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2015 Spring

Chapter 0 - Logo Comparison

SIGMA NEW & OLD logo Comparison Although SIGMA logo has been renewed since we announced "SIGMA GLOBAL VISION" at Photokina 2012, we have noticed that the differences between the NEW logo and the OLD logo are almost indistinguishable. Thus, we created a guideline to help you distinguish them and avoid misuse accordingly.

SIGMA Corporate Logotype

New logo & Old logo comparison â‘



Here we have two logos. The one above is the NEW version and the one below is the OLD version. It's not easy to distinguish them at first glance, thus, we create the following comparisons for easy to understand.

SIGMA Corporate Logotype

New logo & Old logo comparison â‘Ą

Overlap the "M" & "A"

Overlap the "S"

Overlap the "G"

Here we provide a direct and much easier way to distinguish the two versions by overlaping one logo over another. Under the same placement, you will find the obvious diffeneces between the NEW and OLD logos.

SIGMA Corporate Logotype

New logo & Old logo comparison ③



The NEW SIGMA logo and OLD SIGMA logo have the same width: ■ Please follow the dotted line and you will find ① The spaces between letter " S" & "I" and "G" & "I" of the NEW logo are wider than the OLD logo. ② The shape of letter "S" and G" are slimer than the OLD logo.

SIGMA VI usage manual


The Revision of SIGMA CI Manual The first version of CI Manual provided formerly was created as “Global CI management”. However, there was no strict policy stipulating the usage of the corporate logo and the trademark symbol. Some confusions are therefore caused while the subsidiaries and regional distributors apply CI manual to promotional materials according to respective marketing and business customs. In view of unclear policy leading to confusion and a reduction in brand value of SIGMA, establishing further guideline is imperative. By exercising these manuals, we expect the brand image will be successfully strengthened and eventually clarify the direction of our brand.

There were three purposes of first edition of SIGMA CI Manual. 1. Understand and practice the CI manual. 2. Follow the minimum essentials which can be used frequently in many scenes, and share the ideas and experiences. 3. Confirming the effect by practicing the CI manual to your marketing activities.

In the first edition, in order to be thorough with the application of SIGMA corporate logotype, the product name and product symbol were anonymous. From 2013, the release of the products of new line and exclusive service such as Mount Conversion Service have led to marketing communication increase. Therefore, a comprehensive CI manualemerges as the times require.

This time, the major points of the revision are: Strengthen the SIGMA brand to give the same impression anytime, anywhere and to anyone. Establish the identity of individual product. Create further guideline for the application of trademark which may enhance corporate brand identity.

Therefore, we have worked on the “revision of CI manual “for completion.

The major modification: ・The priorities: Corporate logotype. ・The usage of SIGMA product name and product symbol. ・The application in regional marketing.

< Additional information can be sourced from our office > SIGMA CORPORATION Japan

Marketing Public Relations Division:044-989-7432 2-4-16 Kurigi, Asao-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 215-8530 Japan

SIGMA VI usage manual

SIGMA CI Architecture

Corporate logotype regulation The use of SIGMA logo on any communication related to corporate branding aims to give the same impression anytime, anywhere and to anyone. The logotype manual is created to achieve the identical impression.

Product and service identity SD series

Every camera, lens, series and even service has its individual identity. Each of them is positioned by SIGMA HQ based on the global mutual visual policy. Please note that the CI manual should be applied thoroughly to local promotional

dp series

Acceptable arrangement for local promotion Printed communications Online communications SNS Promotional items Booth design Co-branding

Concerning it will lead to difficulties to unify the rules in multiple regional markets which have their own their business and humanistic customs. In this case, the modification of basic item and tailor-made arrangements according to local market customs are acceptable under certain conditions. ・The arrangement shouldn’t conflict with the corporate logotype.

・The VI policy of the products and series shouldn’t be altered in any way. Grounded on those principles, the guideline for local promotion activities should be established. Nevertheless, sharing your idea with marketing team of HQ before creating your promotional materials is highly recommended.activities.

