Health Management

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December Issue 2013

“Ordinary people are beautiful people”




Take your health to the next level with the 20:20 HMP (page 17)


(page 8)

NEW YEAR NEW YOU! An Interview with Anne-­‐Marie Riccardi (page 12) Learning more about the person behind the 20:20 Healing Arts Centre.

20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)

120 years old?

FREE Diamante Glass Nail File (worth £8)

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An Interview with Anne-Marie Riccardi Learning more about the person behind the 20:20 Healing Arts Centre.


22 18 20 11

Inspirational People

Introducing four inspiraConal people associated with the 20:20 Healing Arts Centre


Working closely with Doctors and scienCsts to produce products, which are highly bio-­‐effecCve, truly innovaCve and backed by research and studies.


From exisCng members and clients that are either one year through the Health Management Programme or have just started and already seen results.


Will 2014 by your year? Find out in our latest horoscope page.


12 20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)



14 12 22

Merry Christmas - Celeb Gossip Celebrity gossip, Healthy recipes and more!

An Interview with Anne-Marie Riccardi Learning more about the person behind the 20:20 Healing Arts Centre.

Inspirational People

Introducing four inspiraConal people associated with the 20:20 Healing Arts Centre


9 8 10 4


Learn about 7 year cycles

Will you live to 120 years old? Are we supposed to live unCl we are 120?

2014 Metaphysics

Explore the understanding of 2014’s metaphysics?

Take Ownership

Take Ownership of your own health -­‐ Modules 1 to 4 and how to sign up to the Health Management Programme


Health Management Programme

Ownership Take

of your own health with the



e all know health is a massive issue in This programme will provide you with researched today’s society and we know that and grounded tools to be able to take you on your many of the populaCon are suffering own journey of vitality and growth giving you an from what we call “health problems” insight to your own energeCc blueprint which has and there are a huge number of us who want to been brought through your ancestral line and the be able to manage our own health. So what is knowledge of which can be passed onto your health; “Is health the state of being free from children. This programme is designed to educate illness or injury, or the state of complete physical, each and every one of us in a unique bespoke mental and social well-­‐being and not merely the existence of humanity. absence of disease or infirmity?” Everyone has his or her own definiCon of health, but the quesCon is what is Health Management? – Maybe the state of which a person’s health needs medical advice or being able to manage your own health. B u t w h a t d o e s t h i s a c t u a l l y m e a n ? Health Management is the field relaCng to leadership, management, and administraCon of he 20:20 HMP has four key stages an public health systems, health care systems, individual will embark on with a trained hospitals and hospital networks. Health care 20:20 pracCConer. The HMP offers an administraCons are considered health care insight into an individual’s current health professionals. With this knowledge what the and wellbeing – from the inside out from a 20:20 Health Management Programme is holisCc healthcare standpoint. The HMP involves providing is a step towards your own health tests and tools from a range of bio-­‐energy management to take leadership of your health, to feedback devices as well as specialist 20:20 manage your own well being and to be able to pracCConer knowledge to show tangible results. refer to the public health systems; hospitals and hospital networks to provide you with the knowledge and understanding of how to achieve The HMP’s first step to achieving opCmum health opCmum health levels. is a Food Intolerance and Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency test. The second stage looks at stress management, the third invesCgates sound therapy and the whole physical being, and the an i nnova0ve p rogramme final explores energy pajerns and blockages of developed and conceived by the energy fields. The 20:20 Health Management Programme is for anyone wishing to gain support in dealing with a chronic illness or disease or to enhance his or her h e 2 0 : 2 0 H e a l t h M a n a g e m e n t health from a holisCc perspecCve. The HMP looks Programme (HMP) is an innovaCve at the mind, body and soul of a client to help programme developed and conceived by them experience vibrant health and vitality. There Anne-­‐Marie Riccardi and was founded is one thing to always remember when going iniCally in 2005. With modern technology and through this journey that “Ordinary people are ancient wisdom bridging the gap of science and beau0ful people” – don’t worry about what you metaphysics in 2013 the 20:20 Health look like, anything is possible we will guide you Management Programme was created and through building confidence, gaining knowledge established within the first centre of its kind 20:20 and fulfilling your aspiraCons. Healing Arts Centre.

Ordinary people are

beau0ful people.


Anne-­‐Marie Riccardi.

Page 4

20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)


Modules S 1&2


ood intolerances are more common than food allergies. The symptoms of food intolerance tend to come on more slowly, oken many hours aker eaCng the problem food. Typical symptoms include bloaCng and stomach cramps. It’s possible to be intolerant to several different foods. This can make it difficult to idenCfy which foods are causing the problem. Food intolerances can also be difficult to tell apart from other digesCve disorders that can produce similar symptoms, such as inflammatory bowel disease, gastrointesCnal obstrucCons or Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). The 20:20 Health Management Programme, includes ‘Food Intolerance and Vitamin and Mineral deficiency tesCng as our first key module, It is acknowledged that food intolerance is responsible for the majority of adverse reacCons to food and is considered pandemic. As part of the Health Management Programme, the 20:20 PracCConers are tesCng to seek out the biochemical individual state of a person. Intolerances tend to increase with advancing age. As a person ages he/she tends to have a weakened immune system. The ageing process consists of the degeneraCon of organs and the accumulaCon over Cme of toxic substances, which overload the body. EmoCons, parCcularly if not processed, can lead to a diminished immune system funcCon as well as physical stress or heavy physical exercise which can lead to the increase of nutrient requirements.

