Know your pregnancy at the initial stage

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Every woman is different and so are her experiences with pregnancy signs and symptoms. Many have severe symptoms from the beginning whereas few have less or none. From one pregnancy to other pregnancy also, the signs and symptoms of early pregnancy are different. Common early signs and symptoms of pregnancy include positive home pregnancy test, missed period, fatigue, nausea, mood swings, tender or swollen breast, frequent urination and others. So if you are having missed period and other symptoms, you should go for pregnancy test. A positive pregnancy test means you should consult your healthcare physician.

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When a woman finds out that she is pregnant, it can be the start of a remarkable, life-changing experience. The first changes a woman is most likely to experience when she is pregnant are a missed period followed by a positive pregnancy test. Pregnancy tests, whether done at home or at a doctor's office, measure the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in a woman's urine or blood. This hormone is released when a fertilized egg attaches to the lining of the uterus. Urine pregnancy tests can detect levels of hCG about 10 days after conception, while blood tests usually done at a doctor's office, can detect a pregnancy about seven to 10 days after conception. Testing too soon can produce a false negative result. Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has the same symptoms or even the same symptoms from one pregnancy to the next. Some women experience many signs and symptoms very early in pregnancy, while others experience very few or even none. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy can appear in the first few weeks after conception. Here's what you might experience, missed period, nausea and tender breasts to dizziness and mood swings. To confirm pregnancy use a home pregnancy test, if the result is positive be sure to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. The earliest symptoms of pregnancy can appear in the first few weeks after conception. Some symptoms show up when you have a missed period or a week or two later. In fact 7 out of 10 women’s have some symptoms by the time they are 6 weeks pregnant. If you have no track record of your menstrual cycle or have delayed periods then if following symptoms surface, you might be pregnant.

Knowing that you are pregnant the first thing that you need to do is to consult your physician. You can either consult your local medical practitioner or you can approach the gynaecologist in any maternity home and get your regular checkups done over there during your pregnancy. You can have a detailed information of what services will be provided by maternity home at Here's what you might experience, from nausea and tender breasts to dizziness and mood swings. 1. A positive home pregnancy test The home pregnancy test taken after a missed period or after 8 to 10 days from the missed period will tell you whether you are pregnant. Remember that a baby starts to develop before you can tell you're pregnant, so take care of your health while you're waiting to find out. Once you've gotten a positive result, make an appointment with your practitioner. 2. Your basal body temperature stays high A woman who keeps a basal body temperature (bbt) chart may be able to tell she is pregnant just by looking at the temperatures on her chart. After ovulation, progesterone causes a woman’s temperatures to rise. Sometimes a woman will see a second rise in temperature around 7 days past ovulation. When this happens, it is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

3. Missed Period A missed period is one of the surest signs of pregnancy. A missed period might make a woman wonder if she could be expecting. However, there are other reasons for missing a period. Perhaps a woman is not keeping track of her menstrual cycle, or maybe its length is irregular from month to month. Other explanations for why a woman could be late include excessive exercise, gaining or losing too much weight, stress, illness or breastfeeding, according to the National Institutes of Health. In this case, tender breasts, feeling queasy and making extra trips to the loo may be early clues that you’re pregnant. 4. Nausea Probably the most talked about symptom is, of course, morning sickness. Most pregnant women start to get the queasier when they're about 6 weeks along, but some can experience morning sickness (which unfortunately can occur morning, noon and night) earlier. It will most likely subside as you enter the second trimester. For most others it takes another month or so for the queasiness to ease up. A lucky few escape it altogether. Experts think anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of pregnant women get morning sickness.

5. Tender, swollen breast One of the early signs of pregnancy is sensitive, sore breasts caused by rising levels of hormones. Changes to the breasts can begin very soon after conception. Increasing levels of hormone cause increased blood flow and

changes to the breast tissue. This increase can cause sore or sensitive nipples, a change that can be enjoyable for some but painful for others. As your body adjusts to the new surge of hormones the pain decreases with the progress of pregnancy. Tender and heavy-feeling breasts, darkening of the areolas and even more pronounced veins on your chest can be a first sign that you're pregnant. 6. Fatigue and Sleepy Not sure why you feel so tired? This is another symptom for the early days of expecting. Most women experience increased fatigue during pregnancy, especially during the first trimester. Your body is producing higher levels of progesterone which can make you feel sleepy. Your body also produces extra blood to carry oxygen and nutrients to the developing foetus, this means your heart needs to work harder. Low blood sugar can also be to blame. Listen to your body; it is working very hard to create your little one. This symptom has only one cure. If you are tired, then sleep - even if it means going to bed at 8pm or taking small naps during the day. Read on : High-risk pregnancy Clinic Surat Gujarat- What is a high-risk pregnancy? At

