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16th Annual


Medical Malpractice C O U R S E

Breakfast each day and a buffet lunch

live  Santa Fe March 12–13, 2009 La Fonda Hotel

Bring your laptop to enjoy: • Course materials on a USB drive (also available in hard copy)

• FREE wireless signal in the meeting room • Convenient access to power Worried about what the Legislature might do?

see page 4 details about a FREE Medical Malpractice Course Update

COURSE MATERIALS available ON a USB drive

TexasBarCLE presents the 16th Annual


Medical Malpractice C O U R S E

Thursday 7 hours including 1 hour ethics 8:00

LIVE  Sante Fe, NM March 12–13, 2009 La Fonda Hotel

Registration and Continental Breakfast


Welcoming Remarks Course Director Steven M. Gonzalez, McAllen Gonzalez Palacios


2009 Status Report .5 hr Paula F. Sweeney, Dallas Howie & Sweeney


Supreme Court Trends .5 hr Pamela Stanton Baron, Austin Attorney at Law


Legislative Update .5 hr Jay Harvey, Austin Winckler & Harvey

10:15 Break 10:30 Constitutional Issues .5 hr Michael S. Hull, Austin Hull Henricks & MacRae 11:00 EMTALA and the Emergency Room .5 hr Edward John Castillo, McAllen Gonzalez Palacios


12.25 HOURS (2 ETHICS) MCLE COURSE NO: 900053936 Applies to the College of the State Bar of Texas and the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in Civil Appellate Law, Civil Trial Law and Personal Injury Trial Law.

11:30 Subrogation: Reducing Liens and Recovering Attorney’s Fees .5 hr (.25 hr ethics) Guy Choate, San Angelo Webb, Stokes & Sparks 12:00 Break - Lunch Served 12:15 LUNCH PRESENTATION: Lessons Learned .75 hr (.25 hr ethics) Clarence V. Lyons, San Antonio Lyons Rhodes & Vela


Thomas C. Riney, Amarillo Riney & Mayfield




Jury Selection in the Tort Reform Age .75 hr Jack E. McGehee, Houston McGehee Wachsman

Joel J. Steed, Rockwall Steed Flagg


Medical Authorization and Ex Parte Communication with Treators .5 hr ethics Paul Anthony Gaytan, Mission Gaytan Law Firm

J. Kevin Oncken, San Antonio Uzick & Oncken


Expert Reports — Update .5 hr George G. Brin, San Antonio Brin & Brin




Federal Preemption of Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices .5 hr Tommy Fibich, Houston Fibich Hampton & Leebron


Causation in Medical Malpractice Cases .5 hr Mary Irwin Wilson, San Antonio Rhodes & Vela

Wrongful Death — What’s Recoverable? .5 hr Jim M. Perdue, Jr., Houston Perdue & Kidd




TexasBarCLE Advanced courses are sponsored by LexisNexis, a division of Reed Elsevier Inc.


5.25 hours including 1 hour ethics 8:00

Continental Breakfast


Responsible Third Parties .5 hr Michael H. Loftin, Amarillo Underwood Law Firm


Calculation of Damages and Attorney’s Fees in Catastrophic Cases .5 hr (.25 hr ethics) Richard A. Sheehy, Houston Sheehy Serpe & Ware


Special Needs Trust and Structured Annuities — When and How .5 hr (.25 hr ethics) Patricia F. Sitchler, San Antonio Schoenbaum, Curphy & Scanlan


Texas Tort Claims .5 hr Brian G. Jackson, Austin Davis & Davis


Daubert Panel 1 hr Hon. John A. Coselli, Jr., Houston Judge, 125th District Court

Kevin Dubose, Houston Alexander Dubose Jones & Townsend

Lana K. Varney, Austin Fulbright & Jaworski



10:00 Break 10:15 State Bar Resources for the Impaired Attorney .25 hr ethics Steven M. Gonzalez, McAllen Gonzalez Palacios 10:30 Creative Approaches .5 hr Alexander B. Klein III, Houston The Klein Law Firm 11:00 Trial Delay: What Can Be Mandamused .5 hr (.25 hr ethics) Mike A. Hatchell, Austin Locke Lord Bissell & Liddell 11:30 Texas Medical Board .5 hr Michael R. Sharp, Austin Sharpe & Cobos 12:00 Lunch On Your Own 1:00

