14 adv real estate drafting

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25th Annual


Real Estate Drafting Course

LIVE Dallas

Hilton Park Cities Hotel March 6-7, 2014

VIDEO Houston

Crowne Plaza River Oaks April 3-4, 2014

VIDEO Austin

Norris Conference Center April 10-11, 2014


Purpose and Scope In addition to providing the usual high-level substantive law content on topics of current interest, this year’s program was developed with a renewed and concentrated focus throughout on sharing with course registrants contract drafting techniques and conventions that will aid them in producing definitive legal documents that are concise, unambiguous, and relatable, no matter who the reader. Regardless of their experience level or breadth of practice, course registrants will find in this program a wealth of forms and clauses and suggestions for tight, enviable drafting that they can use to enhance the most tangible by-product of their professional services — the drafting and editing of legal documents and material correspondence. DCVB

Hot Topics • Drafting Lessons from Recent Cases DCVB

• Drafting an Effective & Enforceable Indemnity • The Drafting of Expedited Rule 736 Foreclosure Forms • Drafting Documents for Buying and Selling Limited Service Hotels • Drafting Tips for Constructing an Arbitration Clause • Top 10 Mistakes I’ve Made and the Lessons I’ve Learned from Them


TexasBarCLE presents the 25th Annual

Advanced Real Estate Drafting Course

Sponsored by the Real Estate Probate and Trust Law Section of the State Bar of Texas

Thursday live  Dallas

7.25 hours including .5 ethics

8:00 Registration Coffee & Pastries Provided

Hilton Park Cities March 6-7, 2014

8:45 Welcoming Remarks Course Director David W. Tomek, Dallas David Tomek, PLLC

Register by February 20th and save $50! Real Estate Trust and Probate Law Section members can save up to $100!

9:00 Hot Topics .5 hr Richard Melamed, Houston Richard Melamed, PLLC

video  Houston

Crowne Plaza River Oaks April 3-4, 2014

9:30 Drafting Lessons from Recent Cases .75 hr (.25 ethics) David A. Weatherbie, Dallas Cramer Weatherbie Richardson Walker

Register by March 20th and save $50!

10:15 Break

Real Estate Trust and Probate Law Section members can save up to $100!

10:30 Escrow Agreements .75 hr Douglas W. Becker, San Antonio Chicago Title of Texas

video  Austin

Norris Conference Center April 10-11, 2014

11:15 Who Is Going to Do What by When – The Lawyer’s Role in Drafting Construction Agreements for Commercial Leases .5 hr Harriet Anne Tabb, Dallas McGuire Craddock & Strother

Register by March 27th and save $50!

11:45 Break - Lunch Provided

Real Estate Trust and Probate Law Section members can save up to $100!

12:00 Luncheon Presentation: New 3rd Edition of the Foreclosure Manual .5 hr G. Tommy Bastian, Addison Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel


Marty Novak, Austin The University of Texas System

12:30 Break 12:45 Drafting an Effective and Enforceable Indemnity .5 hr John Almy, Houston Liskow & Lewis


1:15 Drafting the Single Tenant Commercial Lease .75 hr Thomas M. Whelan, Dallas McGuire, Craddock & Strother

13.75 HOURS (2 ETHICS) MCLE COURSE NO: 901277163 Applies to the College of the State Bar

2:00 Subleasing Drafting Tips: Avoiding Pitfalls as the Sublandlord .5 hr David J. Weiner, Houston Liskow & Lewis

of Texas and to the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Real Estate Law.