Seeking the biochemical state of an individual person

Health Management

tress management refers to the wide s p e c t r u m o f t e c h n i q u e s a n d psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person's levels of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of improving everyday funcConing. The Health Management Programme can monitor stress using the HeartMath emWave® technology which is an innovaCve approach to improving wellness and facilitaCng personal growth based on learning to change your heart rhythm pajern to create coherence; scienCfically measurable state characterised by increased order and harmony in our psychological and physiological processes. EmWave® technology collects pulse data through a pulse sensor and translates the informaCon from your heart rhythms into graphics on your computer or into easy-­‐to-­‐follow lights on the portable emWave2. Used just a few minutes a day, this simple-­‐to-­‐use technology helps you transform feelings of anger, anxiety or frustraCon into more peace, ease and clarity.

Changing your heart rhythm paBern to create coherence

The Health Management Programme will show you how to use your emWave® device but also will show and teach you some techniques in which you can take away with you and use in your everyday life to be able to control those uncontrollable emoCons that occur in difficult situaCons.

Food Intolerance & Stress Management Modules 1 & 2

Page 5

Vibro-­‐acous0c sound, light and sense therapy

Modules Health Management


We believe that we are showing up an energy interac0on with light, which is giving us an insight into the energy counter-­‐part, the etheric template on which our physical molecules are strung.


sing tools like the AquaVibe we start to bring in a more spiritual pracCce to the Health Management Programme. Using sound, light and sense therapies to be able to help connect with our inner selves. The AquaVibe is non-­‐invasive apparatus that uses frequency, vibraCon, sound and light to enable a person to reach a natural state of relaxaCon. The AquaVibes’ ability to balance and relax the body is accomplished by a direct affect on three major areas by balancing the parasympatheCc and sympatheCc parts of the autonomic nervous system; de-­‐stressing and detoxifying the whole body physically, mentally and emoConally. It delivers the sound vibraCons of music and pure sinusoidal waves through a liquid membrane on which the parCcipant lays on. The use of light pulses and binaural beats integrated with these vibraCons, help to posiCvely influence the mind, through a process known as ‘brain wave entrainment’, producing a deep mind and body relaxaCon. n the late 1980’s, using microchip technology, Dr Harry Oldfield developed a scanner, which could provide a real Cme moving image of the energy field. He believed that the future of analysis lay in finding an effecCve scanner, which can ‘see’ imbalances in the energy field rather than disease in the physical body. The Health Management Programme uses this New Energy Vision system for our energy interference pajerning therapies, alongside our Body Mapping and 20:20 SemanCc Circuitry sessions, this is the forth key module helping you to really see deep within yourself and recognising the blockages that occur in your past, your present and into the near future.

~ Dr Harry Oldfield On average, every atom in the human body is replaced every seven years. Think of your body not as a physical structure, but as a moving fountain of molecules that are constantly being replaced. So what keeps them in a coherent recognisable form?


Vibro-Acoustics & Energy Vision Modules 3 & 4 Page 6

20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)

Health Management Programme


Call us today

02030151018 for further enquires


Corporate Packages Bespoke Memberships Higher EducaCon & Schools

ker taking a look at the 4 modules within the Health Management Programme, you can begin to understand the relevance of your own health and taking that ownership on for yourself. Once you have understood t h i s t h e n t h e 2 0 : 2 0 H e a l t h Management Programme can begin to take you onto the next step where there are more pracCces and therapies and opportuniCes that will take you deeper into your journey towards opCmum health.


he Health Management Programme is accessible to everyone including business and schools. You are able to do several things with this programme. This could be that you want to place the Health Management Programme in your school to help students achieve top quality results. You may want to give the Health Management modules to staff as rewards for high achievements or for those more close to home whom want to achieve outstanding levels of health or achieve goals they thought they never would. The 20:20 Team will help you decide what bespoke package is suitable for you and those around you wishing to join up. Taking that first step to owning your own health plan and invesCng in a future for you and those who will follow, then start b y g i v i n g u s a c a l l o n 02030151018, where you can speak to a 20:20 pracCConer on a more personal basis and see what package is right for you.

Live to 120



years old?

