2508 SEPTEMBER 2015

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SEPTEMBER 2015 www.2508mag.com.au




Helensburgh | Otford | Darkes Forest | Stanwell Tops | Stanwell Park | Coalcliff

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26/08/2015 7:40 am

2508 CONTENTS LETTERS 04 We need a fence Safety fears at busy playground NEWS 06 United Twins fight breast cancer together 08 Join the circus! Healthy risk-taking for teens 14 Firies’ 40th Celebrating four decades of service 20 Catch up On the work at Bald Hill BUSINESS 23 Chamber Chatter 35 Business directory Your ultimate local guide LIFESTYLE 10 Cover feature Visually impaired athlete Nathan Johnston set for Kona Ironman

12 The Activist Serving our community 16 Dr Rip Revealed: there are sharks in the sea! 18 Dance Eisteddford success 23 Gardens Plan for a bushtucker feast 26 What’s On Open Day at the Helensburgh Library 28 Schools Polished Men campaign 31 Clubs VIEW report 32 Otford Tunnel murder Family history uncovered 33 Ghost tours Sell out SPORT 47 Touch Footy Season 48 Golf All fun and games 49 Soccer & netball 50 Tides 51 League Tigers march on 52 #uniteforkurt Dam run

Cover image by Anthony Warry Photography; www.anthonywarry.tumblr.com


is a permaculture and native garden designer, horticulturalist and educator who is passionate about creating ‘living’ spaces that are nurturing, productive and sustainable. A 2508 resident, Narelle spends her time designing gardens and teaching workshops as A Garden for Life. Narelle also designs gardens for Sydney Wildflower Nursery, a native nursery, and volunteers in schools and community garden projects. She writes about bushtucker plants on page 23.

SARA Newnham

is a passionate horticulturist with nearly 20 years’ experience. Starting as a landscaper, she soon discovered a love for plants and design. She has managed nurseries around Sydney. While raising four children, she worked and studied subjects such as natural area restoration. Sara now runs Creativescapes, a garden design and maintenance business (0451 196 646, creativescapes@iprimus.com.au). Read her column on page 22. Creativescapes garden service

in Helensburgh in 1945 and attended Helenburgh Primary School. He represented the Illawarra, playing soccer and rugby league for the Northern Suburbs. His great love was the Stanwell Park Surf Life Saving Club, which he joined in 1958. Jim started his trade as a jeweller; later worked at the mine; and has a diploma in horticulture. His hobby is growing and showing camellias, winning many awards. Forty years ago, Jim joined the NSW Fire Brigade and is still with the Helensburgh 325 Station. See page 14.

Dr Rob Brander

– aka ‘Dr Rip’ – is a coastal geomorphologist and Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales in Sydney. A resident of Stanwell Park, he’s been studying beaches for 25 years, starting in Canada where water temperatures convinced him come to Australia to do his PhD. He is an international expert on rip currents and runs a beach safety education program called The Science of the Surf (www.scienceofthesurf. com). He wrote Dr Rip’s Essential Beach Book. Read his column on page 16.


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Genevieve Swart, Marcus Craft

Art director Brendon Wise

Regular contributors

Rob Brander, Sara Newnham, Anthony Warry, Heather Smith


PO Box 248, Helensburgh, 2508 editor@2508mag.com.au www.2508mag.com.au www.facebook.com/2508mag There is a contributor’s drop box at Helensburgh Newsagency on Parkes Street.


See www.2508mag.com.au for rates, specifications and deadlines. Terms and conditions apply.


Community participation is encouraged. Please contact editor@2508mag.com.au with story ideas. Letters should be a maximum of 200 words. The editors reserve the right to edit submissions. Contributors should include contact details.


15th of the month prior to publication 2508 is published by The Word Bureau Pty Ltd. ABN 31 692 723 477 Disclaimer: All content and images remain the property of 2508: District News unless otherwise supplied. No part of this magazine may be reproduced without the written permission of the publisher. The views expressed in letters, articles and advertisements do not reflect those of the editors.

Printed by

Snap! Wollongong on Forest Stewardship Council-certified paper from sustainable forests.


Our team of walkers delivers to residential mailboxes from the 1st of each month. Contact editor@2508mag.com.au


26/08/2015 8:25 am



I wanted to let your readers know of a regular astronomical event they can watch from a beach or Bald Hill – full moon rise once a month. Unlike a sunrise, it’s very safe for your eyes and takes about 15 minutes. Last month several people were taking pics of the moon in their hands like my nephew, Jonathon Friedrich (pictured). The moon rises every day like the sun, but it varies by more than an hour each time. It is a full moon when it happens around the same time the sun sets. This is because it is reflecting the light. NB: a new moon is when it’s the same time as a sunrise. The days afterwards are also good viewing as it is completely dark when the moon rises, but then the moon is not completely full (pretty close though).


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In September, it’s Monday 28th at 6.06pm (sunset 5.55pm), Tuesday 29th 7.16pm and Wednesday 30th at 8.25pm. Which is during the school holidays. It’s always a lottery with cloud cover but majestic to watch when it’s clear skies. Enjoy! – Matthew Faulkner, Stanwell Park Write to 2508 District News at PO Box 248, Helensburgh, 2508, or email editor@2508mag.com.au


26/08/2015 7:37 am

2508 LETTERS Have something to share? Email editor@2508mag.com.au



I am writing in regards to our local park in Helensburgh. This park is such a busy park all day, but I find since the club has been taken over by Tradies and with the new housing development on Boomerang Street, it brings so much traffic and parked cars up Waratah Street. I and many other parents find this to be Very Dangerous seeing that the park has NO FENCE and is so close to the road and parked cars. At any time a child could easily be in danger! This park is also close to the stormwater drain, which is mostly muddy and very wet. There is also the problem of no lighting along Waratah Street. I am writing to Council in the hope that they could please look into fencing our local family park! And hopefully look into the lighting and possibly a park play area upgrade. – Mandy Bugby, Helensburgh

If cockies open your red bins and make a mess, look at a simple answer in the pictures. The pic shows the latest and best version of a very simple device to stop them lifting the lids of red bins and tossing the contents around the environment. – Jim Brough, via email

Mandy wins Letter of the Month! The prize is a $50 Tradies Gift Card (24 Boomerang Street, 4294 1122). 2508 also asked Council for a response to her plea – see page 20.



I would seek your assistance to alert residents of Helensburgh of the increasing amount of vandalism happening. I am a resident of Robertson Road and have been the victim of vehicle vandalism, the latest happening on 19.8.2015. My vehicle is parked off the street in my driveway under security lights. I would have thought this was reasonably secure but unfortunately not. My car has been vandalised on three separate occasions over the past four months, with vehicle insignias being snapped off and scratch damage to the duco. The repair cost is annoying, however, the fact that we have such acts happening on a regular basis is very disconcerting. The police have been notified and were very considerate, but there is little they can do other than finger-print the car unless they catch the vandals in the act. I would ask 2508 magazine to alert the residents of this problem to ensure we all listen and watch out for any unusual happenings. On every occasion the vandalism has happened late at night. – Phillip Taylor, Helensburgh


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ED’S NOTE: Council owns rubbish bins and frowns on modifications. But they were planning a bin-locking trial – we’ll follow up to find out if there’s been any progress on this next month.


Just a quick thank you , we received our 2508 this month on Sunday 2nd, it was lovely to catch up on local ‘gossip’ over a leisurely read. The new distribution system has worked fine. – Michelle Towns, Helensburgh Fed up with missing out on her mag, Helensburgh’s Sarah Overington invented a solution for her mailbox. The sign now reads, “No Junk Mail” with a sticker below it saying, “Except 2508 District News”. Nice work!


On the 11th of September Helensburgh Public School P&C is holding a Comedy Night at the Tradies club to raise money for playground equipment. The night will showcase comedians from the Sydney & Melbourne Comedy Festivals and we hope it will be lots of fun. Helensburgh Public School has had no play equipment at all until this year. After a wonderful injection of funds from Tradies and the Mine we were able to install a mound slide and some balance equipment in our junior area. Now we are raising funds for equipment that will go in the senior area. Comedy tickets are $35 and we hope lots of people will support us by coming along. Go to www.trybooking.com/ILFE – Samantha Neill, of HPS P&C


26/08/2015 7:37 am

2508 LETTERS community notices BLACKWELL Denise Mary – 15.09.2003

In loving memories we treasure Of a beautiful wife and caring mother Sadly missed in our hearts Cherished Forever Alan and Family


Bede Parkes will have a cake stall from 8am on Saturday, September 19, outside Coles Helensburgh. All proceeds to Kurt Drysdale.


The Lions Club’s Helensburgh Country Fair will be back on October 24. This year’s theme is “2508 Tradespeople – building our community” and we invite all our local tradies to make their work vans a stand-out feature in our parade! Visit helensburghfair.com.au for stall applications and parade information. Email events@ helensburghlions.org.au. 2508

Leroy needs a home!

Leroy is a 12-month-old energetic border collie / kelpy cross. He is smart, affectionate and a willing learner. He gets on well with most dogs but will do better in a home where he is the only dog. Leroy will make a wonderful companion for the right family, where he is included in all you do and will benefit from further training. He is such a happy boy who is always smiling! Email Julie-ann at Country Companion Animal Rescue: ccarpetrehoming@tpg.com.au

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26/08/2015 7:37 am

2508 NEWS

Twins fight cancer Identical twins … Melissa (right) and Mandi, on her wedding day in 2009.

Identical twins Mandi Holman and Melissa Fahey have shared many things over their 43 years: from a secret baby language to a career in nursing. Now they’ve united to fight breast cancer. 2508 reports. When 2508 meets the twins at Mandi’s Helensburgh home, Melissa is three weeks into recovery after a preventative bilateral mastectomy; Mandi aches after radiation and her latest surgery. Or, as Penny, Mandi’s three-year-old daughter, puts it: “Mummy’s red and Auntie Mel’s black.” “It’s the different colours of our wounds,” Mandi explains. “I was red with the radiation burns … “And I had black bruising,” adds Melissa. Penny is aware something’s going on, but is too young to truly understand. Mandi was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2014. “For half of her life, I’ve had cancer,” Mandi says. Mandi’s armpit had been sore, but she’d put it down to leaning over the cot to soothe her daughter, then she found a painful lump in her left breast. “Two weeks later I was having surgery. Six weeks later I started chemo.” Melissa quit her nursing job to care for Mandi, who has since endured multiple


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surgeries (including a bilateral mastectomy), chemotherapy and radiation. “The radiation was horrendous. I had no skin on my chest or on my arms,” Mandy says. “And it hasn’t worked. The cancer has spread to my skin.” Her oncologist recently told her “this is it”. But Mandi is a fighter and a trail blazer. Her first career was as “a sparky in the military”; she was the only woman among 30 men on the day she signed up to the navy. Mandi served on HMAS Penguin in Mosman for years, before having children, and working with Melissa at Glenbernie Orchard. Melissa, who lives in Darkes Forest, married into the Fahey family who own the apple farm, and the twins made jams and relishes in the store. Later Mandi trained as a nurse, working at Lawrence Hargrave Hospital for 15 years. She knows “doctors aren’t gods” – “you just have to keep encouraging them to keep fighting and keep looking”. “I said to my oncologist, ‘I’m not prepared to give up, so you’re not giving up’,” Mandi says. “I’ve got a three-year-old and there’s trials out there – you find a way of getting me on one of them, thanks.” “Being on a trial is important, even if it’s not successful, it is important for future people and medicine,” Melissa says. Mandi has recently had tissue samples sent


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to the US for molecular testing and her goal is to do a trial at a Melbourne hospital, the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre. “It’s obviously a faulty gene in our family line,” Mandi says. “There is a 30 percent chance they [US scientists] will understand what this gene is. Then they can find a targeted therapy for that. “We’re in limbo until we get those results.”


Neither Medicare nor private health insurance fully cover the financial burden of breast cancer, a disease projected to claim the lives of 3040 Australian women this year, according to Cancer Australia. Mandi estimates her personal costs so far to be about $20,000. Hidden costs have included the gap payment for surgeons and specialists, medicines, transport, hospital parking, and extra child care. “Even with me and radiation burns – it was costing me $100 a day at the chemist for dressings,” Mandi says. “It’s expensive to be sick. It really is. We had to refinance our mortgage.” The Melbourne trial will add to the load. So Melissa’s daughter Sarah, school captain at Engadine High, helped by her best friend Briannon, started a Go Fund Me online fundraising page as a surprise for the family. The girls have done a remarkable job, writing a moving Go Fund Me article and kicking off a publicity campaign that has seen Mandi and Melissa appear on WIN TV, in the Illawarra Mercury and soon in women’s mag Take 5. At press time, their campaign had raised almost $14,000 of a $20k target. Donation tins are in only a few local shops. Mandi is adamant she doesn’t want to take away from the collection for seriously injured young footballer Kurt Drysdale. “My son Kurt is good mates with the other Kurt, we had Kurtie 1 and Kurtie 2 in our house growing up. Our boys grew up together, went to school together, played football together in primary school … ”


Until cancer struck, it was hard to tell Mandi and Melissa apart. “Mandi lost all her hair with the chemo, although that’s all growing back, and the steroids have changed the shape of her face, they make you go quite square and round,” Melissa says. But their bond is as strong as ever.


