Fertility treatment assisted hatching surat

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Welcome to Blossom Fertility & IVF Center.. Realising your dream It is the dream of most couples to have their own children as part of their relationship. In India 1 in 6 couples will have problems conceiving. The Blossom Fertility and IVF Centre aims to reduce the stress and hassle associated with infertility investigations and treatment, by offering a one-stop diagnostic and treatment service for infertile couples. Know more

Fertility Treatment Assisted Hatching at Blossom Fertility Center, Surat - Assisted Hatching for IVF Surat – Laser Assisted Embryo Hatching (AH) – ICSI, Blastocyst Transfer, Assisted Hatching, Embryo Cryopreservation – Assisted Hatching in Assisted Reproductive Technology – Procedure of Assisted Hatching in IVF – IVF Success Rates and Assisted Hatching – In vitro success and assisted hatching – IVF success rate increased by Assisted Hatching of embryos – Assisted Hatching in Assisted Reproduction – IVF and Assisted Hatching in Surat – Assisted Conception Centre – Assisted Hatching One of the most frustrating aspects of assisted reproductive technology for patients and fertility professionals alike is having to deal with failure in fertility treatment. This is especially true in couples who have attempted assisted reproductive procedures many times, and also in those whose time is running out because of their age. Now, a recently developed technique, assisted hatching, is offering new hope to the couples who fall into these categories. Assisted hatching is a laboratory technique used with IVF. It involves the use of laser to thin the outer shell (zone pellucida) of the fertilized egg, before the embryo is transferred into the uterus. Assisted hatching is used to enhance the embryos ability to hatch, and also implant, after transfer. The procedure is based on the fact that an alteration in zona pellucida (outer covering of egg) either by drilling a hole through it or by thinning it, will promote hatching or implantation of embryos that are otherwise unable to escape intact from the zona pellucida. After a fertilized egg is returned to the uterus, several things must happen:

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1. It must continue to divide and grow (it is now called an embryo). 2. The embryo must break out of the zona pellucida (usually called the zona) which is a hard protein shell that surrounds it. 3. The embryo must then burrow into the lining of the uterus (called the endometrium) and continue to grow there. It has been suggested that making a hole in or thinning this outer layer may help embryos to ‘hatch’, increasing the chances of the woman becoming pregnant in some cases. Assisted hatching is indicated for infertile couples in following cases. 1. when the zona pellucida is noted to be excessively thick when measured on a day 3 embryo by the embryologist 2. with poor embryo quality 3. In women with an elevated Day 3 FSH 4. when a Flare stimulation protocol has been used 5. when the female partner age is 38 or older at the time of stimulation, or 6. with previous IVF implantation failure of embryos to implant though results were otherwise good 7. Frozen embryo replacements.


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Bookmarks Laser Assisted Embryo Hatching How does the procedure of Assisted Hatching work? Assisted hatching is carried out in the laboratory by experienced embryologists. The assisted hatching procedure, like ICSI, is carried out by a technique known as micromanipulation. In small dishes the embryos, which now contain an average of six to eight cells, are stabilized by a holding pipette, while on the opposite side a small pipette containing acidified Tyrode’s solution creates a small defect in the zona. Just before the embryos are replaced, whether they are fresh or frozen/thawed, a small hole is made in the zona, or by thinning it using a micromanipulation technique. The process is repeated for each embryo. The main methods currently in use for assisted hatching are: chemical, mechanical and laser. The process will damage about 1% of embryos. Most IVF clinics will not perform assisted hatching if there is one embryo available because of possible damage to this embryo would result in no embryo transfer. The assisted hatched embryos are then transferred into the uterine cavity as usual. Some clinics will give the woman a course of antibiotics to prevent infection. (Assisted hatching deprives the embryo of its intact protective coat, which shields it from exposure to any harmful factors in the uterus). Assisted Hatching using laser technology is probably the best technique. Laser assisted hatching is a gentle and safe way to weaken a part of zona pellucida. Several studies have shown that using a laser is superior to chemical and manual hatching. Minimal handling of the embryo and delivering fast and exact control over the drilling of the hole are the advantages of laser assisted hatching. Advantages of using Assisted Hatching This relatively small variation in the IVF procedure has yielded dramatic results in older patients and those with previously failed cycles. 1) It provides “mechanical advantage” to the embryos in breaking the zona for implantation. 2) It also ensures early contact of embryos with endometrium. This expedites enzymetic reaction between endometrium and embryos called “Embryo endometrium cross talk”. 3) Mechanical advantages and chemical advantage ensure better implantation rate and better pregnancy rate. 4) It helps women with previous failed IVF cycle. Disadvantages The addition of assisted hatching to the standard IVF protocol does add extra laboratory manipulation and therefore added costs. There is a small risk of damage to the embryo during the micromanipulation process or at the time of transfer, and there is a slight increase in identical twinning. There is a greater chance of fetal complications and abnormalities in some identical twins. A rare complication of identical twinning is conjoined or “Siamese” twins. No higher rate of identical twins is observed than with routine IVF. This may relate to whether a large enough opening is made in the zona to prevent pinching of the embryo during the hatching process. Assisted hatching of IVF embryos, is an Assisted Reproductive Technology procedure which is performed in IVF laboratory. It increases IVF success rates. Consult infertility expert at Blossom Fertility centre in Surat for complete medical advice for infertile couples. At the Blossom Fertility and IVF Centre Surat, Laser Assisted Hatching technique is used to perform the assisted hatching procedure.Doctors and embryologist are well conversant with the latest technology in the field of ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology). You can contact the top IVF doctors, Fertility specialist Surat and embryologist in surat at Blossomivfindia.com or at IVFfertility-treatments