2:30 Drafting Boilerplate to Avoid Litigation .5 hr C. Elaine Howard, Houston Jackson Walker


3:00 Break

8:25 Announcements

3:15 The Drafting of Expedited Rule 736 Foreclosure Forms .5 hr G. Tommy Bastian, Addison Barrett Daffin Frappier Turner & Engel

8:30 Drafting Texas Security Instruments to Accommodate the TARA and Related Mortgage Opinion Letter Drafting Considerations .75 hr (.25 ethics) Greta E. Goldsby, Austin Winstead

3:45 Drafting CCRs for Commercial Developments .75 hr Robert D. Burton, Austin Winstead

Denise V. Cheney, Austin Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta

4:30 Drafting Implications of the Real Estate Finance Opinion Report of 2012 .75 hr (.25 ethics) Sterling Scott Willis, Esq., New Orleans, LA Fishman Haygood Phelps Walmsley Willis & Swanson 5:15 Adjourn

6.5 hours including 1.5 ethics 8:00 Coffee & Pastries Provided

9:15 Drafting Documents for Buying and Selling Limited Service Hotels .75 hr J. Cary Barton, San Antonio Barton, East & Caldwell

Michael Baucum, San Antonio Baucum Steed Barker

10:00 Break 10:15 Drafting Tips for Constructing an Arbitration Clause .5 hr Frederick J. Biel, McAllen Atlas, Hall & Rodriguez

10:45 Legal Editing - New Update on an Old Topic .5 hr Kevin M. Kerr, Dallas Kevin M. Kerr, PC Co-Author Sherry Priest State Bar of Texas 11:15 Drafting Confidentiality and Access Agreements .5 hr (.25 ethics) Philip D. Weller, Dallas DLA Piper 11:45 Break - Lunch Provided 12:00 Luncheon Presentation: Remembering Tomorrow - How Will Your Law Practice Look? .75 hr (.5 ethics) Mark A. Senn, Denver, CO Senn Visciano Canges 12:45 Break 1:00 Drafting Bylaws for HOAs: Condominiums and Subdivisions .5 hr David Z. Conoly, Corpus Christi David Z. Conoly, PC

Enjoy membership in Over 7,000 of the lawyers licensed in Texas are members of the Real Estate, Probate and Trust Law Section, making it the second-largest section of the State Bar. Members receive the official online quarterly, The REPTL Reporter, containing case law summaries, feature articles, and news. They also enjoy access to the Section’s online collection of CLE materials from recent real estate, probate and trust law seminars, as well as access to the latest work product of REPTL committees. Another member benefit is a $100 discount off the annual subscription price to TexasBarCLE’s Online Library (regularly $295). Lastly, membership in REPTL allows for a discount on numerous publications from Thomson West.

To join or learn more, visit www.REPTL.org

 3

Membership is available to all Texas-licensed attorneys and (on a non-voting basis) to all law students for just $30 per year.

1:30 Drafting Seller Financing Documents .5 hr Sara E. Dysart, San Antonio Sara E. Dysart, PC 2:00 Drafting Considerations Conveyances and Correction Instruments .75 hr G. Roland Love, Dallas Winstead



2:45 Break 3:00 Drafting Co-Tenant Agreements .5 hr Kathryn A. Lumpkin, Austin Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta 3:30 Ten Mistakes and the Lessons I’ve Learned from Them .5 hr ethics Scott Rothenberg, Houston Law Offices of Scott Rothenberg


4:00 Adjourn



Reserve Your Dallas Hotel Room by February 12th Hotel rooms have been blocked at special rates on a space available basis. To make a reservation, contact the hotel and indicate that you will be attending this State Bar of Texas course. Dallas  LIVE

Hilton Park Cities 5954 Luther Lane Dallas, TX 75225 214-368-0400 $165 single/double Deadline: February 12th The reserved block of rooms may fill up before the deadline indicated. Act now!