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In it together …Melissa (left) and Mandi, post surgeries last month.

As teenagers, they shared friends, sports and mischief, swapping places at school. “Lots of little fun things that twins do,” Melissa says. In high school, when Melissa had her tonsils out, Mandi started choking in the classroom. “Obviously when they were putting the tube in,” Mandi says. “A couple of days later, I went and broke my arm, so we were in hospital together. Side by side.” Now, when Mandi describes the ravages of radiation, Melissa flinches. Does she feel her sister’s pain? “No,” Melissa says, “but I feel her emotional trauma.” Melissa decided to have a mastectomy after doctors put her risk of developing breast cancer at up to 97 percent, “because we are identical twins, we share the same DNA”. “The specialist said to me, you do not have time. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. I already knew that I would have them off.” Mandi: “It was a no-brainer.” Mel smiles: “I am feeling her pain now though [laughs], now that I’ve had the surgery.”


The pair come from a military family; they have a younger brother serving in Iraq. “He’s a medic, an officer, he’s been over there for seven months,” Melissa says. Courage comes in many forms. For the twins, it’s about a day-to-day battle to chin-up despite pain and anxiety on the home front. “You have to be positive or you’d just be a mess,” says Mandi. “There is life after trauma, and we keep going. We don’t drug ourselves out unless we need to, we don’t overdo it and wallow in self pity. You keep healthy, you can still live – it’s so important for the kids to understand that, so they can cope when something happens down the track. “It’s important for them to see that it’s OK to have bad days, but you still pick up,” Melissa adds. “It’s a good thing to teach your children.” Donate at gofundme.com/mmfbc 2508


26/08/2015 7:35 am

2508 NEWS

join the circus

It’s a great way to take risks with a positive pay-off – teenagers love it. 2515 reports. Charlotte Truscott, better known as Charlie, ran away from her performing arts degree in Wollongong to join the circus at age 21. She’s since worked with Circus Wow, Circus Monoxide and studied clowning at the International Del Arte School Charlie Truscott. of Physical Theatre in California. None of it – despite what her grandmother thinks – has involved elephants. Contemporary circus centres on human feats; Charlie talks of aerials, cloud swinging, pitching and the Spanish web (spinning on a rope). Charlie recently moved to the Outlook, an artists’ residency in Austinmer, to take up a new role: circus co-ordinator at Helensburgh Fitness Centre. Her children’s class has been very popular, attracting 18 youngsters. “The kids in the area – they climb trees, they are so connected to their surroundings, circus is a wonderful outlet for them,” she says. Circus is particularly good for teenagers, Charlie believes. “You’re in that time when you want to break boundaries and you want to take risks, and circus is a really great way to take healthy risks, for a positive pay-off. “I actually wrote a circus program for the detention centre in Lidcombe, for the young females there. Some of these girls are 13, with babies, their babies are in foster care, and they have these bodies of teenage girls but they have the emotional capacity of a six-year-old. I would just see by them engaging in circus and stepping into their bodies – like, because they are risk takers, they would fly with it. There was no hesitance, they would climb to the top of that pyramid, they would chuck a trick. “I really believe in the power of positive risk-taking behaviour.”


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Circus students Jacinta (left) and Iris (right) in their Frenchinspired outfits on Marcel the Trapeze.

Circus is for boys too. In Charlie’s experience, the boys really love unicycling. “It’s a good challenge. It’s very cool and they want to do it. “You can really start being in the air from your first day of circus. At the markets at Bulli yesterday, I had a three-year-old boy on the trapeze. He just listened to me and did it.” Helensburgh Fitness Centre is an ideal venue for circus class, Charlie says. “It has the most amazing infrastructure to support aerials. It’s got 10-tonne beams supporting the roof all the way through it – you can basically rig your car off them. You don’t come across buildings with exposed beams like that very often.” As a teenager, Charlie was a gymnast. “But I had an injury – I fractured my spine when I was 17. “I got scared in a trick and I didn’t commit – lesson learnt. I fell.” Her neurosurgeon said she’d never do gymnastics again. “And he also you’ll never be able to teach ... but I kind of didn’t listen to him,” she says, laughing. See circus tricks in action: Charlie and students will perform at 1pm at Helensburgh Fitness Centre’s open day on September 12. Her teenage students plan to perform at Spring Into Corrimal on Sunday, September 13. 2508


26/08/2015 7:31 am

Helensburgh Fitness Centre

OPEN DAY ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

12th September

Free events, entertainment, market stalls, food and great prizes. Everyone will be there, it’s the Burgh’s Big Day Out!

338 Cemetery Rd Helensburgh . 4294 1282 Acupuncture, Remedial Massage & Herbal Medical Centre of Helensburgh OPEN: Mon. 9am -9pm Tues. 9am- 5pm Wed. 9am- 6pm Thurs. 9am- 9pm Fri. 9am-5pm Sat. 10am-5pm

ACUPUNCTURE a holistic approach focusing as much on prevention of illness as on treatment REMEDIAL MASSAGE AYURVEDIC MASSAGE using special medicated oils specific to your body type AYURVEDIC LIFESTYLE CONSULTATIONS SHIRODHARA helps to overcome stress, depression, regulates hormones, reduces insomnia and migraines HOT STONE MASSAGE PREGNANCY MASSAGE using a custom-built table so it is possible to lie on your belly even in the third trimester CHEK (corrective holistic exercise kinesiology) HERBAL MEDICINE | AYURVEDIC HERBAL MEDICINE ELECTROTHERAPY electro stimulation of acupuncture points to aid nerve regeneration and pain management CUPPING | EAR CANDLING | GUASHA (skin scraping) MOXIBUSTION burning of herbs over specific acupuncture points Quality vitamin and mineral supplements, Chinese herbs and organic oils and other products for sale

Health Fund Rebates Processed Onsite, Gift Vouchers Available Aimee Vella (Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine, Remedial Massage Therapist) Ishbel Compagnoni (Remedial & Pregnancy Massage Therapist) Melanie Clark (Ayurvedic Lifestyle Consultant & Remedial Massage Therapist) Matthew Sorensen (Remedial Massage Therapist, Chek Practitioner, Holistic Lifestyle Coach, Personal Trainer) Rebecca Wagstaff (Reception)

P. 4294 9318 E. acupunctureburgh@yahoo.com.au 176 Parkes Street, Helensburgh


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26/08/2015 7:31 am

2508 REPORT cover feature

Nathan Johnston


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26/08/2015 7:31 am

2508 REPORT He’s beaten huge odds to become an elite-level athlete. Now Nathan Johnston is preparing for the race of his life. 2508 reports. Nathan Johnston is a local hero, no doubt about it. The visually impaired athlete has achieved more in sports than most of us lesser mortals could ever dream of but, on October 10, this unassuming 30-year-old bloke faces one of the toughest sporting challenges ever created: the Kona Ironman. This event consists of a 3.9km swim, a 180km bike ride and a 42.1km run. The Kona draws competitors from throughout the world and all of those who are allowed to enter have had to qualify for it. Nathan took time out of his punishing training schedule to have a chat with 2508. How’s training going? Everything on track? Mate, it’s been busy the last few weeks – I’m doing two sessions a day and today [August 14] we did two sessions and had a massage. Got the bike back yesterday; it’s got all bloody electronic things all over it. What electronics have you got on there? We got the Di2 from Shimano [a high-tech gearing system], then we’ve got all the carbon wheels and all the trick bits they reckon they use over there [in Ironman Hawaii].

Photos by Anthony Warry Photography; www.anthonywarry.tumblr.com

So the bike would be pretty light now? I reckon it’s half of what it was before. You reckon that’ll shave a few seconds off your time in the bike leg? I don’t know if it’ll shave seconds off but it’ll just make it a bit easier to pedal on; because of the weather over there – with the winds and that sort of thing. What’s an average training day for you? It changes every week. I try to have one rest day every seven days. Monday was after we did City2Surf, Tuesday was run drills for an hour and a half, then gym in the afternoon; Wednesday was a long ride; yesterday was a ride and a swim in the afternoon; this morning was a swim and a run. Geez, mate, you don’t stop. You don’t get a chance to [laughs].


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How do you stay motivated? I’ve been doing this for the last four or five years. I’ve been lucky living in the Burgh my whole life; I’ve got five or six people training with me each week, a couple of them at Heathcote, the rest of them are down the Burgh, Stanwell Park, I’ve been lucky that way. I might be flat one day and someone rings you and we’ll go for a run – those types of people keep you motivated. How are you doing injury-wise? I’ve got no injuries. Each week you pull up a bit sore, there’s something wrong with you so – it’s just the miles we’re doing; last week we did a 30km run, the week before we did a 50km run, so you’ve just got to hold on; we’ve only got seven weeks until we leave. Are you ready for the sheer bloody hard work: the distance and the wind and the heat? Well, I’m still struggling ... I’ve raced this Ironman distance, people think you’re mad for doing it anyway but I wasn’t going to turn down the opportunity to go and race in a world-class race, the pinnacle of the sport. But I think I will maybe struggle a bit mentally … racing in the heat, they reckon it could be between 30°C and 40°C degrees; they reckon the winds can get up to 70km/h, they start blowing you around on the bike. I think you’ve just got to dig in; you’ve got 17 hours to complete it, you could come through it in 16 and a half hours and you’re still going to get that congratulations and a world-class medal. On race day how do you psyche yourself up? Race day’s a bit funny because the night before everyone’s a bit nervous and anxious and you have an early dinner and go to bed. You’re up at 4am and getting ready and you have your breakfast and your special milkshake … and you just try to be as settled as anything, but over there it’s going to be a different kettle of fish because I’ve never been there, so I suppose I could be a bit nervous again. After Kona, what’s your next challenge? That’s the unknown … I just want to get that [Kona] done, finished and then we’ll see what happens. 2508


26/08/2015 7:31 am

2508 NEWS

the activist Warwick Erwin reckons you should stand up for what’s right. 2508 reports. He’s a well-known bloke in the 2508 region; he runs his own business (Stanwell Tops Technical Services), is a member of numerous committees and is extremely active in the organisation of local events. Warwick Erwin keeps busy, to say the very least. He’s also a keen community activist; he keeps a watchful eye on the district, its residents and businesses – as well as Wollongong City Council. On March 29 this year Warwick took photographs of mounds of dirt, mulch and waste just off the Old Princes Highway near Waterfall. He suspected at the time that the piles had been illegally dumped. Warwick’s photos, first-hand accounts and his reporting of another pile near Sublime Point sparked a media hunt for the dumping culprits. The investigations which followed ultimately found that Wollongong City Council itself had been responsible for the illegal dumping. Warwick had a chat with 2508.

Warwick Erwin in his office.

Are you satisfied with the way the problem has been addressed by the EPA and the council? The EPA’s response was good, and they’ve been on top of council; council’s response has been atrocious.

What was in the dumped piles? It was construction waste … terracotta pipes, tar, concrete, bricks, ag pipe … but the piles were all the same and they were covered by a very thin, less than 50mm, covering of mulch … I counted 10 [piles]. When I rang the EPA … they took the details … within an hour I had a phone call from the EPA, wanting more information … and then an EPA officer from Wollongong rang me Thursday afternoon … and investigators were up to talk to me on Friday morning. Then the EPA found bonded asbestos [in the piles] … and that’s when it [the issue] really went … big, over the top … but, in my mind, something had been wrong in council to allow this to happen, a process of checking …

What drives a community activist? I live in this community, the majority of my work is in this community, therefore I’m going to fight for the community, talk with the community, find out what’s going on. We’ve got lots of issues in this area that impact on individuals. We’ve got people that have said they’d like things better: the centre of Helensburgh, the shopping centre, the parking’s a problem, pedestrian safety becomes a problem. Council’s been asked a number of times to put a floodlight over the pedestrian crossing outside of Coles and yet we still haven’t got it; it’s a floodlight, it’s an hour job for an electrical crew at most. We’ve got pot holes … where’s our pot hole patrol? We’ve got streets that haven’t got curb and guttering. Does it takes residents, does it take someone like myself to keep ringing council and saying “You’ve stuffed up! Go and fix it.”

