than $14.2 million to be endowed with the income to benefit charities in our community forever. With this gift and the gifts of others, the Community Foundation will continue to meet the needs of our community and carry out the wishes of our donors. Although the Scott gift is the largest gift to date, the Community Foundation is as grateful for a gift of $10 as it is for a gift of $14.2 million. No matter the size, the Foundation treats each gift with care, serving as a good steward to carry out donors’ wishes.

Organizations will receive support forever thanks to the largest ever bequest to the Community Foundation ($14.2 million) by Richard and Betty Scott.


23 Unrestricted Endowments have been created by donors to provide flexible giving for a variety of community needs.

Wallace D. & Phyllis C.

Rothrock Fund


ollowing the passing of her husband in 1997, Phyllis Rothrock went looking for a permanent way to honor her late husband, Wallace D. “Wally” Rothrock. She found it at the Community Foundation of Henderson County through an unrestricted endowment that helps the community meet needs as they emerge. She called it the “WALLY Fund.” When asked why she established this type of endowment she explains, “I decided on an unrestricted fund rather than focusing on a specific cause. The needs and opportunities in the community are many and varied, and I thought the fund should have the maximum flexibility to dispense funds for the overall enrichment of the community.” The Rothrocks first met in 1959 in Minneapolis, Minnesota. It was a whirlwind romance—within eight months of meeting, the couple married. They

spent 30 years in the Los Angeles area, where Phyllis worked as a research scientist for Carnation Company, which later became Nestle. She was the first woman at Carnation to hold the title of Product Development Manager. Wally was a Systems Administrator in Risk Management for Blue Cross of California. They retired to Hendersonville in 1992 after several visits. The nice climate and small-town atmosphere won them over. Phyllis states, “I trust the Community Foundation to manage the Fund. Together my husband and I decided to leave the bulk of our estate to the Community Foundation. I simply started early. I add to the Fund each year.” Reflective of the couple’s generosity to their community, the fund will now be known as the Wallace D. & Phyllis C. Rothrock Fund.


Blue Ridge Literacy Council


he Blue Ridge Literacy Council, an area nonprofit conveniently located on the campus of Blue Ridge Community College, is dedicated to providing adults in Henderson County with the English communication and literacy skills they need to reach their full potential as individuals, family members, workers and citizens.

Technology and Workplace Literacy.

More than 40% of the adults in Henderson County have “Below Basic” and “Basic” levels of literacy, a rate similar to national trends. To understand how limiting this can be, consider that individuals scoring at the top of the “Below Basic” category are only able to perform tasks as simple as signing their name or locating the expiration date on their driver’s license. Individuals scoring at the top of the “Basic” category cannot accomplish tasks more difficult than locating an intersection on a street map or identifying and entering information on a Social Security card application.

The goal of Blue Ridge Literacy Council’s program is to help adults achieve a level of literacy that allows them to accomplish their personal goals and participate fully in society.

More than 40,000 adults in Henderson County do not possess literacy or English language proficiency to be able to read a newspaper, help their children with homework or read safety manuals at work. Blue Ridge Literacy Council volunteers offer free instruction to more than 300 adults in Henderson County, steadily improving and enriching their lives. The Council’s core classes are Basic Literacy, “ESL” or English as a Second Language, Citizenship,

The Council’s Basic Literacy Program serves English-speaking adults with reading and/or writing levels below a high school level. The English as a Second Language Program serves non-Englishspeaking or low-level English-speaking individuals.

This program also provides services to improve worker skills, from small-group to one-to-one tutoring for employees. Tutors use research-based curriculum and methods combined with authentic workplace materials to help employees improve reading, writing, math and oral communications. The Perry N. Rudnick Endowment Fund, a component fund of the Community Foundation, awarded a $10,000 grant to improve the reading instruction for Intermediate Level Readers through The Reader UP! Project. The purpose of the Rudnick fund is to make a difference in people’s lives, and by partnering with the good work of the Blue Ridge Literacy Council, numerous lives will be impacted. To learn more about the Community Foundation’s grantmaking programs, visit www.CFHCforever.org.

300 Adults are currently receiving free instruction from the Blue Ridge Literacy Council. A grant from the Perry N. Rudnick Fund supports this work.

1,855 Students & Adults have dived into oceanography programs offered by Team ECCO, just one of many educational organizations funded by the Community Foundation.

Bringing the Ocean to Western North Carolina


e bring the ocean to WNC is one of the slogans used by Team ECCO Center for Ocean Awareness, and they are doing just that. Located at 511 North Main St. in Hendersonville, the Center is the only public aquarium in Western North Carolina. The Center houses dozens of marine fish and invertebrates, aquatic turtles and land tortoises and is currently raising a shark pup and two blue spot rays. Team ECCO offers a full curriculum, including ocean and earth science studies programs for grades kindergarten through 12th grade. These marine environment lessons are science-based and matched to the North Carolina Standard Course of Study. Interactive programs and displays at the Center for Ocean Awareness engage people of all ages who want to learn about and enjoy the ocean. In August 2011, the Community Foundation awarded a $10,000 grant to Team ECCO to construct an Ocean Learning Lab for Youth. This

lab has expanded the ability of Team ECCO to offer more extensive learning programs and provides schools a source for enriching current science curriculum needs in the areas of earth science, biology, atmosphere and ocean life. Since opening the Lab in January 2012, 48 programs reaching 1,855 students and adults have been delivered. As time goes on, Team ECCO anticipates adding more materials, increasing curriculum offerings and generating income from outside programs and individuals who can utilize the venue. Team ECCO believes that learning comes through experience, and experience is the best teacher. The Center for Ocean Awareness gives our community an opportunity for learning that enriches school-based curriculums and provides family and individual enjoyment. These programs are a way of sharing a love for the ocean with those who might not otherwise have the chance to experience it.


GRANTS In 2011-2012, the Community Foundation awarded $2,375,742 in grants.

$2.3 Million

The Community Foundation supports nonprofits that create a vibrant community through projects that improve healthcare and educational opportunities, provide services to people in need, strengthen the arts, protect the environment, and more.

Grants 2011-2012 In 2011-2012, the Community Foundation awarded $2,375,742 in grants in nine categories.

Civic & Community $253,485

Education $129,309

Donor Advised Grants allow donors to take an active role in their philanthropy by making grant recommendations.



5% Scholarships $125,787

Arts & Culture $138,068

Competitive Grants from the Community Foundation’s unrestricted, field of interest and donor advised funds are focused in areas including: animal care, arts and culture, civic and community, education, health and human services. These grants include the Community Foundation Unrestricted Grants, the Perry N. Rudnick Endowment, and the Fletcher Community Fund.


Religious Programs $207,364


Health $428,482


Human Services $896,717


Animal Care $113,963

The Community Foundation provides various types of grants including:


Conservation $82,567

Types of Grants


Designated Grants ensure long-term support from a fund’s income for one or more organizations identified by the donor at the time a designated fund is created. Organizational Grants allow the organization itself to create a fund to ensure long-term support from the fund’s income. Scholarships are awarded through the Community Foundation’s student aid program to assist individuals in their post-secondary education.

Community Grants Animal Care Arts & Culture



$10,000 $3,000

How to Apply community grants


A volunteer grant committee reviews grants times a year.

Human Services

Community Partnership for Pets Spay and Neuter Program for Area 2

Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra 40th Anniversary Celebration Concert


Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy Ironwood Community Arboretum

$18,000 $10,000

Hands On A Childs Gallery & St. Gerard House Specialized Visits for Children with Autism Team ECCO Ocean Learning Lab for Kids Medical Loan Closet Software for Computer Upgrade


NAMI Four Seasons America’s Mental Health Madness

The Community Foundation awards grants to nonprofit organizations through a competitive application process for programs that benefit Henderson County and surrounding areas. The Foundation encourages grant proposals that: • Demonstrate collaboration • Affect a broad segment of the population • Are relevant to overall community needs and available resources • Enhance or improve organizations which serve clients whose needs are not met by existing services and which encourage client independence, self-sufficiency and responsibility • Emphasize prevention and early intervention • Have reasonable prospects for future support


$696 $25,000 $10,000 $45,878 $18,000 $10,000 $1,200

ECO of Henderson County Waterways Empowerment Project


$2,500 $2,963 $7,000

Carolina Concert Choir HC High School Honors Chorus


$5,000 Health

The grants listed below were awarded from unrestricted, field of interest and donor advised funds to improve our community quality of life.

WNC AIDS Project HIV/AIDS Prevention Ed. And Outreach Children and Family Resource Center United Agenda For Children East Henderson High School Skill Building Girls Group The Healing Place Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Training Henderson County Hunger Coalition Wood Lot Operations Mainstay Connecting Services to Reduce Family Violence MANNA FoodBank MANNA Packs for Kids Pisgah Legal Services SOAR Expansion Project Care Caregiver Alternatives to Running on Empty Sixth Avenue West Psychiatric Rehabilitation Partners Strategic Planning Western Carolina Friends of Ambucs AmTryke Therapeutic Tricycles

In addition, the Community Foundation gives special consideration to proposals which affect the following impact focus areas: • • • •

Challenges and opportunities afforded by growth in Henderson County Poverty and its effects on Henderson County Access to health and mental health services Public access to the arts

These focus areas have been incorporated into the competitive application review process, which evaluates applications based on how the project addresses one or more of the defined focus areas. Proposals addressing other needs and projects are also considered in the grant making process. To receive grant guidelines and an application, please call the Community Foundation at (828) 697-6224 or visit www.CFHCforever.org.


Rudnick Grants How to apply for a Perry N. Rudnick Endowment Grant The Rudnick Advisory Committee recommends grants to the Community Foundation twice a year from the Perry N. Rudnick Endowment Fund. The advisors of the fund have developed a procedure for submission and evaluation of grant proposals. They carefully review and consider first a Letter of Intent as submitted by prospective grantees. From those Letters of Intent the advisors will select a pool of organizations to be invited to submit a Full Proposal. In cycle one, the Letter of Intent is due by July 1 and the Full Proposal (by invitation only) is due by September 30. Grants will be awarded in mid-December. In cycle two, the Letter of Intent is due by January 1 and the Full Proposal (by invitation only) is due by March 30. Grants will be awarded in mid-June. Additional details can be found on the website at www.CFHCforever.org.

The Community Foundation awarded the following grants from the Perry N. Rudnick Endowment Fund during 2011-2012. Established as a private foundation in 2001, the Perry N. Rudnick Endowment Fund became a component of the Community Foundation in 2004. The original trustees continue to advise grants awarded by the fund. Figures are cumulative and may represent numerous grants.