Page 8

v  Emphasis on strong family values v  Strong community values v  Exclusively plant based diets v  Whole food lifestyles focused on fruits and veggies v  Antioxidants and anti-aging herbs are plentiful v  Daily benefits of physical exercise v  Everyone knows how to deal with stress v  All the elders and centenarians still work v  Daily consumption of small amounts of alcohol v  A sense of purpose in life (Ikigai is the Japanese word for this) v  Spirituality is part of life in all of the blue zones v  A c o m p l e t e a b s e n c e o f smoking and obesity v  Everyone knows the benefits of a positive attitude

20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)

Since Biblical Cmes it has been cited that humans have lived unCl 120. Source Genesis 6:3 and the age of Moses upon his death lay 120 years old. It is commonly known that the Ashkenazi Jews have a geneCc propensity for a longer life and new research indicates that Ecuadorian villagers who have likely descended from Sephardi Jews are also geneCcally protected from diseases linked to aging. In the 1930s it was commonly recorded that death occurred due to trauma or illness, in todays Cmes modern advancement in medicine means that we are able to save lives and prevent certain diseases, however does this mean our longevity of life has improved? How many of us today would say that we could or would want to live to 120? What springs to mind of a 120 year old, not the jolly, vibrant happy face of a wise old relaCve but whether we would have our faculCes or the physical ability to do just that which makes us happy. Instead we conjure up images of siwng, perhaps rocking insanely in a corner of a room puwng our lives in the hands of the ones we love. Do we want this? Of course not. So what’s changed? Has it changed? If we cited the fact in Biblical Cmes that this was achievable why has this age not increased. In a Western World we no longer gain the nutrients in food we require to achieve this, we suffer an increased impact on our health through the release of chemicals in our bodies caused by stress factors in everyday life. We are trying to translate the knowledge of the ancients into a pharmacological intervenCon. But is it drugs we want ? No, we need to believe that it is a c h i e v a b l e t h r o u g h d r u g f r e e m i n d f u l n e s s . By improving your lifestyle, people can look and feel bejer at every age and add 7 years to their life expectancy firstly, by just having a purpose. Something called the Danish Twin Studies established that less than 25% of how long the average person lives is dictated by genes. In other words, most of how long and how well you live is up to you. There are some advantages though, this is down to genes and believe it or not the environment you live in. We have the potenCal to extend healthy life by having a more posiCve and knowledgeable approach to life. The Blue Zone countries where scienCsts have recorded areas for longevity of life have researched the reasons why. Even people in the Blue Zones experience stress. Stress leads to chronic inflammaCon, associated with every major age-­‐related disease. What the world’s longest-­‐lived people have that we don’t in the West are rouCnes to shed that stress. Okinawans take a few moments each day to remember their ancestors, AdvenCsts pray, Ikarians take a nap and Sardinians do happy hour.

Certain lifestyle habits were found to be common practices in blue zone societies:

2013- 2020




In the beginning … year 2013 the 20:20 healing arts centre was born to create opCmum health levels for those who took ownership. Seven years from now will take us to the year 2020, a complete circle for a perfect vision. Throughout the Bible the number seven appears repeatedly as a symbol of divine perfecCon. Scriptures speak of God’s divine perfecCon and perfect order. 20:20’s Module four takes you through an important part of awareness which is to map the mind and the body over every 7 years of age up to today. Why do we do this? The simple answer is one of the future. To promote longevity of life and renew every cell in your body you will need to understand how you processed every 7 years you have been alive in the past to ensure that you are ready to move forward into the future to reduce any disharmonious factors. The body mapping module four will uncover any un-­‐processed blockages which could prevent you from being able to heal or move forward enabling the ageing process to flow at the correct rate, allowing the physical body to break down naturally and the energeCc body or soul to ascend. This is where you would see a great Master at peace with oneself. The SemanCc Circuitry covers the following 10 Cmes 7 years and their associated cellular design and psychological design. Once one has mastered the 10 Cmes 7 years semanCc circuitry enlightenment ascends the soul and the physical body is able to break down naturally in peace.

7 Year Semantic Circuitry: 0-7 years of age 7-14 years of age 14-21 years of age 21-28 years of age 28-35 years of age 35-42 years of age 42-49 years of age 49-56 years of age 56-63 years of age 63-70 years of age

associated state of being = associated state of being = associated state of being = associated state of being = associated state of being = associated state of being = associated state of being = associated state of being = associated state of being = associated state of being =

without within others social settling awareness consciousness practicing inner self enlightenment

To find out more about your semanCc circuitry please contact 20:20.

