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Left to right: Angela McCann, Solicitor, Michelle Linnane, Solicitor, Susan Martin, Solicitor, Judge John O’Hagan (Retired), Brian Sugrue, BL & Killian O’Reilly DSBA Litigation Seminar The DSBA’s Litigation Committee hosted a seminar on the 1st June 2022 entitled “Litigation and Commercial Leases.” The speakers were Angela McCann, McCann Morrissey Clarke, Michelle Linnane, Consultant, Susan Martin, Martin Solicitors and Brian Sugrue BL. The Seminar was chaired by retired Judge, John O’Hagan.


Left: Mel Ferguson, Sheehan & Co, Eoghan Flynn, Sheehan & Co and Kevin Kennedy, Miley & Miley Far left: Eugene O’Connor, Rolleston McElwee Solicitors and Peter Hennessy, Byrne Wallace LLP

Right: James O’Mahony, Shannon & O’Connor Solicitors, Redmond Arigho, L K Shields and Killian O’Brien, Bowler Geraghty & Co Far right: Speakers Angela McCann and Michelle Linnane

Left: Aideen Dennehy, Smith Foy & Partners, Martin Ceillier, M & B Ceillier and Deirdre Walsh, Chief State Solicitor’s Office Far left: Susan Martin, Speaker and Eva Mackin, Transport Infrastructure Ireland

DSBA Probate Seminar The DSBA Probate Committee hosted a seminar on the 6th July 2022 entitled “Probate Litigation”. The speakers at the Seminar included Declan Whittle BL, Anne Marie Maher BL and Susan Martin, Martin Solicitors. The Seminar was chaired by Ms Justice Nuala Butler of the High Court. Left to right: Speakers (L to R): Declan Whittle BL, Anne Marie Maher BL, Ms Justice Nuala Butler, Susan Martin and Caitriona Gahan, Lavelle Partners

Left: Philip O’Riada, O’Riada & Co. Solicitors, Kevin O’Higgins, Kevin O’Higgins Solicitors, Kay Cogan, Cogan Daly & Co and Martin Moran, Martin Moran & Co Far left: Deirdre Smith, Office of the General Solicitor for Minors and Wards of Court and Anne Cunningham, O’Doherty Warren

Right: William Crowe, M M Halley & Son, Monika O’Doherty, M M Halley & Son and Mary Kilcullen, KIlcullen & Associates Far right: Darach Connolly, M E Hanahoe Solicitors, Beverly Turner, Taylor & Buchalter and Brian Devaney, Devaney & Partners

Left: Eamonn Carney, Carney McCarthy and Harry Mooney, Harry Mooney & Co Far left: Caitriona Gahan, Lavelle Partners and Avril Scally, Lavelle Partners

Left to right: Speakers (L to R): Jim Ryan, Anti Money Laundering Advices, Laura Fannin, Advices on GDPR for Solicitors’ Practices, Niall Cawley, Proposals on Amendments to the Solicitors Accounts Regulations and Joan Doran, Chairperson DSBA Practice Management Seminar The DSBA’s Practice Management Committee hosted a seminar on the 21st July 2022. The speakers were Jim Ryan, Investigating Accountant Law Society; Laura Fannin, Hayes Solicitors LLP and Niall Cawley, Niall T. Cawley & Co.

Left: Stephen Maher, Stephen Maher Solicitors, Manus McClafferty, Maguire McClafferty and Michael Curneen, Curneen Solicitors Far left: Triona Cody, O’Mara Geraghty McCourt and Paul Marren, Martin E.Marren Solicitors

Right: Deirdre Smith, Office of the General Solicitor for Minors and Ward of Court, Mary Cullen, Cullen & Co and Kay Cogan, Cogan Daly & Co Far right: Cathal Young, Cathal N Young O’Reilly & Co and Adeline Tuffy, State Claims Agency

Left: Laura Fannin, Speaker, Niall Cawley, Speaker and Ursula Geraghty, Doyle Geraghty & Co Far left: Rory O’Neill & Jim Ryan, Law Society of Ireland

The DSBA held a very successful annual conference in Lisbon, Portugal from the 15th to 18th September 2022. The Gala Dinner took place at the Casa Museu Medeiros e Almedia where a superb evening was had by all. Left to right: DSBA President Diego Gallagher, João & Fillipa Pinheiro da Silva

Left: Deirdre O’Sullivan and Áine Hynes Far left: Deirdre O’Sullivan, David and Patricia Walley, Tony O’Sullivan