Someone had okayed the illegal dumping. This report from the Independent Audit Bureau has found that it is a systemic problem in council, that policies weren’t followed…

How can someone become a community activist? If you love the lifestyle, if you love living in the area, stand up when you see something that’s not right. 2508


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26/08/2015 7:29 am

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26/08/2015 7:29 am

2508 NEWS

be prepared By Captain Jim Powell of 325 NSW F & R station Helensburgh. We are now into Spring and only weeks away from the hot summer weather. This is the best time took look around your home and property to see what needs to be done to protect your place against the threat of bush fires. The first place to start is on the roof and gutter areas and work down from there. Remove any debris and then hose down the roof gutters and down pipes. This may mean removing limbs from trees that may be close to the house and cause continuous dropping of foliage onto this area. Keep lawn and vegetation short, plants close to the house should be of a fire-resistant quality. Council and the Rural Fire Brigade have a list of these plants, including citrus trees, camellias, lilli pillies, other rainforest trees and shrubs etc. Stay away from coniferous plants, pines etc. Remove flammable rubbish from the yard and wood piles used in winter should be covered with a metal covering. Beware, this is also a favoured place for brown snakes to abide. It is important that yards are kept tidy and unwanted material and junk is put out for

Parkes Street ‌Black Christmas, 2001, Helensburgh.

collection. This is just good housekeeping in any case, but it does give you a better chance of property survival in the case of fires. A lot of people these days are using the triangular sails for shade, and if these are attached to a structure of any kind it would be a good idea in the threat of a bush fire attack to take them down and store in your garage. If you have a swimming pool buy yourself a portable petrol pump and hose fittings, this provides you with extra water of good pressure if needed. Also ask your local Fire Brigade for a SWS sign to be placed on your front fence to indicate to a Fire Brigade Unit that you have a Static Water Supply on your property. Hope this information may be of benefit to all residents during the bush fire danger period. 2508

Well done, Jim! By Jenny Donohoe The Fire Brigade Employers Union, Illawarra Sub Branch (FBEU ISB) medal was presented to Jim Powell in recognition of his long involvement and dedication to our union as a member. Jim recognised the important of the union movement as he was a delegate between 1975-83 of AMWSU, while employed by Metropolitan Colliery. Illawarra Sub Branch representative Mick Rampling presented Jim with the medal on August 15 at the Helensburgh 325 Station 40th Birthday Celebrations at the Tops Conference centre. This award is given to members of good standing with minimum 25 years membership and was endorsed by the FBEU membership in 2010. Congratulations Comrade Jim Powell. 2508

Medal ‌ from left, Jim Powell and Mick Rampling.


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2508 NEWS

station 325 turns 40

By Jenny Donohoe On August 15, Helensburgh Fire Station 325 celebrated 40 years of service at the Tops Conference Centre. Many past and present members and their partners met up with many of their friends – not only from the Fire & Rescue NSW but also with the Rural Fire Service members. Helensburgh 325 Station members; Dennis Foster, Don Hope, James (Jim) Powell, Kerry Gardner, Barry Thompson, John Hunter, Eric Unsworth, John Rands, Greg Jacques, John Russell, and Barry Tobin started training in late July 1975. Denis Foster was appointed Captain with Don Hope as Engine Keeper and only 11

members after one withdrawal, Dick Jeffcoate. Their first official fire call was to 9 Barber Street, Helensburgh, on the 22 August at 12.51 hours to test the turnout equipment. By the end of 1975 they had 32 calls from August to December. Ross Faberstrom was appointed in October bringing the members back to 12. The original title and station number was called ‘Illawarra Station 10’ under the old calling system. The members gained the title of ‘Helensburgh Hillbillies’, because they were the highest station in altitude in the Illawarra region, but that was not good enough for a few and a new name was adopted ‘The Mountain Men from Station 10’. Congratulations Station 325 on a job well done over the past 40 years. 2508

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2508p014-15_FIRIES_SEPT_2015.indd 15


26/08/2015 7:28 am

2508 COLUMN Great white shark photo by Hermanus Backpackers, South Africa.

Dr Rip’s Science of the Surf There are sharks in the ocean! Rob Brander alerts the media. I was an impressionable 10 years old when the movie Jaws came out and my parents did a smart thing. They wouldn’t let me see it. So unlike most of my Canadian friends, who are still terrified of going in the ocean, I don’t worry about sharks much. However, like most people, I’m not particularly keen about getting eaten by one. With recent shark “attacks” and sightings along the NSW coast and scary footage of Mick Fanning being harassed, sharks are again headline news and our primal fear and fascination with them is high. We’re all scared of sharks, but should we be? Are they really a problem? Some serious perspective is needed. Records on Australian shark attacks have been documented since 1791 and just over 1000 incidents have occurred, of which 25 per cent have been fatal. However, since shark nets were introduced about 50 years ago, there’s been about one death per year. Sure, the last few years have seen an increase in shark incidents and human fatalities around Australia, but it’s worth remembering that between 2002-2012, there was only one fatal shark “attack” in NSW. So what has changed? Are shark numbers increasing? Given that it’s impossible for shark populations to change dramatically in just three years, probably not. It could just be that the last few years are a statistical anomaly. Or it’s because more people are using the ocean and better wetsuits let us stay in longer. Or we’re just seeing more sharks thanks to more cameras around and increasing use of social media. Is shark behaviour changing? Who knows,


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Did you know? There’ve been only

but there’s no 232 fatal shark malevolent, “rogue”, attacks since man-eating sharks out 1791. there, just big fish looking for a quick meal. And we’re potential food. Yep, hard to believe, but sharks live in the ocean. It’s their domain and to think anything otherwise is foolish. Should we cull sharks and increase airborne shark spotting patrols? Culling is misguided, a waste of money and doesn’t guarantee anything. If shark spotters go up every day, they’ll probably see sharks every day. So what do we do? Close beaches permanently because there are sharks in the ocean? We don’t close beaches when someone drowns in a rip, which happens about 30 more times each year than a shark fatality, and rips are on our beaches most of the time. Although it’s of little solace to those affected by tragic incidents, shark attacks are still rare and typically result in very minor injuries (if any). Most of the shark hype is media driven – sharks sell papers. If you’re worried about sharks, please remember that the odds are really in your favour, but please also don’t forget that the decision to go in the ocean is entirely ours. 2508 Ask Dr Rip a question – go to scienceofthesurf.com


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26/08/2015 7:26 am

2508 NEWS

Best of boho worlds

Boutique owner Wendy Roche is throwing a Grand Opening with sales and champers on Saturday, September 19, to celebrate the expansion of her Stanwell Park store. The new Boho Emporium,

take your passion, make it happen By Fleur Harlick, Principal Fleur-de-Lis Dance Academy Dancing onstage can be daunting. There are so many things to think about. You have to remember the steps, keep your eyes looking up at the judge, keep your technique steady with your feet together, toes pointed, knees pulled up, posture held and all the time look like your are enjoying yourself! It is said that the less you remember, the better your performance. Technique is very important but when you are performing with passion, the audience can feel your emotions, making them cry or laugh, or gasp. Over the past few months, several students of Fleur de Lis Dance Academy have been competing against hundreds of students from other dance schools all over Sydney.


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next to the original Boho Chic, has gorgeous Fair Trade clothing for kids (such as the Eternal Creations range from Nepal) and is also a one-stop Father’s Day shop. Does sir require hemp clothing, moustache balm, a sawdust-scented man candle, a Banksy T-shirt or a genuine Panama hat that rolls up into a cigar box? It’s all here, dads. 2508 There are many eisteddfods during the year and for two weekends last month, Engadine was the venue for one such eisteddfod. For some, it was a new experience while for others, it was another chance to perform onstage. Dance student Olivia Coggan. We were very successful, with several students winning first places, second places and third places. Among all the beautiful costumes, hairspray and makeup there is a wonderful feeling of camaraderie between all the dancers. They wished each other luck, helped each other with hair or make up and clapped for those who received places. It was wonderful to see the good sportsmanship displayed. Congratulations to all who danced. 2508


26/08/2015 7:25 am


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Contact Fleur on 0448 425 594 or fleurdelisdance@hotmail.com We have two locations in Helensburgh! Club Lane and in the Helensburgh Fitness Centre Come in and try out a class.


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26/08/2015 7:25 am

2508 NEWS

Catch up on what’s been happening in our district...


Helensburgh hairdresser Mandy Bugby, pictured above with her two-year-old son Jake, has written to Council asking for a fence to improve child safety at Charles Harper Park (see page 3). 2508 asked Council for a response and a spokesperson said: “While there is a log barrier-style fence at the park, we will carry out a risk assessment of the site to see if any changes are required. At this stage no upgrades to the equipment at Charles Harper Park are scheduled in the current Capital Works Budget for 2015/16. This budget is reviewed and updated annually. The risk assessment planned for Charles Harper Park would be considered as part of this yearly review.” Parents, your thoughts? Write to us at editor@2508mag.com.au


This from Council: “Recently, new stormwater drains have gone in under Lady Wakehurst Drive and works to widen the road, construct a roundabout and provide extra car parking are nearly finished. “At the top of the Reserve, the old amenities building has been demolished in preparation of the new facility that will be set into the hill and provide new toilets and a coffee offering. It’s scheduled to be built next year.” Traffic changes to note: n Revamped car park closed 6pm-6am, under


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traffic control by day. n Single lane access on Lady Wakehurst Drive until October 2015, weather permitting. Visit wollongong.nsw.gov.au/baldhill


Rehabilitation of the former Helensburgh Disposal Depot is due to start early next year, but some preparatory work has already started. “In mid-August Council moved soil excavated from the Bald Hill site to the former Depot,” a Council spokesperson said. “The soil, classified as ‘virgin excavated material’, or VENM, will be used as part of the rehabilitation work at the site.” The project was expected to take about five weeks.


The killing of three alpacas in late July at Wagon Wheels Country Retreat in Stanwell Tops remains a mystery. “There were no witnesses and it is unclear if it was domestic or feral dogs involved,” a Council spokesperson said. Know something? Call Council, 4227 7111.


Labor’s Sharon Bird, MP for Cunningham, championed our region’s internet problems in Federal Parliament last month. Her office also put out a media release titled “Will new NBN roll-out areas get second-rate copper option?” in which she demanded the Government clarify what service we’ll get, and when we’ll get it. “Current ADSL ports are overloaded and people are getting frustrated,” she said.


A NSW Internal Audit Bureau (IAB) report published in late July slammed Wollongong City Council for a series of “systemic issues”. The report followed news that Council had unwittingly set up asbestos-contaminated


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2508 NEWS mounds along the Old Princes Highway in an effort stop illegal dumping. In Council’s most recent statement on the matter, WCC General Manager David Farmer said: ”I want to assure the community that I am committed to fixing the problems this report identifies.”


Following revelations that residential CCTV cameras captured night footage of illegal deer hunting on July 23 on Walker Street, 2508 has received a photo from a concerned mother. Last September, her preschool-aged son was playing in a park near Helensburgh’s Short Street when he came running over holding what he called an “Aboriginal spear”. Instead, it was an arrow made of razor blades. His mother reported it to police and posted a warning on Facebook. She told us, “I hope the police get serious about finding these creeps … Surely it’s only time before they miss their target and injure some innocent person.”



Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid (NINA) clients (pictured above) would like to thank Telstra for its generous donation of $1000. On June 25, Telstra had an information van at Charles Harper Park – for every person who came to talk to Telstra (and there were many who wanted to discuss internet problems), the company had promised to donate $1 to NINA. 500 visitors were recorded. “To their credit,” NINA manager Tracey Schroeder said, “Telstra agreed to donate the full amount of $1000.” 2508

NOW AT 9 Walker St Helensburgh (next to Civic Video)

1st Consultation Free ! 2508

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26/08/2015 9:09 am


Gardening with sara This month, Sara Newnham is choosing to say it with flowers. Welcome spring!

The birds are chirping, the buds are blooming and bees are buzzing – spring has sprung! It’s time for an all-out feeding frenzy in the garden. Your poor plants have been through a long winter. Reward them for their efforts and help them perform – feed everything! Lawns need a even coverage of lawn food. Then hit the entire garden with a healthy fragrant dose of organic advanced pellets. Please read any fertiliser label before application and water in well. Veggie gardens love a few bags of manure; this year I have mixed cow, sheep, chicken and mushroom compost together (using 1 bag per 1m). Turn it through the soil, water well and mulch with sugar, then you can let it sit for a few weeks before planting. Remember feeding encourages growth, optimises health and gives more fruit and flowers. Happy gardening! 2508 Call Sara on 0451 196 646.

From top, right to left: orange nasturtium, bromeliad, African daisy, Tibouchina ‘Jules’, Prunus blossoms, stinky Stapelia and a butterfly on Gazania. Photos by Olivia Mitchell.


