16 minute read
by 247inkmag
What do you enjoy doing outside of work? Any hobbies you like?
I love playing with my daughter and teaching her bad shots ( laughing) otherwise I have a good time with my friends and I really like playing golf. When I have free time, I like to do canvas or airbrush to return to my old skills.
Who are some of your inspirations in the art industry? Tattoo artist, painters, ect…
I did a lot of canvases when I was young so naturally a big inspiration for me and a lot was Bob Ross. In the tattoo world, the artists who inspired me the most were Carl Grace, Jose Perez, David Vegas and Dbkaye, it was really them who allowed me to see things in another way. For the artists close to me there was Paul Tougas and luka lajoie, I just met Paul at a convention recently and this advice helped me a lot because it allows me to discover new ways of working and which sometimes are more suitable yours.
Do you have any big plans for the new years?
Well yes in April I move my current studio Atlas Tattoo to go to my childhood town in Sainte-Julie to be closer to home and especially with a bigger room to be able to welcome several new artists. So many changes, renovations and challenges but that’s exactly what makes it all exciting because everyone around me is as motivated as I am.

Tell us a little bit about yourself and some of your up bringing?
I had a pretty “normal” upbringing, as normal as they can be. I grew up at the skatepark and took it pretty seriously. At the time I lived in New Jersey so my parents would drive me around to all the competitions, I think that’s where I picked up a lot of the art influence that drives me now, classic skate art was and is always the coolest. My family moved to Florida in 2011 and I’ve been here ever since.
How has your tattoo journey been so far and how long have you been doing this for?
Tattooing has been nothing short of amazing so far. My apprenticeship started in August of 20’ and soon later my mentor fast tracked me and I was tattooing full time in January of 21’. Its really exciting to see the places tattooing has already taken me in the two years since I’ve started.
What would you call your style? Seems like you target traditional Japanese, neo Japanese, anime? Lol I love it what got you in to this certain style?
I have no clue what to call it, I really look towards classic tattooing, my drawing style is just an accumulation of art styles that I love and get a kick out of creating. Sometimes I draw inspiration from Japanese tattoos, classic skateboard illustration, ratfink, and even a few oil painters.
You are very well rounded artist as well, what other styles would you say you like performing and or looking at?
Other then “my style” I really am in awe of traditional Japanese tattoos. American traditional too. Nothing beats the bold simple look that jumps out on first glance.
What hobbies do you have outside of work? What do you like to do for fun?
Hobbies? not many. I play a lot of videogames, always have. But art pretty much takes up any time I have outside of work, whether it be working on personal projects or drawing for the upcoming week. Art was a hobby at one point so I’m still rolling with that.
Do you ever travel for work? Like conventions? If so where are some of your favorite places?
I haven’t traveled much. 2022 was the first full year when I was really starting to get into my own. Did my first ever guest spot with the guys at Black Dawn Tattoo in Milwaukee that was amazing and of course nerve wracking. Did 3 Tampa shows then visited Living Arts Tattoo in New Hope, PA that was a great trip to end the year. Everyone I met along the way was so awesome and the trips were memorable, so I hope to do many more in the future.
Do you have any big plans for the new year?
Not necessarily, I’m letting January roll then I’m gonna sit down and try to plan some stuff. The one concrete plan now is attending the Saratoga Expo with some friends mid April. Probably going to plan a trip for myself to get tattooed as well, I did that last year and it was really fulfilling. But I really never have concrete plans, I’m kind of speratic and only ever plan trips a couple months in advance.
So you currently work in Pennsylvania, are you originally from PA? Tell us a little bit about yourself?
I was born and raised in Erie, PA, and have bounced around PA my whole 28 years of life. I learned how to tattoo in Erie, but my career didn’t really start until I moved to Dubois, PA. After 5 years of grinding my way up the ladder there I decided to take a big leap and try my luck in the city of Pittsburgh. My art is inspired by my love of video games, cartoons, and movies. I think I’m attracted to those things because I was a very sick indoorsy child. Trust me you have a lot of free time to think and imagine all the creative places and things you would love to have. With my work I really hope to bring that spark of childlike wonder.
At what age do you remember getting into art?
