Employment law

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17th Annual

Advanced Employment Law Course Irving

Live San Antonio January 22–23, 2009

Video Replays

March 5-6, 2009

Houston March 12–13, 2009

Welcoming Reception Thursday Afternoon Continental Breakfast and Lunch on Both Days Highlights • Presentation by EEOC General Counsel • FMLA/USERRA: Are You on Top of It? • Immigration Issues You Need to Know

Come a day early and attend the Nuts & Bolts of Employment Law

• Emerging Causes of Action

• Changes in the ADA and GINA

TexasBarCLE presents the 17th Annual

Advanced Employment Law Course Cosponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Texas


7 hrs including 1.25 hrs ethics

8:00 Registration Continental Breakfast Provided

LIVE San Antonio

January 22–23, 2009 Crowne Plaza Riverwalk 111 Pecan Street East

VIDEO Irving

March 5-6, 2009 Sheraton Grand Hotel DFW Airport 4440 W. John Carpenter Freeway

VIDEO Houston

March 12-13, 2009 Holiday Inn Select 2712 Southwest Freeway


14.25 HOURS (2 ETHICS) MCLE COURSE NO: 900051765

Applies to the College of the State Bar of Texas and the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Labor and Employment Law.

8:45 Welcoming Remarks and Program Introductions Course Director Genice A.G. Rabe, Salem, OR Law Office of Genice A.G. Rabe 9:00 State Law Update .75 hr Richard R. Carlson, Houston Professor of Law South Texas College of Law

9:45 FMLA/USERRA .5 hr Clara B. Burns, El Paso Kemp Smith 10:15 Break

1:00 Immigration Issues 1.75 hrs (.5 ethics) Overview Genice A. G. Rabe, Salem, OR Law Office of Genice A.G. Rabe

Employee Perspective Employee Rights and Reality William H. Beardall, Jr., Austin Executive Director Equal Justice Center

Employer Perspective Compliance, Criminal Liability, and Employer Status Teresa S. Valderrama, Houston Jackson Lewis

Judicial Perspective Hon. Xavier Rodriguez, San Antonio Judge, U.S. District Court Western District of Texas

2:45 Break

10:30 Dealing With A Bad Economy and ADEA .75 hr Dan C. Dargene, Dallas Winstead

3:00 Religious Discrimination .5 hr Linda Ottinger Headley, Houston Littler Mendelson

11:15 FLSA/Collective and Class Actions .5 hr (.25 ethics) David L. Kern, El Paso Kern Law Firm

3:30 Let’s Make a Deal: Crafting Settlements and Tax Issues .75 hr (.25 ethics) Malinda Ann Gaul, San Antonio Gaul and Dumont

11:45 Break — Luncheon served

12:05 Luncheon Presentation: Effective Legal Writing .75 hr Chad Baruch, Dallas Assistant Principal Yavneh Academy of Dallas The Law Office of Chad Baruch 12:50 Break

Valorie Glass, McAllen Atlas & Hall

4:15 Privacy Issues in the Modern Workplace - Wired in the Digital Age .75 hr (.25 ethics) Maria Nan Alessandra, New Orleans, LA Phelps Dunbar 5:00 Adjourn


TexasBarCLE Advanced courses are sponsored by LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.

5:00 Labor and Employment Law Section Meeting 5:30 Reception (LIVE SITE ONLY) Sponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Texas


7.25 hrs including .75 hrs ethics

8:00 Continental Breakfast Provided 8:30 Interstate Battles Over Covenants Not To Compete/ Injunctive Relief .5 hr Rod Tanner, Fort Worth Tanner & Associates 9:00 National Labor Relations Board Update and Employee Free Choice Act .75 hr Glenda Louise Pittman, Austin Pittman & Fink

Hershell L. Barnes, Jr., Dallas Barnes & Harrington

10:45 Break 11:00 What You Need to Know Outside the 5th Circuit .5 hr Michael A. McCabe, Dallas Munck Carter

11:30 Developments at the EEOC 2006 to Date .75 hr Ronald S. Cooper, Washington, D.C. General Counsel, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 12:15 Break — Luncheon served 12:35 Luncheon Presentation: Watching Good Employment Lawyers at Work in the Courtroom .75 hr Hon. W. Royal Furgeson, Jr., San Antonio Judge, U.S. District Court Western District of Texas