SIGMA VI usage manual

Index Branding

Corporate Logotype

SIGMA Corporation Logotype

Product Sub-branding

SIGMA Product Sub-branding

Marketing Application

Marketing Application


P.0 P.1

New & Old logo comparison SIGMA Corporation Logotype ・Logotype Color ・Clear Space and Minimum Size ・Social Media Icon / Corporate email icon ・Don’t ① ② ③ ・Logo usage -Usage example: Printed communications -Usage example: Online communications


Corporate Typography ・Corporate Font ・Corporate Typeface ・Recommended font


Corporate Template ・Press Release Template ・Presentation Template ・Address Block ・Email signature (Reference) ・Corporate Merchandises ・Promotional item policy ・Stationery Template (Reference)


Product Sub-branding ・SIGMA Product & Service identity ・Sub-branding structure ・Camera Structure - Sub-product logotype & Color ① ② - Clear Space & Minimum size - Don’t ① ② - Usage example: Side by side placement - Usage example: Advertisement ・New product line symbol - New product line symbol color ① ② - New product line clear space - Don’t - New product line symbol minimun size ・Product name : lens - Product Name Typography - Product Name Typography: exception - Dos & Don’t - Product Name Color ① ② - Product Name Color Incorrect Usage - Proper nouns standardization - Within common text - Within html ・SIGMA Globol Vision | Other elements ・Don’t



Marketing Application ・Regional Marketing Reputation ・Logo usage on secondary color or photographer ・Printed communications recommendation ・Product image clear space ・Printed communication Templates - Usage example: Corporate Advertisement - Usage example: Correct Use - Usage example: Incorrect Use - Usage example: Labels & Badges placement ・Online communication Templates - Usage example: Online Communications ・Co-branding ・Booth & Display

SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Corporate logotype regulation SIGMA Corporation The use of SIGMA logo on any communication relates to corporate Sub-branding

branding aims to give the same impression anytime, anywhere and to anyone. The logotype manual is created to achieve the identical impression.



SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Logotype Color(Primary color)



RGB: 0,0,0

RGB: 255,255,255

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

HTML: #000000


The primary corportate color for the SIGMA logo should be applied with unified color. The logotype should be displayed in all black(K=100%) or on a white background.


SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Logotype Background(Primary color)

Positive version(K=100%)

Negative version(K=0%)

Background: White (K=0%)











The logotype should be displayed in all black(K=100%) on a white background. The logotype color may be used interchangeably based on the background sample shown above. In addition, consider the background color shown above, the logo color should appear in standard primary color.According to the sample reference, the logo application should optimize legibility and follow the guidelines and standards set.

SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Logotype Color (Secondary color)

PANTONE: CoolGray 8C RGB: 159,159,160 CMYK: 0,0,0,50 HTML: #9F9FA0

According to different usages, the logo may be applied with secondary color. The logotype color should be displayed in generally black(K=50%) on a white background.

To keep the outlook of the logo, using metallic or special color is allowed when they are being reversed and printed on generally dark background or 3-dimentioanl items. Please contact us if you have any questions about the specific use method. 



SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Logotype Background (Secondary color)

Background: White (K=0%)











The logotype secondary color should be displayed in genally black(K=50%) on a white background.(Follow the sample shown above)

SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Color Specifications



SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Clear space & Minimum size

45 pixel logo used for:

・Web Page

・Email newsletter

7/8” logo used for:

・Web banner

・5x7” postcard ・6x9” booklet

72 pixel logo used for:

・8.5x11” format ・A4 format ・A3 format ・11x17” format

Only the basic horizontal logo type is available in any application. The element (character) placement and the size balance of the SIGMA logo is not allowed to be altered. To create the greatest impact, ensure the clear space around the logo is not combined with other interfering graphic elements or photographic background.

No other designed elements, including text, graphic elements and background, should intrude into this 「Minimum safe area = A」.

The logotype should never be too small to read. We have set a minimum size of 12mm. In addition, as pixel should be taken into account when we apply the logotype. Thus, we have set a minimum size of 45px.


SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Social Media / Corporate email Icon

Social Media Only

The icon for SNS and corporate email should be kept clear and use the SIGMA logo.