For as long as I can remember I’ve been drawing. I truely thought I would grow up to make cartoons professionally, but you know life is wild sometimes and you end up tattooing. I think around the end of highschool is when I got real serious about it. I even started a buisiness where I painted custom skateboards and guitars.
So how was your apprenticeship? Did you have a difficult one?
So I actually had 5 apprenticeships... The 1st was when I was 17 at Zink Tattoo in erie, pa. To be honest I was just too shy and awkward to keep up with it. My grandma had also died during that time so I took a break and got fired for it. My second was at Viscious Rumors with Erie legend Phat Pat. He was a dope guy but I had to deal with alot of heavy biker gang activity. I even had a gun in my face a few times. Theres other details but I might disappear if I disclose those haha. Though after a year into that he had passed away. From there I bounced around a couple shops never really fitting in and kinda got used for my art. After 4 years of apprenticeing I basically gave up on the idea of tattooing and starting working overnight at a factory. A couple years go by and an old friend, Will Roberts, hit me up. He said he opened a new shop in Dubois, and was down to show me the ropes. Probably the best spontanious descision I’ve made in my whole life!
How long have you been tattooing for and how has the journey been?
Ive been tattooing full time since april 1st, 2017. So almost 6 years. I feel like its been a great ride! Alot of the struggle was me trying to catch up to my art with my tattoo skills. Recently I’ve jumped into the convention world which is scary as shit! Everyone is pretty welcoming though, so that helps.
It looks like you do a lot of New school tattoos, what got you into that certain style?
Yeah newschool really is my thing. Though lately I’ve been doing alot of black and grey/ color realism. Newschool is forsure what I’m passionate about but realism is what pays the bills currently. Honestly its becoming sort of a dying art form. Though what got me into newschool was drawing all of the OG Pokémon. I used to draw them literally everyday, and I think that devoloped the natural shapes my hands make.
Do you travel a lot? Conventions guest spots ect…
Personally I fucking hateeeee traveling. I like knowing I can go home to be bed when I want to. In 2021 I did like 3 guest spots at various Pitts shops to try to find a new place to work. And in 2022 I did my 1st 2 conventions. I have a few more lined up for 2023, and if someone invites me to their shop I may come out.
If you could tattoo anyone in the world who would it be and why?
Post malone. I really like to be able to converse with my clients. I feel like he would be rather enjoyable to talk to.

Do you have any big plans for the new years?
For the new years not really. Just to keep my head down and try my hardest to make myself someone worth talking about in a positive way
Tell us a little about yourself, where are you from? Ect...
My name is Sammy Jean, born and raised in a town called Norwich in Connecticut. I attended The Norwich Free Academy, I was extremely grateful to attend their prestigious art program, NFA is 1 of 2 high schools in the U.S with a museum on their campus. I’ve always been drawn to creating art ever since I could hold a pencil, but I think it was once I started to attend NFA that I became fully focused and driven in that field.
How many years have you been tattooing? And when and how did you discover your passion for it?
I first learned how to tattoo 6 years ago when I lived on the boarder of Mexico. I pursued tattooing to be able to not only express my art, but to also have the opportunity to have my art help people. Whether that be helping someone grieve by creating a memorial piece for them, or to help those find their confidence in creating custom art that compliments the dimensions of the persons body, covering self harm scars/surgery scars. One of my favorite tattoo artist Bang Bang had said in an interview, “You are unable to choose the body you’ve been given, but you can decorate it however you want”. And I absolutely love that. I think another amazing part of my job is being to connect with such a wide variety of people. You can learn something from everyone you meet.
What shop are you currently working in? And how do you like it there?
I’m currently working in a private studio in Eastern CT. I’m in the process of opening a shop outside of Boston, MA. with my fellow talented tattoo artist/business partner Sabrina Bonez. Our highest priority is creating an inviting space that’s welcoming and accommodating to anyone and everyone. Ensuring we give our clients a custom tattoo that they’ll love, while also creating a memorable personable amazing experience.
It looks like you do a variety of styles of tattooing. Do you have a favorite style that you prefer to do? Or least favorite?