Course Director David W. Tomek...............................................................Dallas

Planning Committee J. Cary Barton........................................................San Antonio Tommy Bastian............................................................. Addison Douglas W. Becker.................................................San Antonio Frederick J. Biel............................................................ McAllen Denise Cheney............................................................... Austin David Z. Conoly..................................................Corpus Christi Sara E. Dysart........................................................San Antonio Kevin M. Kerr..................................................................Dallas G. Roland Love................................................................Dallas Marilyn C. Maloney.....................................................Houston Richard Melamed.........................................................Houston David A. Weatherbie........................................................Dallas Philip D. Weller................................................................Dallas

TexasBarCLE Planning Team Kathy Reese.....................................................Program Planner Dawn Mershon........................................ Program Coordinator Yvette Ramirez............................Written Materials Coordinator Tiffany Clay .................................Meeting Services Coordinator

Houston  VIDEO

Crowne Plaza River Oaks 2712 Southwest Freeway Houston, TX 77098 713-523-8448

Real Estate Probate and Trust Law Section of the State Bar of Texas Lisa H. Jamieson...............................................................Chair Richard L. Spencer.................................... Chair-Elect/Secretary William D. Pargaman.................................................. Treasurer Robert Allen “Doc” Watson..................... Immediate Past Chair

No hotel rooms have been blocked for this video replay.

State Bar of Texas Lisa M. Tatum.............................................................President Cindy V. Tisdale........................................... Chair of the Board Trey Apffel......................................................... President-Elect Buck Files.......................................... Immediate Past President Kristy Blanchard.................................................TYLA President Deborah Bullion......................................Chair, CLE Committee Gary Nickelson..............................Chair, Board PDP Committee Michelle E. Hunter.........................................Executive Director Patrick A. Nester...................................... Director, TexasBarCLE

Austin  VIDEO

Norris Conference Center 2525 W. Anderson Lane Austin, TX 78757 512-451-5011 No hotel rooms have been blocked for this video replay. 4

Registration Form Online

TexasBarCLE.com credit card only




512-427-4443 credit card only

during business hours credit card only

Lawyers licensed 5 years or less take HALF OFF the Advanced Course!



800-204-2222, x1574

State Bar of Texas - CLE LB #972298 P. O. Box 972298 Dallas, TX 75397-2298 check or credit card

Advanced Real Estate Drafting

Advanced Real Estate Drafting


Dallas LIVE, March 6-7 q Regular Registrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $645 Take $50 OFF: Register by February 20, 2014 q Licensed 5 years or less, HALF OFF . . . . . $322.50* Houston VIDEO, April 3-4 q Regular Registrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $545 Take $50 OFF: Register by March 20, 2014 q Licensed 5 years or less, HALF OFF . . . . . $272.50*



Austin VIDEO, April 10-11 q Regular Registrant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $545 Take $50 OFF: Register by March 27 q Licensed 5 years or less, HALF OFF . . . . . $272.50* I may attend complimentary because I am a: q Qualifying judge q Court staff attorney (see p. 6). *No discounts in section 3 may be taken. Course amenities include: • Coffee, pastries and lunch provided both days • Complimentary wireless internet connection in the meeting room





I’m entitled to 1 or 2 discounts on this course: q $50 OFF because I’m registering by the “Register by” date at the left. (If by mail, date of postmark will be determinative.) q $50 OFF because I’m a member of the Real Estate Probate and Trust Law Section of the State Bar of Texas ($25 of it provided by REPTL) q $25 OFF because (choose 1 box only) I’m a member of the q State Bar College q Paralegal Division

I can’t attend. Just send course materials. FREE Shipping & Handling q Hard copy book $155† To order a discounted PDF download of course materials (available 4-6 weeks after the course), search Publications at TexasBarCLE.com.

q Check (enclosed) payable to the State Bar of Texas for $__________ q MasterCard

E-mail Laura Angle at laura.angle@texasbar.com for group discount information.

I want my course materials format to be: q Hard copy books as well as a PDF download of same (both formats included in registration fee) q PDF download ONLY so I’ll take $25 OFF

My total is $_____________. I am paying by: q Visa

Registering five or more?

q Discover

PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY Account No.______________________________ Exp. Date________ Name on card (Please print) _________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________________ State Bar Membership No. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Registrant Name__________________________________________________________________

†Plus 8.25% sales tax on total. Please include sales tax or attach an exemption certificate. Book orders are filled and shipped 4-6 weeks after the live program. A bill will be sent unless a credit card charge is authorized on this form. For information on audio CDs of course topics, contact our DVD CLE service at 800204-2222, x1575. Mp3 files of topics will be downloadable from TexasBarCLE.com 6-8 weeks after the course.