Arts & Culture

$7,000 $250

Human Services Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra 40th Anniversary Season guest artists UNC Center for Public Television Unrestricted Purposes

Civic & Community

$15,000 Education

$500 $500 $10,000 $21,000 $5,000 Health

$20,500 $15,000 $17,600 $500

$1,000 $10,000

Friends of Carl Sandburg at Connemara Maintenance of Big Glassy Trail

Asheville Buncombe Christian Ministry Heating Assistance Black Mountain Home for Children, Youth & Families Outdoor Recreation/Animal Therapy Program

$500 Boys and Girls Club of Henderson County $500 Unrestricted Purposes Boys and Girls Club of Transylvania County $1,000 Unrestricted Purposes Blue Ridge Literary Council $500 Reader UP!, A Student Achievement in Reading (STAR) Program $1,000 Eliada Foundation, Inc. The Eliada School of Trade Arts (ESTA) $500 Free Rein Center Project Ride On $250 Henderson County Free Medical Clinic $250 Diabetic Life Management Program (DLMC) Medical Supplies $20,000 Irene Wortham Center

Helpmate Unrestricted Purposes

Therapy and Multi-Purpose Space Expansion

Western Carolina Friends of Ambucs Chapter of National Ambucs, Inc. AmTryke Therapeutic Tricycles Western Carolina Rescue Ministries Unrestricted Purposes

Saluda Medical Center, Inc. Hometown Health: Equipment Shriners Hospital for Children Shriners Hospital for Children



Agudas Israel Congregation Unrestricted Purposes

$5,000 $500

Hendersonville Rescue Mission Unrestricted Purposes Interfaith Assistance Ministries Heating Assistance Mainstay Unrestricted Purposes MANNA FoodBank Unrestricted Purposes My Fathers Storehouse Unrestricted Purposes Salvation Army of Asheville Unrestricted Purposes Salvation Army of Hendersonville Unrestricted Purposes Transylvania Habitat for Humanity Construction of New ReStore Thrift Store

The Community Foundation has provided



in scholarships since 1984.

Scholarships The Community Foundation has offered

$175,300 in educational scholarships for the 2012- 2013 academic year.

Thanks to our group of passionate donors, the Community Foundation Scholarship Program is the largest provider of scholarships for higher education in Henderson County. The program is the most sought after resource for students needing help to finance their education, with more than 2,000 scholarship submissions received this past year. In spite of the challenging economy, the Community Foundation was able to provide $175,300 in educational support for 108 Henderson County Students for the 2012–2013 academic year, adding up to a total of $4 million in scholarships provided since 1984. Contributions come from individuals, corporations, nonprofits, and membership organizations who want to ensure Henderson County students have access to a quality post-secondary education.

Scholarship applications are available in December at the guidance offices of any Henderson County high school or at the Community Foundation office. Scholarships are open to students pursuing community college, college or university degrees. Scholarships are primarily for students graduating or who have graduated from high schools within Henderson County, North Carolina and include home school and private school graduates. Criteria for scholarships vary by donor. Generally the scholarships available are categorized by financial need, academics, and field of interest, and range in award amounts. To learn how to establish a scholarship fund or to make a contribution to an existing fund, please contact the Community Foundation office at (828) 697-6224 or visit www.CFHCforever.org.

Educational support for Henderson County students for the 2012-2013 academic year.



Donor Advised Grants The Community Foundation awarded the following grants from donor advised funds. This type of fund allows donors to take an active role in philanthropy by making grant recommendations. Figures are cumulative and may represent multiple grants. Agudas Israel Congregation American Diabetes Association American Red Cross-Henderson County Animal Compassion Network Asheville Humane Society Asheville Lyric Opera Basilica Preservation Fund Bat Cave Baptist Church Bearwallow Baptist Church Berkeley Carroll St. School Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation Blue Ridge Community Health Services Blue Ridge Fire and Rescue Blue Ridge Humane Society Boys and Girls Club of Henderson County Brevard Music Center Brittain Presbyterian Church Brother Wolf Animal Rescue Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy Case Alumni Association Catholic Diocese of Arlington, VA Center for Diversity Education Center for Science in the Public Interest Central United Methodist Church Charlottesville & University Symphony Orchestra Children & Family Resource Center of Henderson County Chimney Rock Baptist Church Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation City of Hendersonville Community Foundation of Henderson County

$1,500.00 $200.00 $2,000.00 $250.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $20,000.00 $5,000.00 $1,000.00 $16,000.00 $1,600.00 $200.00 $500.00 $37,700.00 $200.00 $100.00 $250.00 $12,800.00 $10,000.00 $782.00 Â $250.00 $300.00 $20,000.00 $10,142.53 $18,550.00 $20,000.00 $400.00 $200.02 $32,775.02

Community Partnership for Pets Inc. $439.00 East Bay Agency For Children $500.00 East Flat Rock Care Center $8,000.00 ECO of Henderson County $1,456.00 Emory University School of Medicine $10,000.00 Etowah United Methodist Church $5,500.00 Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ECLA) $1,800.00 Fairfield Mountain Chapel $35,000.00 First Presbyterian Church $2,000.00 First United Methodist Church-Brevard $500.00 First United Methodist Church $2,750.00 Flat Rock Playhouse $13,250.00 Fletcher United Methodist Church $4,400.00 Four Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care $30,700.00 Friends of Morgantina $10,142.53 FRIENDS of the Blue Ridge Parkway, Inc. $200.00 Friends of the Mills River Library $10,055.09 Building Fund Grace Lutheran Church $5,600.00 Green River Community Association $1,000.00 Grove City College $500.00 Hands On - A Child’s Gallery $720.00 Haywood Regional Hospital $50.00 Heifer Project International $500.00 Helping Hand Developmental Center $10,000.00 Henderson County Council on Aging, Inc. $4,500.00 Henderson County Education $1,715.00 Foundation, Inc. Henderson County Free Medical Clinic, Inc. $6,300.00 Henderson County Young Leaders $8,000.00 Program, Inc. Hendersonville Friends of Chamber Music $250.00 Hendersonville High School $2,250.00 Hendersonville Little Theatre $1,000.00 Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra $10,765.00 Hood College $1,400.00 Humane Alliance $500.00 Immaculate Conception Church $250.00 Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund $500.00 Interfaith Assistance Ministry $20,500.00 Joslin Diabetes Center $800.00 Kanuga Conferences, Inc. $500.00 Latino Advocacy Coalition $656.00

Lutheran Church of the Nativity Mainstay MemoryCare Middlefork Baptist Church Ministry Seven d/b/a Hendersonville Rescue Mission Mission Healthcare Foundation Montford Hall My Place NAMI Four Seasons Nature Conservancy Oxfam - America, Inc. Pardee Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc. Pavillon Treatment Center Pisgah Chapter of Trout Unlimited Pisgah Legal Services Planned Parenthood of Collier County Purdue Foundation Refuge Baptist Church Saint Ursula Academy Salvation Army of Henderson County Salvation Army of Transylvania County Savannah Philharmonic Smile Train St. Francis De Sales Parish St. Gerard House Telfair Museums The Actuarial Foundation The ALS Association The Healing Place, Inc. The Mediation Center - Hendersonville Office The Multiple Sclerosis Center of Atlanta UNC Center for Public Television UNC School of Social Work United Way of Asheville & Buncombe County United Way of Henderson County United Way of Transylvania County University of Iowa Foundation University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Virginia Chamber Music Foundation WCQS Public Radio WNC Jewish Federation Wormsloe Foundation, Inc.

$2,000.00 $5,850.00 $800.00 $5,000.00 $11,100.00 $2,500.00 $1,000.00 $1,500.00 $300.00 $150.00 $300.00 $23,250.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 $250.00 $25.00 $2,500.00 $8,900.00 $267.00 $10,142.52 $500.00 $835.00 $426.00 $15,285.06 $200.00 $300.00 $2,700.00 $500.00 $200.00 $500.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 $13,615.00 $200.00 $600.00 $300.00 $10,142.53 $500.00 $1,000.00 $5,000.00

Giving through the Community Foundation provides:

Fletcher Community Fund Grants (Competitive) The Community Foundation awarded the following grants from the Fletcher Community Fund with recommendations from a committee appointed by the Community Foundation. Established in 1990, the fund focuses on the cultural, educational, historic and civic enrichment of the community of Fletcher. Figures are cumulative and may represent numerous grants.

$2,500 Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy Cane Creek Greenway River Cane Restoration Signage

Flexibility: The Community Foundation makes giving easy, flexible, and effective, accepting a wide variety of gifts and providing you the greatest flexibility to fit your charitable wishes. Personalized giving: Experienced and knowledgeable staff, sharing a deep commitment to the well being of others, can help research the best charitable organizations to fit your interests, and help you and your advisors structure a charitable fund to satisfy specific goals and financial objectives. Accountability: The Community Foundation has been recognized as meeting the nation’s highest philanthropic standards for operational quality, integrity and accountability. Permanence: Endowment gifts are invested so that earnings will provide for grants and growth, adding back to the endowment—so the gift will make an impact now and maintain its significance in the future.

Tax advantages: The Community Foundation offers the highest level of tax benefits for charitable giving and has the capacity to handle complicated gifts which can offer multiple benefits. Responsible financial management: Gifts to the Community Foundation can become part of a lasting endowment. The principal is expertly managed in a balanced portfolio with available income used according to your wishes. Local expertise: The Community Foundation’s professional staff and volunteer board have an in depth understanding of the issues, opportunities and resources that shape our community. We monitor areas of community need and can help you learn more about local agencies and programs that make a difference in areas you care about most.


FUNDS In 2011-2012, the Community Foundation saw an increase of 18 funds.


The Community Foundation manages more than 490 funds, each with its own unique purpose which is usually specified by a donor. Of those, most are permanent funds called endowments, which provide support forever.

Ways to Give Yes, you can be a philanthropist!

Giving Guide

Anyone can make a contribution of any amount at any time to any of the funds held at the Community Foundation.

Meet Future Challenges and Opportunities The Community Foundation depends on its unrestricted assets not only to address the changing community needs, but also to facilitate innovative responses to issues and enhance the quality of life for all residents. When you establish an unrestricted endowment, your legacy provides support that is flexible and available to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Give now to an existing endowment… You can contribute any amount to the Community Foundation’s more than 490 funds that benefit a broad range of issues and organizations. Make a gift to an endowment that supports a cause you believe in – there are many to choose from on pages 26-29. The Community Foundation accepts gifts of cash, credit card stock (both publicly-traded and closely-held), real estate and insurance policies.

