The dna decoder issue 1

Page 8

Researchers at the University of Oxford have developed a virtual reality software that allows them to visualize how certain genes are regulated [4].

In your body, there are trillions of cells, all containing the same genetic code, which we call your DNA. You may be wondering, “Wait, if all of my cells contain the same genetic code, what differentiates a heart cell from a lung cell?” The answer is: gene expression. While different types of cells all share the same DNA, they express (turn “on”) only a certain subset of the genes in your genome, and ignore the rest. Genes that are expressed can lead to the creation of proteins, such as hormones and enzymes. In each of these cells, your long, stranded DNA is compressed by tightly coiling around itself. In this form, different regions of the DNA can fold onto each other, causing interactions that can turn genes “on” or “off”. The genes that a particular type of cell expresses can have a big impact on its function.

Photo by Samuel Zeller on Unsplash

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