Most common Myths about Endometriosis

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Endometriosis can cause painful periods, persistent pain in the pelvic area, infertility, and other symptoms. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. Treatment options include painkillers, hormone treatments, and surgery with laparoscope. Endometriosis is found in women’s of all ages from 12-46 years. Pregnancy and hormonal treatment cures endometriosis, endometriosis means infertility and endometriosis is found in women of reproductive age only are all MYTHS carried on for years.

Myths about Endometriosis and Why They’re So Wrong - Effect of pregnancy on endometriosis - Endometriosis and Infertility - Most common Myths about Endometriosis - Endometriosis sufferers are all women of reproductive age – MYTH - Causes, Symptoms and treatment for Endometriosis - Find out more on Infertility and Endometriosis with Indira IVF Clinic - Learn from Specialist at Indira IVF about MYTHS prevailing for Endometriosis - Learn more about endometriosis at Indira IVF

Endometriosis is a painful, chronic disease that affects more than 176 million women (and their families) worldwide. It occurs when tissue like that which lines the uterus (tissue called the endometrium) is found outside the uterus -- usually in the abdomen on the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and ligaments that

support the uterus; the area between the vagina and rectum; the outer surface of the uterus; and the lining of the pelvic cavity. Other sites for these endometrial growths may include the bladder, bowel, vagina, cervix, vulva, and in abdominal surgical scars. Less commonly they are found in the lung, arm, thigh, and other locations. Endometriosis can cause painful periods, persistent pain in the pelvic area, infertility, and other symptoms. The symptoms can range from mild to severe. Treatment options include painkillers, hormone treatments, and surgery with laparoscope. Learn in detail about the laparoscopic surgery treatment of endometriosis at

Endometriosis is difficult to understand and there are no specific causes which lead to endometriosis. Doctors do not know what causes endometriosis – there may be several causes. From a woman’s perspective, endometriosis is a disease surrounded by taboos, myths, delayed diagnosis, hit-and-miss treatments, and a lack of awareness, overlaid on a wide variety of symptoms that embody a stubborn, frustrating and for many, painfully chronic condition. It affects these women during the prime of their lives and through no personal failing in lifestyle choices. These women’s physical, mental, and social well-being is impacted by the disease, potentially affecting their ability to finish an education, maintain a career, with a consequent effect on their relationships, social activities, and in some cases fertility. About half of women with endometriosis will also suffer from pain associated with sexual intercourse. These women’s access to timely diagnosis and treatment should not be impacted by the myths and misconceptions that are, unfortunately, prevailing at large. Let’s discuss here the Myths, Misconceptions and the Facts about endometriosis.

1. Severe pain during period is normal. MYTH The nature and intensity of the pain associated with endometriosis can vary. Pain might be intermittent or continuous in nature, usually occurring before and during menstruation, and during or after sexual activity. The location and level of pain may not always directly relate to the extent of visible endometrial growths. Some women with extensive visible endometrial growths may be entirely pain free, while others with a few small growths experience severe pain. Even though attitudes towards women improved during the twentieth century, some of the old beliefs still linger unconsciously, and affect the medical profession’s attitudes towards women’s complaints, including period pain. As a result, while seeking help for their period pain, many women with endometriosis are told that their (severe) period pain is normal and is part of being a woman or it is in their head. Others are told that they have a low pain threshold, or are psychologically inadequate. Many women and girls do experience pain at the time of their period. However, severe pain that interferes with daily life is not normal, and is often due to the presence of an underlying condition, such as endometriosis. Any girl or woman with severe period pain should be investigated to determine the cause of her pain. 2. Endometriosis occurs exclusively in women of reproductive age. MYTH Till recently many doctors believed that endometriosis was rare in teenagers and young women. Consequently, they did not considered diagnosis of endometriosis when teenagers and young women came to them complaining of symptoms like period pain, pelvic pain and painful intercourse. Unfortunately, this belief was a carry-over from earlier times. It was only with the introduction in the 1970s and 80s of laparoscopy to investigate women with infertility problems that gynecologists began diagnosing the disease in women in their late 20s and early 30s. The realisation that endometriosis could be found in teenagers and young women came about as a result of research by the national endometriosis support groups. It was observed that the average age when pain symptoms began was 22, with a range of 10–46 years. Although mostly affecting younger women, endometriosis also can occur in postmenopausal women on estrogen replacement therapy. Any menstruating woman can have endometriosis, whether she is 16 years old or heading toward her last tampons.