Fertility Centre IVF FAQ: What is infertility? Infertility is usually defined as an inability to get pregnant after one year of trying. Older women, however, aged over 35, should probably seek advice sooner. The term is also sometimes used to describe women who do get

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Fertility Treatment | Blossom Fertility & IVF Center - Surat

pregnant, but repeatedly miscarry, as there may be common factors. Is infertility a common problem? Yes, about 1 in 6 of couples experiences some difficulty in achieving a pregnancy. Is infertility just a woman’s problem? No, both men and women can have medical problems that cause difficulty in conceiving; in about a third of couples, both partners have problems What causes infertility in women? Most cases of female infertility are caused by problems with ovulation (the monthly release of an egg). Without ovulation, there are no eggs to be fertilized. Some signs that a woman is not ovulating may include irregular or absent menstrual periods. What are the common causes of fertility problems in women? Less common causes of fertility problems in women include: Blocked fallopian tubes due to pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, or surgery Physical problems with the uterus Uterine fibroids, which are non-cancerous clumps of tissue and muscle on the walls of the uterus PCOS What is PCOS or Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome? Ovulation problems are often caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), a hormone imbalance problem which can interfere with normal ovulation. PCOS is the most common cause of female infertility. What causes infertility in men? Some men have reduced numbers of sperm, reduced quality, or both. In some cases, there may be complete absence of sperm. These problems are sometimes related to more general medical problems, such as diabetes, or there may be genetic factors. How do doctors treat infertility? Infertility can be treated with medicine, surgery, artificial insemination, or assisted reproductive technology (ART), such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF). Many times these treatments are combined. The treatment will depend on the results of a variety of tests that can be performed to determine the cause of the problem. In many cases, all that will be needed is advice – with regard to timing, for example; sometimes, lack of ovulation can be treated with simple medication. More complicated problems, such as blocked fallopian tubes, or severe male infertility, may require more sophisticated intervention. How successful is fertility treatment? This depends on the cause of infertility and each couple´s circumstances. The woman´s age, for example, is a very important factor. The success of treatment needs to be seen within the context of normal fertility – under the age of 30, about 85% of women will get pregnant within a year of trying. Over the age of 40, the chance each month is about 5%. How does natural conception occur? Conception occurs when the male’s sperm meet the woman’s egg and successfully penetrates it. This typically takes place in one of the woman’s fallopian tube and the fertilized egg then travels to the uterus and implants in the uterine lining. For pregnancy to take place, fertilization of the egg must be followed by a successful impanation. Only one egg is released for fertilization in each menstrual cycle. If this egg is not fertilized, conception will not be possible again until the next cycle. How is infertility diagnosed? A complete medical history and a physical exam are the first step in diagnosing with fertility problem. Both partners need to be evaluated. The couple may also need blood tests, semen analysis and ultrasound exams or exploratory surgery for the woman. How is infertility in a woman treated? Once the cause for infertility is determined, treatment can be planned. Sometimes, a simple instruction or little medication will solve the problem. Instructions like when having the sex will produce a pregnancy is given. In many cases medications are indicated. In some cases surgery is required. How is infertility in a man treated? Problems in the male reproductive organs can often be resolved with medicine and if required with surgery. What increases a man’s risks of infertility? Sperm quality and quantity can be affected by overall health and life style. Some things that may reduce sperm number and / or quality include alcohol, drugs, stress, environmental toxins, smoking, health problems, certain

