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Congratulations to all the 21st Century Leaders 2023 graduating seniors!
You all have displayed true leadership through your roles in 21CLubs. Some of you were leadership officers that assured your schools' 21CLub was an active and successful program throughout the school year. From service projects such as the #VoteforEquity initiative where your goal was to inform your peers and community about the importance of voting. Hosting forums where you had volunteers from our Junior Board and Board of Directors discuss financial literacy and putting together many service projects that have positively impacted your community.
Because of your active participation and commitment within the 21CLubs you have all managed to collectively reach all 7 competencies that serve as the foundation for all our programs: Communicating-Effectively Problem Solving ActionOriented, Self-Development, Building Effective Teams, Integri I encourage you all to continue to implement the skills you ’ ve l 21st Century Leaders and good luck with all your future endeav
Best of luck!
Desiree Rodriguez
Program & Community Outreach Manager