Christian Unity - Prayer Room Leaders Guide

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WHY PRAY FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY? ‘My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.”

JOHN 17:20-21 This prayer in John 17 is a space where we get to listen in on the conversation between the Father and the Son, the relationship that exists in the very heart of God. It is remarkable that right at the centre of this conversation, Jesus prays for us. This is a significant moment we don’t want to miss. What does Jesus want? He wants us to be united, to be one with another, and one with God in Christ. This is what we were made for. We were made for the most intimate fellowship with God, and to be in loving fellowship with each other. This is the place where prayer should lead us. This is the Vision of Jesus. It is only in Jesus that we can truly know this unity. Paul uses the phrase “in Christ” over fifty times in his letters. This is because it is the foundation of salvation and the life of the Church. Christ, as it says in Ephesians 2:14-18, is our peace. His own flesh served as the tool to abolish the hostile divisions between humans, between cultures, between brothers and sisters. Christ’s sacrifice also gives us access, by the Spirit, to the Father. Christ is our peace, the source of all unity.

In this guide we have offered suggestions on how to fill a prayer room with simple stations that will help people pray around the theme of unity. Each day has a specific theme, with suggested songs, books, sermons and apps that can help people pray.

UNITY IN THE GODHEAD Scripture: Genesis 1:26 PRAYER STATION NEEDS: Three pictures:




You could plug in a humidifier to represent steam by the prayer station, keep a bucket of ice stocked, have a bowl of water, and/or a kettle that can steam. REFLECTION PRAYER INSTRUCTIONS

As you look at the pictures of water in its different forms reflect on how you have experienced God as Father, Spirit, and Son.


May we hold fast to the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of Heaven’s peace. We are bound together by the love of Christ, Amen

In the Creation account, humans are identified as creatures, alongside all the other creatures. However, there is a distinction that is made. Humans are the only creatures specifically made in the image of God. We reflect God in some unique way. This reflection has been marred by sin, yet not irreparably. Gregory of Nyssa said: “God has imprinted the image of the good things of His own nature on creation. But sin, in spreading out over the divine likeness, has caused this good to disappear, covering it with shameful garments. But if by life rightly led, you wash away the Mud that has been put on your heart, the Godlike beauty will again shine out in you.” This is the work Christ does in our lives, restoring in us the image of our Creator. What is this image? It is the beauty of the loving, intimate union we see in the Trinity. We are invited into this fellowship with God by Jesus so we may know God and enjoy Him forever! How has God met you as a Father? How has He met you in the person of Jesus? How has He met you as the Holy Spirit? Take time to offer a prayer of thanksgiving for how great our God is.

RESOURCES SONGS - Holy Holy Holy - They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love - Manifesto, by City Harmonic - Creed, by Rich Mullins - Make Us One, Cindy Morgan

BOOKS - On the Incarnation, by St. Athanasius

SERMONS Darrell Johnson

- Jesus, Humanity and the Trinity, by Kathryn Tanner - The Divine Romance, by Gene Edwards on Genesis 1-2

on Genesis 1:26

God has imprinted the image of the good things of His own nature on creation. But sin, in spreading out over the divine likeness, has caused this good to disappear, covering it with shameful garments. But if by life rightly led, you wash away the Mud that has been put on your heart, the Godlike beauty will again shine out in you. GREGORY OF NYSSA

EVERY TRIBE, NATION, AND TONGUE Scripture: Revelation 5:9-10; 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 PRAYER STATION NEEDS:

Roll of Paper, scissors, magazines (suggest national geographics), glue sticks. Draw and/or cut out either a large cross or silhouette of Jesus and fix it to the wall. Leave out glue, scissors, and magazines for prayer room visitors.


