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Calendar A
Out & About
Robert Allen Fine Art
Crissy Field Lagoon and Cypress by Nick Coley

MAR 28–APR 6 Mamma Mia!
Don’t miss a chance to check out this upbeat musical about a young girl’s mission to discover her father’s identity in time for her wedding, much to her mother's dismay. Orpheum Theatre (SF). 888.746.1799, shnsf.com
Lovebirds A crew of wacky lovers chase their hearts’ desires into the night, through decades and to absurd lengths. Documenting the action is Polaroid Phillie, an ageless nightclub photographer who goes “anywhere passion happens.” The Marsh (SF). 415.282.3055, themarsh.org
THRU MAR 16 Lasso of
Truth Carson Kreitzer traces the origin and lasting impact of the comic book character Wonder Woman through the life of her controversial creator, William Moulton Marston. The early 20th-century psychologist modeled his superheroine on two women (his wife and his former student), both of whom he lived with in a polyamorous relationship. Marin Theatre Company (Mill Valley). 415.388.5208, marintheatre.org
THRU MAR 16 Feisty
Old Jew Solo performance artist Charlie Varon presents a fictional, comedic monologue about an 83-year-old man who just doesn’t understand the world these days. Watch as he lampoons everything from yoga to tattoos. The Marsh (SF). 415.282.3055, themarsh.org
MAR 6 Crystal Springs
The premiere of a play about online misbehavior and parenting in the digital age. Inspired by true events, Crystal Springs tells the story of a mother who becomes obsessed with her teenage daughter’s online circle. Eureka Theatre (SF). 800.838.3006, crystalsprings theplay.com
MAR 8 James and the
Giant Peach Take in the classic tale about a boy who journeys across the world on an enormous peach, accompanied by equally large insects (and one spider). Enjoy activities, including a silent auction and a raffle, prior to the show in support of Marin Charitable. Showcase Theater (San Rafael). marincharitable.org
MAR 8–16 Mercy Watson to the Rescue!
Adapted from the Mercy Watson series, MTC chronicles some of the many adventures of Mercy, the Watson family’s pet pig. Find out what happens when a neighbor calls Animal Control on the lovable companion. Marin Theatre Company (Mill Valley). 415.388.5208, marintheatre.org
MAR 27–30 The Wizard
of Oz San Rafael High School presents The Wizard of Oz. Join Dorothy (and her little dog, too) as she journeys to the colorful land of Oz and tries to find her way back to Kansas. Hayes Theatre at San Rafael High (San Rafael). sanrafael. srcs.org DANCE
MAR 1 Xxxtravaganza
Gala Join Smuin Ballet as it celebrates 20 years of creativity and artistry. This event is black tie, and features cocktails, dinner, silent and live auctions and a performance by the Smuin dancers. The Galleria (SF). 415.556.5000, smuinballet.org
MAR 22 Pilobolus Don’t miss this performance by Pilobolus Dance Theatre, known for its inventive and athletic works. Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (San Rafael).
415.473.6400, marincounty.org
and Friends The comic hosts an evening for up-and-comers and established headliners to work on new material. 142 Throckmorton Theatre (Mill Valley). 415.383.9600, 142throckmorton theatre.com

MAR 8 Paul Ogata
Laugh along to the jokes of standup comedian Paul Ogata, with guest David Vanavermaete. Trek Winery (Novato). 415.899.9883, trekwine.com
MAR 22 Comedy and
Wellness Comedians Cathy Ladman, Don Friesen and Steve Mazan team up for a night of comedy and community, hosted by Michael Pritchard and presented by Wednesday’s Gift. Dominican University (San Rafael). 415.506.2222, wednesdaysgift.org
MAR 28 Jim Jeffries
Actor, writer, producer and comedian Jim Jeffries, creator and star of Legit on FXX, brings his first full North American tour to the Bay area. Jeffries is known for his crass and honest humor and his accent. The Warfield (SF). 415.345.0900, thewarfieldtheatre.com
MAR 1 Quicksilver One of America’s favorite chamber groups makes its West Coast debut with a program entitled The Early Moderns. The group features two violinists, trombone, dulcimer, cello, viola de gamba, theorbo, guitar, organ and harpsichord. St. John’s Presbyterian Church (Berkeley). 510.528.1725, sfems.org
MAR 2 Russian Chamber Orchestra
Enjoy works by Tchaikovsky, Scriabin, Mozart and many more, performed by the ensemble. Mt. Tam Methodist Church (Mill Valley). russian chamberorch.org
Jimmy Dillon at Osher Marin JCC, San Rafael