Fertility Treatment | Blossom Fertility & IVF Center - Surat

medicines, radio or chemotherapy and age. What things increase a woman’s risk of infertility? Things that affect woman’s fertility include age, stress, poor diet, obesity, underweight, smoking, STD, hormonal problems and health problems. My husband and I have an active sex life, we are both healthy, and my periods are regular. However, we have still not conceived! Please help! You need to remember that it’s not possible to determine the reason for your infertility until you undergo tests to find out if your husband’s sperm count is normal; if your fallopian tubes and uterus are normal; and if you are producing eggs. Only after undergoing these tests will your doctor is able to tell you why you are not conceiving. While testing does cause considerable anxiety, it’s far better to intelligently identify the problem so that we can look for the best solution. How can I determine my “fertile” period? A. Your fertile period is the time during which having sex could lead to a pregnancy. This is the 4-6 days prior to ovulation (release of a mature egg from the ovary). Women normally ovulate 14 days prior to the date of the next menstrual period. My husband’s blood group is B positive and I am A negative. Could this blood group “incompatibility” be a reason for our infertility? There is no relation between blood groups and fertility. Do painful periods cause infertility? Painful periods do not affect fertility. In fact, for most patients, regular painful periods usually signal ovulatory cycles. Is Infertility hereditary? My sister conceived only after 6 years of marriage. Does this mean I will also have difficulty conceiving? If your mother, grandmother or sister has had difficulty becoming pregnant, this does not necessarily mean you will have the same problem! Most infertility problems are not hereditary, and you need a complete evaluation. My husband says we should be having intercourse every day to achieve pregnancy. Is this true? Sperm remain alive and active in woman’s cervical mucus for 48-72 hours following sexual intercourse; therefore, it isn’t necessary to plan your lovemaking on a rigid schedule. My semen analysis report shows I have no sperm in the semen (azoospermia ). Is this because I used to masturbate excessively as a boy? Masturbation is a normal activity which most boys and men indulge in. It does not affect the sperm count. You cannot “run” out of sperms, because these are constantly being produced in the testes.

Know more about Infertility Treatments : Male Infertility Female Infertility Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI) Assisted Reproductive Technologies In vitro fertilization (IVF) Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI) IVF Using Donor Oocyte (Eggs) Assisted Hatching ( AH )

Infertility – Symptoms, Diagnosis, Treatment of Infertility -Possibilities for the Cause of Infertility – Causes of Infertility Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying. Or, six months, if a woman is 35 or older. Women who can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertile. For some couples, infertility problems can be present from birth (congenital) or something can go wrong along the way that results in infertility. The reason of infertility can be because of either partner. About one-third of infertility cases are caused by women’s problems and one third of fertility problems are due to the man. The other cases are caused by a mixture of male and female problems or by unknown problems. If a couple decides to go for consultation of medical experts then first thing is to fix up an appointment with infertility specialist. Many infertility problems can be pinpointed by the infertility specialist and the vast majority cases can be treated. Many cases of apparent infertility are treatable. Infertility may have a single cause in one of the partners, or it could be the result of a combination of factors. The following article outlines the most common causes attributed to the term infertility.

