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Scouts prepare for big year
from February 2023
By Naomi Burley
All sections at 1st Helensburgh Scouts Group are very excited to come back to meetings in 2023 with two big events ahead – the NSW Cuboree in October and the New Zealand Jamboree in January 2024.
There will be a lot of work to do ahead of both events, with Scouts and Venturers required to achieve certain levels in badgework and Cubs to do other preparation activities. Both sections will also need to raise funds to help cover the costs involved.
All sections have been planning for 2024. Scouts have almost filled their calendar, including a number of hiking camps and a snow trip in July. Cubs will also have camps and outdoor activities.
Joeys and Cubs will have a program themed this year around our local environment and its unique flora and fauna, creative challenges that are new to all participants and learning about codes and early technology communication systems.
We will definitely have opportunities for Joeys to enrol in the new year and some gaps in both Cubs and Scouts, as some of our older Cubs move up, so please reach out to our Group Leader if you are interested in your child trying Scouts in any age group. Joeys runs Thursdays 5-6pm, Cubs is 6.30-8pm and Scouts are Fridays 7-8.45 pm.
We are also on the look-out for leaders – so if you have an interest in the outdoors, the environment, craft and art or passing on your unique skills, please also let us know by emailing Bruce at: bruce.crawley@nsw.scouts.com.au. Don’t worry – you won’t be asked to take over the whole group, but our Joeys, Cubs and Scouts are keen to learn new things and we are always interested in growing our brains trust!