Page 9

2014 is a key phase for allowing you to coherently create the Earth you desire and energeCcally iniCates the true phase into what is termed the ‘Age of Aquarius’, the true beginning of the Aquarian Shik. For the New Year if your present situaCon does not suit you, then make the concerted effort to Prophecy, Prediction and Planetary Alignment take the acCon of change. 2014 is offering you enhanced opportuniCes, simply open the doors and let the energy flow and take acCon. RelaConships will need to be defined and re-­‐ determined. An effecCve exploraCon of such employs a requisite of total honesty in all forms of companionship. The coded phases of 2014 afford energies that peculate trapped feelings, hidden emoCons to the surface and expose fundamental truths. These are actual frequencies that can create crucible effects for those choosing impeccability. And it is always a choice, whether to achieve clarity or remain in conflicted projecCon. Greater cleaning, greater consciousness of “Integrity” is absolutely achievable for the serious seeker in the harmonic phases of 2014. So what does all this mean? End this year of 2013 was a challenging Cme for every human challenges in 2013, with the knowing and power being going through their own personal that this was simply establishing a pathway to a development, life challenges and relaConship more harmonious and conscious evolving global integraCon to a greater or lesser degree. human consciousness. It is Cme to flow and Whether, you looked to astrology, spirituality or embrace a coming year of great change and even a more grounded fundamental aspect to awareness. There is a new energy on the alleviate stresses through financial aspects or planet. Finalise, the seeds you planted in 2013 materialisCc avenues none of these were bring the idea, the conscious mind into fruiCon wrong. Put simply we are all on a learning curve and manifest the energeCc physical reality. and life just throws these challenges at you to Whether this be a commitment to roles of enable your being to evolve and heighten leadership, wriCng a book, expressing your awareness through conscious channels and inner arCstry … 2014 will be the Cme of acCon physical experiences. and manifestaCon. The energy will support your highest good. 2014 is bringing a new paradigm and awareness which will evolve human-­‐beings to an even In 2014 you must take your second wind and higher funcConing capacity. And so as we end a polish your ability to operate in the New Earth. challenging 2013 we begin a new 2014 where You will take on new missions. It is Cme to each and every one of you are blessed with a gather together and meditate in coherent union nurturing energy and with the field of self-­‐ for creaCng the New Earth, a Planet of Peace empowerment you are truly Masters on your and Spiritual well-­‐being. It is Cme to uClize the own path of individual Ascension. During this enhanced creaCve abiliCes offered in the next year it is requisite for evoluCon and human Aquarian Shik and raise conscious awareness to survival through consciousness for each a new level. individual to decide what is true and what is not, based on heart and NOT FEAR. No true Global health and well-­‐being through every sacred expression limits its truth or its beauty. individual and 20:20 perfect vision is absolutely definite and most certainly achievable to This year offers everyone an opportunity to manifest into the physical World. 2014 is the choose to live free, to choose to release worry year of AWARENESS and BENEVOLENCE start it and fear, and create your own well-­‐being. 2014 now !



Find out more at



It's been an incredible year of twists and turns, but there could sCll be upsets in the rouCne as three of the lunaCon's in December fall in Mutable Signs. Uranus, the planet of the unexpected, turns direct midmonth. Riding on the tail of what could be sudden news is a versaCle Gemini Full Moon.




(21 January – 19 February)

(20 February – 20 March)

(21 March – 20 April)

The Full Moon on December 17 brings you extra authority and respect in the world. Be true to the "you" in the mirror, and then do good things for other s. Be respectfully cautious with money around December 24 and you'll have resources at hand if you decide to help someone out.

The Full Moon on December 17 promises good times and warm feelings with friends and family. Cherish every minute in this busy holiday season. If tempers flare around you on December 24, step out of the line of fire and quietly appeal to calmer heads who are also trying to lay low.

The Full Moon on December 17 brings you many pleasures at home and a few more pressures at work. Just maintain your balance and things will be fine. Tomorrow will be smoother.




(21 April – 21 May)

(22 May – 21 June)

(22 June – 23 July)

There will be endless opportunities to expand your mind, learn, and improve your perspective this month. The Full Moon on December 17 shines brightly on you and your friends, and promises cozy times at home. Make the most of this while holiday preparations heat up.

Others may try to burden you with their problems or expectations around the Full Moon of December 17, so pay attention and be kind, but don't get run over. You may also crave more social excitement, which is fine if things don't get out of hand.

You own the Full Moon on December 17, so shine and take on all corners with a smile. You might get tossed into the spotlight between Christmas and New Year's Eve. React with energy and eagerness to do whatever is appropriate.




(24 July – 23 August)

(24 August – 23 September)

(24 September – 23 October)

Don't be lured into being selfabsorbed or suspicious. Let good people be good to you. Take care about expenses during and immediately after the Full Moon on December 17, however. Avoid misunderstandings, as any disagreement could turn needlessly nasty.

If it's too much, the noise is too loud, or you're not in the mood, respectfully bow out and don't get overloaded. Money may come and go and come again around December 23 and December 24 if you stay alert and remain willing to listen.

The Full Moon on December 17 shines on workplace and home alike, so let others provide the drama and you provide the quiet and safe space. Be sharp on December 24 and December 25. Don't be drawn into any unnecessary battles.




(24 October – 22 November)

(23 November – 21 December)

(22 December – 20 January)

The Full Moon on December 17 brings something or someone exotic into your home or circle of friends. A few sparks might fly socially around December 24, but stay low-key and let things blow over on their own.

The Full Moon on December 17 could bring helpful people with answers to a problem you didn't even know you had. Being more socially available to casual friends c a n b e h e l p f u l a s we l l a s comforting.

The Full Moon on December 17 may bring true love - or simply many temporary admirers. Enjoy the flattery and don't take it to heart, unless it sincerely and deeply touches you.