Or, start your own endowment… You can establish and name an endowment fund with its own unique purpose for a minimum contribution of $5,000. Creating an endowment ensures your legacy will live on forever. There are many types of endowments you can establish. Please note that many of these endowments can also be created in the future through bequests, or through planned gifts which provide you income for life and establish an endowment upon your death.

Choose a fund or gift that suits your philanthropic interests and future financial plans.

Support Education Scholarship endowments may be created as a memorial to someone special with eligibility criteria that exemplify that person’s goals and values. Or you may use one to express your own educational values—or those of your family or business. Stabilize Your Nonprofit’s Future For nonprofit organizations to ensure their future, the organization itself may create an organizational endowment. In doing so, the organization is able to increase the long-term stability of the organization and broaden community awareness for the need for support while remaining focused on their mission. In good times and bad, these organizations can count on permanent funding resources year after year.

Designate Specific Charities A designated endowment provides you a wonderful way to give back to one or more specific orgnizations that have touched your life. Your gift provides more than just funding—your favorite organization will benefit from the Community Foundation’s investment stewardship and ability to manage endowment funds. Support a Visionary Cause Field of interest endowments enable you to focus your giving on the issues and causes you care about most, such as youth, the environment, education, health care, the arts and more. With this type of fund, your gift remains flexible to meet community needs in your interest area—even as needs change over time. Give Actively Donor advised endowments are convenient, flexible tools for individuals, families, or businesses who want to be personally involved in suggesting grant awards made possible by their gifts. If you have a range of community interests, you may find that it’s an ideal vehicle for fulfilling your charitable wishes.

Establish an Annuity or Trust A donor can realize the tax advantages of making a gift now, especially of highly-appreciated assets, while still receiving income from that asset. Life Income Gifts offers that flexibility while ensuring that the donor’s charitable intent is met upon his or her death. There are two ways to do this:

Using Advantages of Public Charity A supporting organization is a type of charitable organization that, based upon its relationship to the Community Foundation, is itself classified as a public charity. A supporting organization provides the flexibility desired by donors to meet their objectives.

With a Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA), a donor irrevocably transfers property to the Community Foundation in exchange for a commitment by the Foundation to pay the donor, or beneficiaries designated by the donor, a specified amount each year for life. Annuity payments can either begin immediately or be deferred to a later date specified by the donor. Donors realize an immediate income tax deduction for their gift. The minimum contribution to establish a CGA is $10,000.

Rely on the Foundation’s Giving Expertise Our non-endowed donor advised fund is a flexible and convenient option for donors who want to be actively involved in philanthropy, but may not have time to do the background work that goes into making informed charitable decisions. Donors make grant recommendations to the Community Foundation’s board of directors, while the Foundation takes care of the paperwork and check-writing. Because this fund is not a permanent endowment, the donor may recommend that the Foundation distribute the entire fund to the nonprofit organizations of the donor’s choice.

A Charitable Remainder Trust provides life income for the donor and additional beneficiaries if desired, while allowing an income tax deduction in the year the trust is created. After the death of the donor and beneficiaries, the Community Foundation will ensure the remainder of the trust assets will benefit the charities the donor designated during his or her lifetime. The minimum contribution to establish a CRT is $50,000. Growth in the number of funds that have been created by donors like you through the Community Foundation.

2 1982

96 1992

Plan For Future Giving The Community Foundation understands that many people choose to live life to the fullest, provide for their family, and make a planned living gift upon their death. The Community Foundation offers gift planning expertise regarding bequests, charitable trusts, and charitable annuities for gifts of all types including retirement plans, life insurance, real estate, securities, and other appreciated assets. We are your resource in philanthropy, helping you give to causes you care about most. Call the office at (828) 697-6224 to set up an appointment with staff to learn more.

298 2002

499 2012

Funds Together, these funds are making a difference to our community now and will continue to do so countless years from now. For a complete description of these funds and the work they do for specific causes, please call the Community Foundation office at (828) 697-6224. You can make a donation in any amount at any time to any of the funds held at the Community Foundation.

Unrestricted Endowments These funds allow the Community Foundation to award grants to meet emerging needs in the community. They are the primary source of funding for the competitive grantmaking program. Hubert W. & Lola P. Aiken Donald and Virginia Beaver (New) Birthday Charities Golf Community Foundation Unrestricted Mrs. Robert F. (Vera) Crane Ruth H. Crane Richard Paul Foote and Doris T. Foote Memorial James L. Gaupp and Elizabeth R. Gaupp Rosalie Hurst D.I. Campbell King Memorial Raymond D. and Pauline A. Kurtz Memorial Oliver A. Ohmann Memorial Stanley C. and Dorothy S. Orr Albert E. and Huldah P. Petermann Memorial Melvin and Alice Quackenbush Memorial Wallace D. and Phyllis C. Rothrock Lily C. Scheck W.C. Shuey Family Marie M. Simpson Harold G. and Elizabeth B. Spence Janet W. Stern Robert M. and Rita C. Stow Velma J. VanCourt

Field of Interest Endowments These funds support a broad area of donors’ charitable interests. Anonymous Animal Care

Kenneth L. Buchen and Betty H. Buchen Priscilla Cantrell Endowment Fund for Children & Youth B.E. Clemo Fund for Animal Care & Health Care Tracy W. Clemo Lorina Culpepper Career in Nursing Falling Creek Fletcher Community The Great Day Fund A Fund for Environmental Conservation Marilyn G. Harwood Charles Richard “Dick” Hedge Fund for Crippled Children Heinemann Family Charitable Henderson County Fund for Unfortunate Animals Historical Preservation Fund for Henderson County Jones Cemetery, Inc. Kathleen/Edna/Mary Alzheimer’s Caregiver Ruth R. & E. Lloyd, Jr. Knight Fund for Children with Visual or Hearing Impairments Frances and Leonard Mathieson Memorial J. Andrew and Roberta A. McBride Educational Wanda S. Nicholson Fund for Support of WINS Jan F. & Harry J. Nolan Women’s Educational Anthony Robinson Fund for the Handicapped Arthur Rubin Memorial Scholarship Marie M. Simpson Jeanne deSaussure Smith Ton-A-Wandah Girl Campership Sherman’s Sports - Tree Fund Ellen (Betty) Taylor Memorial Robert B. Tonjes Endowment for Charitable Support of The Fletcher Community Buddy and Ruth Ann Williams Women In Need of Support (WINS)

Donor Advised Endowments These funds allow donors to take an active role in philanthropy by making grant recommendations to the Community Foundation’s Board of Directors. Martha O. and Robert E. Adams Tyler Tatum Adamson American Association of University Women, Hendersonville Branch Anonymous (2) (1-New) Art and Susie Bender Charitable James E. and Jo Ann Brittain Dogwood

First Citizens Bank James M. Fisher Memorial Harriett E. and Joe P. Gates Henderson County Medical Society Health Education Hendersonville Pediatrics, PA Memorial for Dr. Fletcher L. Raiford Hope Cancer Geoffrey P. Jamieson Kofodimos Family Craig Larson Memorial Endowment Fund of Pisgah Chapter of Trout Unlimited Tom Long I D I Charitable Stanley J. and Nancy A. Noesen Jeanette M. Ocker Memorial Paul M. and Betty T. Parsons Memorial Chester and Virginia Phillips Pourquoi Pas? Lou and David Reeves Ron & Norma Rosenberger Charitable Perry N. Rudnick Vina L. and Richard C. Sauer II William D. & Sarah L. Strobel Claire R. & Dan Waddell Memorial Lee Waters Memorial Wilson-Spies Charitable

Designated Endowments These funds provide perpetual support to nonprofit organizations or charities named by the donor. Carl Robert (Bob) Abendroth Memorial William M. Alexander Scholarship Marian A. Andersen Leslie V. Anderson Rita M. Andrews Judy Appleton Memorial Frank and Ena Armstrong Memorial Scholarship Marjorie Bacon Symphony Baker-Barber Photographic Collection Abbie Barber Belfry Community Players Virginia M. Bell Fund for Blue Ridge Community Health Services Carl W. and Glorianna Berger Library Samuel E. Bittner, Jr. Blue Ridge Community Health Services, Inc.

Blue Ridge Literacy/Education Endowment Boys & Girls Club of Henderson County, Inc. Brenda Briggs Memorial Scholarship The Bullington Center Jeannette Chiles Buesing Geneva P. & W. Lawrence Butler “Candy Lady” Carolina Mountain Land Conservancy Hal Carrick High School Arts Scholarship Fred A. Caruso Memorial Scholarship Fund for Children of Violent Homes John W. (Jack) and Connie T. Claris Memorial Covenant Presbyterian Church Deacons Marion B. Driskell Kathleen L. Ehlers Memorial Environmental & Conservation Organization of Henderson County Frank M. Fukuda Celeste E. Giblin Clyde and Doris Groover Habitat for Humanity Landscaping Ray & Peggy Hannan Helping Hand Developmental Center, Inc. Hendersonville City School District Hendersonville Rescue Mission S. Donald and Faithe Hershey Hispanic Students’ Awards Fund for Historic Johnson Farm Tom & Rush Hatchett Huffman Memorial Rosalie Hurst Martha Hanna Irving George Alfred & Emogene Kuehl Johnson George Alexander and Evelyn Masden Jones Junior Woman’s Club Children’s Clothing Closet Jessie M. Kerth Scholarship for Nursing Alexander and Barbara Kohan Dr. & Mrs. William K. Lautner Fund for the Mentally Ill Remy H. and Helen K. Ludwig Mainstay Fund for its Domestic Violence Mending Program Mayflora C. Major, in Memory of her husband Richard J.P. and Vetra Marlow Memorial Wilma L. McAllister Memorial Fund for the First United Methodist Church Preschool Program John Christopher “Chris” McGee Memorial Col. George F. McGregor Mineral and Lapidary Museum of Henderson County

Corinne S. Moak Fund for the Henderson County Public Library Lissie L. and Laura C. Moore Memorial John and Florence Murdock Memorial Wanda S. Nicholson Fund for the support of IAM Thomas L Oates & Queenie L Oates Fund for missions for Bat Cave Baptist Church Arthur R. and Jeanette M. Ocker Memorial Wilfred and Frances Ogg George W. Phillips Dr. B.J. Romeo Memorial C. Reginald Rouse Memorial Fund for Flat Rock Playhouse Children’s Theatre Bill & Ginny Sanders Fund for Interfaith Assistance Ministry Betty A. Scott Fund in Memory of Richard J. Scott Richard J. and Betty A. Scott Richard J. Scott and Betty A. Scott W.C. Shuey Family Endowment Everett and Ellen Stone St. John In the Wilderness Historic Churchyard Arthur and Helene Storm (New) United Way of Henderson County Valley Clinic Volunteer Fire Department Velma J. VanCourt Fund for First Congregational Church Jay Walker Memorial Golf Ryan Watkins Memorial Dr. Minor F. Watts Reverend Jeff and Lena Willis Jerry L. and Gail W. Zink