7. Frequent urination Peeing a lot more than usual starts about two to three weeks after conception. After the embryo has implanted in your uterus, your body produces a hormone known as hCG, which leads to frequent urination. During pregnancy your body produces extra fluids, which has your bladder working overtime and you taking a lot of pee breaks. Shortly after you become pregnant, hormonal changes prompt a chain of events that raise the rate of blood flow through your kidneys. This causes your bladder to fill more quickly, so you need to pee more often. This symptom may start as early as six weeks into your first trimester. Frequent urination will continue or intensify as your pregnancy progresses. 8. Abdominal bloating

Hormonal changes in early pregnancy may leave you feeling bloated. During pregnancy you have higher levels of progesterone; this hormone relaxes smooth muscle tissue throughout your body, including your gastrointestinal tract. This relaxation slows down your digestive process, which can lead to gas, bloating, burping, and flatulence and generally create uncomfortable sensations in your abdomen, especially after a large meal. 9. Mood swings It's common to have mood swings during pregnancy. During the early months of pregnancy, a woman may feel like she is on an emotional roller coaster as changes in hormone levels affect her body and mind. It's normal for women to feel on edge, like they are having premenstrual (PMS) symptoms. For some women, this may make them act a little more irritable than usual, while others get a little more down or weepy. Besides adjusting to shifting hormone levels, a woman's moodiness can also be caused by some of the physical changes of early pregnancy, such as fatigue and morning sickness, as well as the emotional changes in her life, including the stress of becoming a parent, worries over having a healthy baby and financial concerns about adding a new family member.

10. Food aversions Cravings are a well known pregnancy symptom, but not necessarily one of the early ones. Cravings before your period start could easily be explained away as a PMS symptom. Women often crave chocolate or sweets before they start

their period. Aversions, on the other hand, are not generally thought of as a PMS symptom. If certain foods all of a sudden don’t taste quite right or your morning cup of coffee is no longer appealing, this could be an early pregnancy sign. If you notice food issues that weren't there before, it could be your body telling you you're pregnant. Apart from these common pregnancy symptoms, one may also have symptoms like constipation, diarrhoea, Headaches and back pain, spotting or bleeding, Darker areolas, vaginal discharge, Heightened sense of smell and increased thirst. When you are trying for a baby, these symptoms will make you happy and excited. In fact you will be anticipating all these symptoms. If the pregnancy is unplanned, the symptoms may be a little surprise for you and may not be easily adaptable to you. So if you feel like you are more moody, crampy, bloated, tired, or emotional, this could be an early clue that you are pregnant. On missed period, you can wait for 8-10 days and get a home pregnancy test. Once the pregnancy test is positive, you should consult your physician and get the blood and urine test done to confirm the pregnancy. To confirm pregnancy use a home pregnancy test, if the result is positive be sure to see your healthcare provider as soon as possible. Good lifestyle choices, healthy diet and proper prenatal care will give your baby the best start in life. Rupal Hospital for Woman is a one stop place for all gynaec problems and solution for all maternity related complications. Gynaecology & Obstetrics Section at Rupal Hospital have renowned female Doctors and each one of them is outstanding in their own field of expertise. We at Rupal Hospital are dedicated to providing the highest quality in women's health. Obstetrics and Gynaecology services include pregnancy (Ante-natal) care & Delivery services, specialised high risk pregnancy care, painless (epidural) delivery, menstrual disorders, endometriosis, chocolate cyst, ovarian cyst, ovarian cancer, hysterectomy, fibroids removal, sterilization, polyp removal and IUD insertion. We have been a one stop place for all gynaec problems and our expertise lies in providing affordable Laparoscopic surgeries and difficult cases of infertility. The team of our doctors believe that preventive interventions are equally important as curative medicine and prevention always requires awareness and

educations. We provide patients all information and counselling right from the stage of conception to delivering. Once you have a positive pregnancy test you can contact Rupal hospital at or fix up an appointment with us at 91-2612591130

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