3. Hormonal treatments cure endometriosis MYTH Achieving and maintaining optimal hormone balance can influence the treatment of endometriosis. However, these hormonal treatments do not have any long-term effect on the disease itself. They do temporarily suppress the symptoms, but only while the drugs are being taken. Once use of the drugs ceases, symptoms more often than not return. This means that hormonal treatments do not have a role in treating (eradicating) endometriosis. If eradication of the disease is desired, surgery performed by a gynecologist with extensive knowledge and experience of the specialised techniques used for endometriosis is the only effective medical treatment. It also means that hormonal treatments should not be used to improve women’s chances of conceiving. Not only do they have no effect on the disease itself, but they also reduce the time available to conceive, because conception is not possible while on the drugs. If treatment is needed for infertility, surgery by a specialist gynecologist is imperative.

4. Pregnancy cures endometriosis MYTH Pregnancy does not cure endometriosis but symptoms appear to improve during pregnancy. This is because higher progesterone levels can suppress the endometriosis but does not eradicate the disease itself. However, the effects of endometriosis after delivery of the baby are unclear. These effects may only be temporary and many women have a recurrence within a few years. Some women can delay the return of symptoms by breastfeeding. 5. Endometriosis means infertility MYTH Too many young women are given the impression that having endometriosis invariably means that they will become infertile. This is not the case, and many women with endometriosis do go on to have children. About 30% of women with endometriosis have trouble getting pregnant. It is thought that the reasons are related to problems with the development of the egg, problems with the embryo implanting in the wall of the uterus and change of the organs in the pelvis such as the fallopian tubes. It is important to remember not all women with endometriosis are infertile. Many women have children

without difficulty, have children before they are diagnosed, or eventually have a successful pregnancy. However, in general, it is believed that the likelihood of fertility problems increases with the severity of the disease and, as in women without endometriosis, with age. It is generally believed that 60–70% of women with endometriosis are fertile.

Know in detail about infertility in men and women and its treatment options with assisted reproductive technology at

6. Hysterectomy cure endometriosis MYTH Endometriosis grows outside the uterus. This means that removing reproductive organs will not remove the endometriosis. It can be an effective treatment for reducing many of the more painful symptoms of endometriosis such as painful or heavy menstruation but it is not a guaranteed way to get rid of the endometriosis. The most popular theory today puts forth that endometriosis occurs from a backup of menstrual fluid during a heavy period but many women experience retrograde menstruation and do not have endometriosis. Therefore, there’s no medical proof at this time that a hysterectomy can do more than relieve symptoms. In turn, there are many side effects of a hysterectomy and early menopause that should be considered before radical surgery. Hysterectomy with or without removal of the ovaries does not cure endometriosis. No one is certain what causes endometriosis, although researchers believe that genetics, a dysfunctional immune system, hormones, and environmental factors may all play a part in it. According to the Endometriosis Foundation, a woman (or girl) with a mother who has endometriosis is seven times more likely to have the disease herself. If you’ve suffered with endometriosis for any length of time, chances are you’ve had plenty of advice from people, and chances are that only few of them were helpful. One of the many problems with being an endometriosis sufferer is that people keep on giving opinions which they feel need to share with you

despite the fact that at times they also does not know what they talk. At this point it is necessary to keep all old wives tales aside and seek the intervention of Endometriosis specialist. Educating yourself and others about endometriosis is an empowering endeavour and, if you suffer from endometriosis, a necessity. The more you know, the stronger you are, know the evidence, uncover the truth, and ignore the bullshit.

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