I started off tattooing being open to every style. I think it’s important to know the basics in all styles of tattooing. Now that I’ve reached a point where I’m happy and confident in a wide variety of styles, I’m excited to start solely focusing on my own style and continue to grow and nurture my style in these next upcoming years of my career. I really enjoy Neo Traditional, preferably color with subject matter ranging from animals, to portraits (such as pop culture figures, iconic celebrities, goddess/gods from any and all cultural backgrounds) I especially love tattooing any unearthly/mythical creatures/characters, the weirder the better.
Do you enjoy traveling to conventions for work? If so what’s your favorite part about them?
I prefer guest spots over conventions, but any chance I get to travel and tattoo while doing it is a dream if I’m being honest. When traveling and meeting other artists, it’s the best opportunity to learn and grow from each other.
Tell us about one of your craziest experiences during your career
I don’t know if some would call it crazy, but I would say the chances of this happening is crazy. This past year I had the incredible experience of guest spotting at The Edge, a tattoo shop in San Diego, CA. back in February and November and my second time out there I happened to run into someone I tattooed my first trip out there while out eating at a bar. She came running up to me and was so excited to show me her tattoo! It was a really cool moment.
What would be some advice you would give to a new and upcoming tattooist?
BELIEVE IN YOURSELF SO MUCH THAT YOU DONT HAVE A PLAN B. Put all your eggs in that basket. Call me crazy, but man when someone hits the throttle and really sends it in tunnel vision mode doing something they’re passionate about, that’s where the magic happens.
What are some hobbies that you enjoy doing outside of work?
Lately I’ve really been enjoying experimenting with 3D art. Working with new materials has been really fun and challenging. Other than that I just try to live life to the fullest I can, from zip lining through the rain forest in Costa Rica, to doing yoga with lemurs in Miami, to ATVing in the deserts of CA. I’m always in search of my next adventure.
The Most Famous Studio presents Robert Hernandez
The legendary “ artist manager “ Marco Scarfò, general manager of the most famous tattoo studio in Europe named “ The Most Famous Studio “, artistic commissioner and curator of one of the most famous exhibition spaces in the world named “ The Most Famous Gallery “ ( published in various newspapers and magazines such as the most important in the city of Perpignan and as one of the best galleries in the world, by the “ Top Galleries “ project and other magazines) and founder of the international project “ Scarfò Galleries “, will host, exclusively, the most famous tattoo artist in the world and in history in black realism, the unique and unmistakable Robert Hernandez, already baptized “ the most famous dark in the world ”. Marco Scarfò has already collaborated in the past with various art and tattoo stars, names such as Aleksandr Romashev Sigal, Rich Harris, James Asher ( Jayfreestyle ), Will Yu, Steve Butcher, Gringo, Maria Kleis and others. The studio he runs is sponsored by 247 Ink Magazine and Tadoo Original, is supported by Ink Machines and is Proton Europe’s Pro Team. The arrival of Robert Hernandez, exclusively at “ The Most Famous Studio “ in Perpignan, the city defined by Salvador Dalì as “ The Center of the World “, will be a unique event in the history of southwestern France.

The tattoo studio collaborates on social networks and offline with various brands, artists and personalities from all over the world, in order to make the initiative of Robert Hernandez’s arrival unique and unrepeatable.For your tattoos with the team of artists and with Robert Hernandez, collaborate or to sponsor the event, the studio or the gallery, contact the General Manager Marco Scarfò.
The Most Famous Studio
Address : 32 Rue Jean Payra - Perpignan - France
E-mail : timetoproject2016@gmail.com
Instagram : www.instagram.com/mostfamous0 Facebook : www.facebook.com/marcoscarfo78
Tell us a little bit about yourself, where were you born and raised? Ect..
I was born in a small city called Wellsboro Pa, and raised 30 mins from there in a even smaller town of Elkland where pretty much everyone knew everyone, secrets could never be kept and there was very few things to do but also a place that has held alot of great memories for me. For example to pass a lot of the time for myself I rode BMX 90% of the time, cause in that time period the internet was barely a thing so it was go outside and do something. I wouldn’t trade those days for anything though, a pro Freestyle BMX rider was the life long goal as a kid that obviously dried out. Fast forward to when I turned 18, just lost my father and had my first child all in the same year, it was then I needed to take life a bit more seriously.
At what age did you discover your passion for art?