2:15 Employment at Will .5 hr Philip Durst, Austin Deats Durst Owen & Levy 2:45 Classification of Workers .5 hr Liane A. Janovsky, Fort Worth Janovsky and Associates 3:15 Pleadings and Proof .5 hr Margaret A. Harris, Houston Butler and Harris 3:45 Making The Right Choice: Helping Clients Find Their Wisdom .75 hr ethics Michael P. Maslanka, Dallas Ford & Harrison 4:30 Adjourn

1:20 Break

9:45 ADA Update, Changes in ADA, and GINA 1 hr Moderator Brian East, Austin Senior Attorney, Legal Services Advocacy, Inc. John W. Griffin, Jr., Victoria Marek Griffin & Knaupp

1:30 Emerging Causes of Action .75 hr Maureen Blackburn Jennings, Houston Phelps Dunbar

James H. Kizziar, Jr., San Antonio Bracewell & Giuliani


TexasBarCLE presents

Nuts & Bolts of Employment Law Cosponsored by the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Texas

LIVE San Antonio January 21, 2009

VIDEO Irving March 4, 2009


4 hrs including .75 hrs ethics


4 HOURS (.75 ETHICS) MCLE COURSE NO: 900051764

Applies to the College of the State Bar of Texas and the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Labor and Employment Law.

VIDEO Houston March 11, 2009

Laura E. O’Donnell, San Antonio Haynes and Boone

12:30 Registration

3:15 Break

1:15 Welcoming Remarks and Program Introductions Course Director Genice A.G. Rabe, Salem, OR Law Office of Genice A.G. Rabe

3:30 Managing Your Practice and Your Clients .75 hr (.25 ethics) Cheryl R. Drazin, Dallas Gillespie Rozen Watsky & Jones

1:30 Overview of Statutory Employment Law .5 hr Genice A.G. Rabe, Salem, OR Law Office of Genice A.G. Rabe

4:15 Dealing With Agencies 1 hr Robert A. Canino, Dallas Regional Attorney U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

2:00 Overview of Non-Statutory Employment Related Law That You Really Need to Know .5 hr ethics Connie Cornell, Austin Cornell Smith & Mierl 2:30 Deposition and Discovery .75 hr Joseph Y. Ahmad, Houston Ahmad Zavitsanos & Anaipakos


Margaret Cranford, Dallas U.S. Department of Labor 5:15 Wage & Hour/Fair Labor Standards .5 hr Patrick J. Maher, Fort Worth Shannon Gracey Ratliff & Miller 5:45 Adjourn

The State Bar of Texas

Join the Labor and Employment Law Section Approximately 3,000 attorneys strong, the Labor and Employment Law Section of the State Bar of Texas works to promote and enhance the practice of law by all lawyers who specialize or have an interest in labor and employment law. The Section connects you to: • CLE discounted to its members • Assistance to pro bono service providers • A quarterly newsletter with recent Texas state and federal court decisions involving significant labor and employment law issues • The annual Law Review Articles Award recognizing an outstanding student’s article on a labor and employment law topic • Useful information and tools via its website, www.laborlaw.org


To join, send your name and contact information along with a check for your $20 annual dues (payable to the State Bar) to: Richard R. Carlson, Treasurer

1303 San Jacinto Street,

SBOT Labor & Employment

Houston, TX

Law Section,


Or join online at TexasBar.com; search for “join a section” and follow the appropriate links.

www . lab o rlaw . o rg

Registration Form

Four ways to register Online

TexasBarCLE.com credit card only


800-204-2222, x1574 during business hours credit card only


Advanced Employment Law Course 1

Nuts & Bolts of Employment Law (No discounts or fees under “2” apply.) q $95 San Antonio LIVE, January 21, 2009 q $85 Irving VIDEO, March 4, 2009 q $85 Houston VIDEO, March 11, 2009



Check one box to select site: Advanced Employment Law Course q $545 San Antonio LIVE, January 22–23, 2009 Early Registration Deadline: January 8th q $445 Irving VIDEO, March 5-6, 2009 Early Registration Deadline: February 19th q $445 Houston VIDEO, March 12-13, 2009 Early Registration Deadline: February 26th


512-427-4111 credit card only


State Bar of Texas - CLE LB #972298 P. O. Box 972298 Dallas, TX 75397-2298 check or credit card

Registering five or more?

