2508 JULY 2015

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JULY 2015




snow stars!

COASTAL KIDS MAKING WAVES IN THE MOUNTAINS Helensburgh | Otford | Darkes Forest | Stanwell Tops | Stanwell Park | Coalcliff

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2508 CONTENTS LETTERS 04 Should I care? A plea to help refugees NEWS 06 Dawn Chorus Inside the Aurobindo Project 08 All Change At Stanwell Park’s stores and cafes 14 Catch up Hargrave centenary, plus great news for Neighbour Aid 16 Centenary Happy 100th to Helensburgh Station BUSINESS 22 Meet the Car washer Known for excellence 23 Chamber Chatter LIFESTYLE 10 Cover feature Local youngsters are winter wonders

17 Helping Nepal The local couple raising thousands 18 Dr Rip What’s up with freak waves? 20 Gardens A midwinter showcase at Grevillea Park 26 What’s On In July at Helensburgh Library 27 Spindrift The band is back, raising money for cancer 28 Schools The garden of Otford and other reports 31 Queen’s Birthday Dress-ups at Kennett Home SPORT 46 Coalcliff Club awards 47 Soccer Junior Thistles 48 Golf All fun and games 49 Swim Get fit, stay fit 50 Tides 51 BMX World C’ships 52 League Let’s help Kurt

Cover image by Anthony Warry Photography; www.anthonywarry.tumblr.com


is the former editor of the online Northern Exposure newsletter and, prior to that, the Wollongong & Northern Leader. She is also a former editor of 2508’s predecessor, The Helensburgh & District News. Heather has lived in Stanwell Park since 2002 and has been involved in many community activities. She is now a member of the Organising Committee for the Stanwell Park Ocean Challenge. Heather’s been busy this month, filing numerous stories, and keeping us up to date with the very latest hot news tips. See page 8.

michael adams

was raised in Stanwell Park and became interested in local history, the Aborigines, Major Sir Thomas Mitchell, and Lawrence Hargrave. Michael has been a teacher, a principal and a lecturer. He was awarded an educational fellowship to Vietnam, and became sought-after as a Vietnam specialist. His hobby is writing and he has published books on Illawarra history, Lawrence Hargrave and Vietnam. He has written a series of Hargrave articles to mark the centenary of his death this year. See page 32.

is a business advisor at the Enterprise & Training Company. Prior to working for ETC, she ran her own business, In2Careers, which provided specialised recruitment services for Aboriginal people. This business won a NSW Health award for its innovation placing Aboriginal people in employment in General Practice. She has also worked for a not-for-profit establishing social enterprises and started her career as a primary school teacher in the Northern Territory. Read her tips for beating the winter business blues on page 24.

Dr Rob Brander

– aka ‘Dr Rip’ – is a coastal geomorphologist and Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. A resident of Stanwell Park, he’s been studying beaches for 25 years, starting in Canada where water temperatures convinced him come to Australia to do his PhD. He is an international expert on rip currents and runs a beach safety education program called The Science of the Surf (www.scienceofthesurf. com). He wrote Dr Rip’s Essential Beach Book. Read his column on page 18.


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Genevieve Swart, Marcus Craft

Art director Brendon Wise

Regular contributors

Rob Brander, Sara Newnham, Anthony Warry, Heather Smith


PO Box 248, Helensburgh, 2508 editor@2508mag.com.au www.2508mag.com.au www.facebook.com/2508mag There is a contributor’s drop box at Helensburgh Newsagency on Parkes Street.


See www.2508mag.com.au for rates, specifications and deadlines. Terms and conditions apply.


Community participation is encouraged. Please contact editor@2508mag.com.au with story ideas. Letters should be a maximum of 200 words. The editors reserve the right to edit submissions. Contributors should include contact details.


15th of the month prior to publication 2508 is published by The Word Bureau Pty Ltd. ABN 31 692 723 477 Disclaimer: All content and images remain the property of 2508: District News unless otherwise supplied. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The views expressed in letters, articles and advertisements do not reflect those of the editors.

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25/06/2015 7:46 am


have a say

community notices IN MEMORIAM

Should I care?

Over the past few years I have become more interested, and therefore more shocked and upset, at the way Australia is treating Refugees. Refugees are people trying to escape war, persecution and horror. No one wants to be a refugee, it is a last resort. Australia has an international responsibility to help these people. Have a think about this deceiving myth: “Most people who come by boats are not genuine refugees.” Wrong! Over 90% have been found to be genuine. Most other countries show compassion and care and settle families in the community whilst they quickly go through the claims. NO OTHER COUNTRY (in the whole world!) locks up children indefinitely whilst their claims are assessed! (In Europe children are not allowed to be locked up more than seven days, in the UK, five days! In Australia every major Australian medical organisation has put out statements that there should be immediate release of all children in detention centres. The UN committee against torture labelled the conditions of our detention centres as “cruel, inhuman and unlawful”. OK, so is your blood boiling yet? Should we care? YES, we are Australians! We are compassionate and decent people, we want to help and protect these people. Write, email, phone our politicians. Say you want immediate release of children. Phone the PM Tony Abbott (02 6277 7700) and Julie Bishop (02 6277 7500) and tell them you are against their policies. Passionately, Mrs Naomi Lai Naomi’s plea wins Letter of the Month! The prize is a $50 Tradies Gift Card (24 Boomerang Street, 4294 1122).

Ed’s note: Wollongong celebrated its long history of welcoming refugees in June by hosting the NSW State Launch of Refugee Week at Warrawong High School, holding film screenings and fundraising concerts. Want to get help? Strategic Assistance to Refugee Families (SCARF), a local organisation that turns 10 this year, is always looking for volunteers, such homework tutors, computer trainers and learner driver supervisors. Contact: scarf1.org.au, 4227 1600.


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“The Lady in Red” Marie Townsend 26/9/1926 ~ 19/7/2014 We miss you in so many ways, We miss the things you used to say And when old times we do recall It’s then we miss you most of all. Mum, we think of you every day with a smile in our heart. Your love and kindness is our memory and you squeezed it in everywhere life would allow. How we miss those warm hugs and the years of happy times shared with you, just so many special memories that we will always cherish. Thank you for your love and care. We are so blessed to have had such a wonderful Mum. Robert, Jeanette, Sue & our families.

Fitzgerald, Les 'Skippy’ 19-07-1999

Les – Dad – Pop. In our hearts your memory is kept to love, cherish and never forget. So sadly missed, everlasting love, wife Gert, and Family.

In Loving Memory Of Robert James Stokes 26-7-1949 to 30-7-1995

Our dear Robert, Rob, Robbie, Uncle Rob, Unc.... It’s hard to believe that this year is your 20th anniversary, it seems just like yesterday, and yet sometimes it seems like a million years ago but no matter how we look at it, it was so unfair that you had to go, far too soon, and way too young. We miss you now, our hearts still sore, As the years go by, we miss you more. Your loving smile, your gentle face, No one can fill your vacant place. Your life was a blessing, Your memory a treasure, You are loved beyond words, and missed beyond measure. Your touch, your smile, Was always so tender, Today, tomorrow, Will always be remembered!!! We can’t have old days back, When we were all together. But the tears and loving thoughts, Will be with us forever.


25/06/2015 7:46 am

2508 LETTERS Our thoughts are always with you, Since you were taken away. And those who loved you dearly, Are thinking of you today. Rob, I know, that one day, we will meet up with those we have loved!!! Until then, we send you all our love, also love from so many whose lives you touched!!!! And there were so MANY.... WE LOVED, AND STILL LOVE YOU ROB...


Thanking our members and visitors for attending Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea and helping Helensburgh Fitness Centre raise over $151 for the Cancer Council.


Jenelle McWilliam recently collected a large quantity of used postage stamps from the box in the Helensburgh Community Centre and would like to thank all those who dropped off the stamps. She will forward them to the Carmelite Missions.


Helensburgh’s Julie-ann Ehrlich, who runs Country Companion Animal Rescue, has been helping rescue and re-home cats, dogs and other animals for many years. Above is Sammy, a four-month-old rescue puppy who needs a loving home. Please email ccarpetrehoming@ tpg.com.au if you’d like to help or donate.

Write to us at PO Box 248, Helensburgh, 2508, or email editor@2508mag.com.au

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25/06/2015 7:46 am

2508 NEWS

dawn Chorus Theatre, as part of its 2014 Studio Sessions initiative to support the development of local artistic projects. Many rehearsals took place in the studio overlooking the beach, dubbed “the shack”. Daryl had begun taking abstract photographs of the beach at sunrise, and wanted to include these in the performance. His idea was to create an immersive, meditative experience for the audience, with a musical and visual arc emulating the transition from darkness to light, stillness to wakefulness that happens at dawn. When we performed the piece for Merrigong staff in the Bruce Gordon theatre, the audience sat in the centre facing inwards and we sang in a circle around them, with the photographs surrounding us. The next stage of the project will be three public shows at Wollongong Town Hall on July 16-18, where Daryl plans to create an even richer audiovisual experience by projecting the photographs onto screens around the audience. Audiences may be surprised at the relevance of the poetry of Sri Aurobindo, whose almost scientific approach to meditation and spirituality has a contemporary feel. As a performer, it has been a real joy and inspiration to work on this project and I am looking forward to sharing it with a wider audience. ■ The Aurobindo Project: July 16-18, 7.30pm, Wollongong Town Hall, $20. Bookings: www.merrigong.com.au 2508

Louise Charman-James has the inside story on the Aurobindo Project. I first met composer, pianist and musical director, Daryl Wallis, at a concert in Sydney where we were both performing. As a Helensburgh resident, I was interested to learn that Daryl had recently moved to Stanwell Park, where his latest project, a choral work based on the devotional poetry of Indian philosopher and yogi Sri Aurobindo, had literally been birthed with the sunrise over Stanwell Park beach. In 2013, while working on the play Dead Man Brake in Wollongong, Daryl stayed in a friend’s studio overlooking the southern end of Stanwell Park beach. Meditating at dawn each day, he began to compose music to accompany Sri Aurobindo’s poems, many of which speak of the experience of feeling mind and body filled with light and use ocean, sun and planet metaphors to explore the nature of creation. “It was as if the songs were already created and I was simply transcribing them, “ said Daryl. “I would begin one song just before dawn and by the time the sun had risen, the music was complete.” And so began the Aurobindo Project. I bumped into Daryl months later at 16 Feet cafe in Stanny, where he invited me to be one of four singers who would perform the Aurobindo Project to the management team at Merrigong

From left: composer Daryl Wallis, singers Maryann Wright, Danielle O’Keefe, Marissa Dikkenberg (not in the show but closely involved), Daniel Alejandro and the author of this article, Louise Charman-James.


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2508 NEWS

All change in STANNY! By Heather Smith Stanwell Park’s commercial strip is changing, with new operators set to take over the corner store, a new café, new accommodation, an Arts Hub and a proposal to make 16 Feet licensed. Café business owner Lynden Sirec has applied to the Liquor Licensing Authority to be able to serve drinks with food at the premises. If granted, she anticipates opening one to two nights a week in winter with themed menus. “I would love to have a winter feast,” she said. Lynden plans to offer a small range of beverages, such as boutique wines and craft beers, and open 16 Feet for functions. “We have a lot of enquiries for functions but there’s not even a place in Stanwell Park for big groups to have dinner,” she said. Lynden said the village had changed a great deal since she opened 3.5 years ago. “It’s really coming into its own. And it’s been really good to have an area that’s become a central meeting place and everyone feels comfortable.” ■ Comfort is definitely on offer at new guesthouse The Annex, marketed as “Luxury for Less”. Tumbling Waters Retreat owners Sonja Keller and Andrew Bergmann recently finished remodelling the property, intended as overflow accommodation for guests of the Stanwell Tops venue. “We often get calls from couples wanting to stay in the area and we are unable to accommodate them at TWR,” said Sonja. “We have many weddings at Tumbling Waters and guests fly in from international destinations and are always looking for places to stay in the local area.” The Annex is expected to open in August, with rates from $250 per couple per night. Phone 4294 1314. ■ Booking their break are the managers of


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The General at Stanwell Park and Shell’s Diner at Austinmer for the past six years, Michael Grace and Sylvia Newham. The couple are embarking on a new chapter of their lives with the sale of the two businesses and will care for Sylvia’s 88-year-old mother who has moved in with them. Two pairs of hands are needed for her care with Michael saying they would be concentrating on family for the foreseeable future. The sale was expected to go through last month. ■ At the new Hargrave Café on the corner of Stanwell Avenue, manager Sophie Abercrombie offers a small menu of “reasonably priced” meals, such as mezzo plates, toasted sandwiches and homemade pumpkin soup. “I’m really conscious of the fact people don’t want to spend too much money so I don’t want to be over-priced,” Sophie said. On display are a charcoal drawing of aviation pioneer Lawrence Hargrave by Stanwell Park artist Bret Walker, plus photographs by award-winning underwater photographer Matt Smith. “I like to be able to showcase the works of local artists,” Sophie said. ■ Art is the entire focus further down the road, where the long-term H&A Anderson Antiques store has closed and an Arts Hub/book store will occupy the space. Portrait and landscape photographer Terri Ayliffe has leased the shop, to be named Vertu. “It means love of, or taste for, fine art,” she said. It will feature books on art, history and biographies as well as children’s books, hand-made craft, a selection of boutique teas as well as Terri’s own work and that of her husband, Matthew, a children’s book author. Wave photographer Ray Collins will show his works at Vertu; ceramics, candles, screen prints and home wares will also be for sale. Local writers will be encouraged to promote their work at Vertu and an author’s residency is in the pipeline. Interested artists and authors should contact Terri on terriayliffe@gmail.com. ■ At Boho Chic, Wendy Roche has leased the space next door and will offer men’s clothes and a children’s range. “We will continue to offer eco-friendly products that are made from natural fibres,” Wendy said. 2508


25/06/2015 7:49 am

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25/06/2015 7:49 am


SNOW STARS Whether it’s carving up the ski fields in competition or just for the fun of it, local youngsters are attracting plenty of attention for their skills in the snow. 2508 reports. Helensburgh and district has its fair share of world, national and state champions in a wide variety of sports, ranging from BMX to athletics, surf lifesaving to rugby league. And we can even lay claim to a few winter sports champions in the making as well. Some of the region’s young snow stars recently had a chat with 2508.