Scholarship Endowments and Education Merit Award** These funds provide financial assistance to students for educational expenses. Hubert M. Smith, Post 77, American Legion Dan Barber, III/Western Auto ** Black History Albert S. “Bert” Browning, Jr. Betty R. and David H. Bucher Nursing David H. and Betty R. Bucher Engineering Business & Professional Women’s Club John T. Coates IV Civil Engineering Community Foundation of Henderson County General Scholarship Maggie Trimble Cook

Molly Rutter Cook Memorial Betsy Copolillo and Sam Gash Amy Duryee Courtenay Jane and Tom Davis H. Louise Eaton Kermit Edney Robert C. Edwards, Jr. Memorial Environmental Odyssey Francis H. and Margery T. Escott Grace B. Etheredge Maude and Harvey Goehring Grace James P. Grey Scholarship Trust Haddy Harrington Memorial Henderson County Educational Hendersonville Chess Club Outstanding Scholastic Chess Achievement Hendersonville Woman’s Club, Inc. Arthur R. Hill Memorial Roger and Judy Hill Memorial Football Scholarship for Mack Broutin Joe T. Hunt Memorial Elsie Mabel and Ethel Maude Jones T. Llyle and Marion S. Keith Phyllis and George Knopf Anthony Kushigian William A. Lampley Ethel T. & Charles T. Larus Educational Mary Evelyn & Harry Laurent Helen F. Lindner Educational (New) Peggy Lovvorn Glenn C. Marlow Matching Funds George F. and Asha W. McMillan Lucile V. Means Ralph H. and Mary L. Merkle Fund for the Study of Rocks & Minerals of the Wonderful Smokey Mountains Bree Elizabeth Miller Memorial Ralph A. Milliman Sam A. Mills Memorial Mills River Volunteer Fire & Rescue Thomas Oliver & Louise Jordan Mulcahy Nagel Helga Nielsen Thomas E. and Marian L. Overby Amy Fisher Pace Rebecca S. Poole 27

L.B. Prince Memorial John Paul Raywood Plato E. Reese Memorial-Etowah Horseshoe Volunteer Fire and Rescue Charlie Renfrow Trust Vena Case Robinson Memorial Odell Rouse Memorial Martha Sales Schoch Pat Shepherd Second Mile Kristen Sue Shetterly Memorial James Smith Memorial George and Helen Stowell Arthur and Lois Jean Stuenkel Kenneth R. Stull and Virginia M. Stull Robert B. Tonjes Tracy Grove Community Club Valley Clinic Veterans of Foreign Wars Hedrick Rhodes Post 5206 Dr. Corbin O. Williams Memorial John Brooks Williams Memorial Tom Wilson Winifred M. Wyman Memorial

Organizational Endowments These funds are established by nonprofit organizations to carry out their missions. Friends and supporters of these nonprofits may contribute to these endowments at any time. Agudas Israel Cemetery Perpetual Care Agudas Israel Temple All Saints Anglican Church of Arden, NC 28704 Fund in Memory of Rita Z. Newell Arts Center of Henderson County E.J. Baldwin - Patty’s Chapel Cemetery Fund for FUMC Grover H. Baldwin Fund in memory of Norma H. Baldwin Mae Berrian Fund for the Henderson County Public Library Blue Ridge Community Health Services Foundation Blue Ridge Humane Society Bounty of Bethlehem Calvary Episcopal Church Care Carl Sandburg Home Children & Family Resource Center of Henderson County Community Tennis Association of Henderson Co. Youth Tennis Henderson County Cancer Service Jack H. and Noel S. Davis Endowment for First United Methodist Church, Hendersonville, NC

Environmental and Conservation Organization of Henderson County (ECO) Janet M. Finch First Congregational Church (United Church of Christ) FISH Flat Rock Playhouse/Vagabond School of Drama, Inc. Fletcher Academy Fletcher Branch of the Henderson County Public Library Float for Freedom Ben Foster Memorial Four Seasons Hospice Friends of Henderson County Public Library, Inc. HCARC (Henderson County American Red Cross) William E. Hartman, Sr. Fund for Historic Flat Rock, Inc. The Healing Place Henderson County 4-H (Mike Bayne Memorial) Henderson County 4-H (Jewel Dixon and Dawn Dixon Martin Memorial) Henderson County 4-H and Youth Development Henderson County Cancer Service Henderson County Council on Aging Henderson County Foster Parents Association Henderson Co. Genealogical & Historical Society Henderson County Public Library Henderson Co. Young Leaders Program Hendersonville Christian School Hendersonville High School Alumni Association Fund Hendersonville High School Alumni Assoc. Scholarship Hendersonville Rescue Mission Hendersonville Symphony-Gayle Drew Scholarship Hendersonville Symphony Orchestra Housing Assistance Corporation Interfaith Assistance Ministry Inter-faith Chaplaincy Association of Margaret R. Pardee Memorial Hospital Immaculata School Diana Armatage Johnston Fund for MemoryCare Morris Kaplan Kiwanis Scholarship Kenmure Educational Endowment for The Vagabond School of the Drama Judge Mitchell King Faith St. John Knott Memorial Ladies Aid Society of Flat Rock Little River Baptist Church Cemetery James & Florence Lynch Children’s Library Trust Mainstay Opportunity Group

Park Ridge Hospital Foundation Gwendolyn “Boots” Pedersen Memorial Pisgah Legal Services Janis Powell Fund for the Henderson County Public Library Anne B. Rose Rotary Club of Hendersonville St. James Endowment St. James Episcopal Charities Foundation St. Paul’s Episcopal Church SSEACO Support Erle G. Stillwell Andrew and Carrie A. Trefois Henry and Jeannette Zangenberg Jeannette Zangenberg .

Mixed Endowments These funds support a wide range of donor’s charitable interests, some of which are specific and others that may be broadly defined. William C. Armstrong Scholarship Robert and Vivian Edwards Scholarship Andrew and Patricia Lapple Herman and Shirley Lukoff Scholarship A.V. Marien and Elizabeth C. Marien Merger Endowment Fund in Memory of Geraldine M. Bruneau, Miriam E. Kimmick and William Kimmick Fredrick E. Meyer Kathleen R. McGrady Hilary G. Neighbors Scholarship Normac Humanitarian Pisgah Chapter of Trout Unlimited Memorial Fund-In Honor of William L. Arbuckle Vina L. & Richard C. Sauer Arthur E. and Lois Jean Stuenkel Lula and Levi Wilson

Non-Endowed Donor Advised Funds These funds allow donors to take an active role in philanthropy by making grant recommendations to the Community Foundation’s Board of Directors. Because these funds are not permanent, the donor may recommend the Community Foundation distribute the entire fund to the nonprofit organization of the donor’s choice. The donor works closely with the Community Foundation staff, who know the community and can provide information about nonprofit organizations or charities in our area.

The Community Foundation serves as the fiscal sponsor and financial administrator for a number of funds that have been specifically established as temporary funds for unique purposes. These funds have a life span that depends on the program that they are supporting and the duration of the agreement.

Administrative Fund of the Community Foundation This fund was established by the Board of Directors to give donors an opportunity to provide support for the ongoing services of the Community Foundation, enabling the Community Foundation to charge minimal fees for expenses incurred while carrying out the wishes of our donors.

Bruce Drysdale & Henderson County School Nurse Project Green River Community Association Charitable Green River Community Association Library Association–Vanderberg Henderson County Parks & Recreation-Jackson Park Henderson County Parks & Recreation-Tuxedo Park Henderson County Parks & Recreation-Westfeldt Park Hendersonville High School Band Booster Alice Lawson Memorial Scholarship Neighbors-helping-Neighbors Initiative Pass Thru Special Needs Education (New) R S Central Class of 1962 Reunion Memorial (New) Stillman Valley High School Scholarship Jim Pardue Scholarship Sixth Avenue Psychiatric Rehabilitation Partners Katherine & Lloyd Youngblood Legacy Kenneth Youngblood Charitable Larry Joe Youngblood Charitable

Percentage of Funds by Category in 2011-2012.







Donor Advised



Life Estates, Trusts & CGA




Field of Interest


Donor Advised Endowed



1% Operating

Douglass H. Adams Memorial (New) Anna’s Hope Anonymous (2) Auxiliary of Margaret R. Pardee Hospital McCray V. Benson & Judy Atchley-Benson Charitable Joan and Buck Blessing Rebecca and Bill Boswell Cason Companies Charitable (New) Stuart and Carola Cohn Charitable Tom & Marie Cooper Dr. Krishna Das D’Brittlee Kermit Edney Leadership Sandy Enslen Memorial (New) Joe and Gayle Farrar Russ and Myrna Gibbs James and Susan Heidebrecht Robert and Beatrice Hicks Henderson County League of Women Voters Education (New) Henderson Oil Company Hendersonville Kennel Club, Inc. Hal and Katherine Hunter Jonathan’s Fund Ann and Bill Kirkpatrick Family Foundation Sharon and Marc Koffman Linder Family Charitable MacNeil McConnell Family Charitable Kathleen R. McGrady Charitable Duane McKibbin Memorial Duane M. and Margaret D. McKibbin Charles and Eleanora Meloun Charitable

Temporary Funds

Midnight’s Fund of Hope Marie Virginia Russell Miller Memorial Vanessa Y. Mintz Moody Kathie Morrill Memorial Edythe Mullis Charitable Joseph D. Poli Memorial Project WE CARE (New) Reese Family Charitable Myles G. and Helen C. Reilly E. Jeanne Reno & James H. Bryson John R. and Mary S. Sauerteig Snickers Pay-it Forward Lewis F. Steinbach Charitable Arthur E. and Lois Jean Stuenkel UUFH Dream (New) Virgil & Margaret Wagner Wings of Support

