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Lavelle Partners Award Recognition Helping Women with Addiction and Criminality
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SAOL is an integrated programme of education, rehabilitation, advocacy and childcare. The SAOL Project’s on-going commitment to the women, children and community members of the North Inner City continues to develop, responding to the changing needs of the women who participate in our project with creativity and commitment.
BRIO (Building Recovery Inwards and Outwards) is the Probation-funded programme, working with women who have both addiction and criminality in their story. We train women to become peer workers with others in similar situations so as to reduce recidivism and strengthen recovery.
BRIO is a proven resource for women presenting at any stage of addiction towards mitigation. Many women first present to us seeking to address pending charges and progress on to gain stability, less recidivism and often full desistance in their lives. SAOL Project has a wide variety of opportunities for women to engage including informal lunches Tues/Weds/Thurs 12-2pm and brunch service Sat & Sun 12-2pm. We have a Welcome Group for new women every Wednesday at 11am. We also have specialist programmes for health advocacy, Domestic Violence and Dual Diagnosis and groups for Community Employment, Art, Drama and Yoga.
BRIO women have undertaken a wide range of outwards peer work including contributing to IPRT research, delivering training addressing substance misuse for women at Drogheda’s Red Door Project, and advocating for policy to the Oireachtas Committee on Penal Reform and at Stormont, the Northern Ireland Assembly. BRIO is a recognised option for women who engage with the Drugs Court. We provide letters in relation to engagement for court or liaise with Probation Services.
We are happy to follow up with women interested in engaging with our service once they have consented to us having their contact details and even more delighted to welcome professionals and clients to visit us in Amiens Street.
Grace Costigan, BRIO Coordinator Contact: brio@saolproject.ie
or 01 8553391/93