1. Use primary black logo on white background or white logo on 100% black background. 2. Do not lock up your store name with the icon. 3. The icon only with “S” is acceptable while the “SIGMA” is not readble (under 12mm or 45 pixel). But it only can be used on social media such as Facebook, Google+, Twitter, Pinterest or flickr...etc. 4. Using SIGMA logo as office mail profile or corporate SNS account photo is acceptable, please do not use it on your personal email address or personal SNS.


SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Don't â‘

Do not reproduce the logo in an unapproved color.

Do not crop or extend the logo.

Do not change the inter-character space of logo.

Do not add keyline to any version of the logo.

Do not make the logo 3-dimensional in any way.

Do not alter the transparency of the logo.


SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Don't â‘Ą

Do not use gradation.

Do not rotate the logo.

Do not add any graphic element which will

Do not reproduce the character combination.

Do not outline any version of the logo.

Do not add shadow to the logo.

Whenever a SIGMA logo is placed on any materials, it should be used in based on the standard in the guideline. The usage samples designed from us shows the importance of either legibility or avoiding causing confusion to the image of corporation. Therefore, the SIGMA logo should not be used in any way which degrades the reliability of SIGMA brand management.


SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Don't ③

Country Do not lock-up the SIGMA logo

Do not lock-up the SIGMA logo

with new typographic elements such as

with new typographic elements such as

your region or shop's name.

"Made in Japan".

Do not add reflection to the SIGMA logo.

Do not lock-up the SIGMA logo with new typographic elements.

Do not combine any pattern to the SIGMA logo.

Do not change the font of the SIGMA logo and


SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Usage: Printed Communications

Concept Book


Printed Advertisement / Poster

Lens Pamplet

Flyer/ A4

Lens Advertisment


SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Usage: Online Communications

Web Banner


SIGMA Corporate Logotype

Usage: Online Communications

SGV website


SIGMA America Website


SIGMA Corporate Typography

Corporate logotype regulation SIGMA Corporation The use of SIGMA logo on any communication relates to corporate Sub-branding

branding aims to give the same impression anytime, anywhere and to anyone. The logotype manual is created to achieve the identical impression.


Corporate Typography

SIGMA Corporate Font

The SIGMA font is the exclusive font we have created for SIGMA marketing materials. SIGMA font should be used only for the product name in marketing communications and presentations provided by SIGMA. It cannot be used in your own or a third party’s marketing materials or presentation. *Do not imitate SIGMA typography by using any font similar to SIGMA font in your communications.

Caution! The SIGMA font was created for English characters only . European alphabets, accents and special punctuations are not available at the present stages. Alternative: In this case, please use Akkurat as alternative.


Corporate Typography

Corporate Typeface


Corporate Typography

Recommended Font



Corporate Typography

Typography example of Advertisement

Although all elements on the ads are created to grab readers' attention, making every thing screamed out will make it out of focus.

① Please use Akkura Bold for headline ② Please use Akkurat for the body as we recommended in CI manual. *Although all elements on the ads are created to grab reader’s attention; bolding all elements will cause them to compete against one another. ③ Please use the official product icon. ④ The product name and icon are to be considered as an ensemble and as our trademark. Thus, the use of font should be unified and it shouldn’t be altered in any way such as adding texts or marks before or after it.

⑤ Additional information is acceptable, and actually, we think it’s a great idea to keep it in our consumer’s mind but it shouldn't be distracting. Thus, we suggest to compress the size of it and keep more space to reduce the constriction. ⑥ According to CI manual, the logo should be placed on upper left corner of the page when it is used on Advertising. ⑦ Keep the space between the contents and image. (Find the clear space of product image on p.49) ⑧ Align the product name with the capital letters of new line name. ⑨ Integreate “Macro” with capital letter “MACRO”.

SIGMA Corporate Template

Corporate logotype regulation SIGMA Corporation The use of SIGMA logo on any communication relates to corporate Sub-branding

branding aims to give the same impression anytime, anywhere and to anyone. The logotype manual is created to achieve the identical impression.


Corporate Template

Press Release Template

The SIGMA’s stationery is intended to promote clarity through the use of simple layouts and clear typography. The font used throughout is Akkurat or other recommended fonts. (Internal stationery such as reports, external stationery such as press release which only require single color printing can either be offset.)



