Female Fertility Diagnosis and Testing |Female Fertility Treatment

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Female Infertility Causes - Infertility treatment in woman at Basra, Iraq - Factors contributing to Female Infertility - IVF Treatment Services for Female - Infertility Diagnosis Services Basra Overview of Common Causes of Female Infertility - Female Infertility Services - Female Infertility doctors in Basra, Iraq - Main Infertility Causes In Women - Female Fertility Diagnosis and Testing Female Fertility Treatment - Female IVF Clinic Basra - Female Fertility specialist Iraq - Affordable Female fertility treatment in Iraq & Middle East

Infertility refers to an inability to conceive after having regular unprotected sex. Infertility can also refer to the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception, or to a female who cannot carry a pregnancy to full term. In short Infertility means not being able to get pregnant after one year of trying. Or, six months, if a woman is 35 or older. Women who can get pregnant but are unable to stay pregnant may also be infertile. Infertility is a common problem of about 10% of women aged 15 to 44. Infertility can be due to the woman (33%), the man (33%) and by both sexes or due to unknown problems (33%), approximately. A woman of reproductive age who has not conceived after 1 year of unprotected sexual life in the absence of any known cause of infertility, should be offered further clinical assessment and investigation along with her partner. It is recommended that a consultation with a fertility specialist should be made earlier if the woman is aged 36 years or over or there is a known clinical cause of infertility or a history of predisposing factors for infertility.

There are many factors which deprives female in achieving pregnancy. These includes Age,Stress,Poor diet,Athletic training, Being overweight or underweight,Smoking,Excess alcohol use,Sexually transmitted infections (STIs),Health problems that cause hormonal changes, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome and primary ovarian insufficiency. The female reproductive system is delicate, and there are many factors that alter conception and maintenance of a pregnancy. Conception and pregnancy, sometimes, are more difficult for women with certain illnesses. The major factors contributing to the female infertility are listed below. Ovulation disorders:: Ovulation disorders - problems with ovulation are the most common cause of infertility in women, experts say. Ovulation is the monthly release of an egg. In some cases the woman never releases

eggs, while in others the woman does not release eggs during come cycles. Ovulation disorders can be due to premature ovarian failure, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), Hyperprolactinemia, Poor egg quality, Overactive thyroid gland, underactive thyroid gland and some chronic conditions such as AIDS or cancer. Problems in the uterus or fallopian tubes:: The egg travels from the ovary to the uterus (womb) where the fertilized egg grows. If there is something wrong in the uterus or the fallopian tubes the woman may not be able to conceive naturally. Damage to the fallopian tubes (which carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus) can prevent contact between the egg and sperm. Pelvic infections, endometriosis and pelvic surgeries may lead to scar formation and fallopian tube damage.

Hormonal causes:: Some women have problems with ovulation. Synchronized hormonal changes leading to the release of an egg from the ovary and the thickening of the endometrium (lining of the uterus) in preparation for the fertilized egg do not occur.

These problems may be detected using basal body temperature charts, ovulation predictor kits and blood tests to detect hormone levels. Cervical causes:: A small group of women may have a cervical condition in which the sperm cannot pass through the cervical canal. Whether due to abnormal mucus production or a prior cervical surgical procedure, this problem may be treated with intrauterine inseminations. Cervical stenosis, a cervical narrowing, can be caused by an inherited malformation or damage to the cervix. Uterine causes::

Abnormal anatomy of the uterus, the presence of polyps and fibroids.Uterine abnormalities present from birth, such as an abnormally shaped uterus, can cause problems becoming or remaining pregnant. Unexplained infertility:: In some instances, a cause for infertility is never found. It's possible that a combination of several minor factors in both partners underlie these unexplained fertility problems. Although it's frustrating to not get a specific answer, this problem may correct itself with time. The cause of infertility in approximately 20% of couples will not be determined using the currently available methods of investigation.

Medications - some drugs can affect the fertility of a woman. These include: NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) -women who take aspirin or ibuprofen long-term may find it harder to conceive. Chemotherapy -some medications used in chemotherapy can result in ovarian failure.In some cases,this side effect may be permanent. Radiotherapy -if radiation therapy was aimed near the womans reproductive organs there is a higher risk of fertility problems. Illegal drugs - some women who take marijuana or cocaine may have fertility problems. If you as a couple are thinking of starting your family sooner or in the future, you may improve your chances of having normal fertility if you maintain a normal weight, quit smoking, avoid alcohol, reduce stress and limit the consumption of caffeine.

If female infertility is suspected, then the infertility specialist may order several tests, including a blood test to check hormone levels, an endometrial biopsy to check the lining of the uterus and two diagnostic tests that may be helpful in detecting scar tissue and tubal obstruction are hysterosalpingography and laparoscopy. A woman who is not able to conceive after 12 months of trying or anybody who is concerned about fertility, especially if they are older (women over 35), it might be a good idea to see a fertility specialists at the earlier. Because infertility is a complex disorder, treatment involves significant financial, physical, psychological and time commitments. Although some women need just one or two therapies to restore fertility, it's possible that several different types of infertility treatment may be needed before you're able to conceive. Treatments can either attempt to restore fertility by means of medication or surgery or sophisticated assisted reproductive techniques (ART). Al-Manar Fertility & Endoscopy Center is first IVF Center in the Southern region of Iraq, and provides a range of infertility services with an acceptable cost. Fertility Program of the center is managed by Dr. Faiz Alwaaely. We offer a warm, caring and supportive approach to fertility treatment that you may find different from other programs. We are an infertility clinic specializing in infertility treatments for male and female infertility. Our services include in vitro fertilization (invitro IVF), egg donor recipients, sperm freezing, preimplantation genetic diagnosis(PGD), embryo freezing or cryo, ICSI, and gender selection (boy or girl). We have excellent success rates and satisfied testimonials with our couples. Our fertility specialist team has been helping women reach their fertility goals. You can contact us at http://almanarfertility.com/services.php or you can call them on +964 7814444401 to schedule an appointment with the infertility specialist or female IVF expert at our clinic. Keywords: IVF Treatment services in Iraq,Ovulation Induction,Fertility Drugs,In Vitro Fertilization,IVF,Intrauterine insemination, IUI,ICSI,Embryo Transfer, Cryopreservation, Hystero Salpingography,Pre-implantation Genetics Diagnosis,PGD,Male Infertility,Endoscopy Procedure,Sperm Freezing, Embryo Freezing,sperm,Hysteroscopy,Laparoscopy,Colposcopy,infertility diagnosis services, female infertility, female fertility specialist, IVF clinic, ivf specialist, IVF clinis Basrah, infertility clinic Iraq, ivf,infertility clinic,fertility,infertility clinic,fertility center Basrah,ivf clinic,ivf Iraq,In Vitro fertilization,Fertility Center,Infertility Clinic,Middle East IVF,Fertility Specialist Iraq, investigations for infertility female,Female fertility treatment,Female Fertility Diagnosis,Female fertility testing,treating Female infertility.,infertility treatments for Female

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