TMCP 2014

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Sponsor & Interviewer Brochure






EDUCATION Stay informed on recent developments in the law with a CLE program designed for both in-house and outside counsel.

INTERVIEWS Participate in informational interviews to discuss outside counsel opportunities.

NETW ORKING Enjoy incomparable networking at the spa retreat, golf outing, receptions, dine-arounds, speed networking lunch, and more!

September 3 -5, 2014  Austin, Texas  The Westin Austin at the Domain


An Invitation from the


Program Background & Mission The Texas Minority Counsel Program was created in 1993 with the mission of increasing opportunities for minority and women attorneys who provide legal services to corporate and government clients, and to expose those organizations to the legal talent found in the minority and woman community. Since its inception, the TMCP has been instrumental in enhancing opportunities for diverse attorneys.

On behalf of the Office of Minority Affairs and the 2014 Steering Committee, we invite you and your organization to the 22nd Annual Texas Minority Counsel Program (“TMCP”) in Austin, Texas on September 3-5, 2014. Come find out why the TMCP is the premier client development, networking, and CLE event for attorneys in Texas!

Conference Goals • Present a CLE program designed for diverse lawyers and corporate/government counsel.

The TMCP’s unique format not only provides valuable CLE credit but also gives attendees an opportunity to participate in informational interviews to discuss outside counsel opportunities. The speed networking lunch, golf outing, spa retreat, dine-arounds, and receptions all maximize the opportunity for attorneys to connect and develop future professional relationships.

• Provide informational interviewing opportunities for diverse lawyers to meet with corporations and government agencies. • Offer an informal environment for attendees to network.

We encourage you to show your support of the TMCP and its goal of increased diversity and inclusion in the legal profession by sponsoring this year’s program. Sponsors receive valuable exposure and opportunities for participation at the conference. In addition, if your organization is a corporation or government agency in need of diverse outside counsel, you may use the enclosed form to indicate your desire to conduct informational interviews during the conference.

VENUES Conference The Westin Austin at The Domain 11301 Domain Drive Austin, Texas 78758

We are confident that your participation will benefit you and your organization. We look forward to seeing you in Austin!

Golf TopGolf Austin 2700 Esperanza Crossing Austin, Texas 78758

Spa Ann Webb Skin Clinic 11701 Jollyville Road, Ste. 103 Austin, Texas 78759

IMPORTANT DATES May 2, 2014 Deadline for sponsors to submit logo for conference registration brochure

C h ri s toph er Mugi ca Jackson Walker L.L.P.

August 8, 2014 Deadline for discounted registration fee & résumé submission for informational interviews (Registration fee increases by $50/person after this date)

August 13, 2014

Travis Torrence Shell Oil Company

Deadline to receive discounted hotel room rate. Contact the Westin Austin at the Domain at (512) 832-4197 for reservations.

September 3-5, 2014 22nd Annual TMCP Conference 2

SPONSORSHIP LEVELS Premier $20,000 Exclusive

Barrister $6,000

Opportunity to exclusively host the Thursday night TMCP Party Seven complimentary company registrations for the conference Seven complimentary company registrations for Golf Outing or Spa Retreat Company logo printed on conference tote bag Company logo printed on conference t-shirt Full page black and white ad in the Directory of Participants Reserved table at the TMCP Party Recognition as a sponsor of all six Save-the-Date Receptions Promotional item in conference tote bags (one promotional item to be provided by sponsor) Premier Sponsor Award Company logo printed in the TMCP brochure (if received by May 2) Company logo and hyperlink prominently featured on the TMCP website Recognition as a Premier Sponsor in all conference materials Company logo prominently displayed on conference signage Acknowledgement of sponsorship during breaks

Recognition as a sponsor of the Wednesday Welcome Reception Three complimentary company registrations for the conference Three complimentary registrations for the Golf Outing or Spa Retreat Recognition as a sponsor of three of the six Save-the-Date Receptions (preferred cities to be chosen by sponsor) Promotional item in conference tote bags (one promotional item to be provided by sponsor) Barrister Sponsor Award Company name or logo printed in the TMCP brochure (if received by May 2)

Company logo and hyperlink featured on the TMCP website Recognition as a Barrister sponsor in all conference materials Company name or logo displayed on conference signage