Future Gifts Creating legacies for the future…

Future Bequests The following are people planning to provide lasting support to the causes they care about with a future gift to the Community Foundation of Henderson County in the form of a bequest. We acknowledge them for their generosity and forethought. Anonymous Claire Abendroth Charitable Animal Welfare Alliance Marian A. Anderson Rick and Sherry Austin Endowment Denis Barton Scholarship Elizabeth Todd Bell Donor Advised Endowment Raoul and Gretchen Bernier James E. and Jean T. Campbell Endowment Richard N. & Doris J. Canaan Memorial Fund established in memory of Pamela Canaan Hussey Alice Cebula Carola Cohn and Dr. Stuart Cohn Charitable (New) Dr. Stuart and Carola Cohn Charitable (New) Copp Family Endowment–Supporting Energy Efficiency Copp Family Endowment (2) Jane and Tom Davis John and Barbara Davenport Endowment Dicken-Boot Memorial Scholarship Fred and Priscilla Doyle Endowment Wayne G. and Ivah D. Duncan Endowment Rita Ildgaard Dunk & Ray V. Dunk Charitable Engelman Fund for Children Frank A. Ewbank Endowment Fraser Fund for Animal Welfare Gleaton Family Charitable (New) Dr. Hugh and Madge Gleaton Scholarship (New) William C. and Jeanne M. Hartranft Laurissa E. Hoyle Scholarship Jana Johnson Humleker & William Overby Humleker (4) Joanne Davis Jones Endowment Morris E. and Margaret P. Livesay Endowment James C. Kirkpatrick Charitable Foundation C. Donald Larsson Christian Elizabeth M. Lawson Donor Advised 30

Bill and Marquerite Mewborne Scholarship Robert G. and Rosemary H. Miller Wanda & Gerard Nicholson Educational James W. & Anne K. Osmer Edith and Sam Pew Memorial Chester W. and Virginia G. Phillips (2) Marjorie C. Polhemus Rebecca Lee Poplin (New) Morgan and Evelyn Reynolds Ted and Saundra Rydin Thomas and Helen Somerville Endowment Linda & Charlie Thompson Endowment Randolph Steven Tipps (New) Science Educators’ Development Wayne & Carolyn Walker Charitable Jerry L. and Gail W. Zink

Charitable Gift Annuities The following donors have established Charitable Gift Annuities. A donor transfers assets to the Community Foundation in exchange for a commitment to pay the donor, or beneficiaries designated by the donor, a specified amount each year for life. Annuity payments can either begin immediately or be deferred to a later date specified by the donor. Donors realize an immediate income tax reduction for their gift. Donald Copp (4) Lorina Culpepper (2) Dr. Patricia G. Humbertson (New) Seth S. and Selma Kamber Marjorie C. Polhemus (2) Dirk A. Willms

Life Estate Gifts The following donors have donated his or her home to the Community Foundation, but retain the right to live there for the rest of his or her life. A gift of the home now, with retained life residency, gives the donor the same estate tax benefits as gift by will. Plus, the donor receives a current income tax deduction. Upon the donor’s death, or if the donor gives up the right to live in the home, then the proceeds from the sale of the home will revert to an endowment to carry out the donor’s charitable wishes. Frederick Charles Jonischus Lewis Steinbach

Charitable Remainder Trusts The following individuals have established Charitable Remainder Trusts, which provide life income for the donor, and additional beneficiaries if desired, while allowing an income tax deduction the year the trust was created. After the death of the donor and beneficiaries, the Community Foundation will ensure the remainder of the trust assets will benefit the charities per the donor designation during his or her lifetime. Anonymous (4) Richard N. Canaan and Doris J. Canaan (2) Gene Albert Cook & Faye F. Cook Richard and Karin Deneke Fred and Priscilla Doyle Ralph L. Gaffney/Michael G. Trent Ralph L. Gaffney (2) Ralph L. Gaffney/John E. Trent Ralph L. Gaffney/Keri Ann T. Young Ralph L. Gaffney/Mary Lisa T. Reyes Dennis L. and Priscilla M. Heindel James W. Hoelscher and Margaret B. Hoelscher Yvonne M. and Daniel C. Kyker Andrew Lapple Duane M. and Margaret D. McKibbin (2) Eleanora Meloun John R. and Mary S. Sauerteig Patricia P. Simpson Lewis Steinbach Luke Weber Robert and Maree Wick


For the past thirty years, the Community Foundation of Henderson County has helped people who care make lasting contributions to causes that matter.

Donors The following people, businesses and organizations made gifts to the Community Foundation between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. These contributions were used to establish or enlarge funds from which grants were made and to support Community Foundation operations. To learn more about how you can become a donor or make a contribution, please turn to our “Giving Guide” on page 24. Please note that contributions may be made to any fund held at the Community Foundation of Henderson County. * Donors with existing funds.

A Shamrock and a Thistle Antiques Unique AAUW Hendersonville Branch * Ms. Elizabeth R. Abernathy Mrs. Judy Abrell Mrs. Carol S. Adams * Mr. and Mrs. David E. Adams Ms. Lori Adams Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Adams, IV Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Adams, Jr. Agudas Israel Congregation * Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Alker Mr. Richard M. Allen Mr. Kenneth E. Allison Alma Lee Cheves Class–First United Methodist Church Altavista Wealth Management Mrs. Richard G. Altmann American Legion, Post 77 * American Red Cross–Henderson County * Mr. and Mrs. John D. Amos Ms. Anne S. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Anderson Anonymous


Mr. Andre Arrouet Mr. and Mrs. Tom. E. Aschenbrener Asheville Savings Bank Mrs. Carolyn Ashworth Mr. Robert G. Astorg Mr. and Mrs. Roger Aul Mrs. Elizabeth Ausband Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bagwell Mrs. Ann Bailey Mrs. Judy Wolter - Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey Mrs. Joelyn Baker Mrs. Kim Baker-Hudgins Mr. and Mrs. Mart G. Baldwin Ms. Julie R. Balsley Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Baluha Ms. Barbara F. Banadyga Mr. and Mrs. Rex H. Banadyga Mr. Daniel Bard Bares It All Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barget Mrs. A. Pitt Beam, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold W. Beam Mr. and Mrs. Michael Beckerman, O.D. Mr. and Mrs. John Bell, Jr. Mrs. Susie Bender * Mr. and Mrs. Bob E. Bennett Mr. and Mrs. McCray V. Benson * Ms. Joan Berry Ms. Ruth B. Birge Ms. Marty L. Blair * Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Blatt Brig. Gen. and Mrs. Frank E. Blazey * Ms. Ashley Blevins Blue Ridge Community College Blue Ridge Community College Educational Foundation Blue Ridge Community Health Services * Blue Ridge Humane Society * Mr. Sherman Blythe Mrs. Heather Boeke Bold Life Mr. and Mrs. George F. Bond, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Bouvet Mr. and Mrs. Les Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Henri Boyea Mrs. Nancy M. Boyea *

Boys and Girls Club of Henderson County BP Products North America, Inc. Mr. D.J. Brady Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Bratsch Ms. Peggy J. Briscoe Mr. and Mrs. Jeff L. Brock Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Rhoderick Brown Ms. Margie Brune Mr. James H. Bryson and Mrs. Jeanne Reno * Mr. and Mrs. Brad Buchanan * Mr. Stephen Buff Ms. Elizabeth M. Burch Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Burgerhoff Ms. Sharon Burlingame Mr. and Mrs. Greg Burnette Mr. Charles D. Bushnell Mr. and Mrs. David Butler Mr. & Mrs. James Jordan Bynum, III Mr. and Mrs. Charles Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Frank Byrd *


Mr. and Mrs. Ken Calhoun Camp Greystone Mr. and Mrs. Gus Campano Mrs. Debra Campbell Col. and Mrs. Spencer Campbell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin C. Cannon, Jr. Carland & Andersen, Inc. Carolina First Associates Carriage Park Homeowners Assn.–Cheer Community Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Carroll Mrs. Bette G. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Carter Mrs. Frances Caruso * Mr. and Mrs. Dean Castaldo Mr. Michael Casuccio Dr. and Mrs. John D. Cato Mrs. Hardy Chandler Mr. and Mrs. Leslie N. Cheatle, Jr. Cheryl Smith Associates, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. James A. Chesnut Mr. Haynes R. Chidsey Children & Family Resource Center

of Henderson County * Mr. and Mrs. Wallace K. Ching Ms. Caroline Christopher Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ciordia City of Hendersonville Ms. Nancy Clark Richard T. & Dorothy M. Clark Charitable Trust Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Cohn * Ms. Henderson Cole Mr. Benjamin Coleman and Ms. Laura Waterman Colton Groome and Company Community Foundation of Henderson County Community Foundation of Western North Carolina Mr. and Mrs. Roger Conklin Ms. Lynda C. Connor Mr. Richard Cooke Dr. and Mrs. John L. Crawford, III Croghan’s Jewel Box, Inc. Ms. Alice Cromer Ms. Jane R. Crosby Mr. and Mrs. James Cusack Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cushing Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dacko Mr. and Mrs. Keith Dalbec Mrs. Dorothy Dalzell Ms. Pamela Daubert Mr. and Mrs. Robert Daubert Ms. Betty S. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. J.W. Davis Mrs. Jane L. Davis * Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Davis Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Delahanty Mr. and Mrs. Clay Denny Captain and Mrs. John F. Derr Diana Armatage Johnston, Of Counsel The Van Winkle Law Firm Mr. Wilbur Boot and Mrs. Betty Lou Dicken-Boot * Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Dixon Ms. Gloria Dixon Dixon Hughes Goodman Wealth Advisors LLC Mr. and Mrs. E. James Doar

Mrs. Frederick S. Donnelly Donor Advised Fund Contributions Ms. Debra Dixon Doss Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Dowdle Mrs. Rebecca Duffy Mr. and Mrs. Stan Duncan Mr. Gary D. Dunn


Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Eddy Dr. Anne Edmunds Edward Jones Egolf Motors, Inc. Mrs. Doris Eklund Ellis Foundation Mr. Joe L. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. David Eppic Mrs. Margery T. Escott Estate * Ms. Maya Evans Mr. H. Smoot Fahlgren Falling Creek Camp Mr. and Mrs. Gary G. Faulkner Ms. Mary E. Faulkner Tom Fazio Charities Fund (CFWNC) Mr. and Mrs. John Ferry Dr. Gregory S. Fertik and Mrs. Anne Valentine Mr. Graham Fields Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund First Citizens Bank * Ms. Ciji Fisher Mr. and Mrs. James J. Fisher Flat Rock Playhouse * Forest Commercial Bank Mr. Glenn Forsythe * Ms. Lauren Fortner Ms. Sheila H. Fortner Four Seasons Hospice and Palliative Care * Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frenier Mr. and Ms. John P. Frier Ms. Mary Ellen Frier Mr. and Mrs. John Frisoli Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Gailis Mr. Luis Garcia