Man my passion for art goes way back. As a kid I always would draw and paint as much as I could. A lot like today art was always my mental freedom if that makes sense. I forget what’s real and just dive deep into the project I have in front of me.
How long have you been tattooing now? And how has your journey been so far?
All together I’ve been tattooing for roughly 14 years. Now as far as my journey it truly hasn’t taken off until the last like 3 years. So long story not so short I started tattooing from home, I didn’t have the traditional apprenticeship and as much as I stress not to do this I feel like a hypocrite because that’s how I originally started. So ya I started from home researching and practicing on skins and a few willing participants that were close friends. And then kinda took off a little as I just did it aside from my actual job. This lasted a few years and I truly wanted to take this career seriously, so one day I went out of the area and traveled to Elmira NY and tried my luck with getting into a legit shop. I then was blessed to have the opportunity to join a shop that was called Water st. Collective but came to a pretty quick ending when it was shut down about 6 months in. At this point I thought it was all over until a few days later I was contacted by an artist from 5 star tattoos also out of Elmira NY, which loved my work and put in a good word for me. I was then picked up by them and stayed there for about 2 more years until Covid kicked in. And at this moment I had to truly think realistic on my future cause now NY is currently shut down. At this moment my wife and I sat down and decided to open up our own studio closer to home because I live in PA and drive an hour to get to Elmira everyday. As blessed as I am to have all those opportunities and building those relationships with the artists in NY, opening my own shop was the best move I could have ever made because my art as well as business has grown so much the passed couple years between earning sponsorships as well as winning awards.
I see you specialize in black and grey portrait style tattoos, at what point in your career did you discover your love for that style?
Yes! I have always had love and respect for every artist and styles at hand but for someone to take something and apply it to skin and for it to look as real as the actual object or person now that catches my eye. So I’ve always loved realism art whether it’s drawing, tattooing, painting, or whatever it maybe I have so much respect and love for that style. As my career has grown realism tattooing was always my goal and I honestly didn’t actually start doing it until I opened up my studio in 2020. I may not be top dog in this style but I truly see progression and I’m always willing to learn new ways to raise the bar in this art form.
You own a shop now Smith tattooz in PA, how long have you been in business? And how has that been going for You?
Absolutely, so once Covid hit all shops came to a halt in NY where I was working and shortly after PA followed. So I had 4 months to figure out what my next goal in my career was and once we caught word that PA was opening back up I had taken the opportunity to open up Smith Tattooz and work closer to home. So 2020 was our first year into business and it was stressful and slowly gained traction. Since then we have expanded, hired on 3 more artists, and staying super busy. I couldn’t be happier with how little we had to start with to how much we have gained in just a few years and this isn’t counting the accomplishments each artist has been awarded.
Do you enjoy traveling to conventions for work? If so, what is your favorite part about that?
Honestly conventions are still pretty new to me. I was always nervous and skeptical about putting myself and my artwork out there until this past year. My first convention other then being crazy nervous was an absolute blast. Favorite parts honestly was making the connections with other artists and trying new products and just putting my foot in potential open doors. But I’d be dumb to say one of my favorite parts was walking away with 2 awards and gaining a sponsorship with Urbans Edge tattoo aftercare my first time going to a convention. Since then I attended a second one and that one as well walked away with 2 more awards and a needle sponsorship. So to get out of the everyday routine at the shop to gain relationships with other shops and companies and have a great time all in a weekend I definitely plan on scheduling more.
Do you have any long or short term goals for the future that you’d like to tell us about?
Absolutely, so obviously my main goal is to keep the shop growing and progressing so I truly am on the hunt to buy a bigger building and make some life long plans cause I may not be all that old but I’m definitely not getting younger so definitely planning for the days when I can’t do my all time best and to still have my family taken care of is a big goal for me. So pushing to grow the shop and makes more connections along the way is the main goals as of right now.
What are some other hobbies that you have outside of work?
So being a dad of 5 kiddos and helping them with sports and running a business my amazing wife and I are pretty tapped when it comes to free time but a few things I do enjoy are working on cars in the garage or getting a few mins of call of duty is always nice. But mainly hanging with my family cause without them man none of my successes would be possible so hanging with them helping them with there own goals is supper pleasing to me.