Corporate Template

Presentation Template

SIGMA CI Manual CI Manual

1. SIGMA Marketing Strategy


Your Title

-Logo Color -Socical Media

2. Coporate Template -Press Release -Presentation PPT

Naturally it is impossible to take into consideration every possible type of presentation or the type of information to be presented but as a general rule the following guidelines should be observed with regard to overall style. The font used must always be Akkurat or other recommended fonts.

Corporate Template

Address Block

SIGMA CORPORATION Head ofce 2-4-16 Kurigi, Asao-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa 215-8530 Japan TEL : 81-(0)44-989-7430 FAX : 81-(0)44-989-7451

Aizu Factory 6594 Aza-Nichizaka, Ohaza-Ohtani, Bandai-Machi, Yama-gun, Fukushima prefecture 969-3395 TEL : 0242-73-2771

Where possible we aim to standardize the style, appearance and layout of our address and contact details.


Corporate Template

Email Signatures (Reference) The emails should be set out as follows in 10pt Sans Serif (Ari al or Tahama) as indicated (Use Gmail as standard). i. SIGMA Logo ii. Name iii. Titie or Branch ⅳ . Email address v. Direct phoneline ⅵ . Office Address ⅶ . Website address

It is vital that all of SIGMA’s outgoing email communications are presented in a consistent and clear manner. However the default fonts will change on different browers, it’s difficult to regulate the use of font. Please note that the sigma logo embedded as image, it would not appeal on some browers or email systems properly.


Corporate Template

Email Signatures with SNS link (Reference)

Since some of you would like to embed SNS link with your email signature, please note that the color tone of the icons should be unified to SIGMA VI color.



Corporate Template

Corporate Merchandises (Reference)



USB Memory

Card case

Microfiber cleaning cloth


Where the SIGMA is required to produce branded items including conference materials or promotional products, it is vital that the SIGMA identity should be clearly and prominently placed to ensure provenanceand origin. In most applications, the only way to effectively reproduce the SIGMA identity will be a single color, whether by embroidering, screen-printing or etching. *Please do not alter the logo in anyway or change the brand color. Caution: These items are created based on the new brand image as exclusive SIGMA Corporate materials. We display them here for your reference when creating these materials. If you want the template of these item, please contact the marketing team of SIGMA Japan and we will be pleased to provide the template to you.

Corporate Template

Promotional item Policy As we just released the new dp2 Quattro, high attention to not only our products but also corporation is expected. Accordingly, it means that we are going to enter a crucial moment in which we will need to be more careful with our attitude toward the brand “SIGMA” and methods of expressing out communications. Therefore, your special attention to the regulations of visual brand identity essentials such as corporate logo, sub-branding logo will be highly appreciated. Although we would like to respect your autonomy of individual marketing events, standing on the side of headquarter, we would like to ask you to strictly comply with the logo type regulations as follows.

< Confirmation items > 1 | About the promotion of product and service Please apply and use the materials provided by Sigma Japan preferentially. Certainly, creating your own items uniquely is acceptable as long as they follow SIGMA CI manual properly.

2 | Supporting measures for novelty and merchandise Creating promotional items such as novelties or merchandises for your shows and events uniquely is acceptable. However, please consult and confirm your design proposal, purpose and specifications with SIGMA Japan marketing team beforehand.

Since the promotional items are expected to represent our brand once they are created officially, the proposal should be put forward under this condition to avoid looking less quality and less official. The following are the notes for your promotional items proposals.

[POINTS] 1 | Purpose: The goals you intend to reach though your events, promotions and campaigns. 2 | Specifications: Specific plan, description (category, shape, material, quantity, period and cost…etc). 3 | Reasons: The persuasive reasons why you choose #2 which is considered being the most suitable items to reach your goal. 4 | Output image: Please send us your design roughs before it becomes operational.

In conclusion, the purpose of promotional items is not to promote consumption growth. They are aimed to convey our brand image and arouse our audiences’ empathy which will help us to gain more fans and core users effectively due to the high quality “small gift” ・If you have any questions, inquires or inconvenience while applying the CI manual to your items, please consult us without hesitation. ・Furthermore, please consult us beforehand if you are planning on developing the items which are not existing at present. Since we expect and encourage your marketing events to become globally active, establishing a system easy to follow is our mission from now on. And for that, we need your kind support and cooperation.