Cut out faces from the magazines provided of people from different nationalities and paste them to a wall. Read 1 Corinthians 12:1227. Take time to reflect how each one of us is a part of the body of Christ (ie hand, foot, eye,...etc). Pray for a part of the body you are not familiar with, or do not understand (ie, different denomination, beliefs, or culture)


The Lamb has purchased, by his sacrificial death, people from every tribe, tongue, nation, and language. The Church is meant to look like this. It is a new people not defined by borders, race, politics or birth. Rather they are defined by their allegiance to and worship of the Lamb of God. Take some time to offer up some worship and praise, adding your voice to the chorus before God’s throne.

ACTION Many original languages in Canada are close to being lost. These indigenous languages were often intentionally suppressed in residential schools. A good reconciliation practice is to find out what language(s) where spoken in your area 500 years ago, and to try to learn 5-10 words in those languages.

Here is a resource that can help:

May we hold fast to the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of Heaven’s peace. We are bound together by the love of Christ, Amen

RESOURCES SONGS - This I Know (Ungizungezile [ft Khaya Mthethwa] by We Will Worship

BOOKS - One Church Many Tribes by Richard Twiss

SERMONS Darrell Johnson

- Saint Esprit, by Dena Mwana - Created for Worship: Holy One, by Broken Walls on Revelation 4-5

CONFLICT Scripture: Matthew 5:23-24 PRAYER STATION NEEDS: Pen & Paper



REFLECTION Pause and ask the Lord if there is anyone with whom you are carrying conflict. Due to our own ignorance, or because we don’t feel the effects of our own sin, we often downsize or minimize the way we have offended others. This scripture highlights how the Lord calls us to walk in his ways of reconciliation. We have been genuinely hurt, and we have genuinely wounded others. The only way through this is true confession and repentance. Take this time to write a letter of reconciliation to the one you are in conflict with. Be as honest as you can about your part in the conflict. Ask the Lord for the vulnerability to have this revealed to you, and the courage to accept it. Pray for peace and unity to abound in your relationship. This work applies to individuals, but it also applies between Churches, between the Church and other institutions, and on even bigger levels. (There may be relationships that are so broken it is unwise to send such a letter. But it is still worth writing it, even if you are the only person to see it. It is also worth exploring programs such as Celebrate Recovery or Freedom Sessions which help people uncover the deeper roots of our wounds and the way we wound others, and offer careful guidance on how to walk into reconciliation).


May we hold fast to the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of Heaven’s peace. We are bound together by the love of Christ, Amen



- Instrument of Peace, by The Porter’s Gate

- No Future Without Forgiveness, by Desmond Tutu

- Reconciliation Song, by Maranatha Music

- Truth and Reconciliation

- The Servant Song

SERMONS Darrell Johnson

Calls to Action:

The Will to Reconcile

BEAUTY OF DWELLING IN UNITY Scripture: Psalm 133 PRAYER STATION NEEDS: Large poster board, marker to write out Psalm 133. Put Psalm 133 up on a wall, and print it on sheets of paper for people to take home. (Consider writing the names of everyone in your community/congregation around the Psalm, so that everyone who comes in the room can add a name or a check mark when they have prayed for someone. )

PRAYER STATION INSTRUCTIONS Read Psalm 133 five times reflecting on the prompts below after each reading: 1. Read the passage slowly, out loud if you can. 2. Relish. Meditating on the passage. Savour one word or phrase that you have noticed more than others during your reading. Write this word down and begin pondering what God might be saying to you through this. How is this word speaking to your life? 3. Respond. Speak/write out in prayer what you

sense God is saying to you. Tell Him how you feel encouraged, challenged by what He is saying to you and ask that the seed of His word in your heart would develop deep rooted truth that would lead to fruitfulness in your life. 4. Rest. Take some time to allow God to wrap you in His love, and let the word He has given you rest on you. 5. Resolve. Finish by articulating one way you might be able to live out the word that has penetrated your heart in your daily life.



Notice the downward motion in this passage. The work of unity is a work of humility, a journey downwards into the life of Jesus. It is learning to see one another as gifts and blessings, rather than as curses or burdens. There is nothing better than fellowship as it should be, as God intends it to be. And there is no better witness to the love and power of Jesus Christ than living in this blessing.