Advocate $4,000 Recognition as a sponsor of the Thursday Breakfast Two complimentary company registrations for the conference Two complimentary registrations for the Golf Outing or Spa Retreat Recognition as a sponsor of two of the six Save-the-Date Receptions (preferred cities to be chosen by sponsor) Promotional item in conference tote bags (one promotional item to be provided by sponsor) Advocate Sponsor Award Company name or logo printed in the TMCP brochure (if received

Presidential $15,000 Recognition as a sponsor of the Keynote Awards Luncheon and the Speed Networking Luncheon Five complimentary company registrations for the conference Five complimentary company registrations for the Golf Outing or Spa Retreat Company logo printed on conference t-shirt Full page black and white ad in the Directory of Participants Reserved table at the Keynote Awards Luncheon Recognition as a sponsor of five of the six Save-the-Date Receptions (preferred cities to be chosen by sponsor) Promotional item in conference tote bags (one promotional item to be provided by sponsor) Presidential Sponsor Award Company logo printed in the TMCP brochure (if received by May 2) Company logo and hyperlink prominently featured on the TMCP website Recognition as a Presidential Sponsor in all conference materials Company logo prominently displayed on conference signage Acknowledgement of sponsorship during breaks

by May 2)

Company logo and hyperlink featured on the TMCP website Recognition as an Advocate sponsor in all conference materials Company name or logo displayed on conference signage

Counselor $2,000 Recognition as a sponsor of the Friday Breakfast One complimentary company registration for the conference One complimentary registration for the Golf Outing or Spa Retreat Recognition as a sponsor of one of the six Save-the-Date Receptions (preferred city to be chosen by sponsor) Promotional item in conference tote bags (one promotional item to be provided by sponsor) Counselor Sponsor Award Company name or logo printed in the TMCP brochure (if received

Chancellor $8,000 Recognition as a sponsor of the Thursday Networking Reception Four complimentary company registrations for the conference Four complimentary registrations for the Golf Outing or Spa Retreat ½ page black and white ad in the Directory of Participants Recognition as a sponsor of four of the six Save-the-Date Receptions (preferred cities to be chosen by sponsor) Promotional item in conference tote bags (one promotional item to be provided by sponsor) Chancellor Sponsor Award Company logo printed in the TMCP brochure (if received by May 2) Company logo and hyperlink featured on the TMCP website Recognition as a Chancellor sponsor in all conference materials

by May 2)

Company logo and hyperlink featured on the TMCP website Recognition as a Counselor sponsor in all conference materials Company name or logo displayed on conference signage

Associate $1,000 One complimentary company registration for the conference Company name or logo printed in the TMCP brochure (if received by May 2)

Company logo and hyperlink featured on the TMCP website Recognition as an Associate sponsor in conference materials Company name or logo displayed on conference signage

Company logo displayed on conference signage Additional sponsorship opportunities are available and include sponsorship of the Golf Outing, Spa Event, TMCP Mobile App, and Save-the-Date Receptions. For more information, contact the Office of Minority Affairs at or (800) 204-2222, ext. 1538.



TMCP 2014

Use this form to enroll your COMPANY as a sponsor and/or interviewer. For individual conference registration, complete the conference registration form on page 4. ALL attendees must submit a conference registration form. To claim a complimentary sponsor registration, you must write in “Sponsor” in the “Complimentary” blank in Section 5 on page 4.



Company Name (Exactly as you would like it listed in conference materials): ________________________________________________________________________ Website:________________________________________________________________ CONTACT PERSON (To be contacted regarding sponsorship details and complimentary registrations)

Name____________________________________________________________________ Title_____________________________________________________________________ Street Address____________________________________________________________ City_________________________________ State________ Zip_____________________

Type of Organization:  Corporation  Government Agency  Judiciary  Law firm (select firm type below):  Majority-owned  Minority-owned  Minority woman-owned  Woman-owned  Other__________________________ __________________________________

Phone (______)_______________ E-mail ______________________________________



 Premier $20,000 (Exclusive)



INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEWS (To be completed by corporations only, not law firms)

 Our corporation (not law firm) would like to conduct interviews at the conference.

 Presidential $15,000

 Our corporation (not law firm) will not be participating in the interviews this year.