Corporate Template

Letter Envelope

The SIGMA stationery is intended to promote clarity through the use of simple layouts and clear typography. The font used throughout is Akkurat.

All print colors are derived from the SIGMA logo, resulting in one color printing process required on stationery such as letterheads, envelopes, folders and business cards.


Corporate Template



Corporate Template

Paper Bag

The SIGMA paper bag was designed based on the SGV vision and followed the color regulation of CI manual. To maintain the clear and simple style, we only placed the SIGMA logo on the front and the SGV website URL on the side


Corporate Sub-branding

SIGMA Corporation

Product and service identity Every camera, lens, series and even service has its individual identity. Each is positioned by SIGMA HQ based on the global visual


identity policy. Please note that the CI manual should be applied thoroughly to local promotional activities.



SIGMA Sub-branding

SIGMA Product and Service identity Product and service identity Every camera, lens, series and even service has its individual identity. Accordingly, the communications whether printed or online should reflect the VI of SIGMA. For instance, the expected targets of DG and DN are different. Though both of them share the same concept, DG is designed for photography enthusiast who pursuit high-end performance and credit; DN provides image having lively and active appeal to young people. To reflect the concept of these series, black and navy color are set to be the identity color for each of them .

We would like to clarify that the pamphlet of DN series you have received was printed in the wrong color (Black). It should have been printed in Navy color.

Each of them is positioned by SIGMA HQ based on the global mutual visual policy. Please note that the CI manual should be applied thoroughly to local promotional activities. Furthermore, the identities of the products and series have been positioned from the development phase to avoid brand inconsistency. In this way, following the SIGMA VI of the products and the related product groups will be on track accordingly


SIGMA Sub-branding

Sub-branding Architecture

Core tech.


SD series

dp series


Company / Service brand

Series Product Brand Individual Product

SIGMA Sub-branding

Camera Architecture



SIGMA Sub-branding

Sub-product logotype & Color ①



RGB: 0,0,0

RGB: 255,255,255

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

HTML: #000000


The color for sub-product logo should be applied with unified color. The logotype should be displayed in all black(K=100%) or on a white background.


SIGMA Sub-branding

Sub-product logotype & Color ②



RGB: 0,0,0

RGB: 255,255,255

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

HTML: #000000


The color for sub-product logo should be applied with unified color. The logotype should be displayed in all black(K=100%) or on a white background.


SIGMA Sub-branding

Clear Space & M inimum Size





The element (character) placement and the size balance of the dp logo is not allowed to be altered. To create the greatest impact, ensure the clear space around the logo is not combined with other interfering graphic elements or photographic background. No other designed elements, including text, graphic elements and background, should intrude into this ă€ŒMinimum safe area = Aă€? The logotype should never be too small to read. We have set a minimum size of 12mm for vertical logo and 18mm of horizonal logo. In addition, as pixel should be taken into account when we apply the logotype. Thus, we have set a minimum size of 45px for vertical logo and 51px for horizonal logo.


SIGMA Sub-branding

Don't â‘

Do not reproduce the logo in an unapproved color.

Do not crop or extend the logo.

Do not change the design of logo.

Do not add keyline to any version of the logo.

Do not make the logo 3-dimensional in any way.

Do not alter the transparency of the logo.

Whenever a dp logo is placed on any materials, it should be used based on the standard in the guideline. The usage samples designed by us shows the importance of legibility in order to avoid confusion regarding the image of the corporation. Therefore, the dp logo should not be used in any way which degrades the reliability of SIGMA brand management.


SIGMA Sub-branding

Don't â‘Ą

Do not use gradation.

Do not rotate the logo.

Do not add any graphic element which will

Do not reproduce the character combination.

causes confusion.

Do not outline any version of the logo.

Do not add shadow to the logo.


SIGMA Sub-branding

Usage example: Side by side placement



Please add focus length or “wide, Standard, Mid-tele� to distingusih the 3 models of dp series when they are placed side by side on communications.