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Garibaldi Mr. and Mrs. Chet Garrison Dr. and Mrs. William T. Garrison * GE Foundation Mrs. Katherine Tanner Gee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gerkin Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Geyer Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Gibbs * Mr. and Mrs. Ron Giles Ms. Sue B. Gilliam Ms. Jo Ann Givens Mrs. Joseph Glowacki Mr. and Mrs. Mick Godfrey Mr. and Mrs. William F. Gold, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gooch Ms. Anne Elizabeth Goodgame Mr. and Mrs. John B. Gould * Ms. Marcia P. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gray Ms. Julie C. Green Ms. Carrie Greene Mrs. Jean Greene Mr. and Mrs. Steve A. Greene Greene, Smith, Roddy & Co. PA Greenmont Elementary School Mr. David Grice Ms. Sally Griffin * Ms. Adele Groban Mr. Jerry Guhl


Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Haden Mr. Robert H. Haggard, Atty. Mrs. Ruth Haines Ms. Lindsey Hardegree Ms. Paige Harmony Ms. Julie C. Harness Ms. Pat Harr Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Harrington * Harshaw Trane Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Hastie Mr. Fred Hawkins Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayhurst Mr. Thomas H. Heath Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Henderson Henderson County Council on Aging, Inc.*

Henderson County Education Foundation, Inc. Henderson County Free Medical Clinic, Inc. * Henderson County Habitat For Humanity Henderson Oil Company * Mr. Dale Hill & Mrs. Lee Henderson-Hill* Hendersonville High School Class of 1968 Hendersonville Rescue Mission * Ms. Lori Hernandez Ms. Rachel Herold Highland Lake Inn–Season’s Restaurant Mr. and Mrs. Ben H. Hill Mr. Edward F. Hipp Historic Preservation Commission City of Hendersonville Mrs. Vivian Hoeppner Ms. Suzanne R. Holbert Mr. Keith G. Holland Mr. and Mrs. Leland Hollowell Ms. Betty L. Holmes Mr. William E. Houghton, III Housing Assistance Corporation * Ms. Annie Howard Mrs. Sandra Dalton Howd Hubba Hubba Smokehouse Dr. and Mrs. Allan D. Huffman Dr. Patricia G. Humbertson * Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker * Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Huneycutt * Ms. Virginia Hunneke Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hunter * Hunter Automotive Group Mrs. Kristin Huntley Mr. and Mrs. Don Hupe Mr. and Mrs. James W. Hurd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hurlocker Mr. David Hutchins Ms. Hilary Hutchinson Inn on Church Mr. and Mrs. David C. Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Steven Jamerson Mr. and Mrs. Dries Jansma Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jaynes Mr. and Mrs. John Jester Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jett Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Johnson

Ms. Kelly Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lowell R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Eric Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson * Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson Johnson, Price and Sprinkle Ms. Whitney Johnston Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jones Dr. and Mrs. Donald C. Jones Mrs. Elizabeth P. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Jones * Mrs. Patricia Jones


Ms. Elizabeth Kendall Kenneth R. and Virginia M. Stull Estate * Dr. and Mrs. James G. Kessaris Ms. Barbara A. Kight Mr. and Mrs. Charles Killian Kimberly-Clark Corporation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Kincheloe Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. King Dr. and Mrs. John L. Kinlaw * Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kirby Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Kirkpatrick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kiser Ms. Jeanette H. Klutts Mr. and Mrs. Peter Knight, Atty. Mrs. Ruth R. Knight * Mr. and Mrs. Marc Koffman Ms. Elizabeth Kohl Ms. Kaitlyn Kohls Mr. Tim Kriegel Mr. Alfred T. Kuhnemann Mr. and Mrs. Stan Kumor Mrs. Norma Kushigian * Lake Pointe Landing a Senior Living Community Jane Lapple Trust * Mrs. Dina B. Larsen Ms. Jaime Laughter Law Offices of William M. Alexander, Jr. League of Women Voters of Henderson Co. Mr. and Mrs. Erich L. Leatham Mrs. Tara Tinsley Ledbetter Mr. Frank Lee 33

Donors Continued Mr. and Mrs. Lewis W. Lees Mrs. Louaine Leisching Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Lemaire Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. LeStrange Mrs. Carol Lewis Mr. and Mrs. R. Dale Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lilly Mr. and Mrs. Bernd Linder * Estate of Helen F. Lindner * Jess Logan Ms. Caroline C. Long Mrs. Christina Long * Lotus Apparel, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Lee D. Lovvorn, Sr. Mrs. Marian Lowry * Ms. Barbara C. Lucas Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lucha Mr. & Mrs. Lee Luebbe Dr. and Mrs. Dan G. Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Daniel F. Lyons, Jr. Mr. Robert MacDonald Ms. Susan H. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Perry W. Mace Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacKay Mr. and Mrs. J. Carlton MacNeil, Jr. * Macon Bank Ms. Libby Mahoney Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Maier Mainstay * Market Connections, Inc. Mrs. Dorothy D. Marlow * Mr. and Mrs. Stanton E. Massie Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Vaughan Matthews Mr. and Mrs. James Matykiewicz Mr. and Mrs. Dale Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Jim McAbee Mr. Robert D. McCallister Ms. Doris R. McCleskey Mr. & Mrs. Daniel R. McConnell * Mr. and Mrs. Mickey L. McCurry Mr. Jerald McDaniel Mrs. Gertrude L. McDougald Mrs. Cathie A. McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. McGee

Ms. Shirley McGee Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. McGrady * Michael & Martina McGrady Charitable Lead Unitrust Ms. Paula McHenry Mr. and Mrs. Chaffe McIlhenny Mrs. Peggy McKibbin * Ms. Cortney McLaughlin Ms. Ruth Ann McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. John M. McMahon Ms. Joan McMullen Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McNair Ms. Dorothy Means * Mrs. Nancy Meister Mrs. Eleanora Meloun * Eleanora Meloun Charitable Lead Annuity Trust MemoryCare * Meritor, Inc. Merrill Lynch Mr. Ronald C. Metzger Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Michaud MicroSoft Giving Campaign Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mildren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Miley Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jeff L. Miller Mrs. Kimberly Miller Ms. Marilyn A. Miller Miller’s Fine Dry Cleaning Ms. Bridgett Minogue Mr. Daniel B. Mitchell Ms. Chelsea Mixson Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Moore Mrs. Randalle Moore Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Moreland Morris Broadband, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrison Mrs. Mary Lyne Morrissey Morrow Insurance Agency, Inc. Mr. James A. Moss Mountain 1st Bank & Trust Mr. and Mrs. William Moyer Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Woodley Murphy Ms. Betsy Murray Ms. Meg Murray

Mrs. Betty Jean Nanney Rev. and Mrs. Jack D. Neilson Ms. Heidi Nelson Mrs. Janet Newman Mrs. Nancy A. Noesen * Mr. and Mrs. Timothy V. Novak Ms. Jayne K. O’Neal Mrs. Betty Ann S. Oates Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ogden Mr. and Mrs. W R Okie Mrs. Mary Olson Ms. Anne Osmer * Mrs. Tracy Pace Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pankhurst Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pankopf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Papes Pardee Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc. Mrs. Rosie Pardue Ms. Judith S. Parham Park Ridge Health Park Ridge Health Foundation * Mr. and Mrs. Hershel O. Parrish Colonel and Mrs. Rick Parsons * Mr. and Mrs. Ron Partin Pavillon Treatment Center Mrs. Barbara Payne Dr. Arthur Pearsall Mrs. Lynda Petty Ms. Rebecca G. Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. James E. Phelps Ms. Marjorie Philips Ms. Emily Phillips Ms. Helen Pike Pisgah Legal Services * Mrs. Grace Poli * Ms. Becky Poplin * Mrs. Alice Porter Ms. Susan Portman Ms. Kelsey Potratz Mrs. Pam Prather Ms. Martha M. Pratt Mr. and Mrs. Roger Press Ms. Sybil Priest Mrs. Margaret J. Prim PROCOM Ms. Patricia S. Propst Mr. and Mrs. Russell E. Putt


Radio Hendersonville Inc.-WHKP * Phil and Kim Raines Mr. and Mrs. Perry G. Rawson Ms. Robin Reed * Mr. Winthrop Reed Mr. and Mrs. William Reel Mr. Sammy D. Reese Mr. and Mrs. David C. Reeves, Sr. * Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reinhardt Mr. Don D. Rice Mr. Adam Ridlehoover Mr. and Mrs. Garley Riggs Ms. Mary Anne Riley Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Roberts, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher H. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. William Robichaux Mr. and Mrs. Brad Rogers Mr. Charley Rogers Tommy and Janine Rogers Tommy and Sikky Rogers Mr. and Mrs. Randolph C. Romeo Roosevelt & Cross, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Rosenberger Mrs. Phyllis C. Rothrock * Ms. Marti Royo RS Central Class of 1962 Reunion Committee * Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rudisill Mr. and Mrs. Sam Crisco Saint James Episcopal Church * Ms. Sandie Salvaggio-Walker * Salvation Army of Henderson County Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Sams, III Ms. Diane J. Sanford Mrs. Mary Sauerteig * Ms. Cynthia Schirmer Ms. Joyce A. Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Schwuchow, III Ms. Kate Scowary Mrs. Teddi Segal Dr. and Mrs. Phillip A. Sellers Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Seymour Mr. and Mrs. Adam L. Shealy Dr. and Mrs. Glenn Shefter Shefter & Fertik, P.A. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Shelley Shelley’s Jewelry


Mrs. Frances O. Sherman* Mrs. Frances O. Sherman Estate* Mrs. Geraldine W. Shipman Estate Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Shore Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Sigmon Ms. Laura Simmelink Mrs. Cecile W. Sims Dr. David W. Sink, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skelton Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sloan Smart Start of Henderson County, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith Ms. Carol J. Smith Ike N. and Stuart Smith Mr. J. Michael Smith Park & Margaret Smith Charitable Fund Ms. Catherine Snapp Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Songer * Southern Burglar Alarm Co., Inc. Dr. Joe Sparks Mr. and Mrs. John Spears Mr. Herbert A. Spies and Mrs. Eleanor G. Wilson* St. Gerard House EP Stallworth State Farm Insurance Companies Mr. and Mrs. Robert V. Staton Ms. Vertelle Staton Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stealey Ms. Aleen Steinberg Ms. Grace Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stevens Ms. Lauretta Sthreshley Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stone, Jr. Colonel and Mrs. C.D. Strider Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strippel Ms. Judy Stroud Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Stuenkel * Mr. and Mrs. Ken Sugawara Ms. Shaye Sullivan SunTrust Bank Mr. and Mrs. Bill E. Swafford Mr. and Mrs. John P. Swanson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W. Swayze