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Dig in to bushtucker By A Garden for Life’s Narelle Happ If you’ve ever wanted to create a snack trail for your children in the garden with plants that you know they can safely eat and share with their friends, then a native bushtucker garden is the way to go. Correct identification is essential, so make sure to buy plants or eat from plants that you know are the edible species. Bushtucker species are perennial, love full sun and shady positions in the garden and are easy to grow. Some of my favourites are: Austromyrtus dulcis, Midyim Berry. A small shrub approx. 50cm in height and width that provides an abundant crop of berries, similar to blueberries, over summer. It loves a semi-shaded position but can also grow well in sun or deep shade. Dianella caerulea, Blue Flax Lily. Strappy grass that grows to 50cm in height and width. The blue fruits are eaten raw and become nutty when chewed. They can also be cooked into jams and preserves. The roots can also be eaten by pounding and roasting. It loves a part shade to full sun position. Melastoma affine, Blue Tongue, is a hit with the kids as when you eat the fruit it stains your tongue blue. It too likes a semi shaded position and grows to approximately 80cm in height. It has purple/mauve blooms in summer followed by the sweet edible fruit. Menthe satureioides, native mint. Groundcover bush mint that can be used in the same way as common mint. It has tiny white flowers that


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are attractive to bees and cover the plant from spring through to autumn. The leaves are highly fragrant and great used along a path to brush past and release the fragrance. It also aids in repelling insects that affect cabbages and tomatoes. Primary schools particularly are realising the educational value of a bushtucker garden. The restaurant industry has also seen a huge surge in chefs using bushtucker produce, with Kylie Kwong and Clayton J Donovan, who is a hatted indigenous chef, being two of them. 2508 Narelle is running three workshops this month: n Introduction to Permaculture Design, Sept 5 in Thirroul. www.trybooking.com/145788 n Organic Gardening Basics: Sept 19, www. milkwood.net/course/organic-gardeningbasics-150919/ n Bush Tucker Gardening: Sept 20, www.milkwood.net/course/bush-tuckergardening-150920/

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26/08/2015 7:23 am


on target

SSAA (NSW) Sydney president James Walsh

James Walsh is a Helensburgh local with plenty of outdoors experience. He’s also president of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia (NSW) Sydney branch. 2508 reports.

He reckons SSAA has 32,000 members in the greater Sydney area; 170,000 members around the country; and there are 800,000 licensed firearms owners in Australia. James has unique insights into our bushland and its wildlife and he had a chat with 2508. If Wollongong City Council came to you and said ‘James, we give you carte blanche to sort out this deer problem for us’ what would be your approach? We would sit down with them and work out a way … to utilise volunteer hunters who are properly accredited … to do the ground-based shooting, with full risk assessments and … full professional standards in place. In that instance, at least some of the game meat could be used, instead of going to waste. When you’re talking about things like feral dogs – and dogs that are around at the moment, I mean I’ve seen the photo of the wild dog [in the media] – that was clearly a


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hunting breed. Any dog that is killing [animals], for example the alpacas on Wagon Wheels, it needs to be destroyed. I’ve said on the Facebook page that if anybody has a property and needs to get a firearm for those purposes [pest eradication], I’m a qualified instructor, I can do all your testing etc. And the same would apply to foxes? The problem with foxes is that councils are using 1080 … they’ve been baiting with 1080. 1080 should be banned … not even a wild dog or a fox deserves to die by that. [It kills] native species, it gets into the water … it’s a slow, miserable, painful death that can last a week or so. It’s very cruel … we need to be ethical, we need to be ensuring that we’re not causing unnecessary pain and suffering to animals. I’m an animal lover, don’t get me wrong, I love animals; I know (a) where my meat comes from and (b) I also understand that feral pests need to be taken out of the system. You spend a lot of time outdoors – have you seen the Northern Illawarra’s mythical black panther? [laughs] I’ve never seen a black panther. Have you seen any feral cats that could be mistaken for a panther? I’ve been out bush and on hunting trips and I’ve seen big feral cats. Feral cats – domestic cats that have become feral – can get pretty big and furry when they’re out in the bush. We have a massive feral cat problem: they kill millions of native animals. 2508


26/08/2015 7:18 am

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2508p024-25_HUNTER_SEPT_2015.indd 25


26/08/2015 7:18 am


What’s on send your listings to editor@2508mag.com.au CHURCHES Bushland Chapel (Uniting Church) 94 Parkes St Helensburgh. Faith and community. First Sunday on month 9.30am and as announced. Yoga, drama. Spaces available. www.bushlandchapel. net, 0425 257 984. H’burgh & Stanwell Park Anglican Church Regular Sunday services, 8.15am, 54 Stanwell Ave, Stanwell Park; 10am and 6pm, 75 Parkes St, Helensburgh. Call 4294 1024. Helensburgh Baptist Church Sundays, 10am, Community Centre, Walker St. Call 4294 8459. Holy Cross Catholic Church Weekend Mass at Helensburgh: Sunday 8.30am. Reconciliation: Sunday 8am. Visitors welcome. Hope Church 2508 Sunday services, 9.30am, 3/23 Cemetery Road, Helensburgh. 0404 803 055. Hillcrest Christian Fellowship Sundays, 6pm, Hillcrest House, Railway Crescent, Stanwell Park. Call 4294 3153. ENTERTAINMENT 6 Coalcliff’s Bombie Bar is back! The first Sunday gig of the season is a fundraiser ‘Unite for Kurt’. All profits from the bar will be donated to help a former member of Coalcliff SLSC Kurt Drysdale. With Hot Potato, supported by Joel Leffler. 2-5pm, kids under 16 free, $20 door. Food by Katherine Erskine. www.bombiebar.com.au 6 1-4pm, Nate Townsend & Johanna Campbell duo @ Tradies Helensburgh 11 Comedy For A Cause. In support of Helensburgh Public School P&C Playground Project. 7.30pm @ Helensburgh Tradies. $35, trybooking. com/ILFE, 0421 244 288. 13 1-4pm, Dean Michael-Smith @ Tradies 20 Nick Saxon, member of Bengalu (percussion, guitar, vocals) and host for National Geographic channel World Traveller, gives energetic acoustic performances featuring global sounds and summer soul. @ the Bombie Bar, 2-5pm. Food by Katherine Erskine. bombiebar.com.au 20 1-4pm, Luke Dixon @ Tradies Helensburgh 27 1-4pm, Alissa @ Tradies Helensburgh Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid outings Call 4294 1900 or visit nina.org.au


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Jennifer Taylor will perform at the library’s open day.

HELENSBURGH LIBRARY 57 Walker Street; 4294 2185 23 Remember When Open Day Bust out your fluoro fashion, crank up Madonna and get ready to celebrate everything Eighties at Helensburgh District Library. As part of Wollongong City Libraries’ Remember When celebrations, Helensburgh library will celebrate the year their doors opened at a 1983-themed open day on 23 September from 11.30am-6pm. Activities will include a kids’ Story Storm, visit from a fire truck, face painting and a sausage sizzle. At 2pm, there’ll be a circus performance by Charlie Truscott (see page 8), as well as entertainment from local musicians – such as Jennifer Taylor (pictured) and an afternoon tea. Local filmmaker Geoffrey Sykes will present his trailer for the documentary Black in Time: the story of a town and its mine at 4.30pm. More information, wollongong.nsw.gov.au/ library or phone 4294 2185. CLUBS 1 Fellowship of First Fleeters, South Coast Chapter, 10am, Laurel Room, Ribbonwood Centre, Dapto. Jim Chapman will speak about the solving of his family’s mystery of the unknown horseman from India. Regular local history outings. Contact: 4267 1488, 4261 6893. 10 The Probus Club of Helensburgh & District holds meetings each second Thursday of the month at Tradies Helensburgh. Go to helensburghprobus.org or phone 9526 7086. 15 VIEW luncheon Centennial Hotel 11am for 11.15 start. Phone Nerida on 0429 004 298 for new bookings or cancellations by Sept 9. Speaker: Anne Turnbull from WIRES. See page 31. 2508


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Beasts and Bedlam By Ian Stevens S.P.A.T. Singers have just announced details of their next Singers Dinner Show, entitled Beasts and Bedlam. If you missed previous Singers Dinner Shows, don’t miss this one! An eclectic program will gallop and frolic through a carnival of animals and mad songs from the singers and soloists leading the audience in a sing-along. Our evening will be supported by the talents of local and Sydney performers – pianists Lisa Baraldi and Bill Brooks and soprano Janelle Campbell together with the S.P.A.T. Singers all under the direction of Rod Lander. Our big show-stoppers will be – Carnival of the Animals (Saint-Seans) for two pianos and singers. The words for the different sections will be sung to the orchestral parts and focus on Australian animals (including some political ones). The program will also feature Lucia di Lammermoor (Donezetti). Grand opera in the

From left, Lundy Sharp, Janelle Campbell and Alisa Percy

Dame Joan Sutherland tradition, starring our own coloratura soprano and the Singers. There will be four performances. Friday and Saturday 9th and 10th Oct and then again on Saturday and Sunday 17th and 18th Oct, 2015. Dinner commences at 7pm. Our numbers are limited so bookings are essential. Ticket prices $35 includes the show and a three course dinner. BYO drinks n To book, visit www.spat.org.au or email spartstheatre@gmail.com or call 4294 4060. 2508


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26/08/2015 7:15 am


fit to learn A Helensburgh Public School report, by Teacher Librarian Stephen McQueen.

What a busy and successful first month of term 3. Our involvement with the local and wider community has been on display as we took part in the Wollongong Schools Choral Festival and the Seacliff Community of Schools (COS) Indigenous Sports Day. Some of our year 3s worked with the Wollongong City Council to give community feedback about what a new Helensburgh Public Library might look like and following our Education Week open classrooms our new playground was opened. We would like to thank all in the community for their involvement in this project. The children are loving it. Success has also followed us on the sporting

The Polished Men

By Stephen McQueen While nail polish is not allowed for students at Helensburgh Public School (HPS), some of the teachers have decided to start applying some cuticle decoration. The six male teachers at HPS have joined the Polished Man Campaign, challenging men to end violence against children. Between 1st – 15th September Mr Connor, Mr Campbell, Mr Tuxford, Mr Vallejos, Mr 2508

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field. Our recent Athletics Carnival was a great success with many children going on to represent our school at the Zone Carnival. We once again fielded teams in all available PSSA comps with our junior soccer team and both our junior netball teams winning their respective competitions. Our school continues to provide opportunities for our students to thrive in a variety of fields. We are currently competing in the COS Debating Competition, the Tournament of Minds and the FIRST Lego League Robotics Competition. 2508

Ross and Mr McQueen will all wear nail polish on one finger of each hand to raise awareness and money to end violence against children. Painting just one nail in five represents the one in five children globally that experience violence before the age of 18. While most men don’t perpetrate violence, men are the primary perpetrators of violence against children. The teachers at HPS want children to know that violence against children is never alright. 2508 28

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day of song and dance By Keith Tomlinson, Stanwell Park Public School Principal What a fantastic day we had for our special Education Week Open Day activities with a very large number of parents and grandparents taking the opportunity to come along and see the outstanding work of the students. The day was perfect weather-wise with clear blue skies allowing the children to perform brilliantly on our open-air stage. Also in Education Week, students from all the schools in our Seacliff Community of Schools were lucky enough to take part in our Learning Together Day. This was the result of planning by all schools that allowed every student from all 11 schools to participate in a

day of organised activities at a host school. The program focus was on sharing Aboriginal culture by learning and playing traditional indigenous games at each hosting school. The students had a great time meeting and mixing with students from other schools, as well as learning about Aboriginal games. Schools that took part were Austinmer, Helensburgh, Stanwell Park, Coledale, Bulli, Thirroul and Waniora. 2508

you’ll go wild for our new arrivals these school holidays www.symbiozoo.com.au 2508

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26/08/2015 7:14 am


Styling with sammy Personal stylist Sammy Mahler find vintage delight in Thirroul. No need to take in the hustle and bustle of Newtown, (although I do love it), vintage retro styles are right here on our doorstep! The Little Garage (1/2a Raymond Road, Thirroul) is the most delightful retro boutique I have seen in a long time. This treasure trove contains vintage-inspired dresses, retro fashion, kitsch accessories, and even a little home decor! I totally crushed on their selection of 1950s-inspired “fit and flare” dresses. The store has divine styles with a mix of delightful colours, sweet prints and quirky one-off patterns. My stand-out fav was the Vanessa Tong dress “Semira Sundress” ($89) and petticoat ($45). This is truly a perfect fit, a ‘50s-inspired shape that suits all body types. I teamed it back with a kitsch red pump by Shoe Envy ($99), Savage

Sunglasses ($29.95), bold red lips, retro straw sun hat and the look was complete! So if it is vintage fashions that tantalise your taste buds, be sure to stop into this one-stop shop. You will not disappointed! Sammy is a personal stylist who visits a local fashion store each month. See littlemissboo.com. 2508

social media success!