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ZALI OFFORD Age: 17. Ski or snowboard? Alpine skier. Comp highlights: ● 3rd at an international children’s event in Andorra ● Under 16 Australian Skier Cross Champion ● At my first Federation International de Ski (FIS) open age group race I came 3rd, skiing against girls a lot older than me. The girl who won had just competed at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi. My goals for this season: To ski even better than last season to confirm my spot in the Youth Winter Olympics in 2016, which will be held in Lillehammer, Norway. My ultimate competitive goal: To represent Australia at World Cup and Olympic level.


25/06/2015 7:51 am

BRYN JARMAN Age: 16. Ski or snowboard? Ski. Comp highlights: ● 3rd overall in the U16 Australian Children’s series. 2014 ● 2nd Australian Children’s Championships U16 Slalom, Perisher. 2014 ● 10th Trofeu Borrufa International Children’s Champs, U16 Slalom, Andorra, 2015. My goals for this winter: Keep my spot on the Australian National team. Top 5 finish in Australian National Championships. My ultimate competitive goal: World Cup and Olympics.

PAIGE PENROSE Age: 15. Ski or snowboard? Ski. What I like about it: Skiing with kids and instructors from all over the world is heaps of fun and it’s great being able to always improve or try new things while being healthy and active. I’ve been doing it since I was three … and now I can ski faster than mum and dad! This year I will do ski patrol for work experience at Selwyn, which I am hoping will be the start of getting involved with the resorts and one day maybe joining the ski patrol or becoming an instructor.

TAMZEN PENROSE Age: 13. Ski or snowboard? Ski. What I like about it: Going to the snow is the highlight of my year! I have been going to the snow since I was three and skiing is one of my favourite sports. I love the snow because I get to ski and meet many new people and have instructors from all over the world. I also get to have a great family holiday and it is quite a different community to Stanwell Park. It is the perfect way of life; having loads of fun while being healthy and active!

MIFF RENNIE Age: 11. Ski or snowboard? I’m a skier and snowboarder. Comp highlights: I only started racing last year and I placed pretty well in the regionals and southern NSW events for skiing and snowboarding. Unfortunately, in my strongest event I crashed on the last turn and missed out on State finals. I am skiing a lot better now with some more experience. My ultimate competitive goal: I like racing, but, really, I just like skiing and snowboarding. I want to win, but I think that comes from just riding and spending as much time on snow as I can.

BRYN ON TRAINING, COMPS AND the right MINDSET THE IMPORTANCE OF GOALS “What we have to do is set goals: fitness-wise and competition-wise and training-wise. So, we have set goals for short-term and long-term. So short-term [fitness] goals are for me at the moment: get stronger and bigger; I’m working up at the Helensburgh Fitness Centre to do that. “Then for the short-term [competition] goal it would be to compete at the Nationals and


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hopefully get top five. A long-term goal is to reach the Olympics and Ski World Cup.” THE MIND MATTERS “[When competing] I have to do my routine up the top, calm down and get it all out of my head before I go. I’ll often joke around with the coaches and I’ve just got to not think about it, then when I get in the gate, go through it once in my head … and then I’ll ski off and I’ll do it.”


Photos by Anthony Warry Photography; www.anthonywarry.tumblr.com


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OSKAR SCHULZ Age: 9. Ski or snowboard? Ski. Comp highlights: ● 1st in USA Nationals Rail Jam 2015, Copper Mountain, USA. ● 1st in NZ Nationals Big Mountain 2014, Cardrona, NZ. ● 2nd in NZ Nationals Slopestyle 2014 Cardrona, NZ. ● 1st in State Interschools Skier Cross 2014, Thredbo. My goals for this winter: Train hard and to land a cork 7 before I turn 10. My ultimate competitive goal: I’d like to one day be a pro skier.


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KAI RENNIE Age: 9. Ski or snowboard? I’ve been skiing for six years, snowboarding for four. Comp highlights: NSW State titles snowboarding 6th place. I reckon that’s pretty good as it was a few years below my age bracket. It was in Boarder-X. I came 10th in downhill. I came 3rd in the NSW Southern Regions. My best result is beating mum down the racecourse. Easy. My ultimate competitive goal: I want to ride snowboards full time. I just want to ride really big mountains.

BEAU BOULTON Age: 8. Ski or snowboard? Ski. Comp highlights: ● The 2014 Australian Interschools Snowsports. ● Championships skiing moguls. Ranked 40th with no coaching or race-training. Beau reckons: I love skiing. I was really happy about getting to the Australian Moguls. I started skiing just before I turned 3. My mum taught me how to ski. Together we rip up the mountain! What I most love about being on snow is just hitting the park and shredding it. 2508


25/06/2015 7:51 am

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25/06/2015 7:51 am

2508 NEWS

catch up on what’s been happening in our district...


IMB has given the Lawrence Hargrave Society a $20,000 grant to celebrate the aviation pioneer’s heritage. 2015 marks centenary of Hargrave’s death and the LHS secretary, Michael Adams, said the society plans to use the money on several projects. These will include a July 5 luncheon, a “Hargrave to Hang-gliding” mural on the outside wall of Stanwell Park’s corner shop; a photographic competition; an album of Hargrave songs, music and poetry; a Hargrave essay competition; and Stanwell Park’s Festival of Flight on November 15.


Otford resident Natasha Watson has launched a Facebook community page to Increase Police in the Northern Illawarra (I.P.I.T.N.I.). The goal is to compile crime reports and campaign for more police officers and a 24-hour station in Helensburgh. “Unless we demand it and report every crime, it won’t happen,” Natasha wrote.


Residents have criticised Wollongong City Council for the lack of community consultation in choosing figs to replace the pines at Helensburgh’s Charles Harper Park. Some weren’t happy with the choice of tree, either. A council spokesperson responded with the following: “The five dead pine trees at Charles Harper Park, Helensburgh, are being replaced with two species of fig tree. This species – Ficus Obliqua and Ficus Macrophyllas – were selected after consultation with Council’s horticulturalists. These species are considered good shade trees, once established, and are extremely tolerant of wind. “Council will plant two of each species in the park. They will not be planted in the same location as the pine trees, which had been growing over the car park, ANZAC monument and playground.” Helensburgh Landcare’s Merilyn House said,


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What does a visiting NYPD sergeant do on his day off?

See his first koala, of course. Sgt Anthony Lisi of the New York City Police Department Emergency Service Unit visited Symbio with Helensburgh resident and NSW Police Rescue & Bomb Disposal Unit Leading Senior Constable, Marcus Backway. Also pictured above: James the Koala. “I think figs are a great park tree although it will be some years before they are big enough to provide much shade. The trees are very longlived and provide wonderful shade in summer.” Merilyn’s only concern was the trees should not be planted too close to the War Memorial.


The Bankstown family of missing man Nick Veljanovski, last seen in the Royal National Park in June 2014, is offering a $50,000 reward for credible information that helps them find their son. Nick is 180cm tall with red hair and blue eyes. If you have information, call Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000 or visit www1.police.nsw.gov.au


After more than 200 enquiries, 40 inspections and 15 offers, the prize headland site of Kennett Home has sold to a local couple. The couple, who do not wish to be named at this stage, has bought the four-block property as a strategic move with no firm plans for its development. It has been bought on a delayed settlement as the sale cannot be finalised until residents of the nursing home move to United Protestant Association’s new facility in Railway Crescent, due for completion mid-2016.


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2508 NEWS Ray White Helensburgh principal Simon Beaufils, who negotiated the sale, said the site offered four separate blocks. “We had a great deal of interest from Sydney but, in the end, a local couple had the better offer,” he said. The 1894sq m site in The Drive is zoned R2 low density, which allows for B&B accommodation, child care centres, consulting rooms and hostels, among others.


On June 29, Wollongong City Council was due to begin work on stage two of the Bald Hill Reserve upgrade, which will include improved traffic access, parking and bus spaces. “We anticipate the road works associated with the upgrade will be completed by November 2015,” Council said. Access to Bald Hill will be affected but the site will remain open to the public.


About 20 people attended the NF1 Forum meeting on June 10. Convenor Neville Bussa was re-elected to his role; co-convenor is now Mick Haynes. Attendees thanked former co-convenor Warwick Erwin for his service.


The homeless “Lady in the Blue Van” – whose plight was publicised on Facebook – has found a granny flat to rent in Campbelltown thanks to Ray White’s Emma Brady. Hope Church coordinated fundraising efforts, with donations used to buy a 2001 Toyota Corolla Levin.

Always smiling … volunteer bus escort Hilary Hill. Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid recently heard its transport funding had been extended until June 2016.

Is your business suffering from the winter blues? Now is the time to get business advice...


Transport for NSW has offered Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid an extension of its current funding up until June 2016. “This means that we will still be able to provide our individual transport and group transport services,” said manager Tracey Schroeder. “Staff are happy and relieved.” ■ Shortly before 2508 went to print, NINA sent us this update: “Finally some good news for community service providers and consumers – the Government turn-around on new fees policy. The power of the people has won out! “Due to overwhelming negative feedback … the proposed fees will NOT come into effect – instead a fees framework will be developed which will provide principles providers can adopt in setting and implementing their fees. A win-win for providers and customers!” 2508


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25/06/2015 7:53 am

2508 NEWS

Happy 100!

By Allan House, Helensburgh & District Historical Society president Commuters, visitors, officials and railway personnel celebrated the centenary of the newly refurbished and painted Helensburgh Railway Station on Friday, May 29. Refreshments were served, and the NSW Railway Brass Band entertained. A historical display of photographs with a story line was provided by the Helensburgh & District Historical Society. A centenary plaque was unveiled by the member for Heathcote, Lee Evans, who also cut the centenary cake. The station is the second one at Helensburgh. The first was a single line station at the junction of Vera Street and Tunnel Road. Its platform was sandwiched between two tunnels, which was unique in Australia. It was officially opened on 1 January 1889, but it had a short life of only 26 years. By 1913, the NSW Government had decided a single line from Waterfall to Wollongong with a steep grade to Stanwell Park was no longer viable. A double line connection on a milder grade was approved. At Helensburgh, the two existing tunnels were bypassed by a deviation, which crossed a small gully to where the


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Spot the difference …Helensburgh Railway Station in 1915 (top) and 2015 (above). Left, the NSW Railway Brass Band entertained commuters and visiting dignitaries on Friday, May 29, when the station celebrated its centenary. Photos courtesy of the Helensburgh & District Historical Society

current station was built. The station consists of a curved building on a curved platform and is considered unique to Australian railways. Unfortunately, the curved platform presents safety issues and also will not fully accommodate an OSCAR 8 carriage set on the down line – it is officially rated a six carriage platform. Electrification of the line from Waterfall to Wollongong commenced in 1983. Electric trains to Helensburgh began to run in May 1984 and to Otford in December 1985. Construction of a bus interchange, extra car parking and a new overhead concourse with staircases and lifts began in the second half of 2006. The original staircase to the platform from Wilsons Creek Bridge was removed in 2007. A new car park was opened in September 2009; however, car parking is still a major problem at the station. 2508


25/06/2015 7:54 am

2508 NEWS

helping nepal

A Stanwell Park couple has been raising money for a nepalese village for six years – the April 25 earthquake in that country has only steeled their resolve to help even more. 2508 reports.