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nne-­‐Marie has over 28 years’ experience in the healthcare and medicine industries. StarCng work in a large pharmaceuCcal company gaining the knowledge required for taking pharmaceuCcal products from molecule to marketplace. Working in the Research and Development Department she discovered the effects and use for paCents in orthodox medicine. The placebo effect was the iniCator for her to start research into complimentary medicine using Kirlian photography to produce tangible scienCfic evidence for the clients and documentaCon to support the work. In 2005 Anne-­‐Marie set-­‐up her first business in the healing arts field, working parCcularly, on the research of energy therapies and bio-­‐energy feedback systems. Anne-­‐Marie eventually went on to work for the NHS in A&E at The Royal London Hospital. Anne-­‐Marie has gained an extensive background in knowledge on both orthodox and complimentary medicine, as well as providing research material for esoteric therapies and treatments. The establishment of the 20:20 Healing Arts Centre is to provide a service for clients to become educated and thus take on their own process of opCmum health and well-­‐being. Anne-­‐Marie is always seeking to learn and become knowledgeable in the naturopathic and esoteric fields and to bring this educaCon to her clients. ConCnuous research with scienCsts, doctors and pracCConers are on-­‐going projects with the results to be used in relaCon to the future of metaphysics and higher consciousness.

An Interview with

Anne-Marie Riccardi An insight to a world with Anne-Marie uncovering some interesting answers.

So I would like to begin by asking you some quesCons about what you are doing now and some interesCng quesCons that might not the normal quesCons to ask. So, Why health? Why help people, make people live longer? What is the purpose of helping, in your view? Well, having a purpose has been told to add 7 years to your life. However, my goal and purpose is to help everyone live more vibrantly to experience life more posiCvely. Ok, so what daily ritual do you perform makes you feel the safest, and why? A p e r s o n a l i z e d b r e a t h i n g technique, that sends messages to my brain which enables me to feel less confused and out of s o r t s o n t h e o u t s i d e 3 dimensional World. Right, so what is something you have learned during the past 10 years? Err, well the major aspect I have l e a r n t o v e r 1 0 y e a r s o f experience of repeaCng pajerns is that the only person to help you to be able to reach your desires and goals in life is yourself! To take ownership of your life and that which you wish to achieve will help you live longer and happier. And then when you have accomplished this simple art in life I reckon this will flow out to everyone you meet and be mimicked, helping to heal relaConships. Why are we here? Or why do you think we are here? I think we all have a purpose in life and that is one of an energeCc value, if we are to assume that we are our own created Universe our purpose would be to direct and bring vitality to each cell in our bodies to live opCmally for our physical vehicle the body. We are all interconnected, I think for a greater purpose which is beyond our 3 dimensional world and this

is what is aiding us to be alive. The quesCon I believe is whether we are conscious of this or not. Do you define a limit to how clearly the idea or concept is conveyed in your work, and do you consciously change where this limit is when you jump from spirituality to basic health? No, there is no limit on how to convey an idea as this would not exist within a unilateral field. Well this answer fits for spirituality however, but basic health is based on bio-­‐chemistry within the body and balance between the harmonious and the dis-­‐harmony creaCng dis-­‐ease. There are limits within health and w e l l -­‐ b e i n g w h i c h c a n b e addressed without intervenCon and the bodies own healing capabiliCes are key to this. P h i l o s o p h i c a l E d u c a C o n intrinsically links this both personally and in my work and this is what drives my passion a n d e n e r g y t o l i m i t l e s s expectaCons! So can you tell me a liFle about your unrealized projects? Erm, now this is top secret! All I can say is that the unrealized projects will become a realizaCon in the near future. Although I can say that In the beginning …. The fi r s t w o r d s i n t h e B i b l e represents the prologue to a fascinaCng and collaboraCve piece of work through the ages. Life has no Cme limits and we spoke about limitaCons, the projects which are evolving will certainly be realized in 2014. A year of bringing the sowing of s e e d s a n d c r e a C v i t y i n t o manifestaCon and vibrancy. Perhaps a mixture of philosophy and prophecy are at the heart of these projects as well as a global coherence and awareness phase. I hope that answers your quesCon enough?

InteresIng, so moving on if you were sent to prison, what would be your crime? Rebellion, I live a very Stoic life this in some cases may be considered a crime haha. You are making a Ime capsule that you will bury in your backyard and dig up on your 90th birthday. What are the five most important things you put in it? Good quesCon. This is in no parCcular order and an absolute off the cuff response – it could change tomorrow. My anCque Benefits book by Lucius Seneca A photo of my beauCful girls Oscar my crystal skull energized during research with Dr Harry Oldfield A brush A copy of the first ediCon Health M a n a g e m e n t P r o g r a m m e Magazine If you were told that you had to live inside any work of art, which would you choose? A piece by Salvador Dali called Galatea of the Spheres, this represents the fragments of my mind and the metaphysical World in which I exist. What quesIon would you like to ask yourself? Well, I ask myself Why? All the Cme

Page 13

Daily Microfoliant (75g) Dermalogica £40

Lulu Aged 65

Treat your skin from the neck down Whatever you do on your face, do on your neck and chest, too— whether it’s exfoliaCng, using brighteners, or applying sunscreen, When a celebrity goes strapless or does nude scenes, it looks bad if her face is clear and her chest is spojed with sun damage.