Email Laura Angle at laura.angle@texasbar.com for group discount information.

5095 Check all applicable boxes below to calculate your fee: q Add $50 if registering after the Early Registration Deadline. (If registration is by mail, date of postmark will determine if this fee applies.) q Subtract $25 if you are a member of the State Bar Labor and Employment Law Section -OR- State Bar College -ORState Bar Legal Administrators or Legal Assistants Division -OR- licensed two years or less. q No charge for Qualifying Judges (defined on page 4) and full-time Administrative Law Judges.


My payment after all calculations above: $ _______

State Bar Membership No. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Name ____________________________________________________________ Preferred Badge Name __________________________________ Firm Name/Court _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address for Bar-Related Mail ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State __________________________________________________________________________ Zip__________________________________ Phone (

) ______________________________________________________ Fax (

) ____________________________________________

E-Mail: ______________________________________________________________________________

I can’t attend. Just send course materials.* FREE Shipping & Handling q Course Book q Set of MP3 speeches on CD†† q Set of course audio CDs q Nuts & Bolts book


$155 each† $150 set† $230 set† $40 each†

Quantity: Quantity: Quantity: Quantity:

_________ _________ _________ _________

I am paying by: q Check (enclosed) payable to the State Bar of Texas for $_______________ q Visa q MasterCard q AMEX q Discover Account No. _____________________________________________________Exp. Date_ _______________________________________________ Name on card (Please print) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ *Online versions (PDFs) of course materials will be available for purchase 6-8 weeks after the course in the Online Library at TexasBarCLE.com. Course registrants receive access to the PDFs at no additional charge (see “Two Free Online Benefits for Course Registrants” in this brochure.) †Plus 7.25% tax (8.25% for Austin address) on total. Book orders and audio CD orders are shipped separately and filled approximately 4-6 weeks after the live program. You will be billed unless you authorized a credit card charge above. ††CDs require MP3-compatible player for playback. Older CD players may not play MP3s. See “MP3 CDs” under “Course Information.”

QUESTIONS? 800-204-2222, ext 1574 • 512-427-1574



Register Early and Save $50 by registering at least two weeks before the course. Early registrations helps us ensure that sufficient course books, seating, and refreshments are available. Registrations are accepted on a space-available basis. Course materials and seating will be reserved for pre-registrants until the start of the first topic. No confirmation will be sent; pick up your name tag and materials at the program. Group Those Registrations and Save! Earn discounts for groups of 5 or more from your firm or agency. Contact Legal Education Consultant Laura Angle of TexasBarSolutions at 512-250-5575 or langle@texasbar.com. Labor and Employment Law Section Members Can Save Up To $75 because the Section cosponsors this course. If you belong to the Section, or you agree to join by the date of the course, you save $25; see the registration form. To join the section, please contact the State Bar’s Sections Coordinator, Kathy Casarez, at 800-204-2222, x1420. Please do not send payment for Section membership with your registration fee. Qualifying Judges may attend free of charge, provided (1) the course is directly related to the jurisdiction of their tribunal, (2) they are full-time judges or judges retired under the judicial retirement system, and (3) space is available after admission of all paid registrants. Judges must actually attend to receive course materials. This privilege does not extend to receivers, trustees, court staff, or persons serving part-time in any judicial capacity. If You Register But Cannot Attend you can still earn participatory MCLE credit and receive course materials. First, consider transferring your registration to a later presentation of the course; to do so, call 800-204-2222, x1574. Second, as a registrant, you are entitled to special benefits (see “Two Free Online Benefits For Course Registrants,” below). However, if you wish to receive a refund instead, mail or fax (512-427-4111) your request so that we receive it at least one business day before the program. Registrants who do not attend will be sent the course materials. Two Free Online Benefits for Course Registrants will be available 6-8 weeks after the course: (1) streaming video and audio versions of each presentation and (2) electronic versions of the course materials. (Actual length of a presentation may vary from that which was advertised.) To access these benefits, log onto TexasBarCLE.com. To view videos, look under “Your Online Classroom” and click on “Free Classes from Seminars You’ve Attended.” For course materials, check our home page for “Your Online Library.” Below that, click on “Free Articles from Seminars You’ve Attended.” Remember: there’s no extra charge. As a registrant, you’re already entitled! MP3 CDs require an MP3-compatible device (e.g., an iPod or a CD/MP3 player) for playback. Older CD Players may not play MP3 CDs. Most computers can play MP3 CDs; many can extract MP3 files and burn them onto audio CDs playable in car stereos. MP3-compatible devices may be combined with a commercially available adaptor to transmit sound to a car’s FM radio or audiocassette player. Persons with Disabilities who need special accommodations to attend should contact us as soon as possible at 800-204-2222, x1797. Policy of Impartiality The State Bar of Texas does not endorse political candidates. When a candidate for public office is included in promotion for or participates in a TexasBarCLE event, the State Bar is not taking a position for or against anyone’s candidacy.