Mandy and Bernard Hibbard have a strong connection to the Nepalese – they’ve been helping people in Thulu Syabru village for six years. The couple, who run Don’t Go Gently, a Not-for-Profit adventure travel business as a side venture to full-time work, has helped to fund and build schools, health clinics and even given people full-time employment there. And though the April 25 earthquake this year was absolutely devastating in every way – resulting in the death of more than 8000 people to date and the destruction of a lot of infrastructure – the locals are soldiering on, says Bernard, who recently made a 10-day visit to the area. Of 170 buildings in the village, 158 have been destroyed or are now too dangerous to live in, including two monasteries, Bernard said. The health clinic sustained no damage but some medicines and equipment were damaged. The school building, badly cracked and now on unstable ground, will likely have to be demolished. There was still no power to the village by mid-June. In the weeks after the quake, the Hibbards, with tremendous support from the 2508 community, raised about $17,000 through fundraisers at Stanwell Park surf club and a garage sale. “On the 31st of May, Bernard flew out at our expense to Kathmandu to see first-hand and took with him $6000 in cash,” Mandy said. The money is being used to: buy clinic stock and pay nurse salaries; subsidise 50 percent of the kindergarten teacher’s salary for the next 12 months; buy roof sheets to build temporary structures as interim classrooms for Thulu Syabru and Gatlang schools; and build temporary school latrines. The remaining cash will stay in an Australian bank account until after the monsoon season finishes, around the start of October, when the couple will re-evaluate village needs.


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Bernard and Mandy Hibbard “They’re so much better than us at dealing with it [such a tragedy],” said Bernard. “They’re resilient,” Mandy said. “Stuff like this happens; there’s no insurance, there’s no one to whinge to,” Bernard said. ■ In a fundraiser at The Bombie Bar on June 14 $3812 was raised. 2508

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25/06/2015 7:55 am

2508 NEWS

Dr Rip’s Science of the Surf

infragravity (sneaker) waves are. They are pretty much a random occurrence, but their formation is similar to how wave sets are formed. It’s not hard to imagine there are many wave “trains”, formed by distant storms, travelling across the ocean from different directions. When the different waves intersect, they can merge and if their crests align they can form groups (sets) of higher waves. This is called constructive interference. The same thing happens with freak waves, but the main Rob Brander difference is they mostly tend to occur when answers his fan and where there are messy, chaotic waves, like (singular) mail. during storms or at rivermouth entrances. Again, it’s not hard to imagine a bunch I am pleased to say of waves suddenly coming together I think my column and their crests merging into a is creating a bit of Did you giant “freak” wave due to a buzz in the know? constructive interference. Illawarra. Freak waves can tip ships – anyone However, many reports I know this because after two years, remember The describe freak waves appearing someone has asked me a question! Is Poseidon out of calm seas. Again, the an “infragravity” wave a “freak” wave? Adventure? explanation is constructive Last month I wrote about “sneaker interference. It’s like the laws of waves” (technically termed infragravity probability as explained by the late waves) that suddenly rush up the beach from Douglas Adams: if you stick a bunch of time to time. The fact that the person who monkeys in a room with typewriters and paper asked me the question is married to the person for infinity they’ll eventually type out the I saw running away from the infragravity wave complete works of Shakespeare! In other words, I wrote about doesn’t matter, it was a good freak waves are bound to happen and while question! What is a freak wave? Do they exist? you would be extremely unlucky to experience Should you be worried? one, more people are using the ocean and Freak waves, also called rogue waves, are beaches than ever before. Freak waves are not unexpectedly large, if not huge, waves that as uncommon as we used to think because suddenly appear out of nowhere and flip ships, more people are around to observe them damage offshore oil rigs and also rush up the happening. beach. They have been observed to be more Can we predict them? Nope. Should you be than 30 metres high. If you’ve watched the old worried? Well, perhaps in the millisecond you’d movie The Poseidon Adventure, that’s a freak have to realise a freak wave was about to engulf wave. Freak waves are solo waves. They don’t you, otherwise probably not. 2508 happen as multiple waves, like tsunami, and Visit www.scienceofthesurf.com they aren’t semi-regular in occurrence, like

A massive wave flipped the ocean-liner the Poseidon in the movie The Poseidon Adventure.


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25/06/2015 7:56 am

2508 NEWS

INCREDIBLE JOURNEY: Helensburgh locals Adam Warnes (above left) and Jason Fuller rode their motorbikes across Australia – the hard way – from Perth to Helensburgh over 13 days in May/June. They tackled more than 6500km of bike-wrecking, body-smashing gravel, rock and sand as they rode through deserts and thick bushland. Read Jason’s yarn about this great adventure in next month’s issue of 2508 District News.

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25/06/2015 7:56 am


Gardening with sara Get set for a magical midwinter showcase of grevillea, writes Sara Newnham. For months, I have been eagerly awaiting the middle of winter. Not for the weather, but for the mass of flowers in bloom. Many exotic orchids, unusual bromeliads and masses of native species – banksia, hardenbergia, wattle, to name a few – show off their beauty in July. One native that seems to out-perform the rest is the grevillea. These plants come in so many stunning shapes, sizes and colours. So it was with much excitement that I went to visit Bulli’s Illawarra Grevillea Park, home to one of the finest collections of grevillea in the country. Here I met curator Ray Brown, who is renowned for collecting and hybridising grevillea and other rare native plants over the past four decades. More than 20 years ago, Ray, with the support of Sydney Botanic Gardens, approached Wollongong City Council to accrue land to house his vast collection for future generations to see. Since then Ray and his team

Grevillia Park curator RAy brown is a local treasure and a true pioneer in the horticulture industry. of volunteers have lovingly tended the park so it now has more than 300 species of grevillea, many rare and unique native plants, and some very special varieties that originated on the site. Ray is someone I look up to – a local treasure and a true pioneer in the horticulture industry. He is an inspiration, with his vast knowledge and interesting tales of native plant discoveries. Walking through the park gates, I was amazed by bursting walls of flowers in all directions. Two exceptional varieties stood out: Grevillea ‘Bulli Beauty’, small but prolific, light-pink flowering, and, my favourite, Grevillea ‘Bulli Princess’, with large, brightpink flowers. These bird-attracting, easy-togrow species are Ray’s pride and joy; propagated on site and then cultivated to be sold in


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Grevillea photo by Olivia Mitchell

nurseries all over Australia. Both varieties make wonderful, fast-growing screening shrubs, 2-3m tall. They enjoy growing in free-draining soils and require little maintenance. Ray suggests pruning in September or after flowering to keep the plant bushy. Feed twice a year with Osmocote for natives, chose a sunny position, cultivate the soil (loosen the dirt by turning it over) before planting. Then dig a hole twice as wide as the pot, fill the hole with water before planting, take plant out of pot, place in the hole so the soil level is the same as surrounding ground. Backfill hole with soil, don’t cover the stem. Create a well around the plant to catch the water for longer. Water in well and repeat every few days when soil is dry. Grevillea Park makes the perfect family day out. Lunch in quiet picnic areas and delight in the abundant birdlife. Or enjoy a walk through the tranquil rainforest, home to a wide collection of indigenous Illawarra species. The park will be open for its annual winter showcase, 10am-4pm on July 4-5 and July 11-12, $5 per adult. It’s close to the station, behind Bulli Showground, cars enter from the Princes Highway. See grevilleapark.org. I am looking forward to buying plants from Ray’s own nursery collection. Don’t miss out – this native floral show is sure to brighten your winter! 2508 For gardening advice, call Sara on 0451 196 646.


25/06/2015 7:57 am


compost tips By A Garden for Life’s Narelle Happ Composting is one of the best ways to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill. Composting cuts waste costs, saves energy, and reduces air and water pollution. Compost also improves the quality of soil, supplies plentiful nutrients to plants and increases abundance in crops. It can be used as a seed-raising or potting mix, compost tea can be used to improve plant growth. Ingredients for your compost include dry materials such as straw, dry grass, dry leaves, shredded news paper and small twigs and branches. Green material includes fresh lawn clippings, food scraps and green cuttings. Chicken and horse manure can be used. Layering your compost is essential and, as a guide, would be based on 25cm shredded dry material (carbon), 15cm chopped green material (nitrogen) and 5cm manure. Keep layering as

you go, much like we would a lasagne. Water in between layers to keep moist but not soaking. This will increase microbial action. Beneficial herbs to use in and around the compost include borage for moisture and nitrogen, comfrey for nutrients and as a compost activator, and yarrow for nitrogen and compost activation. 2508 Narelle is running two upcoming workshops: ■ How to grow citrus. July 26 at Coledale Markets, 11am-1pm, $30, book at wildrumpus.com.au. ■ How to grow your own edible garden. August 1, 9am-5pm, $230, book at milllaneworkshops.com

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25/06/2015 7:57 am



By Heather Smith

Excellent service … Louis Lu at the 2508 car wash.

Did you know? Bella Shutters & Blinds

'I was trained by the German Sheraton Hotel group ... If you’re going to do a job, do your best; if not, don’t do it.’ best; if not, don’t do it.” Louis, originally from Shanghai, China, emigrated to New Zealand in 1988 where he continued to work in hospitality before moving to Sydney. He worked at a “very busy” car wash in Baulkham Hills where the record was 400 cars in a day and then became supervisor at his Uncle’s car wash in Blakehurst. “I came to Helensburgh to find a small business for myself,” he said. “There’s not as much work, which is good, so I can guarantee that each job will be up to high standards.” Louis, who is grateful to the local community for giving him such strong support, has no plans to expand. “I enjoy the work and I get a great deal of job satisfaction,” he said. “It’s my whole life.” Louis charges $30 to wash and clean a small car while a 4WD costs $40. Drive-ins are welcome with bookings given priority; phone 0421 608 351. 2508

sell roller blinds, venetian blinds, roman blinds, panel blinds, vertical blinds and lots more.

call Carl today


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If a job is worth doing, then it’s worth doing perfectly, according to Helensburgh car wash professional Louis Lu. Louis has run the 2508 car wash, alongside the self-service component of the business, for the past 18 months and has developed a reputation for excellence. “Physically, it’s a very hard job, but it’s also a very personal job,” he said. The former supervisor of five-star hotels within the Sheraton group rates quality over quantity and says his attention to detail has become a habit. “I was trained by the German Sheraton Hotel group so everything had to be up to standard,” he said. “If you’re going to do a job, do your


25/06/2015 7:59 am


CHAMBER chatter The May Money Madness results are in, reports President Greg Watts. Well done to the winners of the May Money Madness promotion. Kirah Ellis, who shopped at Oat & Honey Helensburgh, won first prize ($1000 in vouchers). Helensburgh Post Office’s customer Julie Read won second prize ($500 in vouchers) and Helensburgh Car Services’ customer Gary Bragg won third prize ($300 in vouchers).


■ Congratulations to Wendy Lepre, formerly of Bevans, on being headhunted for a new role as sales executive at Belle Property. Said Wendy, “They are the number one boutique agency in Australia and also we use as our auctioneer Damien Cooley, also the number one auctioneer in Australasia.”