 Chancellor


CONTACT PERSON (To be contacted for details regarding informational interviews)

 Barrister



 Advocate $4,000


 Counselor $2,000

Street Address____________________________________________________________

 Associate $1,000

City_________________________________ State________ Zip_____________________ Phone (______)_______________ E-mail ______________________________________



q Check (enclosed) payable to State Bar of Texas for $_________ Check No._______ q Credit Card:

q Visa

q MasterCard


q Discover

Account No. __________________________________________ Exp. Date__________ Name on card (Please print) _________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________

THREE ways to submit your sponsor/interviewer form: Email (credit card only)

Send scanned form to:


(credit card only)

(512) 427-4439


(check or credit card)

State Bar of Texas Minority Affairs P.O. Box 12487 Austin, TX 78711-2487 3


(800) 204-2222, x1538

Texas Minority Counsel Program




Name: _______________________________________________

State Bar of Texas Membership No. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

Company Name: _____________________________________________________________ Title:____________________________________ Type of Company:

 Government Agency   Corporation (not law firm)   Judiciary    Other: _____________________________

 Law Firm (select firm type):  Majority-owned   Minority-owned

 Minority woman-owned    Woman-owned

Company Website:_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Mailing Address for Bar-Related Mail: ____________________________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________________________________________ State: ______________ Zip: __________________________________ Phone: (______)___________________ Fax: (______)______________________ Email:____________________________________________


Choose ONE type of conference registration:

 Outside Counsel . . . . . . . . $450  In-house Counsel, Government,

Choose ONE networking event (optional) :

À la carte registration (optional) :

 Golf Outing . . . . . . . . . . . . $125  Golf (in-house counsel rate) $100  Spa Retreat . . . . . . . . . . . . $125

À la carte registrations must be submitted by fax, email, or mail. Online registration is not available.

 Awards Luncheon Only . . . . $50  Social Events* Only . . . . . . . $100

or Law Student . . . . . . . . . $250

*Receptions and party


Conference t-shirt:  no thank you -OR S  M  L  XL  XXL  XXXL


Outside Counsel Interview Registration This section should be completed ONLY by outside counsel interested in being interviewed.

Course materials provided as a PDF download prior to the conference. You will receive an email when the download is accessible at

Firm Breakdown: # Partners________ # Associates _______

# Of Counsel_________ Total _______

Check all applicable boxes indicating your practice area(s) AND fill in blanks with % of total practice. Percentages MUST be in increments of 5% and add up to 100%. % of Practice % of Practice

 Administrative Law . . . . .  Antitrust . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Appellate Practice . . . . . .  Banking . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Bankruptcy . . . . . . . . . . .  Business . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Collections . . . . . . . . . . .  Commercial Litigation . . .  Computer & Technology  Construction . . . . . . . . . .  Corporate . . . . . . . . . . . .  Criminal . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Debtor/Creditor . . . . . . .


_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

 Education . . . . . . . . . . . .  Entertainment/Sports . . .  Environmental . . . . . . . .  Family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Government . . . . . . . . . .  Health Care . . . . . . . . . .  Immigration . . . . . . . . . .  Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . .  Intellectual Property . . . .  International . . . . . . . . . .  Labor & Employment . . .  LGBT Law . . . . . . . . . . . .  Mediation & Arbitration

I am entitled to a discount: q $50 OFF if registering by August 8, 2014. Discount applies to conference only, not golf, spa or à la carte registrations. (If by mail, date of postmark will determine discount.)


q As a judge, I affirm I qualify for complimentary registration under State Bar Policy Manual §7.03.06. q Complimentary (List reason): __________________________________

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______

My total for all options is $_______. I am paying by: q Check (enclosed) payable to State Bar of Texas for $_________ Check No.__________ q Credit Card: q Visa

q MasterCard

Signature _______________________________________________________________


Send scanned form to:

q Discover

Name on card (Please print) ________________________________________________


Email (credit card only)


Account No. _____________________________________ Exp. Date______________

Submit Form

(credit card only)

_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______


FOUR ways to submit your conference registration: Keyword: minority

% of Practice

 Mergers & Acquisitions . .  Military . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Oil, Gas & Mineral . . . . .  Personal Injury/Tort Lit . .  Probate/Trusts/Estates . . .  Products Liability . . . . . . .  Public Finance . . . . . . . . .  Public Utility . . . . . . . . . .  Real Estate . . . . . . . . . . .  Taxation . . . . . . . . . . . . .  Workers Comp . . . . . . . .  Other (specify below) . . .