Photos of our region are a hit. Otford Fair organisers recently sent out a Facebook invitation encouraging residents to attend the Otford School ‘Spring Fair’ on October 10. They asked “Where is ‘Otford School’?” and presented charming images of its location between the Royal National Park and Bald Hill. The post got 1500 hits! Want to see more? OtfordFair. Photo: Colin McDougall | AusLocations.com 2508

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26/08/2015 8:55 am

2508 CLUBS

view report By publicity officer Virginia Dowson Our Christmas in July lunch was well attended, with visitors from our sister club Nowra, and Regina from The Smith Family “Learning for Life” program. She spoke of her special role in the Warrawong area where she works with families on computer learning. The computers used are refurbished by a company from Melbourne. She was thrilled with the many books that members donated for The Smith Family Christmas Appeal. The Christmas-style lunch provided by the Centennial Hotel was substantial and delicious. An ongoing report on the August luncheon will be in the October issue. VIEW stands for Voice, Interests, and Education of Women, and all these qualities are portrayed at our monthly

luncheons where visitors from 18 years up are always welcome. The next Committee meeting is at Tradies, 8 September, 10am. Some VIEW members are also volunteers for N.I.N.A. (Northern Illawarra Neighbour Aid) in Helensburgh. More volunteers for this excellent service are required, as are more new aged and/or disabled clients needing support, transport, social company and/or meals. More are needed to demonstrate the real need for such a service, in order to keep Government funding. Please consider. Chris is taking bookings for “The Sound Of Music” at the Capitol Theatre, at the 2pm matinee, Saturday 9 January 2016, pay by 2 November 2015. Please phone her on 42941103. The next VIEW luncheon is at the Centennial Hotel on September 15 at 11am for 11.15 start. The speaker will be Anne Turnbull from WIRES. For new bookings or cancellations please phone Nerida on 0429 004 298 by Wednesday, September 9. 2508

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2508p030-31_STYLE, CLUBS_SEPT_2015.indd 31


26/08/2015 8:55 am

2508 NEWS

Foul play in otford tunnel The Helensburgh & District Historical Society has helped solve a family mystery. 2508 reports. The death of John J. McNamara was big news in August 1912, with headlines ranging from the South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus’s restrained “Found Dead in a Tunnel” to the Sydney Sunday Times’s sensational triple decker: “THROWN FROM TRAIN. WON $200 AT RACES AND FOUND MUTILATED IN TUNNEL. NO MONEY ON BODY.” The murdered man’s grandson, Brian Stuart, has only recently discovered the facts surrounding his grandfather’s death, thanks to the Helensburgh & District Historical Society. A retiree living at Glenmore Point on the South Coast, Brian praised the efforts of Jenny Donohoe, the society’s research officer. “Amazing, the help and the trouble they went to get the reports for me was extraordinary, really appreciated it,” he said. Jenny tracked down four newspaper articles about McNamara’s death. According to newspapers of the time, John


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2508p032-33_NEWS PSYCHIC_SEPT_2015.indd 32

South end of the Otford Tunnel, circa 1905. Photo: Helensburgh & District Historical Society

McNamara was a railway shunter at Redfern who caught a train to the Wollongong races. Witnesses said McNamara, 36, boasted of winning $200, which he planned to invest in a house at Bexley. He was last seen, “perfectly sober”, sitting on the brakevan of the crowded train as it started out from Wollongong. The next morning, August 14, 1912, his body was found in the Otford tunnel on the Illawarra line. “The body was much mangled, a wheel having evidently gone over it,” the South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus reported. “The police strongly suspect that McNamara was robbed and thrown out of the carriage. There was only ninepence found on deceased.” McNamara left a wife and six children. “Terrible way to go, vicious act,” Brian Stuart told 2508. “But that’s life, I suppose. “He made quite a difference to all our lives in one way – if he’d have lived and gone to Bexley to live instead of going to Gosford, all of our lives would have been completely changed. Brian’s mother, Rita Valemia Stuart nee McNamara, was one of the fatherless children. “There was Mark, Harold, Joseph and Jack, he was a cripple, curvature of the spine,” he said. Brian’s grandmother was a Frost from Berrima. “When my grandfather was murdered, the Frost family from Berrima must have got a house for her in Donaldson Street, Gosford. “And that’s where she lived for the rest of her life. No pension, nothing in those days, she really did it tough from all I’ve heard.” Brian has no records or photos of his grandfather. His daughter is still researching the family history. “When she has the time; she is a retired school teacher in Coffs Harbour.” 2508


26/08/2015 9:10 am

2508 NEWS

ghost tours sell out

Psychic medium Danielle Lee.

Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s the supernatural! 2508 reports. Social media was shivering with spooky stories about Helensburgh last month. The rush of ghost posts on Facebook was good news for psychic medium Danielle Lee, who runs Spook Central Ghost Tours in Helensburgh. Her September tour sold out, October’s is almost full and she’s now planning a special Halloween tour. Danielle started her ghost tours in Helensburgh in 2010; she’s also led tours in Taralga and Ballina. Her day job is at a hospital car park, working for Wilson Parking, but Danielle also does spiritual guidance, life coaching, general readings and psychic parties. “I have been able to see spirits as far back as I can remember,” she says. “It’s not something I realised, it’s just something that I am.” But she only “came out” as a medium about 12 years ago: “I didn’t want people to think I’m crazy.” Danielle says Helensburgh is a good place for ghost tours because “it is very historical”. “For people who are new to spiritual stuff, it gives them some sort of substance. I hated

history at school, but I love history of real towns, real tales. I can teach people to feel the spirits when they come around, and to capture them on camera.” The shutter speed of an old point-and-shoot is perfect for snapping orbs, she says. “Orbs are like a spirit, ghost, whatever – when you zoom in you’ll see faces, to give you that authenticity that it’s not just a dust particle.” Her “gimmick free” tours take in the old train tunnels and end in the cemetery. “It’s a bit spooky there and it gives people that ambience, a bit of an adrenalin rush.” 2508 was warned of “dark spirits” at a local hairdressing salon. “I haven’t felt anything dark,” Danielle says. Any rules for ghost hunters? “Be respectful of the spirits. Respectful of the residents. Very respectful at the cemetery.” Spook Central Ghost Tours. 2508

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2508p032-33_NEWS PSYCHIC_SEPT_2015.indd 33


26/08/2015 9:10 am

2508 NEWS

meet big bird!

Did you know? Troppo will eat up to 6kg of diced fruit every day.

By Symbio’s MIchelle Aldred

Symbio’s newest resident is the world’s third largest bird, directly descended from the dinosaurs, hence his raptor-like look. Meet “Troppo”, a Southern Cassowary from Queensland’s Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary. Troppo is enjoying our newly built tropical-themed exhibit, with native rainforest plants and trees. As these mature, they will provide fruit for Troppo to eat. Troppo is an important addition to Symbio’s list of endangered species in breeding programs. Southern Cassowaries can’t fly, are being killed by habitat loss, vehicles, dogs and disease, to the point where there are only 1000 left in the wild, making them about as endangered as the Giant Panda. 2508

CHAMBER chatter Here’s a snippet from our media release, titled ‘NICC rejuvenates!’ The Northern Illawarra Chamber of Commerce is looking forward to an exciting year after electing a new, younger executive committee for 2015/16 at its August 18 AGM. “The new Executive continues the generational change from last year that is often needed by organisations to grow by bringing new views and energy on what is important to all members,” NICC president Greg Watts said. “We intend to modernise the NICC and continue to progress on initiatives including the internet connection problems in the region.” But, Greg said, the NICC was more than a “one issue” chamber. “Issues such as signage, decent parking and public transport for access to shops and green initiatives – such as creating awareness in recycling and awareness to the Ban the Bag – are seen by some as having commercial and community benefit for their businesses,” Greg said. Initiatives such as “buy Local/buy Chamber” promotions will also continue. The executive committee for 2015/16 are: n President: Greg Watts (Helensburgh Post Office) is a metallurgist by profession and has


2508p034 ZOO, CHATTER_SEPT_2015.indd 34

extensive international experience. n Vice-President: Tanya Parry (Switched On Mechanical) completed a Diploma of Law at the University of Sydney, and co-owns an award-winning Helensburgh business. n Secretary: Gavin Little (Cliff to Coast) moved from the field of tertiary mathematics education to establish a Porsche Drive Day, Syndicate Ownership & Track Day company. n Treasurer: Glenn Lacelles-Smith (Otford Taxation Services). n Membership: Narelle Happ (A Garden for Life) is a permaculture and native garden designer, horticulturalist and educator. n Media: Genevieve Swart (2508 & 2515 magazines) is a journalist-turned-publisher who has worked on many magazines and newspapers, including the Sydney Morning Herald. n Minute Secretary: Mattias Samuelsson (Ray White Helensburgh) worked in the global luxury hotel sales industry before rejoining 2508’s bestselling estate agency as Associate Director. n Business Development: Warwick Erwin (Stanwell Tops Technical Services). n Webmaster: Wendy Gergos (Flame Fish Designs) is a graphic designer who specialises in corporate identity, print and web design. 2508


26/08/2015 7:11 am

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26/08/2015 7:10 am




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26/08/2015 7:10 am

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26/08/2015 7:10 am


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26/08/2015 7:10 am



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26/08/2015 7:11 am

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26/08/2015 7:11 am

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26/08/2015 7:11 am


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26/08/2015 7:11 am

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26/08/2015 7:11 am



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26/08/2015 7:11 am

tuition Star Kids Tuition Centre After school tuition for primary & high school Students in Helensburgh, Thirroul and Figtree

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Classifieds BAZZA’S HANDYMAN SERVICES: All handyman repairs. Decks, pergolas, tiling, fencing, plastering and all other timber work. Local, reliable, quick and fully insured. Free quotes. Ph. Barry [Bazz] 0414 492 509 or 4294 8164. BESPOKE CAR DETAILING SERVICES: See your car like you never have before. Hand detailing only (no machines), premium products, complimentary pickup/delivery from Helensburgh to Bulli. References provided. Prices from $220 per vehicle. Call today for a free quote on 1300 991 181. www.bespokedetailing.com.au BRICKLAYING: All brickwork, block work, extensions, retaining walls, repairs. Ph 4294 3741 or 0413 323 629 Lic. No. 35124C. CARPENTER: Friendly, Honest, Reliable service where manners comes standard. From doors to decks and everything in between. Fully insured. Call Kelvin for a free quote on 0421 952 100. Lic No. 253680C CLOTHING ALTERATIONS: Zippers replaced, hems taken up, minor repairs fixed.Reasonable rates. Ph Melinda 0419 977 658 or 4294 1619. FIREWOOD: Do you have logs that you would like turned into useful firewood but don’t want split it by hand? Call Home Log-Splitting Service on 0429 009 400 or see log-splitting.com. GARDEN SERVICE: Rejuvenate your garden: pruning, weeding, hedging, clean ups, rubbish removal. Regular mowing, edge trimming and gardening service also available. Call Stewart 4294 9726 or 0429 035 192. HANDYMAN: Local service offering a friendly service for all aspects of home improvements, maintenance, construction and repairs. Fully insured.

Call Kelvin for a free quote on 0421 952 100. Lic No. 253680C KNITTING & CROCHETING CLASSES: Do you want to improve your skills beyond knit and purl? Subjects covered would include Fairisle, Lace, Tension and more. Available Wednesday and Thursday evenings at Helensburgh Uniting Church. Places limited to 8 per lesson. Phone Jenni on 0438 741 964 for enquiries and bookings. RAELEEN’S FANCY FACES: Face painting, glitter tattoos, balloon twisting, special effects makeup, helium balloons and pregnancy belly art. Bring the ‘wow’ factor to your next party, fete, christening or corporate event. Local business (will travel), fully insured, exceptional hygiene standards, professional cosmetic-grade face paints used. Ph. Raeleen 0413 291 843. REMEDIAL MASSAGE: Relax and feel energised at quiet settings. Accredited with all health funds for rebates. Visit www.yuki-s.com.au for more info and online booking. SOUTHERN MATHEMATICS TUTORING: Real Tutoring, Real Results. Combined 45+ years of teaching and lecturing experience. Qualified Maths Teachers/Lecturers only. Max of 6 students per group session. Individual sessions by appointment. Contact Gavin 0459 550 452; Shaun 0407 213 622. References & information, www. southernmathematicstutoring.com.au STRETCH - STRENGTHEN - RELAX: With Karen based on Yoga & Pilates. Fun friendly classes tailored to suit all levels of fitness & flexibility. All classes 1hr $16 casual or 5 for $70. Beginner workshops 5 classes for $90. Two locations: Stanwell Park Children’s Centre, end Stanwell Ave, Tues 9.15am Thurs 7.15pm & Sun 4.30pm. Stanwell Park Physiotherapy, 93 Lawrence Hargrave Dr (next to 16ft Cafe). Tues 6pm / 7.15pm Thurs 9.15am & Sat 8am (max 6 people). Call Karen to book 0403 789 617, Facebook: yogastanwellpark YOGA 2 HARMONY: With over 14 years of experience Cherie teaches Hatha Yoga in a private, welcoming, air-conditioned and carpeted studio. Let her share her love and passion of a practice that brings complete well-being for the body, mind and inner self. General, Beginners, Advanced and Senior classes available. Cherie also specialises in Pre-Natal, Mums’n’Bubs and Toddler Yoga classes. For timetable and enquiries call Cherie on 0410 696 158. YOGA WITH AMBER: Yoga classes in Stanwell Park and Helensburgh. Amber has 20 years + of teaching yoga in Australia and Internationally. Classes are friendly, dynamic and tailored to suit your needs. $15 per 75min class. Beginners workshops, General & Advanced classes, Mums N Bubs, Pregnancy classes. Timetable: www. yogawithamber.com.au or call Amber on 0466 370 307. 2508

2508 local directories

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26/08/2015 7:11 am

2508 SPORT

kai returns BMX champ Kai Sakakibara reports on his comp tour of Europe.