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■ Thirroul’s Cafe R & R has a new, warm look. New manager Rohit Fernandes promises “great coffee” and Saturday curry specials. ■ Helensburgh’s Raya Thai has a winter special: a $12 curry deal (not in conjunction with Tuesday’s kids meal deal). ■ Westpac banking is now available at Helensburgh Post Office. Call 4294 1008. ■ Freight services expert Scand International is offering a new service: professional project management. Contact: Nicola and David Oliver, 0402 046 793; scandinternational.com.au ■ Introducing Trisha Dalton, owner/principal accountant and tax agent of Dalton Accounting. Trisha operates from her home office, works flexible hours, employs two staff and provides personal service for accounting, bookkeeping and tax matters for all types of business, partnerships and sole traders. Contact: 4294 8672, trisha@daltonaccounting.com.au 2508


25/06/2015 7:59 am


Styling with sammy Everyone needs a chunky knit, writes Personal stylist Sammy Mahler. Knits are a staple, a “must have” in your wardrobe. Designers have been paying a lot of attention to detail with yarn, pattern and necklines being a focus. One of my favourite looks is a stripey knit. Whether it be slouchy, fitted or textured, this a style that suits most shapes and sizes. Liiluu Boutique (4268 4086) in Thirroul has some stunning styles in stock. I chose the striped roll-neck “girlfriend” knit. Simply team back with new season, white skinny leg and black ankle boot. It has style, structure and simplicity. Stay warm! 2508

This page supports local stylish small business – each month Sammy creates a ‘look’ with items from Northern Illawarra stores. See littlemissboo.com

Fashion at Twilight

On July 18, Liiluu Boutique will be one of several local stores showing off spring fashions on the catwalk at Fashion At Twilight. It’s a fundraising night for Thirroul Neighbourhood Centre organised by Bevans Thirroul. Venue: Thirroul Surf Life Saving Club. Tickets: book gold ($70) or silver ($55) passes at bevans.ticketbud.com/fashion-twilight 2508


By Small Biz Connect’s Annelies Voorthuis Is your business suffering from the winter blues? Then it’s time to focus on your marketing. Promoting and marketing your business should be one of your primary responsibilities, especially when things are a bit slow. Here are five ways to bolster your marketing efforts on a micro budget: ■ Content marketing to lift your profile. Great examples include e-mail newsletters, and social media articles. If you’re an accountant for example, you could create compelling content around the things that people hate tackling most at tax time. This creates an opportunity to mention the services you offer to help people. ■ Add bells and whistles to your website or Facebook – eg, add a video, a virtual tour of your


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business, or a live chat opportunity. There are marketing studies that show 68 percent more information is retained after watching a video compared to just reading. ■ Direct marketing – Don’t be afraid to get out there and distribute leaflets, brochures, special offers and even your business card to targeted businesses or households. ■ Run your own PR campaign – put together a media release and photo to send to the local media about something new, unique or interesting happening in your business. ■ Collaborate and nurture. Team up with other businesses willing to support your business. The goal is to produce business for each other by reciprocal referrals and joint promotional opportunities. Want to know more? Ring now and talk to a Small Biz Advisor on 4223 0316. 2508


25/06/2015 8:00 am

2508 NEWS

Cooking with Rob The shortest day has passed and winter is waning, but it’s not too late for some slow cooking, writes R&R’s Rob Lisk. Here is a basic recipe for slow-cooked beef with cherry tomatoes and rosemary. To start off, grab a piece of beef blade, rump or neck, depending on your budget. Heat a pan with some oil. Season the beef with salt, pepper and garlic (optional). Place the beef in the pan and colour evenly all over. Place the beef in the slow cooker or large pot. In the same pan you coloured the beef, add sliced onion, leek, and sweet potato, and colour these vegetables the same as the beef. Add to the slow cooker. Add two glasses of red wine to the pan and reduce by half. Add the wine to the slow cooker. Then add two punnets of cherrie tomatoes, or four to five plain tomatoes. Add water or stock until the meat is almost covered. Now, if you like, add a small jar of marmalade. This will give the finished dish a sweet and slightly tart finish. If you don’t like the sound of the marmalade, simply leave it out of the recipe and spread it on your toast. Here’s a few accompaniments for this dish: potato and parsnip mash or any type of pasta, linguini or even a potato bake. Maybe just a big bowl of steamed greens. This dish will feed about four to six people and will take three to four hours – a few hours more depending on whether it’s in the oven or cooker.


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Feel like impressing your friends or neighbours? Call this dish ’Slow-cooked beef shoulder in tomato marmalade with parsnip puree’. To finish off this meal, finely chop a few sprigs of rosemary, thyme and parsley. Add the herbs 10 minutes before you serve. ■ Note: these articles are designed to help you cook well at home and for those who aren’t great at it. Don’t be scared to try something new and feel free to request a recipe or technique. Enjoy. 2508


25/06/2015 8:00 am


band is back for charity SpinDrift was a popular local band back in the noughties. Now the boys are back to help raise money to fight cancer. Joe McNaughton & Dave Eccles report. Get ready to rock because on August 8, local band SpinDrift is performing a one-off comeback show to help raise funds for a cancer charity. SpinDrift will be supported by The Wake Up Call on the night. They last wowed audiences back in the last decade, but SpinDrift – John Bursill, Joe McNaughton, Karl Bowles, Grant Hassall and Peter Field – was extremely popular and often featured in local newspapers. The band’s covers range from The Beatles and the Rolling Stones through to Green Day and Blink 182. Cancer has affected someone close to each band member so when they were approached to work with the Helensburgh Off Road Cycle Club (HORCC) to raise money for The Ride


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Then and now … SpinDrift in 2004 (above) and the band in 2015 (main photo), pictured from left, Karl Bowles, Joe McNaughton, John Bursill, Peter Field and Grant Hassall. To Conquer Cancer, they didn't hesitate to say "Yes". (The Ride To Conquer Cancer benefits Chris O’Brien Lifehouse at RPA Hospital). The Helensburgh Tigers Rugby League Football Club has kindly donated its venue for the event. The fun is scheduled to start at 7pm and continue until midnight. Drinks and limited food will be available. ■ Tickets ($25 each) are limited. Call Michelle on 0490 127 666 to buy tickets. For more details on the gig, visit Comeback for Cancer. 2508


25/06/2015 8:02 am


What’s on send your listings to editor@2508mag.com.au ENTERTAINMENT 5 Luke Dixon at Helensburgh Tradies, 1-4pm. 11 Sarah Paton at Helensburgh Tradies, 2-5pm 19 Dean Michael-Smith, Tradies, 1-4pm 26 Johanna Campbell & Nate Townsend, Helensburgh Tradies, 1-4pm Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid outings To find out what’s on, call 4294 1900 or visit www.nina.org.au CLUBS 09 The Probus Club of Helensburgh & District holds meetings each second Thursday of the month at Tradies Helensburgh. Go to helensburghprobus.org or phone 9526 7086. 21 VIEW Club “Christmas in July” luncheon, Centennial Hotel 11am for 11.15 start. Phone


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Nerida on 0429 004 298 for new bookings or cancellations. See page 33 for more information. HELENSBURGH LIBRARY 57 Walker Street; 4294 2185 01 10.30am, Holiday activity, ages 5+, Homegrown science. Join us for some simple hands-on experiments and cool science fun. 08 10.30am, Holiday activity, ages 5+, Brush bots. Come and construct and race your own mini robotic bug using simple materials. 22 10.30am, Preschool storytime.

When life gives you Lemons

Have you heard about ”When life gives you Lemons”? It’s a festival of all things citrus happening around the Illawarra this winter. There are workshops to participate in and recipes to be found and shared. Plus, Helensburgh and Thirroul Libraries are drop-off points for surplus citrus fruits until August 18 – look for the specially marked crate! Go to whenlifegives youlemons.org.au or When Life Gives You Lemons Wollongong. 2508


25/06/2015 8:02 am


soccer star By Keith Tomlinson, Stanwell Park Public School Principal

Last month Jaime Beaufils represented our school, District and Region at the NSW State Soccer Championships in Camden. The championships took place over three days with Jaime’s South Coast team playing many matches against other regions. Jaime’s team won two matches, drew seven and lost one to register a creditable 9th placing in the finals. This was a wonderful experience for Jaime, who we are very proud of for representing our school so well. This is especially outstanding considering Jaime is still in Year 4 and played against girls from Years 5 and 6. Great work!

Jaime Beaufils in action (above, photo courtesy of Instant Photos Australia). Below, fun in the Royal National Park.

K-2 NATIONAL PARK EXCURSION On June 10, K-2 students and their teachers went to the Royal National Park, Bundeena for their HSIE studies. The topic was Wet and Dry Environment. The students had a lesson with the Park Rangers focusing on animals and plants in the wet and dry zones. They looked for insects and animal life in the water. The weather was very cold but that didn’t stop the students getting out and learning lots about the animals. 2508

science thrives A Helensburgh Public School report, By Stephen McQueen, Teacher Librarian As part of the implementation of the new Australian Curriculum, Helensburgh Public School has been looking at the way Science and Technology is being taught in our school. Over the past 12 months, teachers have had extensive professional development, units of work have been examined and resources have been purchased. This year the benefits are being seen around the school. Children are enjoying their scientific investigations while learning the skills of


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predicting, exploring and explaining. As part of our science focus, the school recently had a Forensic Science Workshop. As with our class science lessons, the workshop proved a big hit with the children, a lot of fun and a great learning experience. 2508


25/06/2015 8:08 am


the garden of otford Parents and children dug in at a working bee to build a bush tucker garden at Otford Public School on Sunday, June 14. Project co-ordinator Narelle Happ said bush tucker plants would include Mentha australis, a native mint used as a tea, and Tasmannia lanceolata (leaves from this pepper bush are used in cooking and to tenderise meat, the fruit is used as peppercorn substitute). Children will also be able to snack on the berries of Austromyrtus dulcis, Midyim Berry. The school has received a couple of grants for its garden: $2500 from Tradies as part of the Stephanie Alexander kitchen garden project and $1000 from Coles Junior Landcare to build the bush tucker section. Wollongong Botanic Garden has donated 30 plants and the school is applying for another grant to buy an oven and a fridge.

Students will help care for the garden, as well as harvest and cook garden produce. “Our first harvest was last Friday when students in 1-2-3 harvested, washed, packaged and sold lettuce at the school gate,” said principal Lesley Matthews. Money raised will be used to buy more seeds. “We may be small, but we achieve great things together.” 2508


Congratulations to Ava, Otford’s stage two winner in the Seacliff Community of Schools public speaking competition. Bulli High School students adjudicate and nine local primary schools are take part.


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25/06/2015 8:08 am

2508 NEWS

film of joey’s first cuddle By Symbio’s Michelle Aldred Our first-born joey in our new Koala Sanctuary recently came out of mum’s pouch for the first time – and our senior curator Kylie Elliott captured this incredible moment on film. For five minutes, mum and bub were seen affectionately nuzzling and snuggling into one another. The joey proved she really is a Symbio girl – she was definitely not camera shy! Have a look at our Facebook page for incredible video footage of this moment. We are expecting another joey to make its appearance any day now – just in time for the July school holidays. 2508

how to train a dog By Philip Comans Some people use “treat training”, aka “positive reinforcement”, which involves bribing dogs with food. This may seem to work when teaching simple commands such as “sit” or “drop”. But bribery doesn’t achieve real control. Other dog owners believe they have to be seen as bigger and scarier than their dog, so it will “respect” them (ie, “fear them”). This is sometimes justified by an interpretation of observations of mother dogs and their litters. I have seen owners grab their misbehaving dog and push its face into the ground until the dog “submits”. This is very dangerous. Frankly it’s amazing how much some dogs take without lashing out. Other “negative reinforcement” includes whacking with a rolled-up newspaper (or hand) on the muzzle, spike or choker collars, and electric shock or citronelladispensing collars. This is no way to develop real trust (or love). The thing to realise is that


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it’s all show when it comes to skirmishes within a stable dog pack. Lots of growing, snarling and teeth, but rarely any biting or damage inflicted. The best method of training any animal is surely to mimic its natural communication with its species. We often speak to our dog in English, but his mother tongue is Canine. Over 26 years, Bark Busters has fine-tuned our knowledge of how dogs communicate. In a nutshell, there are four ways: body language, a growl, a snap or a fight. We mimic these steps (except fighting, we never get physical with our dogs). So, we adopt the correct body language to show leadership, use our voice tones and have simple, non-physical ways of refocussing our dogs on us to gain control. We don’t need bribes (treats), we don’t use strength or physical punishment ever (hands are for praise and patting only). And we are able to establish and strengthen the human/ dog relationship within our first lesson. Calm, consistent leadership is what your dog needs. Bark Busters has successfully trained more than a million dogs. And that’s why we feel confident enough to offer a Written Lifetime Support Guarantee for every dog we train. 2508 Philip Comans is a dog behaviour therapist and trainer with Bark Busters Illawarra & Southern Highlands, 1800 067 710.


25/06/2015 8:11 am

2508 NEWS QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS AT KENNETT HOME: The residents at Kennett Home in Stanwell Park got all high and mighty on June 10 when they celebrated the Queen’s birthday in right royal style. Staff and guests wore royal-themed clothes and used facemasks – Prince Harry’s mug was among them – to mark the occasion. The Queen herself (photo at right) was even there!


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25/06/2015 8:11 am


Hargrave’s most successful soaring machine of 1898 was crafted from a single piece of redwood.