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1: Womb and fallopian tubes The fallopian tubes are the tubes along which an egg travels from the ovary to the womb. The egg is fertilised as it travels down the fallopian tubes. When it reaches the womb, it is implanted into the womb’s lining where it continues to grow. If the womb or the fallopian tubes are damaged, or stop working, it may be difficult to conceive naturally. This can occur following a number of factors which include pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, and previous sterilisation surgery. In rare cases, women may be born with tubal abnormalities, usually associated with uterus irregularities. Tubal disease affects approximately 25% of infertile couples and varies widely, ranging from mild adhesions to complete tubal blockage. Treatment for tubal disease is most commonly surgery and, owing to the advances in microsurgery and lasers, success rates are as high as 30% overall, with certain procedures having success rates up to 65%. 2: Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age. The name of the condition comes from the appearance of the ovaries in most, but not all, women with the disorder — enlarged and containing numerous small cysts located along the outer edge of each ovary (polycystic appearance). Polycystic ovary syndrome is a problem in which a woman’s hormones are out of balance. It can cause problems with your periods and make it difficult to get pregnant. PCOS may also cause unwanted changes in the way you look. If it is not treated, over time it can lead to serious health problems, such as diabetes and heart disease. Polycystic ovary syndrome (or PCOS) is common, affecting as many as 1 out of 15 women. Often the symptoms begin in the teen years. Treatment can help control the symptoms and prevent long-term problems. The exact cause of polycystic ovary syndrome is unknown. Early diagnosis and treatment may reduce the risk of long-term complications, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Symptoms related to elevated androgen levels include acne, excess hair growth on the body (hirsutism), and male-pattern hair loss. Other signs and symptoms of PCOS include obesity and weight gain, elevated insulin levels and insulin resistance, oily skin, dandruff, infertility, skin discolorations, high cholesterol levels, elevated blood pressure, and multiple, small cysts in the ovaries. Any of the above symptoms and signs may be absent in PCOS, with the exception of irregular or no menstrual periods. All women with PCOS will have irregular or no menstrual periods. Women who have PCOS do not regularly ovulate; that is, they do not release an egg every month. This is why they do not have regular periods and typically have difficulty conceiving. What is Infertility treatment: In vitro fertilization (IVF) 3: Varicocele Repair for Infertility Varicoceles are enlarged varicose veins that occur in the scrotum. They are fairly common, affecting 15% of men overall and 40% of men with known infertility. Varicoceles occur most often in the left testicle. Varicocele repair is performed to improve male fertility. It can usually be done surgically on an outpatient basis using local or general anesthetic. A small incision is made in the abdomen close to where the testicles originally descended through the abdominal wall. The veins that produce the varicocele are identified and cut to eliminate blood flow to the varicocele. Alternatively, a nonsurgical procedure called percutaneous embolization can be done to repair a varicocele. A small catheter is inserted through a large vein in the groin or neck and advanced to the varicocele, which is then blocked off by a balloon, coil, or medicine. 4: Abnormal Sperm Count, Shape, Motility More than 90% of male infertility cases are due to low sperm counts, poor sperm quality, or both. In 30 – 40% of cases of sperm abnormalities, the cause is unknown. It may be the end result of one or more factors that include chronic illness, malnutrition, genetic defects, structural abnormalities and environmental factors. Partial obstruction anywhere in the long passages through which sperm pass can reduce sperm counts. In one study, obstruction was believed to be a contributing factor in over 60% of low sperm count cases. Sperm size and shape is referred to as sperm morphology, and it’s one of three factors analyzed in a semen analysis. The other two are sperm motility, or movement, and sperm count. Sperm have to be willing to get a move on. That last distance to the egg can only be crossed with some serious sperms. More than 40 % of a man’s sperm have to be active swimmers for a good chance at fertility. 5: Endometriosis Approximately 10% of infertile couples are affected by endometriosis. In fact, 30-40% of patients with endometriosis are infertile. This is two to three times the rate of infertility in the general population. For women with endometriosis, the monthly fecundity (chance of getting pregnant) diminishes by 12 to 36%. Endometriosis is the abnormal growth of cells (endometrial cells) similar to those that form the inside or lining the tissue of the uterus, but in a location outside of the uterus. Growth occurs not only in the uterus but also elsewhere in the abdomen, such as in the fallopian tubes, ovaries and the pelvic peritoneum. A positive diagnosis can only be made by diagnostic laparoscopy, a test that allows the physician to view the uterus, fallopian tubes, and pelvic cavity directly. The symptoms often associated with endometriosis include heavy, painful and long menstrual periods, urinary urgency, rectal bleeding and premenstrual spotting. Sometimes, however, there are no symptoms at all, owing to the fact that there is no correlation between the extent of the disease and the

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severity of the symptoms. The long term cumulative pregnancy rates are normal in patients with minimal endometriosis and normal anatomy. Current studies demonstrate that pregnancy rates are not improved by treating minimal endometriosis. Apart from these infertility causes there are many factors that contribute to the infertility. These includes unexplained infertility, increased age in men and women, lifestyle habits like alcohol, smoking, caffeine, overweight or underweight, sexually transmitted diseases, occupational or environmental factors and stress. If you are experiencing infertility problems either due to PCOS, endometriosis, varicocele, abnormal sperm count, shape or motility, blocked fallopian tubes or increasing age or secondary infertility, it is extremely important for you to take a call and visit your infertility expert at the earliest. Contact today Blossom Fertility and IVF Centre, for consultation with our highly-skilled fertility specialist to couples interested in learning more about their options for having a baby using assisted reproductive technology. Please call on +91 261 2470333 to schedule a appointment or simply email us at info@blossomivfindia.com

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