SIGMA Sub-branding

Usage example: Advertisements


SIGMA Sub-branding

New Product line symbol



SIGMA Sub-branding

New Product line symbol Color ①

Dark Gray

Light Gray

PANTONE: CoolGray 11C

PANTONE: CoolGray 8C

RGB: 89,87,87

RGB: 159,159,160

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

CMYK: 0,0,0,50

HTML: #595757



SIGMA Sub-branding

New Product line symbol Color ②

Light Gray


PANTONE: CoolGray 8C

RGB: 0,0,0

RGB: 159,159,160

CMYK: 0,0,0,50

CMYK: 0,0,0,50




SIGMA Sub-branding


Do not put the VI on backgrounds or mask the icon with images that make it unreadable or unattractive.

Do not change the color of the product symbol.

SIGMA Sub-branding

New Product line symbol clear space

The space between the product symbol and the text is equal to t he width of the “C” (A= the width of the “C”). And the vertical scale of the product symbol is equal to the he ight of the “C” (B=the height of “C”)



The space between the product symbol and the text is a half of the A.


SIGMA Sub-branding

New Product line symbol Minimum Size

The thank you card enclosed with the memento for our AIZU factory visitors.

The minimum height for extremely limited space is 5mm, 16 pixels. Use the symbol at a larger size whenever possible.


SIGMA Sub-branding

Product Name (Lenses)

[ The OS function is not available with Sony or Pentax mounts ]

This is how we display Sigma Global Vision product lines with product names. The logo and product name may be used in a horizontal format. *Please place a note when some fucntions are not available with some products below the product name. Besides, the product name should always be full version. For example, the OS function is not available with Sony or Pentax mounts, in this case, the product name should be [ 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC MACRO OS HSM ] with a note below indicating OS is not avaiable on which devices.


SIGMA Sub-branding

Product Name Typography Original

Line break

1. Product name may be broken into 2 lines, beginning the second line from DG/DC/DN. 2. The product name and the text of product symbol shoud always be aligned horizontal left.



SIGMA Sub-branding

Product Name Typography : Exception Original

Line break Display Pannel

Only when you have to place the product name in a limited space such as banners, display panels where they are vertically long and scaling is unavoildable, aligning the product name to product line symbol is acceptable. (Layout will be more flexiable)


SIGMA Sub-branding


Product Name Typography : Exception Original

Line break (Product Line symbol only)

Only when you have to place the product name in a limited space such as lenses gathering graph, where they are vertically long and scaling is unavoildable, product line symbol only and horizontal aligning to the center of the sympol is acceptable. (Layout will be more flexiable)

SIGMA Sub-branding

Dos & Don’t

The product name should use the dedicated Ai data no matter on what kind of media. The product name and icon are to be considered as an ensem ble and as our trademark. Thus, the use of font should be unified and it shouldn’t be altered in any way such as adding texts , lines or marks. For example: Do not use the C, A or S initial at the beginning or the end of the product name which will cause redundancy between the logomark, logotype and Sigma Global Vision product identifier. The use of “*“ in product names is not acceptable as well.



SIGMA Sub-branding

Product Name Color ①

Dark Gray

Light Gray

PANTONE: CoolGray 11C

PANTONE: CoolGray 8C

RGB: 89,87,87

RGB: 159,159,160

CMYK: 0,0,0,0

CMYK: 0,0,0,50

HTML: #595757



SIGMA Sub-branding

Product Name Color ②

Light Gray


PANTONE: CoolGray 8C

RGB: 0,0,0

RGB: 159,159,160

CMYK: 0,0,0,50

CMYK: 0,0,0,50



SIGMA Sub-branding

Product Name Color Incorrect Usage

Do not reproduce the product logo in an unapproved color .



SIGMA Sub-branding

Proper nouns standardization In view of the proper nouns of product name is not being integrated , to enhance the brand image and prevent confusion, the proper nouns should be standardized as follows:

[Art] / [Contempoary] / [Sports] Only the rst charactor of the new product line will use capital letter. ART, CONTEMPOARY, SPORTS are not acceptable.