Soaring machines the latest chapter in our Lawrence Hargrave series, by local historian Michael Adams. In 1897 to 1898, Hargrave began to experiment with “Soaring Machines”, working on the theory that birds in flight could obtain lift because of the curvature of their wings, even when there was no vertical breeze to assist them. It was difficult to tool curved stays for his box kites, so he turned to what he called “Soaring Machines” – wooden structures of mono- or bi-plane configuration, curved with ever deepening leading edges. He wanted to test if soaring flight could be attained in a horizontal wind. He tested 38 soaring machines, generally on the beach, from 1896 to 1898, demonstrating scientifically the lifting power of curved wings. He constructed “goal posts” on the beach, a line between them high above the sand, high enough for the machines to swing freely. The better models would catch the wind and sit high above, straining to “take off”. The Wright brothers used designs very similar to Hargrave’s most successful soaring machines, his work available to them. Hargrave incorrectly postulated that the lifting vortex was formed beneath the wing; the lift in fact comes from above the wing from a pocket of air streaming over the convex top side. The ultimate lifting effect is the same. Hargrave had contributed a third ingredient towards successful flight – wings capable of lifting power in wind or the thrust from sufficiently powerful motors, as well as stable


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wing surfaces capable of supporting a pilot and more, and the lightweight, efficient radial rotary engine. He contributed much more to the aeronautical world of the 1890s – new directions, hope, and scientific progress at a time when progress had seemed to be faltering. Yet Stanwell Park could help him no more. The next step would have to be a suitable engine light and strong, the internal combustion engine which was “a ponderous affair” in the 1890s. Even if a suitable engine was available, the terrain of Stanwell Park was unsuitable to the aircraft forming in Hargrave’s mind. Stanwell Park had outlived its fascination for his family. His eldest daughters were beyond formal schooling, but the three younger ones were ready for a proper secondary education. Lawrence talked of a possible trip to England to continue his work and Margaret seized on it. The family left Stanwell Park for good in 1899, went to England all too briefly for Margaret and the older girls. Hargrave could not settle in England, so brought the family back again within a calendar year. As soon as Nellie and Hilda reached their majority they took themselves back to England, married and settled there. Margaret took her other daughters there after Lawrence’s death. None of the family returned to Australia. Some would see Lawrence ending as some kind of failure as his experimental work tapered off in the new century. He was approaching old age and his finances probably could not have supported the level of research a full-sized aircraft would have entailed. Yet the 20th century would prove to be Hargrave’s triumph and vindication as we shall see in the final snapshot on Hargrave. 2508


25/06/2015 8:12 am

2508 NEWS

view report

By publicity officer Virginia Dowson Wollongong is proudly the venue for the VIEW Clubs of Australia National Convention 2015. It will take place from September 11-13, the main conference centre being the Novotel Wollongong. Bookings close on June 26 and are filling fast for this gathering of Australia-wide clubs. “Themed” social dinners will be held in the forms of “Let’s Go Cruising” at the Lagoon Seafood Restaurant, “Midnight in Paris” at City Beach Function Centre, and a Gala Dinner at Bella Portofino, “Emeralds, Elegance and Excitement”. These are always popular events at Conventions. The finale will be a Grand Celebration for members and their families and friends at the Wollongong Town Hall. On Day 1, well-known speakers such as Jessica Rowe, Margaret Pomeranz and Jean Kitson will be there to inspire us in “Women of Inspiration”. On Day 2, a “Writers’ Festival” will feature authors such as Kate Grenville (of The Secret River fame) and Geraldine Doogue. Members at the Conference will be given the opportunity to debate and participate in the Resolution Session. Conventions are held every two years and the venue for 2017 will be announced during this event. Helensburgh VIEW Club celebrated its 24th birthday with a delicious lunch at the Centennial Hotel, of garlic tempura prawns, chicken schnitzel and veg, and coffee, and special thanks to Michelle Downs for making the lovely birthday cake. Our visitors were National Councillor Gwen Wilson, and four ladies who came all the way from Nowra VIEW Club. They were all most welcome, along with a full house of local members. Welcome to new member Ruth Duff, who was presented with her membership badge by Gwen. The entertainment was first-class by our special guest, Darren Coggan, with his guitar. He had us joining in with singing some of the wonderful old songs from WW1 and WW11, and from Col Joye, Peter Allen and John Denver. Darren is currently touring with the show “Peace Train”, which features the music and songs of Cat Stevens. Bookings are still available for Matilda at the


2508p032-33_HISTORY_JULY_2015.indd 33

Helensburgh VIEW Club enjoyed a delicious 24th birthday lunch at the Centennial Hotel.

Lyric Theatre, on Saturday, October 24 at 2pm, pay by August 18. Please phone Chris on 4294 1103 for details. Our next VIEW Club luncheon will be held at Centennial Hotel on July 21 at 11am for 11.15 start, and will be our “Christmas in July”. As previously mentioned there will be no Secret Santa this year, but members are requested to bring books for The Smith Family “Learning for Life” children. For new bookings or cancellations please phone Nerida on 0429 004 298 by Wednesday, July 15. All welcome. 2508


25/06/2015 8:12 am

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25/06/2015 9:19 am

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25/06/2015 9:19 am


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25/06/2015 9:19 am

BESPOKE CAR DETAILING SERVICES: See your car like you never have before. Hand detailing only (no machines), premium products, complimentary pickup/delivery from Helensburgh to Bulli. References provided. Prices from $220 per vehicle. Call today for a free quote on 1300 991 181. www.bespokedetailing.com.au BRICKLAYING: All brickwork, block work, extensions, retaining walls, repairs. Ph 4294 3741 or 0413 323 629 Lic. No. 35124C. CARPENTER: Friendly, Honest, Reliable service where manners comes standard. From doors to decks and everything in between. Fully insured. Call Kelvin for a free quote on 0421 952 100. Lic No. 253680C CLOTHING ALTERATIONS: Zippers replaced, hems taken up, minor repairs fixed. Reasonable rates. Ph Melinda 0419 977 658 or 4294 1619. FIREWOOD: Do you have logs that you would like turned into useful firewood but don’t want split it by hand? Call Home Log-Splitting Service on 0429 009 400 or see log-splitting.com. GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden: pruning, weeding, hedging, clean ups, rubbish removal. Regular mowing, edge trimming and gardening service also available. Call Stewart 4294 9726 or 0429 035 192. HANDYMAN: Local service offering a friendly service for all aspects of home improvements, maintenance, construction and repairs. Fully insured. Call Kelvin for a free quote on 0421 952 100. Lic No. 253680C KNITTING & CROCHETING CLASSES: Do you want to improve your skills beyond knit and purl? Subjects covered would include Fairisle, Lace, Tension and more. Available Wednesday and Thursday evenings at Helensburgh Uniting Church. Places limited to 8 per lesson. Phone Jenni on 0438 741 964 for enquiries and bookings. PHOTOGRAPHY: Family Mini Session are back by popular demand. Saturday 18th & Sunday 19th July. 30-minute photo session, $180. Includes 15 High Res Images on USB. To book, call Melanie on 0418 257 680 or email: melanie@ unicornstudios.com.au RAELEEN’S FANCY FACES: Face painting, glitter tattoos, balloon twisting, special effects makeup, helium balloons and pregnancy belly art. Bring the ‘wow’ factor to your next party, fete, christening or corporate event. Local business (will travel), fully insured, exceptional hygiene standards, professional cosmetic-grade face paints used. Ph. Raeleen 0413 291 843. REMEDIAL MASSAGE: Relax and feel energised at quiet settings. Accredited with all

health funds for rebates. Visit www.yuki-s.com.au for more info and online booking. SHEPHARD ACADEMY OF DANCE: Helensburgh Community Centre. Ballet, Tap, Jazz/ Hip Hop, Modern/Contemporary, Fairy Ballet. Ages from 2 years to Adults. Contact 0416 229 919. SOUTHERN MATHEMATICS TUTORING: Real Tutoring, Real Results. Combined 45+ years of teaching and lecturing experience. Qualified Maths Teachers/Lecturers only. Max of 6 students per group session. Individual sessions by appointment. Contact Gavin 0459 550 452; Shaun 0407 213 622. References & information, www. southernmathematicstutoring.com.au STRETCH - STRENGTHEN - RELAX: With Karen based on Yoga & Pilates. Fun friendly classes tailored to suit all levels of fitness & flexibility. All classes 1hr $16 casual or 5 for $70. Beginner workshops 5 classes for $90. Two locations: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, end Stanwell Ave, Tues 9.15am Thurs 7.15pm & Sun 4.30pm. Stanwell Park Physiotherapy, 93 Lawrence Hargrave Dr (next to 16ft Cafe). Tues 6pm / 7.15pm Thurs 9.15am & Sat 8am (max 6 people). Call Karen to book 0403 789 617, Facebook: yogastanwellpark SUSAN’S JUST DANCE: Great fun, no pressure, fantastic environment to learn to dance. Jazz, tap, contemporary, hip hop, boys only hip hop crew. Ages from 3 to adult. Latest music, great teachers. Concert each year at the Sutherland Entertainment Centre. For registration Ph. Susan 4294 8366. YOGA 2 HARMONY: With over 14 years of experience Cherie teaches Hatha Yoga in a private, welcoming, air-conditioned and carpeted studio. Let her share her love and passion of a practice that brings complete well-being for the body, mind and inner self. General, Beginners, Advanced and Senior classes available. Cherie also specialises in Pre-Natal, Mums’n’Bubs and Toddler Yoga classes. For timetable and enquiries call Cherie on 0410 696 158. YOGA WITH AMBER: Yoga classes in Stanwell Park and Helensburgh. Amber has 20 years + of teaching yoga in Australia and Internationally. Classes are friendly, dynamic and tailored to suit your needs. $15 per 75min class. Beginners workshops, General & Advanced classes, Mums N Bubs, Pregnancy classes. Timetable: www. yogawithamber.com.au or call Amber on 0466 370 307. 2508


$120 for six months; $25 for a one-off. Max 30 words. editor@2508mag.com.au

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25/06/2015 9:19 am

2508 SPORT


Coalcliff surf club held its 20142015 presentation night on June 13 at Tradies. Jenelle McWilliams reports. The following awards were presented: TAMMY RAE AWARD – Most Outstanding Member – Grant Smith KEL JANTI AWARD – Best Active Member – Rob Deacon GLEN ANDREWS AWARD – Most Outstanding Youth Member – Dean Hall JIM DALMER AWARD – Most Outstanding Cadet – Alexandra Firmstone JEFF LANCASTER AWARD – Tries Hardest in Point Score – Craig Picker BARRY ALLEN PERPETUAL – Most Patrol Hours – Rob Deacon DAID SMITH MEMORIAL TROPHY – Bronze medallion – Anne-Marie Connolly & Nicole Hall BEACH TO BOMBI (Male) Matthew Logan, (Female) Cara van Wyk TRIPLE CROWN (Male) Leo Stevens; (Female) Cara van Wyk BLACK IRON PERSON (Male) Nathan Bourne BOARD PADDLE (Male) Ryan Archer, (Female)

The Bronze & Surf Rescue members after passing their exams. Photo: Dave Winner Cara van Wyk BRIDGE TO BOATSHED (Male) Nathan Bourne, (Female) Ciara Crehan OPEN CARNIVAL (Male) Craig Picker, (Female) Kate McAughey. PATROL OF THE YEAR – Patrol 1 10 Bronze Medallions, 7 Surf Rescue Certificates, 2 Advanced Resuscitation Certificates, 6 First Aid Certificates, 1 Jet Ski Operator. We are looking forward to the 2015-2016 season with 17 new patrol members. This was achieved thanks to the dedication of all the trainers and assessors: Grant Smith, Peter Stone, Barry Allen and Dave Winner. Trainer Dave Winner said: “All the candidates were keen and had to go through some rigorous training. I really saw a great development of skills and increased confidence in the water of all squad members.” It was great to see new members joining the club, as well as juniors up from nippers, and family members of existing members. We really are the family club; Coalcliff now has 15 families doing patrols. 2508 The Bronze & Surf Rescue members on exam day. Photo: Dave Winner


25/06/2015 8:17 am

2508 SPORT

thistles report

Members of the talented Junior Thistles were recently selected for the south coast’s player development program, Deborah Loveday reports.