Firm Name/Court _________________________________________________________________ Address for Bar-Related Mail ________________________________________________________ City/State_____________________________________ Zip________________________________ Phone (

) ___________________________ Fax (

QUESTIONS? 800-204-2222, x1574 • 512-427-1574

) ______________________________

E-Mail (required for registrant’s PDF download option):__________________________________ A confirmation of your registration will be sent to the e-mail address you provide.


State Bar of Texas P.O. Box 12487 Austin, TX 78711-2487

25th Annual Advanced Real Estate Drafting Course LIVE March 6-7, 2014 Dallas VIDEO April 3-4, 2014 Houston VIDEO April 10-11, 2014 Austin

Wa ys to Save!



Parking Information for Attendees Not Staying at the Hotel is provided for the convenience of the attendees, is subject to change without notice and is not a guarantee of availability. DALLAS: Self-parking is $5.00 per day in the hotel parking garage. HOUSTON: Self-parking is complimentary in the hotel parking garage. See State Bar staff onsite for ticket validation. AUSTIN: Self-parking is complimentary.

Meet the “Register By” Deadline and Save $50 because early registrations help us ensure that sufficient course books, seating, and refreshments are available. Course materials and seating will be reserved for preregistrants until the start of the first topic. Real Estate, Probate & Trust Section Members Can Save $100 ($25 of it provided by REPTL) by registering by the “Register by” date (thereafter, save $50). Not a member? To join, e-mail sections@texasbar.com or phone 800-204-2222, x1425. Please do not send Section membership payment with your registration fee.

If You Need Special Accommodations to Attend, please contact us as soon as possible at 800-204-2222, x1748. Registered But Can’t Attend? Still Earn MCLE Credit and receive course materials by (1) calling 800-204-2222, x1574 to transfer your registration to a later presentation or (2) taking the course online later, in which case you’ll automatically be sent the course materials. If you wish a refund instead, mail or fax (512-427-4443) your request so that we receive it at least one business day before the program.

Earn Discounts by Registering Five or More from your firm or agency. Contact Firm & Group Sales Manager Laura Angle at 512-250-5575 or laura.angle@texasbar.com. HALF OFF for Attorneys Licensed 5 Years or Less! You read that right! See the registration form.

FREE TO OUR REGISTRANTS! Online Videos and MP3s of the Topics will be available to registrants 6-8 weeks after the course. Provide your e-mail address when preregistering to be notified when and how these benefits may be accessed. (Note: Presentation lengths may vary from that which was advertised.) There’s no extra charge; as a registrant, you’re already entitled!

Need Financial Assistance to Attend? TexasBarCLE offers a limited number of scholarships to attend a live course, video replay, archived online class, or webcast, or to subscribe to our Online Library. To apply or to learn more, call Mon-Fri 8am-5pm CT to Sara at 800-204-2222, x1490. Please apply at least four weeks prior to the CLE event. Active State and Texas-Area Federal Judges, Administrative Law Judges, Hearing Examiners, and Their Court Staff Attorneys May Attend for Free, Provided: (1) the course directly relates to the judge’s tribunal’s jurisdiction, (2) the judge is a full-time judge or retired under the judicial retirement system and (3) space is available for all paying registrants. This privilege does not extend to receivers, trustees, other court staff, or persons serving part-time in a judicial capacity. Actual attendance is required in order to receive course materials.

Interested in Sponsoring or Exhibiting at This Course or Others? Contact Julie Marshall at 512-427-1797 or julie.marshall@ texasbar.com. Policy of Impartiality The State Bar of Texas does not endorse political candidates. When a candidate for public office is included in promotion for or participates in a TexasBarCLE event, the State Bar is not taking a position for or against anyone’s candidacy.


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