I recently returned from a month-long trip in Europe, hitting two major races: the 2015 World Championships, and the third stop of the Supercross World Cup circuit. At the World Championships, I finished a very pleasing 31st in the 91-man field in the Time Trials. Severe weather warnings threw the following day’s race schedule into turmoil. The UCI was forced to alter the race schedule at the last minute, and we rushed to the track for the re-scheduled warm-up, and got straight into racing. Qualification rounds were reduced from three to one, and a collision with another rider in my 1/8 final took me out of the rest of the day’s racing. I was disappointed my World Championships were over so quickly. The following weeks were spent in Austria, and then in Sweden, where I trained on the track where the World Cup round was to be held. Although the World Championships didn’t

cricket season Helensburgh Cricket Club is gearing up for a huge 2015/16 summer. Sean Mulally reports. The Cricket Club is starting to get ready for season 2015/16. Our junior and senior


2508p046-47_SPORT_SEPT_2015.indd 46

Kai Sakakibara doing it Euro style. Photo: Teruhiro Chishima

quite go to plan, I was still in a positive mindset and happy that I had another event racing against the same top riders. There was some beautiful European summer weather leading up to the World Cup round, but the weekend of racing brought some of the strongest winds in World Cup history. Constant 30km/h winds with near 50km/h gusts hit the track, making the already technical track extremely difficult to safely manoeuvre. Airtime and safe racing were impossible in the terrible conditions. I adapted my riding to the wind, and got through the qualifiers on Saturday with a 31st place finish. Although my riding was on point, in the 1/8 finals I lacked the ability to get out in front at the start. I was unable to gain enough points to qualify for the quarter-finals. Although the results from the two events weren’t what I was hoping for, I was very pleased with my riding, and know that I am in the mix of the best Elite riders at the International level. I know where work needs to be done, and I will work hard to reach my goals at upcoming events. 2508 registrations are going online this season. People wishing to register just need to head to www.helensburghcc.nsw.cricket.com.au and click the Registration tab, then follow the prompts. More details can be found on our Facebook page. Save this date: our club’s 30-year anniversary dinner will be held on Saturday, October 24. There will be more details about this event to come. 2508


26/08/2015 7:08 am

2508 SPORT

touch footy

how to register

If you want to nominate as a player or a team, come to the rego day on Wednesday, September 30 from 5.30pm at the footy sheds, Rex Jackson Oval. Cost is $90 per player, which entitles you to free barbecues throughout the season, plus grand-final day benefits, food and drinks, plus game-day prizes and bragging rights. Any inquires call Andy on 0411 532 830.

Helensburgh Touch Football will hold a rego day for next season on September 30.

Andy McGregor reports

The Wednesday night comp will start on October 7. Games are played on a full-size field; nine players on the paddock and a kick is permitted on the last tackle. The comp concludes in late February 2016 where the four divisions play their grand final, followed by the games day. Last season’s grand final highlights included: Azan “Helensburgh’s Strongest Man” Turo taking an intercept pass off the Magpies player Jason “He paid his fees” Raper to race 90 metres to score the winning try for the Goat Bashers, making it two A Grade titles in a row. Steve ‘Buckets’ Scullion was ref. Era 8 was far too strong for the Porkers 3 in B Grade. Tas Gilmor was ref.

The C Grade GF was the longest, most exciting grand final in HTF history with scores locked 2-all at full time. To get a result, the game recommenced where the drop-off rule applies. After six drop-offs, leaving three players from each team on the paddock, the young guns’ Dane Francis went over for the match-winning try. Steve Markham – yes, the same Markham from the 1970s – was ref. D Grade: The Grubs won another grand final, defeating The Hammers 3-1. Grubs captaincoach Brouke McLachlan was instrumental in manipulating his team into D Grade just before the semis. The Hammers did well to make the G/F under Cranky Allistar. The very experienced Jim Forshaw was ref. Wooden Spoon was won by the PUB team under captain-coach Jason Tuggnet, a seasoned wooden-spooner. We don’t have a Facebook page, but you can Like us with your cash on rego night. 2508

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2508p046-47_SPORT_SEPT_2015.indd 47


26/08/2015 7:08 am

2508 SPORT

Tradies social golf John Towns takes top honours in the Tradies Helensburgh Social Golf Club’s second round. A cool morning with fast greens tested the players with the second round of the championships. 1st place went to John Towns with 65 points. He won the Parrino’s pizza prize. Jack Hardaker was second on 68; Bill Dodd was third on 69. There go the handicaps! Both players won vouchers from Helensburgh Butchery. Ken Sandridge had a good day with the longest drive on the 15th and an eagles nest on the 5th. Bob Scullion took the eagles nest on the 7th

and Jack an eagle on the 13th with a dozen golf balls. In the match play Jack defeated Dave 5 and 4 with Jack and Rod playing off in the finals. Gary Overton won the Helensburgh Driving Range Raffle prize. Thanks to Kevin at Helensburgh Butchery for supplying us with his world-famous sausages for our barbecue, the perfect end to a golf day. Our next tournament is on Saturday, September 19 at 7am. Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to allow Mick to prepare the cards and Match play draw. For more information, photos and comments, check out Tradies Helensburgh sports and social golf club. 2508

sunday social golf club New face Frank does well while Vicki ‘The Hair’ Little craves a holiday and the party crew goes wild over her rissoles. Time flies when you’re having so much fun playing golf. In August we had two games, which concludes our championships. We don’t know who takes it out yet, as our Prez is travelling the world. Lucky Tony, I’m sure we’ll hear about it when he gets back. Our August 2 game was well played by Kerry “Barbiemate” Gardner with a net 68. He cooks a great barbie! John Brunton took out second with a net 69. We haven’t seen Johnny for a few months; he’s been on hols as well. (Maybe that’s what I need to improve my golf – A HOLIDAY!) Frank Zuccala, a new face to our club, took out third with a net 70. That was the second round of our championships. The master chefs were in town for the third round on August 16:


2508p048-49_SPORT_GOLF_SEPT_2015.indd 48

Deb [sis] and myself whipped up rissoles and coleslaw for lunch. The boys were very complementary. Lucky for them! Deb took out 1st place! Well done, Sis! She had a net 67 and won a meat voucher. Frank was second, one up from third in last game. Frank ran second on a count-back with net 68, beating Johnny Brunton who came third, also with a net 68. From the confused golfer. What peeves a golfer off is having to repair a pitch mark on the green knowing it’s not yours and wishing it was! 2508


26/08/2015 7:08 am

2508 SPORT

sign up for SUMMER SPORTS Join in netball and junior soccer action over summer. Kristy Poole and Simon Fuhrer report. The netball comp has given local ladies the opportunity to play with friends and for newcomers to the area to make friends. Our next comp begins in September. Registration will be held from 7.30pm to 8.30pm on Tuesday, September 1 at the local netball courts. Cost is $40 for previously insured players in 2015; $80 for new players. It’s played on a Tuesday night and all teams and individual players are welcome. For more details email summernetball@ hotmail.com (attention to Kristy). n Back for its second season, this summer comp is expected to be bigger, better and


2508p048-49_SPORT_GOLF_SEPT_2015.indd 49

stronger than last year. Klete and Deborah Loveday, as well as ref co-ordinator Wayne Teal, have joined the team of Jeanne Parker and Simon Fuhrer. “We are hoping to expand this year and attract teams from the Northern Illawarra up to Heathcote and Engadine,” says Simon. “We are very happy with the spirit the game was played in season 1 and the response from the parents has been very positive. The competition starts on October 12 and runs until March 2016. Teams will be in U7, U9, U11, U 13 and U15 age groups. Games will be held on Mondays between 4.30pm and 6.30pm, right before the adult Summer 7 kicks off. Visit burghjuniorsummersoccer and email burghjuniorsummersoccer@gmail.com for more details. 2508


26/08/2015 7:08 am

1.19 and 0047Low 0. 0440 0301 1.20 1.13 and 0419 1.12 Heights of High 9 0541 24 OCTOBER 21 0835 6Times 6 053 1118 0.52 0.63 1022 0.50 0.629 0659 1. 0952 112

0110 1.12 1.16 0656 0.59 0.53 WE MO 1333 1.38 SU 1446 1.50SEPTEMBER 2140 0.47 Time Time m 2025 0.53

6 0221 0811


1745 1.54 1.42 1.57 1.44FR 1249 0. TH 1649 WE 1504 TU 1620 FR 173 1. 0.27 0.40 m 2314 0.44 Time 1900 m 235 Time 2331 m 2202

0.37 1.16 1.31 1.18 0. 0337 0027 0.35 0524 0432 0124 0.41 062 0406 0535 0.210413 0350 0.070220 1.09 1.13 10 0626 10 0735 25 16 0.60 1 0.61 16 0.59 7 0338 7 1100 22 7 122 1.25 1. 0.39 0951 1.46 1055 1.56 1024 1122 1.740950 1000 22 1.620802 09171 0.56

0.48 0. 1.67 1559 0.40 1722 0.35 1650 0.17 1603 0.19 TH 1207 FR 1745 SA 1333 WE 1.41 TH 1.41 FR 1.47 TU 1.49 MO 1554 WE 1722 SA 182 TU 1440 TH 1615 2204 1830 1.41 1.56 2257 1.452302 0.33 2323 1941 1.28 1. 2217 1.722135 0.48 2247 0.45

2508 TIDES

0.17 1.28 0.39 0005 0453 0019 0.320515 0.46 003 0436 0.150335 1.12 11 0103 26 11 0158 17 0507 8 04462 1.14 23 17 0408 8 0.342 0.43 23 8 0.

1.31 1.22 1.44 0.51 1. 1027 0704 1.46 0615 1115 0625 1.691102 1132 0810 1.54 070 1050 1.63WALES 0915 0.57 PORT KEMBLA 1021 – NEW0.56 SOUTH

1250 0.44 0.28 0.M 0.43 1750 0.25 1806 0.38 1700 0.25 1200 0.57 1720 PORT KEMBLA –1639 NEW WALES SA 1217 SU 1413 FR 2015 SA 1.53 TH SOUTH FR SU 131

1.51 TH 1.47FR WE TU29ʼ1654 LAT 34° LONG 150° WE 55ʼ 1548 2242 2311 2342 0.41 2238 0.38 Times and Heights of High and Low1.57 Waters OCTOBER NOVEMBER


0350 1000 TU 1603 2217

port kembla 18 12 9chart 3 27 24 18 12 9 3 24 tidal


1909 1.58 1.42 1.75 0.25 1.34 1815 2354 1837 1.312357

2017 190 1.

Local Time LAT 34° 29ʼ LONG 150° 55ʼ DECEMBER 0137 0.32 0. 0105 0.10 1.40 0442 0.43 0.43 0006 0229 1.22 011 0524 0.25 0541 1.19 0047 0.40 0440 1.20 Time m Time m and Time Time m Time m0611 Time m m Time Low m0544 m Times Heights of High and Waters 0739 1.35 1. 0712 1.55 0.40 1104 1.44 0659 1209 0028 1.61 0546 0843 0.51 073 1143 1.61 0.52 1022 1207 1.29 0337 0.35 0.41 0524 0.51 1.27 0406 0.2111180432 0038 1.26 0.50 0108 1.20 0.07 11249 16 0951 1.46 1 1024WE1.741745 16TH 1 0614OCTOBER 16 0600 1055 1.56 1151 1.62 0.49 16 0635 0.59 1.62 SEPTEMBER NOVEMBER 0.41 0. 1312 0.19 1724 0.47 1854 0.34 1214 1.51 1802 0.32 1.54 1649 1820 0.51 SA 1330 MO 1450 SU FR 1.57 SA1.56 SU 1.59 FRTU MO 135 TH SA0.50 0.35 1256 0.19 WE 1559 0.40 TH 1650 0.17 FR 1722 September SU 1239 1.65 MO 1839 0.32 WE 1223 1.67 1949 0.37 1.72 2204 1.41 2323 1.28 0.25 1.78 1855 2053 2257 1.45 1931 0.30 0.27 1945 1.58 1. 1928 2324 Time 1.26 1900 0.42 194 2331 1.44 1912 Time m m Time m Time m Time m Time m Time 0408 M 0.39 Time 0507 M0.46 Time M Time M 0453 0.32 0137 1.19 0044 1.20 0201 1.18 0122 1.27 0.15


