2524 (Oakington) Sqn ATC Cadet Centre, Magdalene Close, Longstanton, Cambs CB24 3EG Email: 2524@aircadets.org Tel: 01954 781180
Squadron Newsletter – May 2010 Welcome Hello and welcome to the May 2010 Squadron Newsletter. It has been some time since our last newsletter, mainly due to other activities taking priority. Hopefully we will now be able to produce a monthly update to keep you informed about what the cadets have been up to and what’s going on at the Squadron. Temporary change in command st
With effect from the 1 of April, Flight Lieutenant Andy Smith has taken some leave from the Squadron while he and his wife have their first child. I’m sure you’ll join me in sending your best wishes. Andy will be back the Squadron from the beginning of 2011. In the interim I will be commanding the Squadron, and I hope that during this time we continue to build on the good work of the last few years and to see more successes in every area. If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me by email (oc.2524@aircadets.org) or by telephone (07748 415931). Introducing the Staff Team Many of you will have visited the Squadron at some point and may have seen various members of staff walking around without knowing what their roles are. So each month we’ll feature a member of staff so that you get to know how we became involved in the ATC and what we do on the Squadron. I’ve started with myself as it was the easiest to research! Flying Officer David Williams th
I joined the 1315 (Kidlington) Squadron (which is just outside Oxford) in 1996, just before my 14 birthday, having previously been a Sea Scout. Having reached the rank of Cadet Warrant Officer, I remained in the Corps until my nd 22 birthday, managing to take in camps all around the country as well as in Germany and at the International Ait nd Tattoo at Fairford. I also had the chance to represent the Corps at the Royal Tournament. On my 22 birthday I became a Civilian Instructor. After moving to Cambridge in 2005, I transferred to Oakington Squadron where I have been ever since. I was commissioned in 2006 and promoted to Flying Officer in 2008.
As Officer In Command, my job is to ensure the Squadron runs smoothly, that all the staff know what needs to be done and have the support to complete their roles, and to deal with any other unforeseen issues that may arise. I am also the Squadron Radio Officer and Media and Communications Officer (every member of staff wears more than one hat!). While studying Aeronautical Engineering at university, I was lucky to be selected for a placement year at Marshall Aerospace, which ultimately led to a job upon graduation. I now work in the Airworthiness Support Group as a Structural Design Engineer dealing primarily with the RAF fleets of Hercules and Tristar. I put most of my successes down to the skills I learnt in the ATC. Put simply, the ATC got me where I am today! Easter Camp th
On Saturday 10 April, 8 cadets and 3 members of staff from the Squadron presented themselves at Cambridge Services ready to journey to North Yorkshire for a week of fieldcraft training and outdoor activities
Tel: (01954) 781180 Email :2524@aircadets.org www.2524atc.co.uk
in the form of the Wing’s annual Easter Camp. This year saw the Wing return to Wathgill Camp which is just outside Catterick Garrison. The camp has excellent accommodation and is ideally placed for many activities, including being in the middle of the Catterick Training Area which offers the cadets a tough challenge on the fieldcraft exercise. With around 280 cadets split into 12 flights, the camp is one of the biggest events on the Wing calendar The week centres around a 24 hour exercise where the cadets go out onto the exercise area and build bivvies to sleep in and live on 24 hour ration packs. In order to prepare them for this they go through a day of intense training in all the skills they will need including bivvy building, cooking and hygiene in the field, camouflage and concealment, and movement in the field. The also complete radio communications training before undergoing a through kit check to ensure they have all the kit they need. This year the exercise centred around a plot to steal nuclear material from a country called Zetchyna. The exercises included first aid exercises, rescuing kidnapped scientists, recovering data discs from crashed aircraft, raising light masts and wiring up a runway lighting system. Each of these tasks or “injects” was provided to the cadets over the radio, and then the Flight Commanders (all cadet Flight Sergeants) had to organise their flights to complete them. This system means that the exercise provides a challenges to cadets at all levels.
As well as the exercise, cadets had the chance to go climbing and abseiling, and complete leadership exercises and orienteering courses. The ATC has just started using a new rifle for cadet shooting, so the camp was used to train as many cadets as possible to allow them to use it. The cadets also had a chance to use the Dismounted Close Combat Trainer (DCCT) which is a digital range where the cadets shoot specially modified rifles at a projected image instead of using real ammunition. Finally, the cadets also had a chance to complete a first aid qualification in the form of HeartStart which is an initiative backed by the British Heart Foundation. The weather was very kind to us, with only a few days of light drizzle (well it is Yorkshire), but also several days of glorious sunshine. At the end of the week we loaded up the buses and returned up, thoroughly exhausted but having had a great time. th
Eastern Sector Field Day – Sunday 25 April 2010 th
On Sunday 25 April, 8 cadets joined others from around the Eastern Sector to take part in the fourth annual Field Day. The day comprised of 12 exercises which challenged their leadership and teamwork skills, as well as including a drill competition and air rifle range. The team, consisting of Corporal Aaron Smith and Cadets Nigel Mpakati, Connor Morris, Matt Bradley, Toby Wilding, Justin Hall and Steven Sheath, performed well in the exercises, doing particularly well in the Aircraft Recognition. The Squadron has been particularly poor in this area in the past, but thanks to regular training sessions from Civilian Welfare Committee member Neil Sheath this looks to be changing. When the scores were added up at the end of the day the cadets had come fourth out of six, but were very close behind Cambridge Squadron. With a very young team taking part, this bodes well for the upcoming Wing Field Weekend. Tesco School Vouchers Those of you who shop at Tesco may be aware that they are once again running their vouchers for schools promotion. We have registered the Squadron with the scheme, so if you have any vouchers that you would like to give to the Squadron could you please drop them into the main office where we have set up a box. Hopefully we will collect enough o buy some equipment for the cadets to use.