Fun. Seriously.
2013–14 SEASON
we appreciate our season sponsors:
The Magical Music of Disney Family Concert*
Around the World with Disney features music and visuals from classic and recent animated films—including The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins, Tarzan and many more. Tickets & details: marinsymphony.org/familyconcert
Sacred and Secular* Featuring the Marin Symphony Chorus Bernstein’s Chichester Psalms combines irresistible rhythmic bounce with meditative passages of serene beauty. Carl Orff’s Carmina Burana is a riotous and hedonistic celebration guaranteed to raise the roof at our final Masterworks concert. Learn more and purchase tickets: marinsymphony.org
Prelude In-Home Concert... Zuill Bailey returns! One of the premiere cellists in the world performs at an intimate gathering in an exquisite Marin home. This is your chance to hear Zuill’s favorite selections from the Bach Cello Suites before he appears as our 2014-15 Season-opening guest artist in September! Details: marinsymphony.org/spring2014prelude
Golf Tournament, Dinner and Wine Auction
You’re invited to our third annual benefit event at the Marin Country Club. Golf begins at 12:30—the dinner and auction starts at 5:30. This year, the entire auction will focus on wine — amazing collections of wine and exclusive wine experiences. For the latest info: marinsymphony.org/spring2014golfevent
Spring Pops Concert... Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl*
Don’t miss the thrilling full-length classic fantasy Disney film shown with music played in real time by our orchestra! Details & tickets: marinsymphony.org/2014springpops
Purchase tickets & discover more. Call: 415.479.8100. Visit: marinsymphony.org
*Concerts & events at the Marin Center Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium. © Marin Symphony. Dates and details subject to change.
Frank & Lois Noonan, Steve & Christina Fox, Gaspare’s Pizzeria, Montecito Plaza, Marin Pacific Co.

MAR 7 Ian Carey and Ben Stolorow
Trumpeter Ian Carey and pianist Ben Stolorow celebrate the release of their new album Duocracy, featuring unique arrangements and standards by Gershwin, Henry Mancini and more. St. Hilary’s (Tiburon). 415.435.1853, land marks-society.org
MAR 15 Flying with
Dragons This benefit concert for aspiring young musicians features a slew of all-star performers including, Jimmy Dillon, Magik Magik Orchestra and members of Santana. Osher Marin JCC (San Rafael). 415.389.5072, murphy productions.com
MAR 15 Haifa Symphony Orchestra of
Israel Led by conductor Boguslaw Dawidow, the Haifa Symphony Orchestra will perform Tchaikovsky’s Piano Concerto No. 1, Carl Maria Von Weber’s Overture to the Opera Euryanthe and Antonin Dvorak’s Symphony No. 9. Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (San Rafael). 415.473.6400, marincounty.org
MAR 15 The Changing
Lights Grammynominated vocalist Stacey Kent joins the Bay Area Cabaret to celebrate the release of her new album, The Changing Lights, and begin her 2014 world tour. Fairmont (SF). 415.392.4400, bayareacabaret.org
MAR 15–16 Celebrating
J.S. Bach The SF Bach Choir pays homage to its namesake with a Bach-centered concert featuring Fürchte dich nicht and several other favorites. Calvary Presbyterian Church (SF). 855.473.2224, sfbach.org
MAR 16 Magical
Music of Disney Marin Symphony presents a family concert featuring music from early Disney classics to recent releases, allowing you to relive all your favorites. You’ll recognize tunes from The Lion King, Mary Poppins and many more. Join the orchestra after the show for the “Instrument Petting Zoo,” which gives children the opportunity to test-drive a slew of instruments. Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (San Rafael). 415.473.6400, marincounty.org
MAR 27 The Sing-Off
Live Tour The cast of NBCs The Sing-Off stops by San Francisco with performances from the seven-episode season including individual acts, group numbers and of course, singoffs. The Warfield (SF). 415.345.0900, the warfieldtheatre.com
Willie Brown with the Smuin Dancers at The Galleria, S.F.
Art Works Downtown
Works by Mike Shine, through April 18. 1337 Fourth St, San Rafael. 415.451.8119, artworks downtown.org
Bubble Street Featuring genres of fantastic art, imaginary realism, neo-Victorian and steampunk. 565 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.339.0506
Falkirk Cultural Center
Works by Marin’s Art Collective Group, through March 8. 1408 Mission Ave, San Rafael. 415.485.3328, falkirk culturalcenter.org
Fine Art Etc. Featuring a collection of sculptures and paintings by artists from Northern California and around the world. 686 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.1107, finear etc.com Gallery Bergelli Group show and new work by gallery artists, through March. 483 Magnolia Ave, Larkspur. 415.945.9454, bergelli.com
Gallery Route One
Glancing Back–Stepping Forward A collection of paintings by Igor Sazevich, through March 23. 11101 Hwy One, Point Reyes. 415.663.1347, galleryrouteone.org
Marin Society of Artists
Rental Show, through March 1. 30 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, Ross. 415.454.9561, marinsocietyofartists.org
Marine Mammal
Center The Ghost Below Inspired by one unsuspecting whale’s deadly diet, this exhibition by Judith and Richard Lang explores the harmful effects of marine debri, through June. 2000 Bunker Road, Sausalito. 415.289.7325, marine mammalcenter.org
O’Hanlon Center for
the Arts Red Artists celebrate all things red in this juried exhibit, through March 20. 616 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.388.4331, ohanloncenter.org
Petri’s Fine Arts
Featuring contemporary works in various mediums. 690 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.332.2626, petrisfineart.com