Over the past few years Football South Coast (FSC) has developed and implemented a number of programs in relation to player development which are overseen by their technical directors and highly qualified coaches. The FSC Development Program for 2015 commenced on the June 13-14 weekend. This program is aimed at identifying and working with talented players within the region’s junior clubs. Selected, invited and nominated players in girls U7/U8, U10 and U12 and boys U9/U10/ U11 were put through a variety of high-energy National Curriculum training sessions delivered by highly qualified FSC coaching staff. FSC technical directors were extremely pleased with the potential on show and are looking forward to seeing the players develop their skills. Helensburgh Thistles are extremely proud to have the following junior girls accepted into the

program: U7/8s – Lauren and Jemma; U10s – Jaime and Kyah; and U12s – Holly, Tahlia, Casey and Eden. Representatives from our boys also participated in a trial for selection into the Boys program. Trialling were: U9s – Gus; U10s – Sam and Harry; and U11s Jonathan, William and Noah. Congratulations to Sam for making the 2015 FSC Development training squad. FSC is taking the lead in football development for the growing number of young girls playing the game and is introducing programs as part of a Girls Development Pathway. On Monday, June 15, the FSC Girls SAP Development squads travelled to Kareela Oval to play games against the Sutherland Shire Football Association. Representing FSC and Helensburgh Thistles Junior Soccer Club that night were Libby and Ashley in the U11s; and Emma in the U12s. The night was a huge success. The girls thoroughly enjoyed getting out on the field and putting all of their recently honed skills to the test in a competitive setting. Congratulations to all of our junior representatives from the HTJSC. 2508

rugby on the rock Helensburgh’s Paul Woodward is looking for local players to join him for next month’s over-35s rugby tournament on norfolk island. Woody’s team has a bunch of blokes from around the world but he is looking for support from players closer to home to contest Rugby on the Rock on Norfolk Island from Saturday, August 1 to Sunday, August 9. Visiting teams will compete against the island’s “Creaky Old Convicts”. Anyone over 35 years of age is eligible to play. For more details, call Paul on 4294 2860, or email him at pwoodward7@bigpond.com. 2508




25/06/2015 8:17 am

2508 SPORT

Tradies social golf Barry Thompson and the Tradies Helensburgh Social Golf Club are enjoying winter. There was a good roll-up for our June golf day with the third round of the matchplay being completed. It was a cool cloudy morning with good conditions on the fairways. Jack won the day with 39 points; Keith was second and Paul third in a close Stableford event. The matchplay supplied some close results. Jack and Darrel moved into the next round after defeating Sparrow and Tung. Paul will email the draw to all members for next month’s game.

Our barbecue at the club before the presentation is a popular event; it’s the perfect end to a golf day. Thanks to Kevin at Helensburgh Butchery for supplying us with his world-famous sausages. Club captain Steve Egbers won the Helensburgh Driving Range voucher and is looking to challenge Jack for the longest drive. Thanks to Neville for his continued support. Check out Facebook for photos from the day. Our next tournament is on Saturday, July 18 at 7.30am. Please arrive at least 15 min early to allow Mick to prepare the cards and matchplay draw. Contact me at bazto78@yahoo.com. 2508

sunday social golf club Vicki ‘The Hair’ Little enjoys a soothing beverage while competition really heats up on the golf course. HAPPY DAYS. It’s the long weekend, golf and it’s a lovely winter’s day. What more can a person ask for? Oh, don’t get me started! We had the start of matchplay. It all adds to the excitement, and – apart from the claws and teeth coming out – it’s all a bit of fun. Mark “Chucky” and Rob “Big Brass” had to play the 18th three times to decide the winner. Chucky – even with a win in his matchplay and his name on numerous markers – was still only good enough to get second place, taking home a Heritage grog voucher, which everyone loves. Dennis “The Quiet Achiever” Green, with a big 40 points, won the day and got a bit of iron in his diet, winning the meat voucher. (Wow, those lessons have really paid off!) Well done!


2508p048-49_SPORT_GOLF & SWIMMING_JULY_2015.indd 48

Pete “Dick-Darling” took out third place with 34 points. He won a putter aid. By the way he was spruiking to me later – while we sat in the shed sipping a nice cold beverage and gnawing on delicious kebabs (you should try them) – he’d been putting like a demon all day. I think I could use that putter aid, as I’m no demon! If you’d like to have a hit with our merry group of players, give Tony Prez a ring on 0418 863 100 or email him at gersback@ bigpond.net.au From The Confused Golfer: Have you ever noticed what golf spells backwards? 2508


25/06/2015 8:17 am

2508 SPORT

swim away the chill swim instructor MEL WHITESIDE recommends staying active in winter. With the colder months well and truly upon us, fewer daylight hours and more temptation from comfort food, it has become very difficult to stay focussed, fit and healthy during winter. You really need to find something that will keep you on track. Exercise keeps you trim, taut and terrific and it helps with moods and to improve your overall health, so it’s in your best interest to maintain regular exercise habits. As part of our winter schedule this year, Crawchy’s has started a new class called swymfit. It’s a low-impact class which features water-boxing, circuits, beginner swimming, water-running, cardio and muscle-conditioning. Our aqua-aerobics class on Wednesdays is popular with older people, so we are holding an extra two classes of that each week. Something people may not realise yet is that our pool is open for rehab; we are very committed to improving this service as so many

locals have to otherwise travel long distances to use such facilities. (Please contact us if you know someone who may benefit from this service, or if you have any ideas about, or comments on, this initiative.) Remember: no matter how cold or wet or miserable the weather is, make sure you maintain regular exercise throughout winter. Your body will thank you for it. Call Crawchy’s on 4294 9999 for class times and days. 2508

support local netball

Helensburgh Netball Club is still looking for sponsors. The club has acknowledged long-time supporters, such as Ray White Real Estate and Helensburgh Car Services, who have always sponsored a netball team. Other local businesses – such as Al’s Gourmet Meats, Peabody, Tradies Helensburgh, Centennial Hotel, Oat and Honey, Binner’s family farm – have also provided ongoing support to the club. If you wish to sponsor a team in 2015 please email helensburghnetball@gmail.com. 2508

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2508p048-49_SPORT_GOLF & SWIMMING_JULY_2015.indd 49


25/06/2015 8:17 am

1.40 0.42 0136 0020 1.49 1.53 0113 1.28Time 0.38 and 1.57 0050Low 1.64Waters 0601 0.48 0346 0500 0.28Heights 0541 0.41 and 0.20 0103 0533 of High Local 24 0747 24 0738 9 0606 24 0010 21JULY 6 0645 21 21JUNE 6 0530 6Times 0.52 1.319 0808 0.36 0.31 0.53 1.369 0937 1211 1.27 1.34 0708 0.49 1.279 0741 0.34 1.43 1148 1230 1104 1149 1140 AUGUST

0.30 1.32 0.58 SA 1.77 Time

1.1 0.5 1.31 0.63 1.51 1.52 1.35 0.61 1739 0.63 0.55 1.23 0.68 1.39 0.49 WE 1415 TH 1434 FR 1415 SU 1320 TU 1358 SU 1616 1.5 TU 1730 TH 1307 FR 1842 SA 1635 SU 1715 MO 1722 0.77 Time 0.57 Time 0.77 Time 0.63 Time 0.4 1.46 2045 0.48 2029 1.79 1844 1.58 1942 1.74 2005 m 2340 m 1921 m 2300 Time m m 2338 m 2332 m 0.71 Time 2305

1.48 0205 0153 0621 1.56 0141 1.65 0122 0457 1.33 0234 0244 0122 1.38 0246 1.21 0315 0.35 0611 0.46 0620 0.12 0036 0.46 0.29 0.25 0200 0.46 0.29 1.38 0214 1.23 0.31 0.29 0059 25 0756 10 1.37 10 7 0551 10 1.35 25 0835 10 1.31 25 0829 16 0800 1 0730 16 0829 1 0710 1 0845 16 0917 22 7 1236 22 7 0739 22 0.52 0836 0.35 0.40 1036 0.54 0903 0.41 0.55 1.32 1233 1.35 1234 1.43 0645 1.27 1.44 1.31 0.40 0.53 1200 1.34

0006 0026 0.36 0.37 0703 0626 1.27 1.56 1311 1231 0.65 SU 0.30 SU 1841 1856 1.67 1.81

1.1 0.5 1.24 1459 1.46 1.26 1715 1.6 1.36 1535 1.57 1.39 0.45 0.48 0.31 0.72 0.53 0.67 1.53 1.35 1731 0.59 MO 1415 WE 0.45 MO 0.44 TH 1510 FR 0.48 SA 1511 TU 1338 WE 1307 TH 1402 MO 1255 SA 1428 SU 1501 MO 1804 TU 1823 WE 1820 FR 1408 SA 1322 2056 0.62 1942 2116 0.66 1928 2201 2036 0.54 2054 0.68 2119 1.84 0.75 2031 1.79 1.74 0.79 2010 1.88 1.93 1946 0.63 1.62 0.51 2141 2353 1.72 1946

0106 0122 0.43 0.29 0804 0721 1.24 1.53 1416 1317 0.72 MO 0.33 MO 1952 1943 1.88

1.60 0645 0.39 1257 1.30 1832 TU 0.67

2508 TIDES

1.41 0253 0301 0035 1.50 0224 1.27 0314 0355 0.27 0022 0202 0.39 0015 1.49 0.27 1.62 0301 1.37 0.30 0.31 0154 0.54 0930 0714 0923 0.54 0911 0959 0849 1.35 1.35WALES 0754 1.35 0702 0.49 0.30 0651 0.49 1.31 1.36 0845 PORT KEMBLA –0.36 NEW0817 SOUTH 1.29 1558 1.55 1602 1.42 1634 0.49 1353 0.43 1333 0.48 1.28 1.47 1.33 0.62 TU 1511 TH FR SA 0.50 WE 1423 TH FR 1444 TU 1323 WE29ʼ1334 TH 1321 SA LAT 34° LONG 150° 55ʼ 0.79 2053 2223 0.70 2110 2313 2210 0.56 1.87 2026 1.89 2005 2055 1.79 1900 0.76 1931 0.56 1919 0.70 1.76 Times and Heights of High and Low Waters

0004 1.31 0331 1.17 0346 0.09 0135 1.15 0.32 0231 1.26 0320 26 11 11 11 26 11 26 17 2 2 17 2 17 23 8 23 23 8 8 0555 0.44 0923 0.55 0934 1.48 0737 0952 1.36 0.56 0837 0.46 – NEW SOUTH WALES


0.4 1.2 1131 0.4 1.63 1.46 0.30 1.37 1513 1.54 TU 0.46 SU 1606 SU 1520 MO 1539 SU 1420 1806 1.6 0.48 2143 2246 0.60 2154 1.90 2100 2154 0.50 Time 0.62 1.57 Local


port kembla tidal chart

LONG 150° 55ʼ JUNE JULY MAY AUGUST 1.25 0502 1.28 0427 1.17 0417 0052 0.3 0408m 0136 1.45Time0309 0213and 1.57Low 0254 1.36 0215 0.24 0244 0.34 0103 0.28 0.21 0349 0.32 0.10m0245 1.40 Time 1.49 0113 1.28 1.57 0050 1.64 0346 1.19 Time 1.11 0.35 s of High Waters Time m 0404 Time m Time m0337 Time mLocal Time m Time m0418 0.54 1053 0937 0.45 1016 0.54 1028 0645 1.2 1024 0.3702050906 0904 0741 0.37 0838 0.54 0815 1.36 0747 0936 1.33 1.38 1.31 1024 1.51 0.52 0122 0.36 0738 0.53 0.49 1.49 0.34 0.50 0315 0839 0.58 1.37 0.29 1011 0234 0.29 0026 0.37 0.31 0141 0.35 0950 0.460808 0024 0932 0.57 0246 0.12 16 1 16 1 16 1 1 16 0800 1.37 1651 0829 1.31 0626 1.56 1.32 1523 1.351434 0917 0619 1604 1.42 0845 1.43 JULY NE AUGUST 1.50 1730 1.70 1659 1.54 1220 0.4 1654 1.64 1522 1.37 1.35 1403 1415 0.48 1506 0.53 1442 0.42 1615 0.31 1.31MO 0710 1.51 1415 1.23 1.39 1.57 1.42 SU 0.52 MO WE 0.49 TU 0.37 WE WE FR TH FR SA 1.35 MO0.31 TU 1619 WESA1415 FR0730 TU 1358 SUSA1616 MO1.351522 1338 SA 0.45 JUly 1231 0.30 FR 1255TH 0.48 TU 1228 0.46 1428 WE 1307 0.45 TH 1402 0.48 SU 1501 0.44 1928 1.742045 1.88 2322 2031 Time 1.79 1856 1.81 1942 1.84 1.62 1852 2202 1.54 2054 1.93 2318 0.4820102111 2108 1942 0.64 0.75 0.62 2343 0.51 2230 1851 1.6 2030 1.91 2045 1.83 2005 2134 1.82 1.91 2146 1.70 2305 2233 1.81 0.77 Time 0.57 2029 0.71 0.77 Time 0.63 2211 0.55 1.49 0.46 2119 m m m Time m Time m Time 0122 M 0.29 Time 0253 M0.27 Time M Time M 0224 0.27 0105 0.51 0202 0.39 0314 0.30 0331 0.09 0346 0.32