Reserve Your Hotel Room Early Hotel rooms have been blocked at special rates on a space available basis. To make a reservation, contact the hotel and indicate that you will be attending the State Bar of Texas Advanced Employment Law Course.

San Antonio Live Crowne Plaza Riverwalk 111 Pecan Street East 210-354-2800 $165 for a single/double Deadline: January 7, 2009

Irving Video Sheraton Grand Hotel DFW Airport 4440 W. John Carpenter Freeway 972-929-8400

Houston Video Holiday Inn Select 2712 Southwest Freeway 713-523-8448 No rooms have been blocked for the video presentations.

Course Director Genice A. Rabe . ...................................................... Salem, OR Planning Committee William H. Beardall, Jr..................................................... Austin Clara B. (C.B.) Burns...................................................... El Paso Katherine L. Butler.......................................................Houston Robert A. Canino.............................................................Dallas Professor Richard R. Carlson........................................Houston Dan C. Dargene...............................................................Dallas Brian East....................................................................... Austin Malinda Ann Gaul.................................................San Antonio Valorie Glass................................................................ McAllen Linda Ottinger Headley................................................Houston John V. Jansonius.............................................................Dallas Maureen Blackburn Jennings.......................................Houston Patrick J. Maher....................................................... Fort Worth Michael P. Maslanka........................................................Dallas Michael A. McCabe.........................................................Dallas Rod Tanner.............................................................. Fort Worth Teresa S. Valderrama....................................................Houston TexasBarCLE Planning Team Adriana Resendez . ....................................Sr. Planning Attorney Michelle Townley . ................................Sr. Program Coordinator State Bar of Texas Harper Estes................................................................. President Joe Shannon, Jr.............................................. Chair of the Board Roland Johnson....................................................President-Elect Gib Walton.......................................... Immediate Past President Sylvia Cardona..................................................... TYLA President F. R. “Buck” Files, Jr..................................Chair, CLE Committee Van Galen Hilley.............................Chair, Board PDP Committee Michelle Hunter...............................................Executive Director Patrick A. Nester........................................ Director, TexasBarCLE

taking less time to

find the law means more time to

practice it Don’t wade through materials on your shelves, hoping to find what you need. Instead, with a few key strokes, search over 10,000 CLE articles, online — for free. That’s what the State Bar of Texas has in mind with its Online Library, an ongoing collection of high-quality course articles available at TexasBarCLE.com. Imagine having quick access to the analyses, experience and insights of some of the best legal minds in Texas. Just enter keywords into the Online Library’s search engine and get search results in seconds. Look at any article’s Table of Contents, or at the “hits”— places where the keywords appear. Then purchase and download your choices on the spot. Single articles are $29 each, plus tax. Better yet, subscribe to the Library and download all the articles you want for a full year. An annual subscription is just $295 plus tax; pay up front or bill your credit card $27 State Bar of Texas P. O. Box 12487 Austin, TX 78711-2487

per month—less than the cost of a single article. Plus, the Library will continue to grow during your subscription, as more and more new articles come online. Think of the advantages. You could: 4 Do research quickly and efficiently. 4 Stop storing shelves of CLE materials. 4 Collect articles relevant to a specific topic, practice area, or author. 4 Access what you want anytime, anywhere. You’ve always heard that time is money. More to the point, your time is money. So spend less time finding the law, and more time practicing it. Use the Online Library.

The Online Library Searchable


17th Annual Advanced Employment Law Course Live San Antonio January 22-23, 2009 Video Irving March 5-6, 2009 Video Houston March 12-13, 2009



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