THE GREAT GATSBY­‐healingartscentre

Page 14

20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)

If you’ve been wondering how the make-­‐up arCsts achieved that glamorous glowing complexion in the film The Great Gatsby, we have the expert Cp hot off the press! Diane DusCng (Dermalogica Make Up Ambassador) credits the actors dewy Great Gatsby complexion to Dermalogica. The key products in Diane’s makeup kit were; Dermalogica Total Eye Care Dermalogica UltraCalming Serum Dermalogica UltraCalming Mist Dermalogica SkinPerfect Primer To try Diane’s top products and achieve The Great Gatsby glow, visit -­‐:

Kian the King of the Jungle

Well Done Kian for Winning King of the Jungle. We were rouCng for you from the star CongratulaCons.

eek w e h t f o Recipe

Baked eggs with spinach & tomato Prep: 5mins Cook: 15mins

Serves 4

A rustic dish with a delicious combination of flavors and just four ingredients, try whipping it up for brunch

Ingredients 100g bag spinach 400g can chopped tomatoes 1 tsp chilli flakes 4 eggs

Victoria Beckham and Kaley Cuoco enjoy using Dermalogica

Method 1.  Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put the spinach into a colander, then pour over a kejle of boiling water to wilt the leaves. Squeeze out excess water and divide between 4 small ovenproof dishes. 2.  Mix the tomatoes with the chilli flakes and some seasoning, then add to the dishes with the spinach. Make a small well in the centre of each and crack in an egg. Bake for 12-­‐15 mins or more depending on how you like your eggs. Serve with crusty bread, if you like. Recipe from BBC Good Food

Page 15



LAUNCHING In 2014 people across the World will join in global Coherence drawing spiritual sustenance from conscious awakening. The 20:20 Healing Arts Centre launches its 2nd year in the cyclical 7 year circuitry of renewal and perfect vision. WHAT WILL YOU SEE?-

•  •  •  •  •

Events Charitable Work Books Articles through magazines Research Projects

And the all new 20:20 Health Management Programme packages : •  On-line memberships •  Bespoke memberships •  Corporate packages •  Higher Education and Schools •  Government awareness schemes

Invest £1 a day For One Whole Year Everyone looks at invesCng into their future whether that be going to university, invesCng into a house with a mortgage, building asset and savings. One thing people need to be looking at is their health by paying £1 a day for one whole year you will be invesCng into a life full of energy, vibrancy and flow.


Sign up for the 20:20 Health Management Programme and

receive 10% OFF when presenting this code QCH6LO

Your 4 step Health Management Programme includes: Food Intolerance Balance your bio-chemisty

Stress Management Synchronise your heart and mind

Sound Therapy Relax and heal your body

Body Mapping Clear your energy blockages



heir major shareholder is a charitable organisaCon and they make regular donaCons of supplements to chariCes and those in need. Aiming to make a significant contribuCon to the health of their customers and this is more important to them than profit. A number of there projects include: a variety of acCviCes in northeast India, amongst orphanages and local communiCes, including self empowerment opportuniCes, and healthcare for the poor. In Africa they are involved in feeding programs and research concerning HIV and Established 1990 nutriCon. Closer to home they are helping with the renovaCon of the local village pond to encourage wildlife. ytoplan is a unique science-­‐based supplement company exclusively supplying the needs of health care professionals and their paCents. Cytoplan was founded in 1990, by pracCConers with many y e a r s e x p e r i e n c e i n n u t r i C o n s c i e n c e . Cytoplan is BriCsh owned, independent, and ll their products are conceived by owned by a charitable foundaCon. It’s mission has common sense, grounded in science and always been to impart knowledge to individuals in proven with results. Cytoplan products order that they are empowered to make choices are for those who are serious about in the field of nutriCon. With an overall aim to health, trust that nature holds the key to real help with opCmising the health of the naCon, and health and want a company they can believe in. this is the goal of the charitable foundaCon that They currently have in excess of 3,500 owns the shares. pracCConers and medical Doctors ordering from Cytoplan. Their unique Food State nutrients, One of the main outcomes from the loss of where vitamins and minerals are grown into food biodiversity on the planet, through intensive concentrates in a process that replicates Nature, farming etc. has been the loss to people of many is also environmentally friendly. The same is true mineral nutrients. In supplying “Food State” of the Wholefood and Bio food ranges. In fact, all products, they believe they can help re-­‐dress this their products meet this criterion. Food nutriCon imbalance in people in the best way supplements do not qualify for the ‘Fair Trade’ possible. With Cytoplan being a leader in the field logo: however, they are acCvely supporCng this of food-­‐based supplementaCon for many years principle. By making available fair-­‐trade products they emphasis on the quality, innovaCon and including tea and coffee for their personnel. efficacy of their product. Working closely with Doctors and scienCsts to produce products, which are highly bio-­‐effecCve, truly innovaCve and backed by research and studies.

