Red Moon Rising - Introduction

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Red Moon Rising PETE GREIG



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‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams . . . The sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming of the great and glorious day of the Lord. And everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’ (Acts 2:17–21)

Outside the first great prayer room it is a roughneck fisherman of all people, a guy called Peter, who is preaching to the multicultural crowds of Jerusalem. He’s quoting the prophet Joel, explaining with great passion that right here, right now, right before their very eyes, the Spirit of Yahweh is raining down on ‘all people’. An era of vision and salvation has begun. Welcome to the last days, he says. Welcome to the end of the movie. According to the prophet Joel, God’s heavenly logo for such an era is the harvest moon, rising blood red and pregnant with possibilities above us. Such a moon rises over every generation awaiting the one that will finally fulfil the 17

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Great Commission; taking the good news of Jesus to every culture and ushering in the kingdom of heaven. In our time the Spirit is mobilizing young people with fresh vision, sons and daughters are speaking prophetically to the culture, older generations continue to dream and many people cry out for salvation in every tribe and tongue. This is a book about a prayer movement; 24-7 is catalysing intercession and mission all over the world and anyone can join in (though no one can join). But the movement has a context and this book will also introduce you to some of the amazing people and surprising places at the heart of this phenomenon. As this 24-7 story unfolds, friendships grow, we often laugh, there are always frustrations and sometimes we are stunned into silence. But in the midst of many emotions, a nameless, faceless army is meeting God on its own in tiny prayer rooms from Alaska to Australia, and emerges with a fresh resolve to help people discover Jesus and the timeless message of his life, death and resurrection. Signs in the sky A red moon rose in the winter sky above the nightclub in which we gathered to launch 24-7 prayer. For us it was a sign, reminding us of Joel’s prophecy and Peter’s great pentecostal sermon. We sensed that this movement of prayer initiated by God, much to everyone’s surprise, was somehow something to do with the end times, called to be a portal for fresh vision, a small part of a big picture as the Holy Spirit moves in our time. As we have explored the story of what God is doing through people willing to pray 24-7, we continue to see that red moon rising as Joel predicted and Peter preached.

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The book in your hands is not simply Pete Greig’s story, although it is told from his perspective and he is involved in it. This is the story of a group of friends in various countries exploring the power of prayer, mission and Christian community together. As you read this book our prayer is that you might somehow be challenged, encouraged and even changed to become more like the Lord Jesus. This story isn’t ultimately about 24-7; it’s about what can happen when ordinary people dare to dream extraordinary dreams, responding recklessly to the whispered invitations of God. Our prayer is that you will be inspired to say ‘yes’ to the Holy Spirit, whatever that means for you right now and however inadequate you may sometimes feel. The prophet Joel predicts that whenever God’s people truly surrender to the outpouring of his Spirit in this way (like a surfer to the sea), heaven will speak once again in the tongues of men, as happened on the Day of Pentecost through ordinary people in ordinary places. Prophets will begin to wander the land once more, championing the poor, provoking God’s people and calling nations to account. And a rag-tag family of youthful visionaries and seasoned dreamers will conspire together to carry the consequences of the cross to the ends of the earth and into every dark corner of every culture in the name of Christ. Such, says Joel, are the signs of the end times. But dare we believe that these could be those days? Could a red moon rise once more?

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