(credit card only)

(512) 427-4439


(check or credit card)

State Bar of Texas Minority Affairs P.O. Box 12487 Austin, TX 78711-2487



(800) 204-2222, x1538

State Bar of Texas P.O. Box 12487 Austin, TX 78711-2487




LIVE September 3-5, 2014



CHANCELLOR American Airlines Exxon Mobil Corporation Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. BARRISTER Baker Botts L.L.P. Greenberg Traurig, LLP Kelly Hart & Hallman LLP Norton Rose Fulbright Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. Shell Oil Company SuperiorReview USAA Wells Fargo & Company Winstead PC Winston & Strawn LLP ADVOCATE Alston & Bird LLP Association of Corporate Counsel - Dallas-Fort Worth Chapter AT&T BakerHostetler Baker McKenzie Bracewell & Giuliani LLP Chevron Corporation Cozen O’Connor Dallas Area Rapid Transit Escobedo, Tippit, & Cardenas, L.L.P. Fish & Richardson P.C.

Gordon & Rees LLP Hewlett-Packard Company HG Litigation Services Jackson Lewis LLP Jackson Walker L.L.P. Jones Day JPMorgan Chase & Co. Paul Garcia & Associates Scott, Douglass & McConnico, L.L.P. Seyfarth Shaw LLP Steptoe & Johnson PLLC Sutherland Asbill & Brennan LLP Vinson & Elkins LLP Zelle Hofmann Voelbel & Mason LLP COUNSELOR Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP Allen Boone Humphries Robinson LLP Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell & Berkowitz, PC Bowman and Brooke LLP Carrington, Coleman, Sloman & Blumenthal, L.L.P. BP America Carter Stafford Arnett Hamada & Mockler, PLLC Children’s Medical Center Dallas Cowles & Thompson Denko Coburn Lauff LLP Farrow-Gillespie & Heath LLP Gonzalez Saggio & Harlan LLP



2013 SPONSORS* PRESIDENTIAL Cantey Hanger LLP Lowe’s Companies, Inc.


Graves Dougherty Hearon & Moody Haynes and Boone, LLP H-E-B iSolutions Digital Litigation Services Kane Russell Coleman & Logan PC Lam, Lyn & Philip, P.C. Littler Mendelson, P.C. Locke Lord LLP Monty & Ramirez LLP PepsiCo Schwartz, Page & Harding, L.L.P. Sedgwick LLP SettlePou South Texas College of Law Special Counsel St. Mary’s University School of Law Texas A&M University School of Law Texas Southern University Thurgood Marshall School of Law Thompson & Knight LLP University of Texas School of Law Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP Xcel Energy Levels listed: Presidential through Counselor


CHAIRS Christopher Mugica Jackson Walker L.L.P. Travis Torrence Shell Oil Company CORPORATE REPRESENTATIVES Cheryl Barber USAA Aparna Dave Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Gilbert Gonzalez San Antonio Board of REALTORS Michelle Peak American Airlines Elizabeth Ramirez-Washka Dr Pepper Snapple Group Annita Riddick Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP Andrew Wallace Cintra US MINORITY/WOMEN FIRM REPRESENTATIVES David Chaumette Chaumette, PLLC Joe Escobedo Escobedo, Tippit & Cardenas, L.L.P. MAJORITY FIRM REPRESENTATIVES M. Lucille Anderson Henke Law Firm, LLP Marcus Brown Winstead PC Jesús Castillón BakerHostetler

Adrienne Dominguez Thompson & Knight LLP Fred Gaona Ford & Harrison LLP Asher Griffin Scott, Douglass & McConnico, L.L.P. Caroline Harrison Cantey Hanger LLP Ryan Manns Norton Rose Fulbright Jason Mueller Locke Lord LLP Rakhee Patel Shackelford, Melton, McKinley & Norton, LLP Jennifer Rappoport Winston & Strawn LLP Keshia Rodriguez Sedgwick, LLP Annapoorni Sankaran Greenberg Traurig, LLP William Toles Fee, Smith, Sharp & Vitullo GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATIVES Hasan Mack Office of the Lieutenant Governor, David Dewhurst Halfreda Anderson Nelson Dallas Area Rapid Transit OTHER REPRESENTATIVES Latasha Grinnell Wendy Adele Humphrey Texas Tech School of Law Kathy Richardson HR Legal Search

STATE BAR REPRESENTATIVES Caren des Vignes Director, Office of Minority Affairs Heather Stevens Office of Minority Affairs


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