Where and with whom are you experiencing the joy of unity in relationship? Let them know this week, and if you can get together for a meal or a drink. Pray Psalm 133 together to strengthen this bond of fellowship.

CLOSING PRAYER May we hold fast to the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of Heaven’s peace. We are bound together by the love of Christ, Amen



- Precious Oil, by James Block

- Until Unity, by Francis Chan

- We Dance Before You, by Jonathan Maracle

- Recovering: From Brokenness and Addiction to Blessedness and Community, by Aaron White

- Like Oil, by We Will Worship

SERMONS Darrell Johnson

Walking in Unity



Scripture: Philippians 2

Scripture: Colossians 3:11; Galatians 3:28


Cardboard and/or boxes, construction paper, markers/pens, note cards/small sheets of paper.


Use the cardboard to build little representations of each church in your neighbourhood - you will have to do some research to make sure you know who they are! Cut a slot open in the top of the cardboard church (like a piggy bank). Invite people to write their blessings and prayers on small pieces of paper and put them into each of the churches. Later, give these blessings to the pastors so that they can read the prayers that have been prayed over them.


Primary colors of Paint (Red, Blue, Yellow), canvas and/or paper, paint brushes, water jar, paint pallet.


Take time to paint and blend the different colours together. As you paint and blend the different colours together, pray for unity and grace for those who have been separated. Pray they would have eyes to see and learn how to work together in Christ’s love for the glory of God and the good of the world. As you reflect on the divisions in your own neighbourhood, try and capture the divisions as you paint, and pray for everyone involved.


Write a prayer or blessing for each of the churches on one of the note cards. Deposit it into each church box.

This passage, to paraphrase C.S. Lewis, is not so much about thinking less of yourself, but about thinking of yourself less. It is about considering the dignity and needs of others, and seeking to honour that dignity and meet those needs as best you can. When we are all doing this in community, everyone’s needs get met and everyone is honoured. This is what a deep identification with Jesus looks like in our daily lives. Spend time reflecting on Jesus’ love towards you and how he has shown you dignity. Thank God for the ways he has met you with his kindness.

CLOSING PRAYER May we hold fast to the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of Heaven’s peace. We are bound together by the love of Christ, Amen

ACTION Who have you not honoured recently? Who could use some encouragement? Go out of your way to intentionally honour and encourage someone this week who needs it. Set your mind to the task, take it seriously, and try to bless them extravagantly. Also, have a walk around your neighbourhood and try to find all the places of worship. Did you know they were there? Do you know anything about them? Try to find out, add them to your prayers, and see if there is some way you can intentionally bless one of your neighbourhood churches.

- O Humble King - And Can it Be? - Majesty, by Delirious

Think of how one needs to mix colours together to paint a beautiful picture. One colour on its own can not capture the beauty of a landscape. Spend time in prayer for unity and grace for those who have been separated. Pray they learn to work together in Christ’s love, and for the glory of God and the good of the world. Think specifically of your own neighbourhood or city. Where has there been a breakdown in relationships? Where have you noticed fractures, whether new or old? Where have historic injustices come to light, and how have people handled them? Spend time bringing these divisions before the Lord and ask him to cause love to abound (Philipians 1:9-10) ACTIONS


Take a break from social media. This disembodied tool for communication has a tendency to lead us into conflicts in unhealthy ways. Instead, use this week to call people, or to write a letter, or (especially, if possible) to meet in person. Try to connect in some different ways this week and see how different that can be.

May we hold fast to the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of Heaven’s peace. We are bound together by the love of Christ, Amen



During the pandemic a lot of racial, socio-economic, political tensions have risen to the surface resulting in division, individualism, and further isolation. These are not new tensions, of course, they are simply being revealed in new ways. Peace/unity does not mean ignoring injustice or oppression, but it does mean seeking to see these tensions with wisdom and direction from God. Take a moment to reflect on where you have seen division in our world.