Right: Catherine White and Liz Dowling Far right: Michael Webb, Anita Gallagher and Caroline Bergin

Left: Michael Moran and Olivia McCann Far left: Paul and Siobhan Keane

Right: Sharon McElligot, Fiona Kerins, Catherine White and Marion Campbell Far right: Inga and John Grif n

Right: Caroline Knightly and Eamonn Shannon Far right: Mary Neylon and Nora McCarthy Left: Anne Leech, Majella Dolan and Gaye Higgins Far left: Kevin O’Higgins and President of the Law Society Michelle Ní Longáin

Left: Gena and Dan O’Connor Far left: Judge Dermot Simms and Sinead Kearney

The DSBA held a very successful annual conference in Lisbon, Portugal from the 15th to 18th September 2022. The business session took place in the magni cent headquarters of the Portuguese Bar Association. See page 64 for report. Left to right: Geoffrey Graham, Edge International Law Firm and Chair of the Ireland Portugal Business Network, President Waterford Bar Olivia McCann, 2022 DSBA President Diego Gallagher, President of the Portuguese Bar Association Prof Dr. Luís Menezes Leitão, João Pinheiro da Silva, Partner, CMS Law, Law Society of Ireland President Michelle Ní Longáin, Sandra Teixeira Arsénio, Associate,CMS Law, 2020 DSBA President Tony O’Sullivan and 2021 DSBA President Joe O’Malley

Left: Law Society President Michelle Ní Longáin and Dan O’Connor Far left: Keith Walsh, Eamonn Shannon, David Walley and Patricia Walley

Right: Deirdre McDermott, Mary McCarthy and Liz Dowling Far right: Katharine Kelleher, Sinead Kearney and Monika Leech

Left: Geoffrey Graham and DSBA Vice President Susan Martin Far left: John Lacy, Evanna Killeen and Joe Clancy

Right: Deirdre O’Sullivan, DSBA President Diego Gallagher, João Pinheiro da Silva, Sandra Teixeira Arsénio, and Tony O’Sullivan

Far left: Morette Kinsella and David Bergin

Right: Olivia McCann and Matthew Kenny Far right: Phil McCarthy, Eimear O’Doherty and Judge Dermot Simms

Left: John Hennessy, Niall Cawley, Ciara O’Kennedy, Avril Mangan, Sharon McElligott and Rory O’Riordan Far left: Joe O’Malley and Ruadhan Killeen

Kevin O’Higgins is principal of Kevin O’Higgins Solicitors. He is a former President of both the Law Society and the DSBA. He is a former editor of the Parchment

DSBA Portugal Conference a Great Success

The DSBA Annual Conference made a welcome return to our post-pandemic calendar

While originally planned for by then President Tony O’Sullivan, it was deferred to the following year under President Joe O’Malley as, like the rest of the world, we waited to see how things would pan out. Joe then made the correct decision to defer again. Our - President Diego Gallagher then found himself in the fortunate position of having a ready-made Conference good to go! That’s the theory. The reality, of course is that while the hotel and dates and costings had been finalised the not inconsiderable time and effort in planning for the business session had yet to be forged.

Those of us fortunate to have been there in the magnificent headquarters of the Portuguese Law Society at Sal o obre, Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses, at Largo S o Domingos in Lisbon, will have seen the effort put in by Diego. We were welcomed by Mr. Baston rio da Ordem dos Advogados Portugueses, Prof Dr. Luís Menezes Leit o and DSBA President, Mr. Diego Gallagher. Our Portuguese guests were hugely welcoming and agreed with Diego that strong links existed between both urisdictions. There then followed a talk on Portuguese eal state Acquisition and disposal by local colleagues Mr. Jo o Pinheiro da Silva, Partner and Ms. Sandra Teixeira Ars nio Lawyer, CMS Law Firm.

Mr. Geoffrey Graham, Senior Partner DG International Lawyers and Chair of the Ireland Portugal Business etwork then spoke on an interesting theme entitled The Dragon & The Tiger 80 years of Portuguese and Irish trade. Geoffrey himself is an Irish lawyer who has been practising in Lisbon for years.

The business session then concluded with a most interesting interaction between DSBA President Diego Gallagher, his two immediate past Presidents, Joe O’Malley and Tony O’Sullivan and ice President Susan Martin on Developments in Practice Management and Future Challenges. P

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