0436 1050 1.63 WE 1700 0.25 2311 1.57


20337 17 11320.37 2 07070535 17 0656 1115 1.690.35 1.54 0406 0.58 17 0613 0432 0.55 0729 0.66 0.53 0208 0.31 0259 0150 0.06 0056 1.20 0056 0524 1.17 0007 1.41 0518 0.49 20.41 1.31 0124 0.37 0046 0027 0.21 0038 1.26 0.18 1344 1.45 TH 1315 1.59 FR 1750 0.25 SA 1806 0.38 MO 1331 1.54 TU 1239 1.58 0813 1.39 0915 0759 1.65 0739 2004 0.53 0631 1151 0.56 1146 1.42WE1.56 0614 1024 0.36 0626 1.25 1122 0735 1.36 0701 0951 2354 1.311.46 2030 0.38 0.39 1932 1055 0.34 2038 0.42 0.27 1.62 1.74 0614 0.49 1.53 1406 0.39 1527 1404 0.12 1408 1.53 1301 1.48 1815 0.51 1239 1.57 1207 0.48 1745 1333 0.45 0.19 0.17 1239 1.65 SU1722 TU1839 MO SA 1.67 SU1.18 MO 0.28 FR FR0240 SA 0.35 TU SU1.301305 0442 0.43 WE 1559 0544TH 0.430.40 0006 1.22 1.15 0140 1.19 0257 0220 0.25 TH 1650 FR SU MO TU 1603 3 18 3 18 3 18 3 0524 1209 1.611830 0546 0.51 0808 0.65 0709 0.59 0829 0.70 0800 0.56 1143 1.61 18 1104 1.44 2019TH1.28 1.56 1.76 1.63 2102 2018 0.41 1951 2129 0.44 1910 2257 0.40 1941 1.46 1915 2204 1.41 1.56 2323 2217 1.72 1.45 1931 1436 1.35 FR 1413 1.51 0.30 SA 1854 0.34 SU 1214 1.51 TU 1429 1.44 WE 1333 1.53 TH 1802 0.32 FR 1724 0.47 2

17 0.07 1027 1.46

0. 014 13 10 4 281 25 19 16 13 10 0.5 16 10 4 1 25 19 16 1. 081 1.6 0. 143

1 0350 1000

TH 1639 0.43 2242 1.34

2324 1.26

1855 0.42

2129 0.43

2030 0.34

2127 0.46

2059 0.29

0.3W 1. 202

0238 0.31 0235 0.07 0329 0012 1.18 0.46 0306 0321 1.13 0154 0044 1.13 0109 1.27 010300560.34 0019 0158 0.35 0134 0408 0.32 0137 1.19 0.13 0436 0.15 1.41 0518 0.49 0056 1.200.39 1.17 0453 0243 0507 1.20 1.35 1.15 0.17 0353 1.21 41027 19 06311.31 19 0912 4 1050 4 0345 1146 1.42 0739 0.531.46 0.56 1115 0815 1132 0.61 0.56 0915 0.68 19 0936 0.71 0.36 19 1.63 0845 1.42 0846 1.72 0946 0601 0.54 41.54 0843 0.60 0727 0613 0.61 0709 0.46 0704 0625 1.44 0810 1.42 0749 1.69 0707 0.58 1.66 1.57 SA 1815 0.51 SU 1408 1.53 MO 1301 1.48 WE 1531 1.37 TH 1435 1.48 FR 1535 1.28 SA 1518 1.43 1443 0.38 1459 0.10 1603 1235 1.39 1512 1.46 1358 1.45 1340 1.53 1250 0.44 1217 1413 0.41 1401 0.46 2215 0.40 2102FR 0.410.43 1951 0.44 2130 0.33 0.31 0.25 1331 1.54 0.25 TH 1639 SU 0.28 MO0.47 TU 0.18 SA MO1806 TU 2156 WE1239 SA2224 SU 0.38 MO WE FR 1750 SA MO TU WE 1700 1915 0.54 2017 2211 0422 0.44 2056 1932 0.44 2024 0.45 2053 1.53 2110 1.70 2205 190901541.58 1837 1.46 2009 2242 1.31 2030 0.38 1.64 1.57 0012 1.18 0306 1.131.34 1.13 2354 0109 2311 1.27 0445 1.19 1.75 0448 1.27 0347 1.26 1.43

0. 022 14 11 5 292 26 20 17 14 11 1.2 17 11 5 2 26 20 17 1. 084 0.5 0. 151

1.5 1. 210 0.3

1235 1.39 1637 1.25 SU 1629 1.37 MO 1512 1.46 TU 1358 1.45 TH 1634 1.33 FR 1544 1.46 0110 1.12 SA1.22 0301 0140 1.13 0221 1.16 0419 2252 1.12 0307 0.32 0320 0.12 0400 013720560.32 0229 0.34 0105 0220 0442 0.43 0240 1.15 0.12 0524SU 0.25 1915 0.54 2211 0.440.43 0.44 0544 2314 0.45 0.10 2303 0.47 2229 0006 0.30 0.32 0656 0.59 0835 0709 0.62 0811 0.53 0952 0522 0.63 0917 1.44 0935 1.75 1020 0739 1.35 0843 1.47 0712 1.55 0836 1104 0.51 0808 0.65 1.76 1.61 0110 1.12 0221 1143 1.16 0419 1.121.44 0301 1.13 1209 0538 1.61 1.25 0449 0546 1.36 0538 1.34 1.53 21SU 6 0811 61724 6 11291312 61.51 21 1142 1044 0.52 0.45 0656 0.59 0835 0.62 1854 0.53 21 0.32 0952 0.630.47 0.63 21 1148 0.63 1333 1.38 1504 1.44 1446 1.50 1620 1.42 1520 0.38 1553 0.12 1642 1330 0.41 1450 0.37 0.19 1456 0.11 0.34 1214 1429 1.44 1333 1802 TU WE TH MO WE TU SA MO TH SU TU FR SA SU TU WE TH 1736 1.23 MO 1738 1.34 SU 1446 1.50 MO 1333 1.38 TU 1620 1.42 WE 1504 1.44 FR 1732 1.32 SA 1653 1.46 2128 1.48 2202 1.58 2243 2140 0.47 2314 2346 0.44 2025 0.53 SU0.42 2202 2030 0.40 194522021.58 2053 1.45 1928 2101 2323 1855 0.26 0.32 2025 0.53 0.40 2140 0.47 2314 0.441.26 2359 0.43 1.78 2347 0.46 2324 2129 0.43 1.61

1.5 1. 214 0.3

70518 22 09500.31 7 12240150 22 1249 0.56 22 1.41 0802 0.60 1100 0.610.49 0.59 0056 0.57 22 1153 0056 0.43 1244 0.56 0.36 0338 1.13 0524 1.16 0220 1.09 71.17 0413 0243 1.18 0208 0259 0.34 0.06 0305 1.20 0007 0345 1.15 0.15 1.49 TU 1440 1.41 1830 1.24 TU 1844 1.33 WE 1722 1.41 TH 1615 1.47 SA 1822 1.33 SU 1757 1.48 0917 0.56 1100 0915 0.610924 0802 0631 0.60MO0.56 0950 0815 0.59 081323021.39 0915 1.52 0759 1146 1.42 0.53 1.65 0614 0.36 0.68 1.83 0.45 2135 0.48 0.33 0739 1554 1.49 1722 1.41 1440 1.41 1615 1.47 1406 0.39 1527 0.34 1404 1549 1.53 1.57 1531 1.37 MO WE0.44 TU 0.12 TH 0.08 TU 1.48 MO WE FR 0446 1.14 0335 1.12 SA 1815 0005SU 0.430.51 0515 1.28 0038 0.41 0029 0015 1301 0.23 0.32 SU 1408 MO TH 1435 FR 1239 WE 0039 8 1021 1910 8 0615 1.222019 23 11021.56 8 07012018 23 0711 0.56 23 0.40 1.41 23 0703 1.50 0638 1951 1.61 1.73 0915 0.57 0.51 2102 2247 0.45 2135 0.48 80.44 2302 2130 0.33 2129 1.43 1.76 2155 0.41 2224 0.46 1.54 TU 1654 1.51 WE 1548 1.47 TH 1200 0.57 FR 1720 1.53 SU 1311 0.50 MO 1256 0.32 TU 1331 0.48 WE 1349 0.27

1.4 222 0.3


0007 0614 FR 1239 1910


0709 0.46 SA 1340 1.53 2024 0.45

20 0601






20 0727


5 1025


20 0930


5 1045


20 1029


0. 025 15 12 6 303 27 21 18 15 12 1.1 18 12 6 3 27 21 18 1. 091 0.5 0. 154


0338 0917 MO 1554 2247

5 0843

0220 1.09

0524 1.16

0413 1.18

0622 1.33

0545 1.48

0622 1.42

0618 1.63

032 19 13 7 4 28 22 19 13 7 4 28 22 19 13 1.2 095 0.6 162

2342 0.41

2238 0.38

1815 1.42

2357 0.25

1907 1.34

1857 1.48

1917 1.25

1943 1.33

0446 1.14 0335 1.12 1.13 0005 0130 0.43 0515 0347 1.28 1.2 0238 0.31 0235 0.07 0329 0.35 0351 0.21 040 0012 1.13 0109 1.27 0445 0047 0.401.18 0611 1.40 0306 0.39 0107 0.43 0440 1.20 0103 0154 0.22 0.32 1.19 9 070924 0.46 90601 24 12071.42 9 0114 24 0801 1022 0.50 0.40 0843 0728 1.73 1.81 0659 1.290.54 0738 1.48 24 0741 1.57 ° 0727 Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 1021 0.56 0915 0.57 90.61 0615 1.22 1102 0.51 0.5 0845 0846 1.72 0946 1.55 1012 103 0.60 1025 0.68 1.85 0930 1649 1.57 1820 1.59 1354 0.22 1443 0.20 1249 0.51 1353 0.43 1414 0.40 FR MO WE TH SA TU TH 1654 1.51 1548 1.47 1200 0.57 1720 1.53 1443 1459 1603 0.33 170 1.46 1358 1.45 1634 1.33 1544 2331 0.27 SU 1235 1953 1.48 1900 1.441.39 1.35 2000 TU 0.38 WE 0.10 TH1.26 FR 0.09 MO TU1948 WE of TH1.33 SA 1.4 MO 1512 TU SA 1340 1.53 TH 2037 FRAstonom Datum Predictions is1644 Lowest 2342 0.41 2238 0.38 0.44 1815 0218 1.42 2357 2229 0.25 0.3 205300461.53 2110 2205 1.39 2248 230 1915 0.44 0.45 2314 0.45 1.45 0027 2024 0.37 0535 1.31 0124 0.370.54 0.18 2211 0147 0.38 1.70 0151 2056 0145 0.42 0.33 LAT 34° 29ʼ 0.22 LONG 150° 55ʼ

8 5 29 23 20 14 8 5 29 23 20 14 20 14 PORT KEMBLA – NEW SOUTH WALES


0541 1.19 1118 0.52 WE 1745 1.54

10 0626

1.25 TH 1207 0.48 1830 1.56

25 1122


10 0735


25 0701


10 0812


25 0816 25 0849 1.82 10 0817in1.64 1.86 Times are local standard time (UTC +1

1745 1.67 SA 1333 0.45 SU 1305 0.28 TU 1432 0.38 WE 1448 0.14 TH 1453 0.34 FR 1532 0.16 0541 1.19 0440 1.20 0047Low 0.40 0611 0449 030719150.32 0320 0.12 0400 0.38 0437 044 0110 1.13 0221FR 1.16 0419 1.12 0538 1.25 0.29 1.3 Times and ofPhase High and Waters 1941 1.461.12 1.63 2027 1.35 Heights 2048 0301 1.45 2043 1.27 2129 1.33 New1.40 Moon Moon Symbols 1118 0.52 1022 0.50 0.62 0659 0305 1.29 1207 1044 0.40 0.5 091701341.44 0935 1020 1.56 1100 110 0656 0.53 0.63 1129 0.63 1.82 0103 0811 0.34 0019 0.17 0158 0.350.59 0.13 0952 0220 0.38 1.75 0239 0835 0.25 0221 0.42 0.36 11 0704 26WE 26 0935 OCTOBER 1.31 26 1.50 1.421.38 0845 1.60 0854 0625 SEPTEMBER 1.44 111333 0749 1.66 1620 0905 1504 1.87 1745 1.54 1649 1.57 1249 0.51 1820 1.59 1520 0.38 1553 0.12 1642 0.34 0.14 175M 1.44 1.42 1732 1.32 TH26 FR1.70 SANOVEMBER TU WE TH11 FR1.861738 SU 1.4 MOSU 0810 WE SU 1446 TU 11 FR SA 1653 1413 0.41 MO 1401 0.18 FR 1250 0.44 SA 1217 0.28 WE 1510 0.33 TH 1542 0.11 FR 1531 0.28 SA 1619 0.15 2331 0.27 0.40 1900 1.44 2128 2202 2243 1.34 2343 235 0.47 0.44 2359 0.43 1909 2140 1.58 2017 1.460.53 2105 1.34 1.58 2124 1.28 1.31 1837 1.64 2314 2141 1.41 Time m 2216 Tim Time20091.48 m Time m 2202 Time 1.35 m 2323 0.2 Time1.75 m 2025

