Diagnostic Hysteroscopy at Top IVF Clinic Basrah - Best Fertility Clinic Iraq

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Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy at Al Manar Fertility Clinic Basrah Procedures of Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy Iraq - Learn everything about Hysteroscopy at Al-Manar Fertility Clinic Iraq - Overview of Hysteroscopy - Diagnostic and Operative Hysteroscopy - Diagnostic Hysteroscopy at Al Manar Endoscopy Center Basrah, Iraq - Risk, Necessity and Complications involved in Hysteroscopy - Assisted Reproductive Technologies and Hysteroscopy at Basrah, Iraq - Diagnostic and operative Hysteroscopy for Infertility Treatments in Iraq - Appropriate conditions for diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy - Hysteroscopy - A part of Minimally Surgical Procdures - IVF Middle East Gulf Iraq. Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows gynecologist to look inside your uterus in order to diagnose and treat causes of infertility, recurrent miscarriage, Polyps or fibroid tumors inside the cervical canal and inside the uterine cavity or abnormal uterine bleeding. Hysteroscopy can also be used to help pinpoint the location of abnormalities in the uterine lining for sampling and biopsy. Hysteroscopy can also be used to perform surgical sterilization.Hysteroscopy is done using a hysteroscope, a thin, lighted tube that is inserted into the vagina to examine the cervix and inside of the uterus. Hysteroscopy can be either diagnostic or operative. Hysteroscopy is useful for diagnosing and treating some problems that cause infertility, miscarriages, and abnormal menstrual bleeding. Sometimes other procedures,such as laparoscopy, are done at the same time as hysteroscopy.

What is diagnostic hysteroscopy?

Diagnostic hysteroscopy is used to examine the inside of the uterus, also known as the uterine cavity and may also be used to confirm the results of other tests such as hysterosalpingography (HSG). This procedure is helpful in diagnosing abnormal uterine conditions such as polyps, internal fibroids, scarring, and developmental abnormalities. A diagnostic Hysteroscopy takes only a few minutes and can sometimes be performed in the Outpatients Department while you are awake. What is operative hysteroscopy? Operative hysterocopy may be used to both diagnose and treat certain conditions such as uterine adhesions, septums, fibroids or abnormal bleeding which can often be removed through the hysteroscope. If an abnormal condition was detected during the diagnostic hysteroscopy, an operative hysteroscopy can often be performed at the same time, avoiding the need for a second surgery. During operative hysteroscopy, small instruments used to correct the condition are inserted through the hysteroscope. A Hysteroscopy for the treatment of a certain medical condition is usually performed under a general anaesthetic in the Day Surgery Unit. Why hysteroscopy Is Done? Hysteroscopy is used both to diagnose and treat abnormal vaginal bleeding. If areas of bleeding are found during the procedure, the tissue may be destroyed by laser beam or electric current (electrocautery) or surgically removed at the same time. Hysteroscopy is done to locate and evaluate the cause of uterine bleeding, such as uterine fibroids, when blood loss is severe and Confirm a diagnosis before the start of treatment with medicines that have significant side effects (related to hormones). Conditions treated hysteroscopically include endometrial polyps or fibroids that can be removed to enhance fertility. Hysteroscopy is used for conditions below: 1) Infertility: A couple may not be able to achieve pregnancy for a number of reasons. Sometimes the cause of female infertility is related to the defect in the shape or size of the uterus. One example of this is a separate uterus (a thin sheet of tissue divides the inside of the uterus into two sections). Hysteroscopy may find and help treat these problems. 2) Abnormal Growths: Sometimes benign growths, such as polyps and fibroids, can be diagnosed with the hysteroscope. Hysteroscopy might help a doctor to biopsy a growth in the uterus to find out whether it may be cancer or may become cancer. These structures can be removed with operative hysteroscopy in 20 minutes in the Outpatients Department. 3) Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: A woman has this condition if she has heavier or longer periods than usual or has any bleeding after her periods have stopped at menopause. Hysteroscopy may help the doctor and find the cause of abnormal bleeding that other methods have not found. It may be used to take a biopsy.