BOOKS - Humility: The Beauty of Holiness, by Andrew Murray

SERMONS Darrell Johnson

- Jesus and the Disinherited, by Howard Thurman

SONGS - Beautiful Things, by Gungor - He Reigns, Newsboys

- Humility, by Malkah Norwood “He Did Not Consider”

- We Will Make No Peace With Oppression, by Porter’s Gate



- No Difference in the Fare, by Josiah Ulysses Young

Darrell Johnson: Living as New Humans... Or At Least, in Process:


BONUS CONTENT How to host a 1 Hour Prayer Meeting/Call around Unity (Using P.R.A.Y.) 1. Welcome everyone and make sure to hear everyone’s name. 2. Ask why people have come to pray. What do you hope/expect

Scripture: Ephesians 4:2-3, Ecclesiastes 4:12

happens when you pray? Why is it important to pray together?


Strands of rope, yarn, or twine.


During the week create a three-stranded rope or cord as a communal project. Invite each person to add to the weaving of the rope while they are in the prayer room (someone who knows what they are doing should get it started and leave some instructions).

3. Begin with P - Pause. Take 5 minutes to be silent together,

REFLECTION PRAYER INSTRUCTIONS As you weave the rope, pray for your local church; for the Church in your city; and for the Church across Canada. Keep doing this as you weave the three cords together.

CLOSING PRAYER May we hold fast to the unity of the Spirit, in the bonds of Heaven’s peace. We are bound together by the love of Christ, Amen

As soon as someone says “make every effort,” some within the Church get concerned about legalism and religion. However, this is in the letter to the Ephesians, and multiple times in the New Testament we see encouragement to work like a farmer, run like an athlete, fight like a soldier. There is an undeniable thread running throughout the Scriptures that says the life of faith is going to require every effort we have. Why would it not? What we bring to the table can not to be compared with what Jesus brought, but it is still everything we have. We bring it because Jesus is worthy. Jesus wants his children to be in unity (John 17:20-21), and the frank reality is that we are not there yet. It is going to take effort on our part., The kind of effort that we have hopefully begun during this time of prayer for Christian unity. The work begins in the worshipping and knowing of God; moves into knowing our own need for humility; and then moves towards getting to know and love our neighbours, and our brothers and sisters in the faith. ACTION

reflecting on your day so far. What has happened? How did you feel about it? Is there anything you wish to thank God for? Is there anything you need to confess and repent before God?

4. Now move to R - Reflect/Rejoice. Read out an appropriate passage - perhaps Jesus’ prayer in John 17:1-26. You can also read out the short reflection offered above, or another devotional reflection on the passage. Then pray together, giving thanks to God for the offered gift of unity - both with God, and with one another. Give time for everyone to pray if they want to.

5. Thank God specifically for relationships that reflect this unity well.

6. Sing a song together, such as Holy Holy Holy, or They Will Know We are Christians By Our Love.

7. Now move to A - Ask. We know there are areas in our lives and relationships we have that are broken. We know there are ways the Church does not live out these promises very well. Ask God for help. Ask God to bring reconciliation and restoration where there has been pain, brokenness, sin and sorrow. Again, give time for everyone to pray if they want to.

8. Some people may be shy to pray out loud. Offer the option of writing down or drawing their prayers. If you are in a space together you can lay these prayers down at a cross.

9. Now move to Y - Yield. Play a song like Make Us One by Cindy

What is one revelation you had this week about unity? Write it down, and then think and pray about three practical ways you can begin to live out the truth of this revelation. Share your reflections with one or two others to gain their wisdom and to be encouraged in your pursuit of unity.

Morgan, and ask the Lord if there are any actions He wants you to take as a result of these prayers. Are there people you should pray for, speak to, say sorry to, or serve in some way? At the end of the song share with one another what you heard if you like, and pray for the wisdom and courage to yield to God’s commands.

10. End with a benediction, perhaps reading out John 17:24-26 again over everyone.

RESOURCES SONGS - Your Labour is Not in Vain, by Porter’s Gate

BOOKS - Life Together, by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

SERMONS Darrell Johnson

- Shout to the North, Delirious - Church, by Sam Henshaw Walking in Unity

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