Cytoplan C


Was founded in 1990 by prac00oners with many years experience

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When ordering your Cytoplan Products Use promo0onal code: RA10 To get 10% OFF

20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)



ood State nutrients are combined in a variety of appropriate food bases to ensure they come complete with the phytonutrients and associated food factors that are necessary for opCmal absorpCon and use in the body. This includes carrot concentrate for beta carotene, citrus pulp for vitamin C, and lactobacillus bulgaricus for B vitamins, as each base would naturally contain levels of the same nutrient. All of these products are gentle and effecCve. Most are suitable for vegans and vegetarians, but those that use lactobacillus bulgaricus are only suitable for vegetarians as the original strains of probioCc were isolated from yoghurt. Wholefood products are unique in that they are made from hydroponically grown brassica, a member of the broccoli family of vegetables. This plant is an edible species which has a great capacity to bio-­‐accumulate high levels of minerals to enable good levels to be achieved in small doses of supplementaCon. These are the only genuine wholefood supplement products on the market, and early research tesCfies to their superb bio-­‐efficacy. All the wholefood products use food metabolic pathways, are suitable for vegans and in capsules. Both Food State and Wholefood nutrients are used by the body in the same way as food nutrients. Dawn of a new era -­‐ Wholefood nutrients These are the only genuine wholefood supplement products on the market, and early research tes0fies to their superb bio-­‐efficacy. For the past 30 years we have promoted the philosophy that nutrients are best delivered to the body in the same form as those in food, i.e. in a Food State or food complex. From lone pioneers some 30 years ago, we now sit in a more comfortable posiCon of endorsing established science. Many recent research papers have ajested to the safety and effecCveness of nutrients in whole foods, and at the same Cme highlighted the fact that isolated nutrients very oken do not have the same beneficial effect. Their philosophy and message was founded on the simple logic that our bodies are designed to eat food and uClise its components for the maintenance of life. Our bodies are not designed to thrive on rocks or soil, but nutrients from these sources that have been bio transformed by plants. Some 30 years ago, one of the Directors was

fortunate to meet with the Directors of a company in America who were the pioneers of a unique range of Food State vitamin and mineral supplements. Food State products are “nutrients which are naturally and beneficially combined with appropriate natural food source materials” and were the first supplements to be sold “complete” with associated food factors and nutrients carriers “essenCal for absorpCon and use within the body”. Since that date, we have been selling these products to doctors, scienCsts and retail customers around the world. Our business has grown by word of mouth, as we rarely adverCse, and we have a strong and loyal following. At one Cme, Food State was described as being the “best kept secret in the health food industry”. Once people have tried Food State products and “experienced the difference”, they usually recommend us to their friends and stay with us for life. We sCll conCnue to sell Food State products. This is our most popular range and the nutrients are both gentle and highly bio-­‐effecCve.

When ordering your Cytoplan Products Use promo0onal code: RA10 To get 10% OFF

Page 19



Health Management

“The Food Intolerance test really opened my eyes as to how I can look a[er myself and my body so simply and easily. It made a real difference into my percep0on od the importance of dietary needs, with the kind staff who explained everything to me including the best way forward., which allowed me to live a beBer lifestyle.” Amelia “For me 20:20 Healing Arts is bringing together a very unique concept, high quality exper0se and resources in the area of health which I have never had access to before. It’s a journey I have started to not only improve my health but also to build my knowledge and understand that I believe is invaluable in the long term.” Nilash “It was fascina0ng to understand the results from my intolerance tests with Anne-­‐Marie, the whole session was done very simply and you are able to quickly iden0fy where changes can be made to both your diet and the supplements that you need to raise your energy levels.” Geoff “I had a consulta0on with Anne-­‐Marie Riccardi for a food intolerance test and I found her to be extremely professional and very experienced in her field. She took great care and due diligence throughout the consulta0on, and gave me an immense amount of confidence in her. I would definitely recommend her.”


“The Health Management Programme has been a really good experience. With various aspects to good health it’s great to cover them at one source as well. My greatest result has been able to reduce my blood pressure. I had been taking various natural supplements without the success I needed. With the HeartMath and an Aquavibe session I was able to achieve results I needed. Thanks to Anne-­‐Marie and her team for their holis0c & scien0fic approach to health as we see more frequently how modern conven0onal methods are failing!” Greg Page 20

20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)

“The 20:20 Healing Arts Centre is the first of its kind to offer specific individual, bespoke Health Management Programmes that combine both a holis0c and scien0fic approach to achieving op0mal health. It is truly unique.” Lynn


CAREERS Anyone Looking to join the 20:20 Team and Associates take a look at the listings below

JOBS Enrol today on the 20:20 Training Programme Secure your placement to get your business up and running. 4 Courses – 1 Business – 1-­‐2 years Training modules Module 1 Food Intolerance/Vitamin & Mineral TesCng – Dietx Ltd. Module 2 Stress Management – HeartMath UK Module 3 Sound Therapy and VibroacousCcs – 20:20 AquaVibe Ltd. Module 4 Energy Interference Pajerning – New Energy Vision – Oldfield Systems This course will take you through many levels of Naturopathic and Esoteric medicine. You will learn how to use cuwng edge technology of the heart, min, body and soul. This is supported by research and development in the scienCfic domain helping clients move into a state of opCmum health.