[mm] mm should always use small letter. MM is not acceptable. ex: 35mm F1.4 DG HSM ✓ 35MM F1.4 DG HSM X

[MACRO] MACRO should always use capital letter. Macro is not acceptable. ex: 17-70mm F2.8-4 DC MACRO OS HSM

17-70mm F2.8-4 DC Marco OS HSM


[SIGMA USB DOCK] SIGMA USB DOCK should always use capital letter. ex: SIGMA USB DOCK ✓ Sigma USB Dock


Sigma Usb Dock




SIGMA Usb Dock


[Hyper Sonic Motor (HSM)]

[Thermally Stable Composite (TSC)]

[SIGMA Photo Pro (SPP)]

[Mount Conversion Service] The material, parts, softrware and services...etc. are considered as proper nouns, thus the rst letter of each word should use capital letter.

SIGMA Sub-branding


Within common text ● New product name with symbol within common Text (External) Concerning the texts on magazine, press release or website (ex. buzz website or review site) which our products may be placed alongside other makers’ products, please make sure SIGMA or product line initial is always in front of the product name so that it can be recognized easily.

ex. ● SIGMA 35mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art ● 35mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art ● 35mm F1.4 DG HSM | A

SIGMA Sub-branding


Within html ● New product name with symbol in .html To remain compliant with SEO standards for web, we recommend you to follows a consistent standard for product names that can be used in .html text and never vary based on conditional use. If the A (which is an image, not .html text) was removed from the name in the condition of using the badges as shown here: "(A) 35mm F1.4 DG HSM" then the product would be indexed as this: "35mm F1.4 DG HSM" with no differentiator by lens line.

So the recommended formats are:

● 35mm F1.4 DG HSM | Art ● 35mm F1.4 DG HSM | A ● 18-300mm F3.5-5.6 DC MACRO OS HSM | Contemporary ● 18-300mm F3.5-6.3 DC MACRO OS HSM | C ● 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | Sports ● 150-600mm F5-6.3 DG OS HSM | S

SIGMA Sub-branding


Other visual logo regarding SIGMA VI such as SGV URL or spec ific products should also use the dedicated Ai data no matter on what kind of media. They are to be considered as an ensemble and as our trademark as well. Thus, the use of the logo can -be unified and it shouldn’t be altered in any way such as adding texts , lines or marks.



SIGMA Sub-branding


Do not alter or crop the product symbol.

Do not change the opacity of the product symbol and use it as background.

Do not change the product symbol color .

Marketing Application

Acceptable arrangement for local promotion SIGMA Corporation Concerning it will lead to difficulties to unify the rules in multiple regional Sub-branding

markets which owntheir business and humanistic customs. In this case, the modification of basic items and tailor-made arrangements according to local market customs are acceptable under certain conditions.

Marketing ・The arrangement shouldn’t conflict with the corporate logotype. ・The VI policy of the products and series shouldn’t be altered in any way.

Grounded on those principles, the guideline for local promotion activities should be established. Nevertheless, sharing your idea with marketing team of HQ before creating your promotional materials is highly recommended.

Marketing Application

Regional Marketing Reputaion

In which case the CI manual should be followed? Applying the primary, secondary color (B&W reversal or gray scale) in specific category and obeying the dos and don’t.

For instance, corporation guide, press release, CI communication and official corporate information, etc. *Please note that 3-D materials such as display stand should be discussed and please consult with the marketing team of HQ.

Flexible application: Depending on the purpose and the choice of media, the visual ex pression constraints toward the corporate logotype changes. Particularly the promotional materials for ma rketing activities are created to suit each regional marketing request. Under this condition, the arrangeme nts are acceptable and negotiable.


Marketing Application

Logo usage on secondary color or photography

The primary usage of the word mark is grey on white, but it can also be reversed out of low chroma color using the white wordmark, but one time one color .

Never apply the white wordmark to light colors, nor the grey wo rdmark to dark colors. Never re-color the wordmark.

You can apply the wordmark to patterns, textures and photographi c backgrounds, but not if they are overly busy .



Marketing Application

Printed Communication Recommendation

We consider that the elements to grab the attention of readers should be prioritized in following order . 1.Logo 2.Main image 3.Product’s name. 4.Headline 5.Other information. Furthermore, keeping the space and using the right font are also very important and worth your attention.

Logo Placement

According to CI manual, the logo should be placed on upper left corner of the page when it is used on Advertising.