21 15 9 6 30 24 21 15 9 6 30 24 21 15


12 0137 0739

0.32 1.35 SA 1330 0.41 1945 1.58

0105 0712 SU 1312 1928

0.10 1.55 0.19 1.78

SU 1406 0.39 2019 1.56

MO 1404 0.12 2018 1.76

0229 0843 MO 1450 2053

0.34 1.47 0.37 1.45

0220 0836 TU 1456 2101

0.12 1.76 0.11 1.61

0253 0918 TH 1548 2145

0.39 1.64 0.30 1.32

0326 0952 FR 1632 2233

0.30 1.89 0.11 1.36

0300 0931 SA 1612 2206

0.42 1.74 0.24 1.28

0351 1019 SU 1703 2302

0.39 1.83 0.18 1.29

27 1.13 120220 1.09 27 0.35 12 27 0622 0432 0.41 052 0337 040627 0.210413 0038 0.39 1.260545 0350 0.07 0027 0524 0.37 1.16 0124 0.370525 0535 1.31121.18 0046 0.18 1.4 1.33 16 0.60 1 0.61 16 0.59 11149 16 0.4 10 10 1 25 25 31 7 0338 7 22 7 22 1055 1.56 115 0951 1.46 1024 1.740950 0614 0.491153 1000 22 1.620802 0626 1.25 0735 1.36 1122 0.39 0701 1.53 1.75 09171 0.56 1100 1224 0.57 1559 0.40 0.17 1.67 1722 0.35 1239 0.22 1.65 0.28 183 1603 0.19 1207 0.48 1650 1745 1333 0.451834 1305 1554 TU 1.49

1440 WE 1.41TH

1722 TH 1.41 FR

1615 FR 1.47SA

1822 SU 1.33 SU

1757 MO 1.4 1.63

SA0.44 WE TH SU 0208 0.31 0150 0.06 TU 0259 0.34 0.15 0327 0.41 0412 0.37 0340 0.42 SA 0435 13 MO 132135 28 11011.46 28 0305 0813 2247 1.39 28 0.45 0915 1.520.48 0759 09241.41 1.83 13 0953 2257 1.66 281.45 1039 2302 1.85 13 1011 1.76 1.76 1931 1915 2323 1.28 2204 0.30 22171.65 1.72 1830 1.56 1941 0.33 TU 1527 0.34 2129 1.43

WE 1549 0.08 2155 1.54

FR 1627 0.29 2225 1.29

SA 1723 0.15 2325 1.30

SU 1653 0.22 2251 1.28

MO 1745 0.23 2347 1.27

040803510.39 0453 0019 0.32 0507 0.46 0137 0134 1.190015 004 0436 0.150335 0103 0.34 0158 0519 0.35 0.17 1.28 0.13 0.2 0446 1.14 1.12 0005 0.43 0515 0038 0.41 0.50 0.31 0235 0.07 0329 0.35 0.21 0402 0.43 0459 0.44 0423 0.44 14 1021 140915 29 10121.46 14 140.51 29 Copyright of Australia 2014, Bureau of Meteorol 1027 1115 1.69 1132 1.54 0707 0749 0.58 061 10501.72 1.63 1142 1.67 1.42 29 0.56 0846 0946° 1.55 1.85 Commonwealth 1030 1.22 1.67 29 1125 1102 1.78 1052 1.76 0704 1.31 0810 1.42 0625 1.44 1.66 1.6 0.57 0615 0701 1.41 0638 0.38 TU 1459 0.10 0.09 0.29 SU 1813 0.21 1736 0.22 TU 1825 0.29 WE 1603 0.331639 TH 16440.43 SA 1708 1750 MO 0.25 1806 0.38 1331 1.54 123 17001.70 WE 0.25 1250 0.44 1413 0.41 1217 0.28 1401 0.18 1548 1.47 1200 0.57 1720 1.53 1311 0.50 1256 0.3 FR SA MO TU FR SU W SA MO 1.53WE 1.51 2110 2205TH 1.39 2248 1.45 2307 1.26 2337 1.27 TU 1654 TH FR SU MO Datum of Predictions is 1837 Lowest Astonomical Tide 2242 1.34 2354 1.31 2030 0.38 1.64 1.4 193 2311 1.572238 1.58 2017 0031 1.46 1.75 0.25 0.41 1907 1.24 1.34 2009 1857 0307 2342 0.32 0320 0.12 0400 0.380.38 04371909 0.29 1815 0442 1.42 0.47 0016 2357 1.25 0510 0.46

23 17 11 8 2 26 23 17 11 8 2 26 23 17 1

8 2

0238 0845 MO 1443 2053

15 0917

1.44 TU 1520 0.38 2128 1.48

30 0935


Times Heights of 30and 15 1020Times 15 1109standard 0603 0.56 1.56 30 1100 1.66 30 0546 time 0.52 15 1136 1.73 are1.82 in local (UTC +10:00) or daylight savings

1.57 1553 0.14 0.30 MO0.43 1210 1.68 1822 0.23 WE TH 1642 0.340442 FR 17380.43 SU 1751 0544 high and1221 low waters 0006 1.22 0240 1.150103 014 05240.12 0.25 0.32 0105 0.10 TU1.40 0229 0.34 0.12 0.2 0541WE 1.19 0114 0440 1904 0.36 0.39 0220 2202 1.58 2243Moon 1.341.20Phase 23430137 1.35 0047 2353 0.40 1.23 1901 0611 0.29 New0.40 Moon First Quarter Symbols 0 110405251.44 1209 1.61 0546 0.51 0808 0836 0.650728 070 1143 1.611022 0739 1.35 0712 1.55 0843 1.47 1.76 1.7 1118 0.52 0659 1.29 0738 0.50 1207 0115 1.23 1.48 0.39 lat 34 29’ 31 0649 31SA 1724 1854 0.34 1214 1429 1.44 133 1802 0.32 11490.47 1.75 1330 0.41 0.19 1450 0.37 0.11 1249 1353 1820 1354 FR 1.57 SA 0.51 SU 1.59 TU WE 0.2 TH 1.54 00.62 0.43 SU 1312 MO 1.51 TU 1456 WE 1745 FR MO TH 1649 SA TU long 150 55’ 1301 1.46 1834 0.22 TH SA 2324 1.26 2129 2101 0.431953 203 1945 1900 1.58 1.44 1928 1.78 1855 0.42 2053 1.45 1.61 1.4 1948 2331 0.27 1944 0.41 1.35

9 3

24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 12 9 3 27 24 18 1

0518 0.49 0056 0150 1.200046 0056 1.17 0007 1.41 0208 0.31 0.37 0.06 0.18 0259 0147 0.34 ° Copyright Commonwealth of Australia Bureau of Meteorology 0027 0.37 0535 2014, 1.31 0124 Datum of0626 Predictions is Lowest Tide 1.42 1146 0739 0759 0.530701 0631 0.56 0614 0.36Astonomical 0813 0735 1.39 1.36 1.65 1.53 0915 0812 1.52 1.25 1122 0.39 Times are in FR local0.48 standard1.57 time (UTC +10:00) or daylight savings (UTC1404 +11:00) when effect 1.48 1815 0.51 1408 1.53 1301 1239 1406 0.39 0.12 0.34 1207 1745 1.67 1333 0.45 1432 1305 SA SUtime MOin0.28 WE SU MO TU 1527 TH FR SA TU SU Full Moon Moon Phase Symbols New Moon First Quarter Last Quarter 0.41 1910 0.40 2019 1.56 2102 2018 1.76 1951 0.44 2129 1.43

10 4

1830 1.56

024 0345 0305 1.150151 0.15 0.2 19 1.8 28 1 25 19 13 10 4 28 25 19 13 10 4 0.38 25 081 0915 0.680816 0924 1.83 1.54 1531 1549 1.37 0.08 143 1941 1.46

1915 1.63

0.38 TH 0.1 WE WE 1448 213 2224 2155 0.462048 1.54 1.4 2027 1.35

The Bureau of Meteorology gives no warranty of any kind whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise in respect to the availability, accuracy, currency, completeness, quality or reliability of the information or that the information will be fit for any particular purpose or will not infringe any third party Intellectual Property rights. The Bureau’s liability for any loss, damage, cost or expense resulting from use of, or reliance on, the information is entirely excluded.

0012 1.18 0306 0235 1.130134 0154 1.13 0109 1.270019 0.17 0445 0351 1.190239 034 0238 0158 0.31 0.35 0.07 0.13 0329 0220 0.35 0.38 0.21 0.2 0.34 20 1.44 5 1.42 20 1.66 5 1.60 20 1.8 14 29 14 29 1 11 0103 11 26 11 26 0601 0.54 0843 0.600749 0727 0.61 0709 26 0.460625 1025 0.680905 093 0845 1.42 0846 1.72 0946 1.55 1012 1.85 07045 1.31 0810 0845 1235 1.39 1.46 0.10 1358 1.45 1340 1.53 1.33 0.09 154 1443 0.38 1512 1459 1603 0.33 1634 1644

0.41 SU 0.28 MO50 TU 0.18 SA 0.44 SA 1217 TH 0.33 FR 0.1 MO 2508 TU MO 1401 WE WE 1510 TH TH 1542 FR 1250 SU 1413 1915 0.54 2211 2110 0.442009 2056 0.44 2024 0.451837 1.75 2314 2248 0.452141 222 2053 2017 1.53 1.46 1.70 1.64 2205 2105 1.39 1.34 1.45 1.4 1909 1.58

0110 1.12 0301 1.13 0221 1.160105 0.10 0419 0320 1.120220 0538 0437 1.250326 044 0307 0229 0.32 0.34 0.12 0.12 0400 0253 0.38 0.39 0.29 0.3 0.32 21 1.55 21 1.76 6 1.47 6 1.64 21 1.8 15 30 15 30 1 12 0137 12 12 27 27 0656 0.59 0835 0.62 0811 27 0.530712 0952 0.630836 1129 0.630952 104 0917 1.44 0935 1.75 1020 1.56 1100 1.82 07396 1.35 0843 0918 1333 1.38 1446 1.50 1.42 0.12 1504 1.44 1.32 0.14 165 1520 0.38 1620 1553 1642 0.34 1732 1738

2508p050_TIDAL CHART_SEPT_2015.indd 50

26/08/2015 7:30 am

MO 0.19TU MO 1450 WE 0.11TH TH 1548 SU 0.41 SU 1312 TU 0.37 FR 0.30 SA 0.1 WE TU 1456 FR FR 1632 SA 1330 2025 0.53 2202 0.40 2140 0.471928 1.78 2314 2202 0.442101 2359 2343 0.432233 232 2128 2053 1.48 1.45 1.58 1.61 2243 2145 1.34 1.32 1.35 1.3 1945 1.58

2508 SPORT

hopes on tigers

The Helensburgh RLFC is looking to cap off a massive season with a premiership. Club president David Bell reports. Helensburgh Tigers were due to face Wests in the major semi-final at WIN Stadium on August 30 as this issue went to press. It has been a big year for the Tigers and all teams are looking strong heading into the finals. With first grade taking the minor premiership four weeks out from season’s end, the feeling is that the boys will be in a strong position to bring home the trophy. Reserve grade and the under 19s are both a real threat. The main aim now is to have all three grades play on Sunday, September 13 at WIN Stadium in front of our much-feared supporter base. Both the women’s teams are looking strong in the Illawarra and Sydney comps and we hope they continue their great form.

coal league finals Final – September 6 – TBC Grand Final – September 13 – TBC

Our club could not be in this position without the support of major sponsors Peabody, Helensburgh Premium Liquor, Westside Petroleum, Helensburgh Tradies, Tri Clark Brothers, Blackwell Bros Building and Landscape Supplies, Menai Civil, News Cars, Helensburgh Physiotherapy, Shore Contracting, Sydney and Southern Tree services and Al’s Gourmet Meats, as well as all other valued sponsors. We are currently selling Gold Memberships for season 2016 at $50. Next year gold memberships will be $60 due to increased costs, so don’t miss the opportunity to become a member of this great club at a discount rate. 2508

register for coalcliff nippers Coalcliff’s first Nippers of the season will be on Sunday, October 4, at 9.30am. Register online at coalcliffslsc.com.au/ “Renew Membership”, or attend a registration day. These will be 9-11am on September 5 and 12, outside Helensburgh’s Essential Surf and Skate, and 9-11am on September 6 and 13 in the Coalcliff SLS Club House. Nipper point-scores are held on a fortnightly basis on Sunday mornings from 9.30am. Renewal Fees: Active 18+ Membership $45/ Family $145/Junior $75/Associate $50. 2508


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26/08/2015 7:39 am

2508 SPORT

#unite forkurt

dam run

On Sunday, August 23, 170 people ran the Woronora Dam Pipeline Trail Run to raise money for injured league player Kurt Drysdale. About $2500 was raised. – Mel Whiteside


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26/08/2015 7:05 am

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