Beauty Therapist Required Dermalogica training provided Part-­‐Cme or Full-­‐Cme PosiCon Freelance work only Calling all

HolisCc HealthCare PracCConers

Part-­‐Cme or Full-­‐Cme Event and presentaCon opportuniCes Freelance work only


On-­‐going research project opportuniCes, in 2014 please apply in wriCng to


Company Associates Listing:

Dietx Ltd. HeartMath UK AquaVibe Ltd. Oldfield Systems Cytoplan Dermalogica

20:20 Practitioners Listing:

Anne-­‐Marie Riccardi Nicole Riccardi Sarah Meaden Su O’Hanlon 20:20 Associates Listing:

Fiona Gibson Gavin Andrews Louise Whitehead Adrian Walters Nigel Hutchings Harry Oldfield Dannie Lu Carr Esther AusCn Lynn Dicken CrisCna Rossi Stuart Muir Sheila Steptoe For All Enquires

Please call 02030151018

Page 21

H E A L T H & A R T

It is becoming more apparent t h a t H e a l t h a n d A r t a r e intrinsically linked. Within the G o v e r n m e n t g r o u p s a r e gathering to conduct a series of four meeCngs over the next six months on how government policy can improve wellbeing without increasing public expenditure. In each case expert witnesses will be quesConed by a panel of members at the House of Commons, and at the end of the series there will be a report covering each of the policy areas addressed, together with some general lessons. The first of these meeCngs will be on wellbeing and cultural policy: what can the government do to

i n c r e a s e t h e w e l l b e i n g generated by its subsidies to the arts? Within the next issues of the H e a l t h M a n a g e m e n t Programme Magazine and throughout 2014 we will be following arCsts and exhibiCng material through photography, film and sculpture at events. To k i c k -­‐ s t a r t i n t o 2 0 1 4 a n d awareness of art and health and well-­‐being we would like to introduce two photographers

w h o m u s e a r t t o e v o k e emoCon : whether that be through a healthy relaConship uniCng together in marriage or edgy portraiture and abstract images using digital media. Images through art evoke emoCon and through pracCcing heart intelligence and evoking posiCve emoCon health and well-­‐being has been seen to elevate energy levels and promote longer life expectancy.




CrisCna is a passionate Wedding and Portrait Photographer. Originally from Italy, she moved to London over 23 years ago. She started photography at a young age as a hobby and in recent years progressed into a career she adores. With a relaxed and friendly approach she makes the process of being photographed easy and enjoyable. For more informaCon please visit her website and look out for her work as an associate of 20:20. hjp://'

20:20 Healing Arts Centre (Company Reg No: 8149399)

When Scots-­‐born Stuart reCred early from corporate life, he was able to pursue a more creaCve path with his photography and art. He lives in West Sussex, UK and in Lenno, Lake Como, Italy from where he derives much of his inspiraCon. He enjoys capturing interesCng people in edgy portraiture and places which spark emoCon. In addiCon he produces abstract artworks in the digital medium. Stuart will be working with 20:20 to create abstract Kirlian images through art to evoke health and well-­‐being through the etheric field becoming visual. hjp://

H E A L T H & A R T D A N N I E L U C A R R

Dannie and Esther are two handpicked inspiring women from the world of film, art, theatre, fashion, mentorship, spirituality and more... 20:20 will be presenCng work inspired and created through a collaboraCon of trust, faith and guidance brought to fruiCon in 2014 with Anne-­‐Marie Riccardi, Dannie Lu Carr and Esther AusCn themselves. Look out for future ediCons of the Health Management Programme and events listed for 2014.

Inspirational People


Dannie Lu Carr is the Managing and ArCsCc Director of Flaming Poppy. Her work as a MulC-­‐Sector Business Consultant, Theatre & Film Director, AcCng Coach and Writer are all cross-­‐pollinated under the company. The main focus of Flaming Poppy is to combine the strengths of business and the arts, lek-­‐ brain and right-­‐brain thinking, and create a resilient ‘how to’ on gewng things innovaCve, dynamic and pracCcal. Most importantly, though, Dannie’s work is all about truth. When we don’t speak the truth in business, in poliCcs, in life, in art, in relaConships, and so forth, many of the most important conversaCons don’t actually take place. People get disgruntled, trust dissipates and we feel lousy, demoCvated, fake. Self-­‐ esteem drops, standards drop, morale drops, revenues drop, reputaCons drop. This means that truth is the only way to take people successfully forward. Renowned for her passion, drive and outspokenness, Dannie is personally sought aker for her effecCveness and ajenCon to detail with corporate business strategies, poliCcs, the public sector and creaCve projects alike. Her specialisms are in Truthful CommunicaCon, CollaboraCon, Leadership and CreaCvity. hjp://



Esther's passion and remit is personal transformaCon, facilitaCng healing and empowerment. This understanding gives her the freedom now to simply be who she is. To embrace and follow her Soul Purpose. Y e t t h e j o u r n e y s h e h a s t a k e n has required her to work on herself in order to become more aware of herself. Her journey has not always been easy because fear someCmes walked with her along with many painful experiences, sacrifices and challenges. Yet these served to be life's lessons which honed her to become who she is now. She wears many hats. She is a giked IntuiCve Healer and Consultant, Empowerment Speaker, Radio Broadcaster, Presenter and Author. She shares the above with you not to boast of her achievements but simply to impress upon you that YOU TOO CAN BECOME THE BEST THAT YOU CAN BE. hjp://

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