Mr. Edgar W. Tanner, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor Ms. Sarah Taylor Ms. Sharon Taylor TD Bank H. Talbott Tebay, D.D.S., Ltd. The Arts Council of Henderson County * The Greystone Store, Inc. The Healing Place, Inc. * Dr. and Mrs. Colin E. Thomas Lt. Col. and Mrs. Milton Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Thompson Thos. Shepherd & Son, Inc. Times-News Mr. Steve Tipps and Ms. Rebecca Poplin Ms. Elizabeth Timmons Mr. and Mrs. John Tolliver Town of Mills River Mr. and Mrs. John G. Tracy Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Trexler Trinity Presbyterian Church Ms. Kathy Triplett Tru-Pak Moving Systems Ms. Beverly D. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Turner Ms. Kristen Turner Ms. Doris Tyler UBS Financial Services, Inc. Unitarian Universalist Fellowship * United Bankshares, Inc. United Methodist Indian Parish United Way of Henderson County Ms. Katherine Urevig Van Winkle, Buck, Wall, Starnes & Davis, P.A. Mrs. Estelle Vaughn Mrs. Ruth Anne Veazey Mr. and Mrs. Pat Vermillon Mr. and Mrs. David Vining Dr. James and Mayor Barbara Volk * Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Volz Mr. and Mrs. Hall Waddell Ms. Helen J. Waddell WAG! THE WORLD, LLC Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Wagenbrenner Ms. Fair Nabers Waggoner Mr. and Mrs. William H. Waggoner *


Mr. and Mrs. Virgil D. Wagner * Mr. and Mrs. James F. Walsh Mr. and Mrs. M.H. Walter Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walters, Jr. Ms. Lauren Walters Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ward Ms. Hanna Kate Warrington Mr. and Mrs. Marshal Warshauer Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wells Mrs. Virginia Wells Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Wells Fargo Bank WesBanco Mr. and Mrs. Malvern West Western Carolina Community Action Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wharton Ms. Rachel Wheeler Ms. Carolina White Mr. and Mrs. David White Mr. R. Bruce White Dr. and Mrs. W. Elliott White Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Whitmire Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Wicker Wickwire Gallery Mrs. Sandy Williams * Ms. Debbie Wilkinson Mr. and Mrs. Tom F. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Dirk A. Willms * Mrs. Mary Ruth C. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wilson Mrs. Joel W. Windham Mr. and Mrs. John Witten WNC Magazine Mrs. Clara C. Wood Mr. Kevin M. Wright WTZQ Radio Ms. Shelley Wynn Ms. Megan Yohe Dr. and Mrs. Basil O. Yost III Mr. and Mrs. Jerry L. Zink * Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zunich

Growth in the number of gifts by donors in the past three decades.








Vintage Carolina Celebrating 30 years of Philanthropy Movies have been a remarkable innovation in communications, especially for telling the stories of our lives, sharing our dreams and envisioning fantastic possibilities.The stories of our lives, our community and our future are the key building blocks to philanthropy making the 2012 Vintage Carolina theme “Celebrating 30 Years of Philanthropy“ through the lens of our favorite movies so apropos.

provided a variety of small plates for big appetites. Our wine and beer purveyors provided the perfect pairings to complement each culinary masterpiece. Throughout the evening, more than 300 guests had the opportunity to meet with the chefs and wine experts, ask questions and get a true “behindthe-scenes” glimpse of the culinary world. The event is an extraordinary occasion not to be missed.

Every little detail from special movie props, life size movie stars and theatre lights set the stage for an evening of star studded fun on March 5, 2012. Spectacular dining was provided by a host of top-flight chefs from around Henderson County whose innovation, fresh ingredients and meticulous attention to detail

We are humbled by the generosity of the chefs, our wine and spirits purveyors, doorprize and silent auction donors, corporate, foundation and individual sponsors, and guests, plus the tremendous time and talent given by loyal volunteers.

Event Sponsors

Participating Restaurants & Confectionaries

Participating Wine Vendors & Breweries

TD Bank • Lake Pointe Landing • SunTrust WHKP • WTZQ • Altavista Wealth Management Bold Life/Verve • First Citizens Bank • Thos. Shepherd & Son, Inc. • The Morrow Insurance Agency Mountain 1st Bank & Trust • Times-News WNC Magazine • Van Winkle Law Firm • Colton Groome & Company • Forest Commercial Bank • Henderson Oil • Macon Bank • Market Connections • Miller’s Fine Dry Cleaning • Morris Broadband • Pardee Hospital Foundation • UBS Financial Services, Inc.

Chef Starr to Go-Chef Mark Starr • Hendersonville Country Club-Chef Robert MacDermid • Hubba Hubba Smokehouse-Owner Starr Teel • Lake Pointe Landing-Chef Daniel Knapp • Lime Leaf Thai Fusion-Chef David Cheng • McConnell Farms Super Premium Ice Cream-Danny McConnell Season’s at Highland Lake-Chef Peter Fassbender Van’s Chocolates-The Vanderlois Family

Empire Distributing • Highland Brewing Company Millennium Beverage • Mutual Distributing • Purple Sage Wine Shop • Skyland Distributing • Southern Appalachian Brewery • Saint Paul Mountain Vineyards • Tryon Distributing • Wisdom Beverage

Prizes Keller Williams-Lauretta Sthreshley and Rich Cooke Shelley’s Jewelry • Southern Alarm and Security • TD Bank • Wickwire Fine Art/Folk Art 37

Financial Summary (Audited)

















Accounts Payable



Grants and Scholarships Payable



Liabilities Under Trust Agreements



Organizational Endowments







Statement of Financial Position ASSETS: Cash and Cash Equivalents Short-Term Investments Receivables Investments at Quoted Market Prices Property and Equipment, Net Other TOTAL ASSETS




Financial Summary (Audited)

Statement of Activity



R evenues $1,862,033














Annuity Payments



Program Services



Supporting Services



Total Expenses



Increase (Decrease) In Net Assets



Net Assets - Beginning of Year





Contributions Investment Income Change in Value of Split Interest Agreements Net Realized and Unrealized Gains (Losses) on Investments Other Income Total Revenues

E x penses Grants

Net Assets - End of Year

Figures on the Financial Summary were condensed from our audit, conducted by Carter, P.C. Copies of the full audit report are available by calling the Foundation office. The annual information return (IRS form 990) may also be reviewed at the Foundation office or by visiting our website www.CFHCforever.org.



Staff & Board

Thank You Volunteers

Professional Advisors

*Denotes Committee Chair

The Community Foundation and a wide variety of area professional advisors collaborate, enabling us to make a difference in our community. The Community Foundation greatly appreciates the many referrals professional advisors have made through the years. Our staff is always available to discuss how we can help your clients fulfill their charitable wishes.

2011-2012 Committee Members and Volunteers Audit Madeline Daubert* Vaughan Matthews Adam Shealy Jan Shefter Stan Shelley Dirk Willms

Grant Opal Black James Heidebrecht Patricia Jones Vaughan Matthews* Shirley McGee Woodley Murphy

Communications Dr. Stuart Cohn Stan Duncan Ron Partin Charley Rogers Randolph Romeo* Lauretta Sthreshley

Nominating Stan Duncan Jana Humleker Patricia Jones* Dirk Willms

Executive George Bond Gus Campano Steve Greene Jana Humleker* Vaughan Matthews Randolph Romeo Lauretta Sthreshley Finance George Bond Gus Campano Steve Greene* Kristin Huntley Investment John Bell, Jr.* James Chesnut Page Ciordia Thomas Darnall Kathleen Fetherolf Bernd Linder John McFadden Al Roberts Phyllis Thomsen

Recognition George Bond* Charlotte Cato Kristin Huntley Shirley McGee Scholarship Helen Ashenbrener Pat Bennett Hardy Chandler Jere Dabbs Keith Dalbec* Margaret Davidson James Heidebrecht Jack Johnson Toby Linder Kimbela McMinn Charlotte Morgan Ron Partin Pam Prather Karen Roberts Joe Robustelli Cindy Schirmer Lauretta Sthreshley Sandy Tallant Steve Tipps Nancy Warner

Vintage Carolina Lauretta Sthreshley,* co-chair Pam Prather,* co-chair Jana Humleker, chef coordinator Tamara Miller, decorations Tracy Pace, decorations Keith Dalbec, wine vendor coordinator Perry N. Rudnick Advisor Members Steve Jackson Peggy Judkins Sherri Metzger Fletcher Advisory Members Doug Arney Steve Greene Johnnie Washington Ron Whittemore Kenneth Youngblood Office Support Susan Kincaid Note: Jana Humleker as Board Chair serves ex-officio on all committees.

To arrange a meeting, contact our office at (828) 697-6224. To learn more, visit our website at www.CFHCforever.org.

Professional Advisors Council members act as advisors and consultants to help the Community Foundation strengthen relationships with other professional advisors, while also providing feedback about the issues that are important to their clients and the community.

2011-2012 Professional Advisors’ Council Dan Akers

Altavista Wealth Management

Kim Baker-Hudgins

Smolski & Baker-Hudgins, PA

Ron Carland

Carland & Andersen, Inc.

Don Cooper

Edward Jones Investments

Haynes Dorn

Dorn Associates

Evan Gilreath

Lebensberger and Gilreath

Bob Haggard

Van Winkle, Buck, Wall, Starnes & Davis, PA

Suzanne Holbert

Dixon Hughes Goodman Wealth Advisors, LLC

Lee Mulligan

Strauss & Associates, PA Attorneys at Law

Peter Shanahan

Merrill Lynch

Ken Swayze, Chair

First Citizens Bank

John Veazey

Van Winkle, Buck, Wall, Starnes & Davis, PA

Alan Ward

Merrill Lynch

David Whilden

Boys Arnold & Company


Book of Memory & Honorariums

Anyone can make a gift to any fund at the Community Foundation in memory or in honor of a cherished family member or friend.