12 9 3 27 24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12

170200 17 08490355 2 08170214 17 0952 0721 1.53 0754 1.350.29 1.35 0502 1.35 17 0700 0355 1.43 0911 0315 1.31 0934 1.48 1.36 0141 0.35 0246 0.12 0322 0.29 1.56 2 1.33 0513 1.42 1.25 0014 20.31 0.41 0527 1.20 0505 0.15 0306 0.23 0327 0.30 0420 0.32 0.18 0425 0.34 1.48 0205 0153 1.56 0457 1.18 1.33 20234 1.21 0359 0244 1.38 1333 0.48 WE 1423 0.49 1301 0.45 SU 1317 0.33 1520 0.30 MO 1539 0.46 TH 1353 0.43 FR 1444 0.50 0730 1.32 0845 1.43 1108 0.50 1000 1.37 0.34 SA 0.53 1115 0.3820530955 0.52 0603SU1.35 1.28 1116 1.52 0906 1.43 0924 1.35 0835 1021 1.30 1.40 1.31 0.52 0800 0836 0.35 1036 0.51 2154 0943 0.54TU0829 0829 0.55 0903 0.41 1943 1.88 2005 1.791.31 1.87 1056 2026 1.89 1029 1925 1018 1.61 2110 0917 1.76 2143 1.90 1.57 1307 0.45 1428 0.31 1747 1.65 1622 1.47 1.43 1746 1.74 1.58 1145 0.46 1712 0.36 1448 0.43 0.50 1549 0.58 1532 0.43 0.55 1.24 1459 1.46 1715 1.62 1.36 1511 1.39 1535 1.57 TU WE TH SA 1735 SU WE1338 TH SA1402 SU MO1501 TU 0417 SU 1603 TU0.10 WE TH 1458 FR0.24 SA WE 0.45 MO 0.44 TH 1510 FR SA0309 TU0.351623 0215 0244 0.340.48 0145 1652 0.45 0337 0.28 0.21 0349 0.32 0418 32128 182116 32031 31.62 18 1028 18 09362159 3 09062141 0739 2303 1.42 0950 2119 1.31 1024 1.51 1.37 0815 1.49 0838 1.33 2054 1.38 18 1942 1.84 1.93 2220 1.88 0.56 SU 0.69 1821 1.76 2325 1.68 2115 1.90 1.85 2215 1.751.361.79 1.90 2222 1.63 0.79 2010 2056 0.62 2311 0.75WE 0.68 2201 0.54 1334 0.45 MO 1403 0.37 1523 0.52 1615 0.31 1619 0.49 1415 0.48 TH 1506 0.53 1442 0.42 FR SA MO TU

0133 1.12 0.39 16 13 10 4 28 25 19 0449 13 1.37 13 10 4 281 25 19 16 13 10 4 281 25 19 16 0727 1105 0.55 1959 1.67

2030 1.91

2045 1.83

2134 1.82

2146 1.70

2111 1.91

2233 1.81

2230 1.49

0.3 1.2 1304 0.4 1701 1.50 TH 0.53 1932 1.7 2307 0.45 1.41

0224 0.27 0331 0.09 0019 0.4004200442 0.53 0106 0.32 0.35 0031 0.39 0428 0.27 1.56 0413 1.33 0.38 0554 0.22 0356 0.25 0.28 0301 0500 0.36 0.18 1.41 0253 0004 0.41 0449 0503 0301 1.50 1.27 0314 0355 1.31 0320 1.17 0223 0450 0.41 0306 0.23 0327 0.300.30 0.32 0012 0.18 0459 0425 0346 0.34 0505 0.15 0.39 41.36 19 1105 190923 40911 19 10211046 4 0355 0906 1.43 0924 1.351.31 1.30 0555 0955 1.40 19 0818 1100 1.41 1029 0952 1.31 1116 1.52 1.37 0934 1.48 0817 1.35 0613 1.40 1.26 0657 1.29 0620 1.25 1054 1.35 0.31 4 0.51 1108 1.31 1210 1.53 0958 1.38 1014 1.35 1105 1.28 1.41 0555 1.20 1043 0.54 0959 0.44 0923 0.55 0.54 0849 0930 0.36 MO 1408 0.46 TU 1448 0.43 TH 1458 0.50 FR 1549 0.58 SA 1532 0.43 SU 1603 0.55 TU 1712 0.36 WE 1701 0.53 1520 0.30 1353 0.43 1204 0.40 0.50 1233 0.46 1158 0.45 1716 1.59 1.51 0.59 1814 0.42 1532 0.50 0.52 1631 0.63 1626 0.45 1131 0.49 1.42 1634 1.63 1606 1.46 1.29 1558 1.55 2115 2128 1.850.50 2215 1.75 1139 1.90 2033 1.71 2222 1.63 2325 MO 1645 WE1.68 TH FR 1545 SA1.90 SU WE TH 1734 FR SU MO SU1444 MO TU1539 WE 2307 TH1423 FR TU 0.46 WE1.411718 TH 0.49 FR 1602 SA SU2159 1.55 2159 1.85 1.83 2223 2253 1.67 1.84 2143 1.90 2026 1.89 1837 1.8205002247 1.67 1908 1.57 1.79 18340.43 1.75 2326 1.87 0.46 2213 0.61 1806 1.66 0523 0.70 2110 2313 0.48 2246 0.60 2210 0.56 0.79 2053 0.36 1817 0442 0.18 2300 0459 2154 0.38 0554 0.22 0301 2355 0.37 0356 0.25 0413 0.281.76

0.3 1.3 1345 0.4 1748 1.61 FR 0.57 2348 1.32 2010 1.6

1814 0.42 TH 1748 0.57 1443 0.47 WE 1532 0.50 1545 0.52 SA 1631 0.63 SU 1626 0.45 MO 1645 0.59 0.42 0020 1.53 0541 0.41 0.20 0445 0.30 0500 0.28 0404 0418 0.10 0309 0.21 0115 0.3322530530 0.44 0153WE0.35 0.31 0117 0.28 0529 0.28 1.57 TU 1.34 0052 0.36 2348 0003 0408 1.45 1.25FR0349 0502 1.28 0427 1.17 1.36 0337 1.67 0058 2247 1.84 0533 2300 0417 1.55 1.32 2109 0540 1.74 2159 1.85 2213 1.830.32 1148 1.31 0645 0.31 1149 1.27 1140 1.43 1047 1.32 1.34 0950 1.31 1024 1.51 1028 1.37 0906 1.38 0708 1.39 0644 1.29 0745 1.30 0709 1.32 1144 1.33 0.30 1104 1140 0.50 0645 1.24 0601 0558 1024 0.37 1011 0.54 1053 0.45 1016 0.54 0.54 0936 0533 0.42 0020 1.53 0.48 0445 0.30 0500 0.28 0541 0.41 0530 0.20 0343 0.36 21 6 11401659 60.49 21 1230 61635 61523 1148 1.31 0645 0.31 0942 1814 1.36 1047 1.32 1104 1.340.52 1149 1.27 1222 1.43 21 0.63 1.52 0.68 1722 0.49 1616 0.58 0.55 1615 0.31 0.42 1252 0.42 0.48 1319 0.47 1247 0.39 1807 1.71 1.59 1220 0.47 1138 1654 1.64 1651 1.50 1730 1.70 1.54 1.35 MO TU WE1619 TH FR1506 SA TU 1730 TH 1307 FR SU 1715 MO SAWE SA MO TU TH FR 1442 WETH TH1.36 FR 0.53 SA21 SU MO 1307 1.52 FR 1842 0.61 1520 0.50 TH 1616 0.58 SA 1635 0.55 SU 1715 0.68 MO 1722 0.49 TU 1730 0.63 1924 1.8723322340 1.76 1951 1.49 1.80 1.84 1.46 1921 0.48 1810 2332 1.58 1.74 2243 1.77 1.82 1.79 2322 2233 1.81 1.91 1851 1.68 1920 2318 2300 0.48 0.62 2146 2343 0.51 0.75 2134 2338 2230 1.46 1921 0.48 2147 2111 1.75 2243 1.77 2300 1.791.70 1.58 1900 2340 1.74 2338

0.3 1.3 1842 1424 0.4 0.41 SA 0.61 1.72 2045 1.6

0210 1.18 0.43 17 14 1.36 14 11 5 292 26 20 17 14 11 5 29 26 20 0523 14 11 5 292 26 20 17 0806 1145 0.49

5 0859


20 0958


5 1014


0427 1027 TH 1601 2229

0.36 1.33 0.54 1.73

0533 1137 FR 1701 2326

0.36 1.27 0.65 1.67

0551 1200 SU 1731 2353

0.29 1.34 0.59 1.72

20 1105


5 1046


20 1108


5 1210


20 1145


1.38 0.40 1.53 0.51

0036 0645 SA 1322 1946

1.23 0.53 1.35 0.63

0244 0.33 0.48 18 15 1.36 15 12 6 303 27 21 18 15 12 6 30 27 21 0601 15 12 6 303 27 21 18 1230 0842 1.26 0620 0.46 1234 1.27 MO 1804 0.72

0621 0.25 1236 1.44 TU 1823 0.53

0611 0.46 1233 1.31 WE 1820 0.67

0122 0739 FR 1408 2036





22 0201 220502 22 0621 7 0527 0.19 0036 0.53 0.46 70.39 1.38 0050 0.36 0.32 0.29 0.46 0.34 0.25 0.15 22 0355 0.18 0620 0133 0122 0.32 0.21 0513 7 1.42 0040 1.25 70425 0014 0.41 0505 1.20 0449 31 314 0627 22 0611 7 0739 22 0645 7 0551 22 1234 7 1236 19 0420 19 1029 4 1116 19 1105 28 13 1.31 28 13 1.37 28 13 1.30 0757 1.38 1.34 1233 1.31 0.40 0647 1.27 1200 1.34 1056 1.27 1.44 1108 1.52 1021 0955 1.40 0727 1.28 1.36 1115 0.38 0.52 0603 1.28 0.50

0533 1.33 1137 0.53 1701 1.43 FR 2326 0.69

1.23 0.53 1337 0.34 0.49 0.67 1408 1.53 0.65 0.59 1804 0.72 1823 0.53 0.36 1549 1532 0.43 1304 0.45 0.32 1.35 1746 1.74 1.58 1145 0.46 1747 1.65 FR 0135 SU WE 1820 FR1.26 SA 1322 SU 1731 MO0.43 TU SU 1603 TU 1712 WE SA 1217 TH 0.53 FR1.151231 SA 0.58 SU 1735 MO TU0035 0620 0645 0.310.55 0015 1.49 1.62 0022 1701 1.37 0515 0.37 0231 23 8 23 8 23 23 8 8 1228 1.24 1257 1.36 0702 0.49 0714 0.30 0651 0.49 0737 0.56 1116 1.29 0837 0.46 2007 1.91 1946 1851 2036 0.51 1.67 1.75 2353 1.72 1.67 2222 1.63 2325 1.68 2307 1.41 2215 2159 1.90 1932 1.70 1420 1859 1.82 0.63 182113231.76 1749 0.72 1832 0.62 1.28 1334 1.47 1321 1.33 1.37 1647 0.58 1513 1.54 FR

2315 1.70



1900 0.76

1931 0.56

1919 0.70

2154 0.50


2100 0.62

0022 1.37 0.43 0620 0.43 0.36 0.31 0012 0015 1.49 0.38 1.62 0231 1.26 0554 0.22 0523 0442 0.18 0210 0.30 0245 0019 0645 0.40 0.53 0459 010601030035 0.35 0031 0.39 0135 1.33 0500 1.40 1.49 0113 1.28 0606 0.38 0010 1.57 0050 1.64 0346 1.19 1.11 91257 240555 242014, 9 0136 24 0839 0747 0.52 Bureau 0808 0.36 1211 1046 1.27 0708 0.49 0741 0937 0.50 0738 1145 0.53 0.58 Copyright of 9Australia of 24 Meteorology 0651 0.49 91.36 1228 1.24 1.28 1.36 0702 0.490.341.31 0714 0.30 0837 0.46 1108 1210 1.53 1.41 0806 1.31 0613 Commonwealth 1.40 1.26 0657 1.29 0620 1.25 0735 0.51 1105 TH 1434 1.51 FR 1415 1.35 SA 1739 0.63 SU 1320 1.23 TU 1358 1.39 WE 1415 1.31 SU 1616 1.57 MO 1522 1.42 1.33 1749 0.72 1832 0.62 1323 1.28 1334 1.47 1513 1.54 1645 0.42 1631 0.63 0.45 1345 0.44 2211 1204 0.40 1139 0.50 1233 0.46 1158 0.45 1.51 2005 0.77 1814 0.57 1844 1942 0.630.59 2305 2029 1748 0.71 MOAstonomical WE TH SA SU 1626 TH 1321 SU MO TU0.77 WE SA0.46 FR 0.57 SU of MOis TU WE2045 SA0.551323 Datum Predictions Lowest Tide 1.84 0.70 1.32 1900 0.761.561.55 0.56 2154 0.50 2010 1.69 0359 1837 1.82 1817 1.67 2300 190802001931 1.79 1834 1.75 1947 0.61 2253 1.67 0006 2247 1.65 0059 1.48 0153 0457 1.18 1.33 0244 1.38 1919 0214 2348 1.21 1.12