Federal Tort Claims .5 hr Michael Ernest Archuleta, Austin The Michael Archuleta Law Firm




Register by February 26 and Save $50 because early registrations help us ensure that sufficient course materials, seating, and refreshments are available. Registrations are accepted on a spaceavailable basis. No confirmation will be sent. Course materials and seating will be reserved for pre-registrants until the start of the first topic. Group Those Registrations and Save! Earn discounts for groups of 5 or more from your firm or agency. Contact Legal Education Consultant Laura Angle of TexasBarSolutions at 512-250-5575 or Qualifying Judges may attend this out-of-state program for only $150 provided (1) the course is directly related to the jurisdiction of their tribunal, (2) they are full-time judges or judges retired under the judicial retirement system, and (3) space is available after admission of all paid registrants. Judges must actually attend to receive course materials. This privilege does not extend to receivers, trustees, court staff, or persons serving part-time in any judicial capacity. If You Register But Cannot Attend consider transferring your registration to a later presentation of the course; to do so, call 800-204-2222, x1574. Or, as a registrant, you are entitled to special benefits (see “Two Free Online Benefits For Course Registrants,” below). However, if you wish to receive a refund instead, mail or fax (512-427-4111) your request so that we receive it at least one business day before the program. Registrants who do not attend will be sent the course materials. Two Free Online Benefits for Course Registrants will be available 6-8 weeks after the course: (1) streaming video/audio versions of presentations and (2) PDFs of the course materials. (Presentation length may vary from that which was advertised.) We’ll alert you when these FREE benefits are available if you provided us your email address when you registered. Persons with Disabilities who need special accommodations to attend should contact us as soon as possible at 800-204-2222, x1797. Policy of Impartiality The State Bar of Texas does not endorse political candidates. When a candidate for public office is included in promotion for or participates in a TexasBarCLE event, the State Bar is not taking a position for or against anyone’s candidacy. Medical Malpractice Legislative Course Update Online Class If after the Session ends, the Course Director and Planning Committee determine (in their sole discretion) that there are important changes that materially affect any of this course’s topics, a special online class about those legislative changes would be made available for FREE to registrants. This Legislative Course Update online class would be archived at and available for viewing for free by registrants 24/7.

Course Director

State Bar of Texas

Steven M. Gonzalez............................ McAllen

Harper Estes.......................................... President Joe Shannon, Jr........................Chair of the Board Roland Johnson.............................President-Elect Gib Walton....................Immediate Past President Sylvia A. Cardona......................... TYLA President F. R. ‘Buck’ Files, Jr............. Chair, CLE Committee Van Galen Hilley...... Chair, Board PDP Committee Michelle Hunter........................ Executive Director Patrick A. Nester..................Director, TexasBarCLE

Planning Committee James R. Boston, Jr.............................Houston Jay Harvey..............................................Austin J. Kevin Oncken............................San Antonio Paula F. Sweeney....................................Dallas

TexasBarCLE Planning Team Kandi Botello.................. Program Coordinator Montgomery Miller..........Sr. Program Attorney


Reserve Your Hotel Room by February 10! There are a limited number of special rate rooms on a space available basis. Don’t wait! They could be gone before the February 10 deadline. When you call the hotel, indicate that you will be attending the State Bar of Texas Advanced Medical Malpractice Course.