Book of Memory (Gifts given 7/1/11-6/30/12) The Community Foundation places all of the names in a permanent Book of Memory which is on display in our office. This year the following names were placed in the Book of Memory: Douglass (Doug) Hammond Adams Mrs. Carol S. Adams Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Adams, IV Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Adams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Alker Mr. and Mrs. John D. Amos Ms. Anne S. Anderson Mr. Robert G. Astorg Mrs. Ann Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bailey Ms. Julie R. Balsley Mr. and Mrs. Ken Barget Mr. and Mrs. McCray V. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Bouvet Ms. Margie Brune Carriage Park Homeowners Association-Cheer Committee Mr. and Mrs. Leslie N. Cheatle, Jr. Mr. Benjamin Coleman and Ms. Laura Waterman Mr. and Mrs. Clay Denny Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Douglass Mr. and Mrs. Daniel B. Douglass Mr. Gary D. Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Eddy Mr. Joe L. Ellison Mr. and Mrs. David Eppic Mr. H. Smoot Fahlgren


Ms. Mary E. Faulkner Mr. and Mrs. John Ferry Mr. and Mrs. John Frisoli Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gerkin Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Geyer Ms. Jo Ann Givens Mr. and Mrs. Dick Gray Greenmont Elementary School Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Haden Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hayhurst Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker Mrs. Kristin Huntley Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hurlocker Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Lowell R. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Terry Jones Ms. Barbara A. Kight Mr. and Mrs. Joseph R. Kincheloe Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lee Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Lucha Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Mathews Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Alan M. McGee Ms. Paula McHenry Ms. Ruth Ann McLaughlin Mr. and Mrs. John M. McMahon Mr. and Mrs. William E. Mildren, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Miley Ms. Marilyn A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Moreland Ms. Betsy Murray Rev. and Mrs. Jack D. Neilson Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pankopf Mr. and Mrs. Robert Papes Pardee Memorial Hospital Foundation, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel O. Parrish The Rt. Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth L. Price, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Perry G. Rawson Mr. and Mrs. William Reel Ms. Mary Anne Riley Mr. Thomas S. Rogers, CLU Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Sams, III Ms. Carol J. Smith Ike N. and Stuart Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. Stealey Mr. and Mrs. Jack C. Stokes H. Talbott Tebay, D.D.S. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Tracy

Mr. and Mrs. Edgar R. Trexler Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Turner Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Wagenbrenner Mr. and Mrs. Dan Wharton Mr. R. Bruce White Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Wicker Mrs. Joel W. Windham Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zunich United Bankshares, Inc. WesBanco, Inc. Bridgett Bartlett Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker Arthur E. Bender Mr. Richard M. Allen Mrs. Carol Altmann Mr. and Mrs. Tom. E. Aschenbrener Mrs. Susie Bender Mr. and Mrs. McCray V. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Burgerhoff Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Carter Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dacko Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Delahanty Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Garibaldi Mr. and Mrs. Russell T. Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker Mr. and Mrs. J. Michael Lemaire Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McConnell Mr. and Mrs. Bob Ogden Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence D. Seymour Roosevelt & Cross Inc.

Mr. Thomas H. Heath Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McConnell Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Okie Mrs. Alice Porter Mr. and Mrs. Richard Reinhardt Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Stone, Jr. Ms. Beverly D. Tucker United Methodist Indian Parish Ms. Ruth Anne Veazey Jeffery J. Curtis Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker Deceased Classmates RS Central Class of 1962 Mrs. Virginia Wells Robert Eklund Mrs. Dorothy D. Marlow Sanford (Sandy) Enslen Mr. and Mrs. McCray V. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Chester Garrison Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker Mr. and Mrs. Bob MacKay Ms. Rebecca G. Pfaff Dr. and Mrs. Basil O. Yost, III Walt Garrison Mrs. Ingrid McNair Anna Huneycutt Mrs. Carolyn Ashworth Mr. and Mrs. Henri Boyea Ms. Sarah Leatham Ms. Doris Tyler Gary Jones Mrs. Ingrid McNair

Ernest Lamar Campbell Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker

Jimmy Lewis’ Birthday Mrs. Carol Lewis

Glenavin Cason Ms. Peggy McKibbin Hunter Automotive Group

Peggy Lovvorn Ms. Barbara F. Banadyga Mr. and Mrs. Raymond P. Bratsch Mr. and Mrs. Lee Lovvorn

Brantley Claris Mr. Thomas H. Heath Mrs. A. Pitt Beam, Jr. Connie T. Claris Mrs. A. Pitt Beam, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. McCray V. Benson First United Methodist Church of Hendersonville-Alma Lee Cheves Class

Richard K. Martin Mrs. Frances O. Sherman Betty May Mrs. Frances O. Sherman Lucile V. Means Mrs. Joelyn Baker Ms. Joan Berry

Ms. Gloria Dixon Ms. Elizabeth Jones Mrs. Gertrude L. McDougald Ms. Dorothy Means Ms. Martha Pratt Ms. Vertelle Staton Mr. and Mrs. John Tolliver Mrs. Estelle Vaughn Marie Virginia Russell Miller Mr. and Mrs. McCray V. Benson Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Jones Mrs. Tara Tinsley Ledbetter Vanessa Y. Mintz Mr. and Mrs. Rex Banadyga Ms. Sheila H. Fortner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Grant Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McConnell Ms. Laura Simmelink Ms. Judy Stroud Lt. Col. and Mrs. Milton Thompson Jim Pardue Ms. Rosalind Pardue Paul M. and Betty T. Parsons Colonel and Mrs. Rick Parsons Joseph D. Poli Mrs. Grace Poli Candy Rogers Priest Mr. Kenneth Allison Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin J. Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bagwell Mr. and Mrs. Rex Banadyga Mr. and Mrs. McCray V. Benson Mr. Sherman Blythe Ms. Sharon Burlingame Mr. and Mrs. Calvin C. Cannon, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Wallace K. Ching Ms. Lynda C. Connor Ms. Betty S. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Davis Mrs. Frederick S. Donnelly Mr. Glenn Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Gailis Mr. and Mrs. Mick Godfrey Ms. Julie C. Green Ms. Pat Harr Hendersonville High School Class of 1968

Mr. Keith G. Holland Ms. Betty L. Holmes Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker Hunter Chevrolet/Hunter Automotive Group Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson Ms. Barbara C. Lucas Dr. and Mrs. Dan G. Lunsford Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McConnell Ms. Susan H. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Jim McAbee Mrs. Eleanora Meloun Mr. and Mrs. Richard Morrison Morrow Insurance Agency, Inc. Mrs. Janet Newman Mrs. Betty Ann S. Oates Ms. Judith S. Parham Mrs. Alice Porter Mr. Don D. Rice Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Schwuchow, III Smart Start of Henderson County, Inc. Mr. J. Michael Smith Mr. and Mrs. David Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Karl W. Volz Mr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Whitmire Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams Mr. and Mrs. Ed Zunich Nancy Rand Elizabeth Abernathy Hal Rather Mrs. Clara C. Wood Toni Reese Dr. and Mrs. John L. Kinlaw Mary Lou Nunnery Roberts Dr. Joe Sparks

Ms. Ashley Blevins Mr. and Mrs. E. James Doar Mr. and Mrs. DeWitt Dowdle Mr. John P. Frier Ms. Kelsey Jensen Mr. and Mrs. Steve Johnson Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J. LeStrange Mrs. Nancy Meister Ms. Helen Pike PROCOM Mr. and Mrs. Richard Strippel Mr. and Mrs. William H. Waggoner Jacob Swanson Ms. Rachel Herold Connie Vandenberg Mr. and Mrs. Edward Frenier Dr. and Mrs. William T. Garrison Ms. Marcia Grant Mrs. Dorothy D. Marlow Ms. Shirley McGee Mr. and Mrs. Allen Smith Jay Walker Mrs. Peggy McKibbin Trinity Presbyterian Women

Mary Garrison Mrs. Dorothy D. Marlow Gervais & Laura Hollowell Croghan’s Jewel Box, Inc. Jeanie Hudgins & Elmetta Linder Mr. and Mrs. Jim McAbee Audrey Humleker Ms. Debra Campbell Jana Johnson Humleker Mrs. Teddi Segal Don and Pat Jones 50th Anniversary Mrs. Dorothy D. Marlow Korzen and Frier Family Ms. Mary Ellen Frier

Clair Watkins Ms. Lori Adams

Dr. William Lampley’s 91st Birthday Mrs. Frances O. Sherman

Tom Wilson Mr. Charles D. Bushnell

Marian Lowry Mrs. Frances O. Sherman

Honorariums (Gifts given 7/1/11-6/30/12) The Community Foundation accepts gifts in honor of friends and family. This year, the Community Foundation received gifts honoring the following people:

Linda J. Rollins Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Baluha Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McConnell

Mr. James Blanton Mr. Andre Arrouet

Francis O. (Francee) Sherman Ms. Barbara Bandayga Mr. and Mrs. Rex Bandayga

Derek Campano Mr. Luis Garcia Mr. and Mrs. William Humleker

Kristen Sue Shetterly Mr. and Mrs. John Derr

Balus Chastain Birthday Mr. and Mrs. John Kiser Mr. Alfred T. Kuhnemann Harshaw Trane D.J. Brady

Robert (Bob) Henry Strippel Mr. and Mrs. Roger Aul Mr. and Mrs. Mart G. Baldwin

Don Dixon’s 80th Birthday Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Roger Conklin Mr. and Mrs. Buddy Dixon Mr. and Mrs. Donald Henderson Sandy Edwards Ms. Joyce Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Walter

Dot Marlow’s 80th Birthday Mr. and Mrs. McCray V. Benson Jeff and Brenda Brock C L & S H Byrd Mr. and Mrs. Ken Calhoun Dr. Anne Edmunds William & Mary Garrison Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gooch Mr. Jim Miller Mr. and Mrs. Jim McAbee Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McConnell Mrs. Mary Lyne Morrissey Mrs. Betty Jean Nanney Mrs. Barbara Payne Ms. Patricia S. Propst TTEE Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shore Mr. Ross Sloan Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Songer Mr. and Mrs. John Spears Mr. Kenneth Swayze

Ms. Ruth Anne Veazey Ms. Helen J. Waddell Mr. and Mrs. Malvern S. West Dr. and Mrs. W. Elliott White Mrs. Mary Ruth C. Wilson Libby Miller Ms. Alice Cromer Hannah-Piper Moore Mrs. Randalle Moore Valorie Marlow Songer–Elementary School “Volunteer of the Year” Mrs. Dorothy D. Marlow Mr. & Mrs. Donald Thompson, Sr. Mrs. Pamela Maxwell Walter Triplett–my father, a pilot Ms. Kathy Triplett Waddell Family Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Blatt Sandy Wagoner Mr. and Mrs. Donald N. Henderson

2,097 Thirty-eight names were added to the Book of Memory and 21 names were added as Honorariums in 2011-2012. You can see all 2,097 names in the Foundation office.


30 Years of Inspired Giving

and the story continues with donors like you...

Mission Helping people who care make lasting contributions to causes that matter. Vision Statement The Community Foundation of Henderson County is a highly visible, philanthropic leader directed by an engaged and committed board, staffed by qualified employees, empowering donors at all levels to invest in professionally managed charitable funds that address community needs.

Confirmed in compliance with National Standards for U.S. Community Foundations.

Physical address: 401 N. Main Street, Suite 301 Hendersonville, NC 28792 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1108 Hendersonville, NC 28793 Phone: (828) 697-6224 Fax: (828) 696-4026 E-mail: info@CFHCforever.org Website: www.CFHCforever.org Tax ID#: 56-1330792

Report Credits:

Editor: Lee Henderson-Hill Foundation Relations Manager, Community Foundation of Henderson County Design: Market Connections Asheville, NC www.mktconnections.com Photography: Mike Belleme www.mikebelleme.com

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