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Jump on the solar train
from February 2023
By Kristen McDonald
While Electrify 2515 and Rewiring Australia are heads down applying for funding for a communitywide electrification pilot (hopefully we’ll receive an update in the next month or so), there are some things we can get started with now.
First up is increasing the amount of solar in the community.
Australia’s rooftop solar is the cheapest form of energy in the world. A few reasons make this so: Australia has an abundance of sun, lots of rooftop space and because our government supports this technology with a massive federal subsidy program – making it the cheapest retail electricity in human history.
As a result, Australia is way ahead of countries like America in terms of the economics stacking up for households to invest in this home energy system. There’s no better time than now to invest in solar!
Due to the existing financial incentives offered under the government’s Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme, installing solar panels on our roofs wouldn’t be further subsidised in the Electrify 2515 pilot (assuming we are successful in receiving any funding) and so we want to get started on encouraging households to jump on the solar train – whether it’s a new system or an expanded system and maximise our community’s solar generation. Another beauty of the solar revolution is the more solar there is in the grid, the cheaper energy becomes for the whole community.
We’re hoping to organise a bulk buy/install of solar shortly – to try to bring down the cost even further for households and businesses, to find trusted suppliers and to support local industry. If you are keen to take part in the community bulk buy, either as a supplier or buyer, please contact us at electrify2515@gmail.com