Santa Fe, NM Live La Fonda Hotel 100 E. San Francisco Street 800-523-5002 $187 Single/double $207 Deluxe room Deadline: February 10* *The reserved block of rooms may fill up before then so act now! Major airlines serve Santa Fe via the Albuquerque International Airport, just 60 miles to the south. Round-trip Shuttle Services is available from the Albuquerque Airport to Santa Fe. To make reservations, please call: Sandia Shuttle 888-775-5696 or 505-474-5696 Santa Fe Shuttle 888-833-2300 or 505-243-2300 Directions from I-25 and Albuquerque Airport: Santa Fe is approximately 60 miles north of Albuquerque. As you leave the airport, take the Sunport exit to I-25 North. When you reach Santa Fe, take Exit# 284, Old Pecos Trail. At the stop sign at the top of the hill, turn left. Proceed north to the third traffic light and bear right to stay on Old Pecos Trail into town. Old Pecos Trail becomes Old Santa Fe Trail which dead ends into La Fonda at Water Street. Go around the hotel by turning left on Water, then making an immediate right. At the traffic light at San Francisco Street, turn right again, away from the Plaza and toward St. Francis Cathedral. Proceed to the hotel’s parking garage at the end of the block, on the right side of the street. Regular shuttle bus service connects the two cities and rental cars are readily available.

Registration Form Online credit card only

w a y s


800-204-2222, x1574 during business hours credit card only


512-427-4111 credit card only


State Bar of Texas - CLE LB #972298 P. O. Box 972298 Dallas, TX 75397-2298 check or credit card

Advanced Medical Malpractice Course 1



Check one box: LIVE Santa Fe March 12-13, 2009 q Regular Registrant Early Registration Deadline: February 26 q Qualifying Judges (defined on page 4)

3 $595 $150

Check applicable boxes below to calculate your fee: q Add $50 if registering after February 26. (If registering by mail, date of postmark will be determinative.) q Subtract $25 if a member of the State Bar College -OR- State Bar Legal Administrators or Legal Assistants Division -ORlicensed 2 years or less.

t o

r e g i s t e r Registering five or more?

Email Laura Angle at for group discount information.


Choose the format of the Course materials: q Electronic (PDFs on a USB drive) q Hardcopy (1 notebook) q To purchase BOTH add $80 My payment after all calculations: $ ____________


I can’t attend. Just send course materials.*

FREE Shipping & Handling q Course Book q Course materials on USB drive q Set of MP3 speeches on CD q Set of course audio CDs q Course Book & USB drive

$155 each† $155 each† $150 set† $230 set† $235 each†

Qty: _________ Qty: _________ Qty: _________ Qty: _________ Qty: _________

I am paying by: q Check (enclosed) payable to the State Bar of Texas for $__________ q Visa

q MasterCard


q Discover

Account No. _____________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date_______________________________ Name on card (Please print) ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

State Bar Membership No. ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Name_______________________________________________________ Badge Name_________________________________________________ Firm Name/Court _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address for Bar-Related Mail ________________________________________________________________________________________________ City/State_ _______________________________________________________________________________________ Zip ____________________ Phone (

) __________________________________________________ Fax (

) ________________________________________________

E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

*PDFs of course materials will be available for purchase 6-8 weeks after the course in the Online Library at Registrants receive access to the PDFs at no additional charge (see “Two Free Online Benefits for Course Registrants” in this brochure.) †Plus 7.25% tax (8.25% for Austin address) on total. Book orders and audio CD orders are shipped separately and filled 4-6 weeks after the live program. You will be billed unless you authorized a credit card charge above. QUESTIONS? 800-204-2222, ext 1574 or 512-427-1574

A travel writer once said, “Like vintage wine, La Fonda only improves with is definitely an authentic Santa Fe heirloom.” Join us for high-quality CLE and a memorable stay at this crown jewel of the Southwest!

The Grande Dame of Santa Fe hotels,

La Fonda is situated on the historic Plaza, just steps from museums, galleries, shops, and restaurants. A showcase for the work of local artisans, La Fonda is loved for many of the same reasons that Santa Fe is loved: award-winning pueblo-style Spanish architecture and décor, as well as a luxurious, inviting ambience. Built in 1922, La Fonda has been locally owned and operated for decades and has continued a tradition of warm hospitality and excellent service while maintaining its historic integrity and architectural authenticity. While admiring the art and history at La Fonda, guests also appreciate thoroughly modern technology, including high-speed wireless Internet access throughout the hotel.

State Bar of Texas P. O. Box 12487 Austin, TX 78711-2487

16th Annual Advanced Medical Malpractice Course LIVE March 12-13, 2009 Santa Fe, NM



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