ACP 237 (11th Edition)
APPENDIX 2 TO ANNEX E TO ACP 237 CHAP 4 ADVENTUROUS TRAINING PARENTAL/GUARDIAN CONSENT FORM - ASTHMATICS CADET’S FULL NAME ________________________________________________________________ SQUADRON _________________________________________________________________________ I wish my son/daughter/ward, who suffers from asthma (Note 1), to participate in ________________________ (Note 2) as part of the adventurous training activities organised by the Air Training Corps for the period __________________ to _______________. I am aware of the arduous conditions of this activity and have considered the risk assessment. Date ______________________
Signature ____________________________ Name _______________________________
Note 1: Lower risk for adventurous training (AT) 1. Those asthmatics who have never required hospital or emergency treatment for their asthma, and who have: a.
Never needed oral steroids (tablets) or nebulised bronchodilators.
b. Not required preventative treatment with inhaled steroids or cromoglycate within the previous 2 years. c. Required no more than 8 doses of a bronchodilator (inhaler) a month (except as pre-dosing before sport). 2. The applicant should be able to run one mile without stopping or dosing with bronchodilator and the pre-bronchodilator Peak Expiratory Flow Rate should be within 15% of the medically predicted rate. Higher risk for AT constitute those whose asthma falls outside the definition of lower risk, above. Note 2: Enter type of activity ie: Rock Climbing, Mountaineering and Mountain Walking Top Roping and Abseiling Canoeing Snow Skiing Caving Gliding Offshore Sailing