Tel: (01954) 781180 Email :2524@aircadets.org www.2524atc.co.uk
New Squadron Crest th
Last year the Squadron celebrated it’s 35 Anniversary. As part of the commemorations we have decide to produce a new Squadron crest. The current crest incorporates a seagull, which was on the crest of No. 5 Flight Training School who were the major unit at RAF Oakington when the Squadron was formed. In keeping with the tradition of links with RAF Oakington, the new crest incorporates two elements from Squadrons who served at RAF Oakington during the Second World War. The centre of the crest features a falcon carrying a flaming branch. This comes from the crest of No. 627 Squadron who were part of the Pathfinder Force and flew Mosquito bombers and were formed at RAF Oakington in 1943. The motto “Per Diem, Per Noctem” (By Day, By Night) is the motto of No. 7 Squadron who were another part of the Pathfinder Force and flew Stirling and Lancaster bombers form the airfield from 1940. The Squadron is still operational and flies Chinooks from RAF Odiham. The Squadron has a long history with No. 7 Squadron and the cadets attend a church parade each year at All Saints Church in the village to join members of the 7 Squadron Association in remembering those who died during the war.
We hope to have new Squadron T-Shirts available for Wing Field Weekend, costing approximately £15. Royal Aeronautical Society Lecture The Squadron has been privileged to be asked to give a lecture to the Cambridge Branch of the Royal Aeronautical Society on the Corps. The talk will be given by some of the cadets and by the Wing Commander. It is th taking place at the Engineering Labs at Cambridge University on Thursday 13 of May at 7.00pm. If you would like to attend please contact the Squadron for directions and more details. Congratulations Please join me on congratulating the following cadets on their achievements: Cadet Warrant Officer Sophie Ellingham – Representing the Corps at Netball and Region at Hockey Adam Tibbles and James Wayman – on their promotion to the rank of Cadet Sergeant Matthew Bradley – on his promotion to Cadet Corporal Chris Haydock – on achieving his Leading Cadet classification Victoria Redwood – on achieving her Senior Cadet classification
Tel: (01954) 781180 Email :2524@aircadets.org www.2524atc.co.uk
Upcoming Events Date/s th Sunday 9 May
Event Wing Athletics
Description th Sunday 9 of May sees the annual Wing Athletics competition, which this year is being held at the University Athletics ground in Cambridge. The cadets compete in age groups against their peers from across the Wing. Even those who are not particularly athletic are encouraged to take part, as every participant who takes part in an event earns points for the Squadron in the overall competition.
Wing Shoot
Long range shooting day with squadrons from around the Wing
Cadet 150 Parade - Ely
The Squadron will be joining others from the Sector and Army and Sea Cadets to parade through Ely in celebration of 150 years of the cadet forces. Details are still being finalised but it is likely that the event will include a service in Ely cathedral.
Wing Field Weekend
Wing Field Weekend takes place annually and this year is being held at RAF Wyton. Teams of 12 cadets from each Squadron around the Wing take part in leadership activities with the aim of being crowned Wing Field Weekend Champions. The weekend also includes the annual Wing Parade, which will th be held in the morning on Sunday the 13 June. Parents are welcome to attend the parade, but please contact the Squadron before the event as we will need to pass your details to the Guardroom at Wyton so they will let you in! The parade is an impressive sight with over 300 cadets parading.
Donarbon Open Day
Sunday 15 May th
Sunday 6 June
12 - 13
Saturday 19 June
10 – 17 July
Sunday 18 July th 28 August – th 4 September
Donarbon are the company which deals with Cambridge’s waste and recycling. Every year they hold an open day at their plant on the A10 near Waterbeach to allow the public to see how the new recycling plant works. The Squadron will be helping with marshalling and car parking, for which Donarbon give a generous donation to Squadron funds. Summer Camp – RAF LintonCadets will be staying at RAF Linton-On-Ouse, the station which is responsible for the intermediate training of all RAF and On-Ouse Royal Navy fast jet pilots. The cadets will have a chance to visit the different sections on the station, including the air traffic control tower, fire section and aircraft maintenance units. They will also have a chance to take part in a night exercise on the airfield, complete some adventure training in the surrounding countryside and visit museums and attractions in and around York. Gliding Air Experience Gliding at RAF Henlow. Adventure Training Camp – This camp is the annual Wing visit to the Corps’ Adventure Training Centre at Llanbedr in North Wales. The cadets will Llanbedr, North Wales have a chance to take part in activities such as hill walking, climbing, kayaking, gorge walking and mountain biking.
Tel: (01954) 781180 Email :2524@aircadets.org www.2524atc.co.uk