20 14 8 5 29 23 20 14 8 5 29 23 20 14 8 LA – NEW SOUTH WALES


0.12 29 23 0135 0737 1.45

1.15 0.56 1420 0.25 1.37 2100 1.87 0.62

° 29ʼ LONG 150° 55ʼ 25 0756 0.52time 10 (UTC 10 1036(UTC 25 0835 0.54or10 0703 0.40 0836 0.35 +10:00) 0.51 25 0903 0.41 25 0829 0.55 time 0943 0.55 Times are in10local standard daylight savings +11:00) when in effect 1459 1.46 TH 1510 1.36 SU 1311 1.26 MO 1415 1.24 MO 1715 1.62 TU 1623 1.50 FR 1535 1.57 SA 1511 1.39 1.53 0601 0.48 0.41 0530 0.20 1.28 Time 0103 1.400.620.42 1.49 0010 1.57 0050 1.64 1.19 0244 0346 0.30 2311 0115 and 0.33 0058 0.44WE0533 015321160136 0.31 0117 0.28 0220 0245 0.06 1.11 1.34 0541 Heights of High Low Waters Local 1841 0.66 1946 0.79 2056 0.75 0020 2201 0.54 0113 2141 0.68 0.45 Full Moon New Moon First Quarter Moon Phase Symbols 0645 0.31 1230 1140 1.43 0747 0.52 1.31 0808 0.36 0708 0.49 1.27 0.34 0644 0937 0.50 0738 0.53 1.36 0842 1.33 0503 0708 0741 1.39 1.29 1148 0709 0822 0839 1.53 0.58 0.50 1149 0106 1.60 0154 1.41 0301 1.50074503011.30 1.27 0355 1.31 1.32 0320 1.17 0004 0.41 1.18 110.61 26 1043 11 26TH09231434 11 JULY JUNE AUGUST 0930 0.360.63 0.54 0.44 0923 1842 0.55 0555 0804 1722 0.39 0845 1730 1.52 1715 0.49 1415 1.31 1.51 1320 1.23 1358 1.39 1616 1.57 1415 1.35 1424 0.44 1252 0.42 0.48 1319 0.47 1247 0.39 0.19 1.42 1.59 TU TH 1307 FR SU MO FR26 WE0.54 TU11 SU1.20 MO 1522 SA MO 0.68 TU261222 WE TH0959 SU0.491415

21 15 9 6 30 24 21 15 9 6 30 24 21 15 9 1416 1.30

1558 1.55

1511 1.29

1602 1.42

1634 1.63

1606 1.46

30 24

1131 0.49

1718 1.61

MO TH FR SA SU WE 0.48 1.74 2005 0.770.561.46 0.57 1844 0.77 1.58 0.63TU1900 2305 0.46 2036 2211 0.71 TU2045 1.67 1924 1.87 1.76 1951 1.80 1920 1.84 1.88 0.55 2210 0.70 1921 2313 0.48 2029 2246 1806 1.66 1952 2340 0.67 2055 Time 1942 m Time m Time0.79 m 2338 Time22232045 m m 2332 Time m 0.60 0213 0904 TU 1522 2108

0205 12 0.29 0.460620 0059 1.48 0.46 0153 0.53 0800 0836 1.37 1.351234 0756 0.52 1.27 1.34 1338 0.45 0.481804 1415 1.24 0.49 TU 0.72 MO TU WE 1459 0322 1000 1.88 1.74 0.79 2010 13 1946 2056 1.67

1.57 0.37 1.37 0.64

0254 0932 WE 1604 2202

1.36 0.54 1.35 0.75

0408 1024 FR 1654 2318

1.45 0.37 1.64 0.48

0404 1011 SA 1651 2322

1.25 0.54 1.50 0.62

0502 1.28 1053 0.45 SU 1730 1.70

0427 1016 MO 1659 2343



1.17 0.54 1.54 0.51

0052 0645 WE 1220 1851

0.36 1.24 0.47 1.68

0003 0558 TH 1138 1810

0.33 1.26 0.41 1.72

27 0.25 120611 27 0244 12 27 1.18 0305 0359 0315 0457 0.31 0141 0200 0.35 0234 0.29 0122 024627 0.120036 1.38 1.56 1.33 0.46 1.38 0201 0214 1.21121.23 0.19 0.04 1 1.44 16 1.31 10757 16 0.53 22 16 10 7 0621 22 7 0739 22 10 25 10 25 25 31 0829 1.31 0917 1.35 31 0730 0835 1.321233 0845 0829 1.430645 1236 0.40 0.35 1036 0.51 0911 0.54 0903 0.41 0.55 0943 1.38 1.59 1402 0.48 1501 0.44 1307 0.45 1428 0.31

1.12 0.55 1823 0.67 1.53 1322 1.46 1715 0050 1.62 1510 1.36 1535 1.57 1.39 1337 0.34 0.17 1.50 WE 0.53 TH SA SU 1.35 WE 1820 FR 1408 SA MO0.32 TH1.33 FR SA 1511 TU 1623 FR MO0.211509 0133 1.56 0355 0513 1.42 0502 1.25 0014 0.41 0527 1.20 13 1115 28 10562201 13 28 0647 1.362126 2311 28 1018 0727 1.28 0.34 0.52 2036 0603 1.28 28 1108 1946 0.50 1.79 2119 1.62 19420.53 1.84 2054 1.93 0.51 0.62 2116 0.750.382031 0.54 2141 0.68130.63 2007 1.91 1.82 0.45 1304 0.45 1231 0.32 1.47 1652 1.43 1746 1.74 1735 1.58 1145 0.46 1747 1.65

WE 1622 2220 0.56


2303 0.69



0253 0301 0.27 0224 0301 0.270022 0.390015 031400120355 0.30 0035 0154 1.41 1.49 1.50 1.62 1.27 1.37 0428 1.56 0450 1.33 0019 0.40 0.53 29 29 05550959 ealth of Australia 2014, Bureau of14Meteorology 0849 14 1.35 08170.51 1.35 1.350702 0911 1.31 1054 0.31 1100 0613 1.26 0.49 0714 0.30 0651 0845 0.54 0930 0.36 0923 0.541.400.49 1716 1.59 1734 1.51 1204 0.40 1139 0.50 TH FR 1353 0.43 SU MO 1423 0.49 0.48 1444 0.50 1323 1.28 1334 1.47 1321 1.33 1511 1.29 1558 1.55 1602 1.42 1634 WE TH 2355 TU SA TH WE FR0.61 TH 1837FR SA 2326 0.46 1.82 1817 1.67 Lowest Astonomical Tide 2053 1.87 2026 1.89 1.79 2110 1.76 2055 1900 0.79 0.76 2210 0.56 0.56 2223 1919 0.700.330.70 00582313 0115 0.44 0529 1931 1.57 0540 1.34

1821 1.76


1932 1.70


1859 1.82

0331 0320 0.09 0346 0.32 0135 0135 0231 1.26 0004 0.41 0503 1.18 1.31 1.17 1.15 0106 0.35 0031 0.39 0210 0.30 0.12 29 0735 14 0934 1.48 0952 1.36 0657 0.46 1.29 29 0620 0737 1.25 0806 1.31 1.45 0837 0555 1.20 1043 0.49 0.44 0923 0.55140.56 1233 0.46 1158 0.45 1345 0.44 1323 0.25 TU SA 1520 0.30 1539 0.46 1513 1131 0.49 1.63 1606 1.46 SU MOFR1.37 SU TU1.69 SU WE 1908 1.54 1.79 1834 1420 1.75 2010 1947 1.87 WE 1718 1.61 2143 1.90 2154 1.57 0220 2154 1806 1.66 0.48 0.60 0.62 0153 0.50 0.31 2246 0117 2100 0.28 0244 0.30 0.06

23 17 11 8 2 26 23 17 11 8 2 26 23 17 11


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24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12 1851 1.67


2007 1.91

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0.33 1.26 0.41 1.72

0.21 1.36 FR 1231 0.32 1859 1.82

The Bureau of Meteorology gives no warranty of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise in respect to the availability, accuracy, currency, completeness,

0.42 0052 0020 0117 1.530003 0601 0244 0.48 0.31 0.36 0.28 0.33 6 1.24 21 1.26 27 21 15 12 6 30 27 21 15 0153 12 27 15 30 1.31 0645 0709 0.310558 1230 1.36 0645 0745 1.30 1.32 0842 0.63 1307 1.52 1842 0.61

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2508 SPORT

world title fight Helensburgh bmxer, Kai Sakakibara, takes on the world’s best. Selection into the Elite World Championships team each year is based on results from the National Series and National Championships, as well as the Supercross World Cup rounds. Although I had some inconsistencies in the National Series, I completed it with an overall 5th place finish. The last round was held in Brisbane in conjunction with the National Championships in May. I also scored a 5th place finish at the National Championships, where I was running in 4th position behind current World Champion Sam Willoughby, current World 8 Anthony Dean, and National Series Champion Bodi Turner, until the three of them crashed on the last corner, and I went down as well. I missed out on an opportunity to become National Champion in my first year in the Elite Class, but I proved I could mix it up with the best. I earned a spot on the 2015 Australian Elite World Championships team, consisting of eight of Australia’s fastest BMX racers. I was very happy with this, as being my first

Kai showing some of the form that got him Elite selection. Photo: Jack Mavin year in the Elite Class, it was one of my major goals to make the World Championships team. The 2015 World Championships will be held in Zolder, Belgium from July 20 to 25. My lead-up prep to the World Championships has been very good so far; I took some time off training following the Supercross World Cup round, and have fixed my recurring back injury with help from Matt McEwen and Parkside Sports Physiotherapy. I am well on track, injury free, and counting down the days until I leave on July 15. 2508

Helensburgh Car Services

4294 2930 Tune & Service • E Safety Checks All Makes & Models LPG Rego Checks • Blue Slips Licence no. MVRL 17877

Child Restraints Fitted John Hine (Proprietor) 187 Parkes St Helensburgh 2508 2508

2508p051_SPORT_KAI_JULY_2015.indd 51


New store NOW OPEN 193 Parkes Street

(next to the smash repairs) *Glass Cut *Key Cutting *Trade Facilities *Timber Cut To Size *Personalised Service from Mike, Gail & James

Open 7 days Ph: 4294 1007 Fax: 4294 1488 51

25/06/2015 8:19 am

2508 SPORT


Helensburgh & district rallies to help local family after rugby league star son suffers devastating on-field injury. 2508 reports. Residents of 2508 have banded together to help Stanwell Tops family the Drysdales after son Kurt, 20, suffered a snapped C5 vertebrae and spinal fractures while playing for Cabramatta at Wentworthville on June 7. The star hooker sustained the injury when he was tackled. Kurt’s mum Sonya and dad Steve were at the ground when the incident occurred. Kurt was taken to Westmead Hospital, then airlifted to Royal North Shore Hospital where he has since undergone several operations. Family friend Daniel Robberds said the family was “pushing through”. “It’s obviously tough for them and they’re trying to stay positive as best they can for Kurt, but they’re doing it tough.” He said the family was “so grateful” for the community’s support. 2508

Help Kurt & his family A Go Fund Me page has been set up to raise money for Kurt and his family. It had raised almost $46,000, at time of writing. Go to gofundme.com/wvjk5wc and pledge your donation. Or make a donation at one of several collection points in Helensburgh, including Coles, Crawchy’s and newsXpress.

Kurt Drysdale

HUGE MONTH FOR ’BURGH LEAGUE June was a massive month for local league milestones. ● Congratulations to Tigers’ skipper Steve McCallum, who, on June 6 against Corrimal, clocked his 150th first grade game for the club. Also, congratulations to Azan Turoa who played his 50th first grade game in that round. ● Congratulations to seconds’ captain Shaun Murray who has now played more than 200 games for the Tigers. ● Congratulations to Tigers who beat Thirroul 24-4 to win the inaugural Challenge Cup. 2508


2508p052_SPORT_KURT_JULY_2015.indd 52

coal league draw Round 10 – July 4, Parrish Park 3pm: Helensburgh Tigers vs Wests Round 11 – July 11, Gibson Park 3pm: Helensburgh Tigers vs Thirroul Round 12 – July 18, Rex Jackson Oval 3pm: Helensburgh Tigers vs Collegians Round 13 – July 25, Rex Jackson Oval 3pm: Helensburgh Tigers vs Corrimal Round 14 – August 8, Dapto Showground 3pm: Helensburgh Tigers vs Dapto


25/06/2015 8:53 am

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