4) Repeated Miscarriages: Some women experience consecutive pregnancy losses before 20 weeks. Hysteroscopy can be used to identify the reason of recurrent losses. Adhesions and uterine abnormalities may result in this problem and can be fixed by hysteroscopy. 5) Adhesions: Bands of scar tissue or adhesions may form inside of the uterus. This is so called Asherman's syndrome. These adhesions may cause infertility and changes in menstrual flow. Hysteroscopy may help dissect adhesions. 6) Displaced IUDs: An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small plastic device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. In some cases, it moves out of its proper position inside the uterus. It then embeds itself in the uterine wall or the tissues around it. It can be found and removed hysteroscopically. The time it takes to perform hysteroscopy can range from less than 5 minutes to more than an hour. The length of the procedure depends on whether it is diagnostic or operative and whether an additional procedure, such as laparoscopy, is done at the same time. In general, however, diagnostic hysteroscopy takes less time than operative. Few things to be noted or taken care of while opting for Hysteroscopic Procedure. 1) Hysteroscopy is a safe and simple approach. Problems such as injury to the cervix or the uterus, infection, heavy bleeding, or side effects of the anesthesia occur in less than 1% of the cases. 2) Hysteroscopy is best done during the first week after the menstrual period. This allows a better view of the inside of the uterus. With general anesthesia, you breathe a mixture of gases through a mask and you will not be conscious during the surgery. 3) Before a hysteroscopy, the opening of your cervix may need to be dilated (made wider) with a special device. The hysteroscope then is inserted through the cervix and into the uterus. 4) A liquid may be released through the hysteroscope to expand the uterus so that the inside can be seen well. A light shone through the device allows the doctor to view the inside of the uterus and the openings of the fallopian tubes into the uterine. 5) You may feel faint or sick or you may have slight vaginal bleeding and cramps for a day or two. get in touch with your doctor if you have fever, severe abdominal pain, heavy vaginal bleeding or discharge. What are the benefits of hysteroscopy? Hysteroscopy as compared with other more invasive procedures is more beneficial because of shorter hospital stay, shorter recovery time, less pain medication needed after surgery, avoidance of hysterectomy and possible avoidance of open abdominal surgery.

What are the risks and complications of hysteroscopy? It is expected to experience light vaginal bleeding and some cramping after the hysteroscopy procedure. Some cramping may be felt during the procedure, depending upon the type of anesthesia. Complications of hysteroscopy are rare and include perforation of the uterus, bleeding, infection, damage to the urinary or digestive tract, and medical complications resulting from reactions to drugs or anesthetic agents. Accidental perforation of the uterus is the most common complication and occurs in 0.1% of diagnostic hysteroscopy procedures and 1% of therapeutic (surgical) hysteroscopies. Severe or lifethreatening complications, however, are very uncommon. Some of the complications above may prevent completion of the surgery. Hysteroscopy is considered minor surgery and usually does not require an overnight stay in the hospital. However, in certain circumstances, such as if your doctor is concerned about your reaction to anesthesia, an overnight stay may be required. Hysteroscopy allow physicians to diagnose and correct many gynecological disorders on an outpatient basis. Patient recovery time is brief and significantly less than the recovery time from abdominal surgery through larger incisions. Before undergoing hysteroscopy, patients should discuss with their physicians any concerns about the procedures and their risks. In your journey of parenthood when you are facing infertility problems it is always advisable to get the fertility treatments at the earliest. For any infertility issues like recurrent miscarriage, Polyps or fibroid tumors inside the cervical canal and inside the uterine cavity or abnormal uterine bleeding do not hesitate to consult your OB-GYN. At Al-Manar Fertility & Endoscopy Center we provide warm, caring and supportive approach to fertility treatments. As a unified team, guided by the highest ethical standards, we provide our

patients with individualized and compassionate fertility care. ogether we will map out a plan to determine the cause of your infertility and an appropriate course of action. Many problems can easily be corrected with medication or minimally invasive surgical procedures like hysteroscopy and laparoscopy. For couples facing more difficult challenges, our ART program ranks among the best in the nation.

For any assistance or further information, feel free to contact us at http://almanarfertility.com or http://almanarfertility.com/services.php or you can give us a call at 964 7814444401. Al-Manar Fertility & Endoscopy Center offers a warm, caring and supportive approach to fertility treatment with continual physician contact throughout your IVF cycle.Our fertility clinic provides many fertility procedures including in vitro fertilization,IUI,ICSI,inseminations and all types of reproductive surgery with excellent success rates. Best Infertility Treatment services offered at our IVF Clinic in Iraq:Serving in Basrah and surrounding Southern region of Iraq, Al-Manar Fertility and Endoscopy Center provide a comprehensive range of infertility services all under one roof. http://almanarfertility.com Summary:: Hysteroscopy is a procedure that allows fertility specialist to look inside your uterus in order to diagnose and treat causes of infertility. Diagnostic and operative hysteroscopy are generally safe and quick procedures that are performed in the outpatient department. Hysteroscopy can be carried out to aid in diagnosis or to perform minor surgical procedures. Hysteroscopy is useful for diagnosing and treating some problems that cause infertility, miscarriages, abnormal menstrual bleeding, Adhesions, abnormal growth of polyps and fibroids and Displaced IUDs.

Keywords diagnostic obstetricians, hysteroscope, hysteroscopy recovery time, hystoscopy, hysteroscopy procedure, diagnostic hysteroscope, diagnostic hysterscopy, operative hysterscopy, laparoscopy, gynecologists, surgical procedure, causes of infertility, recurrent miscarriage, Polyps, fibroid tumors, perforation of the uterus, OB-GYN, minimally invasive surgical procedures, miscarriages, IVf, ICSI, IUI, infertility clinic, fertility clinic, therapeutic hysteroscopies,surgical hysteroscopy, gynecological disorders, uterine adhesions, septums, fibroids, abnormal bleeding, adhesions, polyps and fibroids, displaced iuds.

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