Please use Akkurat for the headlines and the running body copy as we recommended in CI manual.

Product Symbol

Please use the product symbol (C/A/ S) created exclusively.


The product name and icon are to be considered as an ensemble and as our trademark. Thus, the use of font should be unified and it shouldn’t be altered in any way such as adding texts or marks before or after it.

Additional Items

The additional information placement is acceptable, and actually, we think it’s a great idea to keep it in our consumer’s mind but it shouldn't be distracting. Thus, we suggest to compress the size of it and keep more space to reduce the constriction.

Marketing Application

Product image clear space

Please keep at least a quarter of the width of the product as c lear space. (A= width of the product )


Marketing Application

Printed Communication Templates


Marketing Application

Usage example: Corporate Advertisements



Marketing Application

Usage example: Correct Use

Magazine Advertisement / SIGMA America

Magazine Advertisement / GRAND STORES LLC.

The advertisement above followed the SIGMA CI manual properly by using recommended font and keeping the information of each company at the bottom of the page so that the messages of our products are distinctive and clear.

Marketing Application

Usage example: Correct & Incorrect Use

1. Although the information of the subsidiaries or distributors has been placed at the bottom of the page properly, the promotional information such as warranty shouldn’t be placed at the same horizontal position with the SIGMA logo. Please keep the horizontal space of the SIGMA logo clear and place all the information of your company at the bottom. Furthermore, the space surrounding the product image should be kept sufficiently.

2. Overlapping labels on products image are only allowed under the following conditions. ・Price label or message printed on magazines or selling websites for promotion. ・Special regional campaign. However, the labels or ribbons shouldn’t cover the image making the image hard to be identified.


Marketing Application

Labels & Badges Placement

Overlapping labels on products image are only allowed under the following conditions. ・Price label or message printed on magazines or selling websites for promotion. ・Special regional campaign. ・Winning awards However, the labels or ribbons shouldn’t cover the image making the it hard to be identified. If possible, please do not overlap other information regarding to sales such as “ Sold Out” or “Best selling” on the product image.


Marketing Application

Online Communications Templates


Marketing Application

Usage example: Online Communications

Where possible we aim to standardize the style, appearance and layout of our address and contact details.


Marketing Application

Usage example: Online Communications

Where possible we aim to standardize the style, appearance and layout of our address and contact details.


Marketing Application

Usage example: Online Communications In general, SIGMA product resellers who apply for authorization are allowed to use SIGMA trademark. Exception applies to SIGMA global subsidiaries. Please be aware of avoiding any confusion for taking SIGMA’s image of another corporation.

The name of Administration corporation should be specified in the profile page no matter the logo is used on Facebook or twitter and etc.According to SIGMA CI manual, corporations corporate with SIGMA business and brand management are allowed to incorporate「 Certified Corporation」 on their pages.

・For instance: SIGMA India + Logo on Facebook

Camera/Photo Sigma lens, cameras and accessories are represented in India by Shetala Agencies Private Limited.

Supplement : ・Please understand that the products and the services we provide are for the purpose of unifying the customer’s experience and establishing the brand management.

Please note that when starting a new line, the new line should start from DG/ DC/ DN.


Marketing Application


When the SIGMA logo appears as a co-brand, it is preferable tha t both logos occupy a similar area of volume and appear to be of equal prominence. Regarding positioning, it is preferable that the SIGMA logo sits alongside other co-brands, rather than below.

In every instance of co-branding where production of materials is being handled by the co- brand partner the SIGMA logo must be supplied as original electronic artwork, to avoid distortion or degradation of quality .

Under no circumstance should the logo be scanned, copied or oth erwise prominent.


Marketing Application


Display outside the show room created by M.K T rading Company.

*The Application for other marketing activities Since novelties or events supported by sponsors are highly anti cipated, the flexibility for our regulation while collaborating with other corporations is being considered. In t his case, prior consultation with marketing team of HQ is more than welcome. Your idea would help us to upgrade the CI manual to the next l evel.


Marketing Application


Booth & Display

CP+ 2015/ Japan

The Booth design is expected to follow the SIGMA VI as well. Please use black and white and make the design simple generously.

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