Robert Allen Fine Art
Abstract Works on Paper A group exhibition of prints, drawings and mixed-media works on paper, through March 28. 301 Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.2800, robertallenfineart.co
Robert Beck Gallery
Early California and contemporary plein air paintings. 222 Sir Francis Drake Blvd, San Anselmo. 415.456.7898, beckgallery.org
Robert Green Fine
Arts Abstract expressionist paintings by Sam Francis, John Grillo, Paul Jenkins, Jim Bird and more. 154 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.381.8776, rgfineart.com
Roberta English
Mayumi Oda Recent works, through March. 1615 Bridgeway, Sausalito. 415.331.2975, robertaenglish.com
Rock Hill Gallery
California Colors A watercolor exhibit from the Marin County Watercolor Society, March 6–April 24. 145 Rock Hill Drive, Tiburon. 415.435.9108, ccctiburon.net
Room Art Gallery
Works by both Bay Area artists and major masters, housing the largest collection of Picasso, Chagall and others in Marin County. 86 Throckmorton Ave, Mill Valley. 415.380.7940, roomartgallery.com
Seager Gray Gallery
Women’s Work, through March 30. 23 Sunnyside Ave, Mill Valley. 415.384.8288, seagergray.com
Studio 333 Ongoing exhibition featuring more than 40 Bay Area artists’ work in diffeent mediums. 333A Caledonia St, Sausalito. 415.331.8272, studio333.info
Studio 4 Art Work by local artists, classes and workshops with materials included. 1133 Grant Ave, Novato. 415.596.5546, studio4art.net
SAN FRANCISCO ArtHaus An intimate presentation of diverse works in various styles and mediums by New York and Bay Area artists. 411 Brannan St, 415.977.0223, arthaus-sf.com
Caldwell Snyder
Paintings and sculptures by local artists. 341 Sutter St, 415.392.2299, caldwellsnyder.com
Electric Works Works by David Schubert. 1360 Mission St, 415.626.5496, sfelectric works.com
Gallery Wendi Norris
A collection of sculptures, installations and a collaborative video by New York artist Simone Leigh, through March 29. 161 Jessie St, 415.346.7812, gallery wendinorris.com
George Krevsky Gallery Reflections of American Life, through April 19. 77
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Mike Stone has a lot to be thankful for. His family-owned chain of grocery stores spans communities in the Bay Area from Palo Alto to San Rafael. He is fit enough at age 60 to have completed two triathlons this year. He is the proud parent of two sons: Elliott, 23, also in the grocery business, and Aaron, 20, a student at Arizona State.
Mike, who with his wife Sharon, co-chairs the 2014 Marin General Hospital Foundation Gala, says he is also thankful that the Haynes Cardiovascular Institute at Marin General Hospital was chosen as the recipient of funds raised by the event.
“It’s probably safe to say that approximately 50,000 people in Marin County have some kind of heart-related condition,” he says. “Fortunately for us, we have some of the very best cardiovascular specialists in the Bay Area practicing right here at Marin General. Now that the hospital truly belongs to the community again, I think it’s important for all residents to take ownership in the welfare of the hospital by supporting this vital resource.”
Mike has a personal reason for his enthusiasm as well. In 1998, at age 45, Mike suffered a heart attack himself. Not only did he receive lifesaving treatment, but a prescription for a healthier life, with a regimen of cardiac rehabilitation and lifestyle management through the TAM Program at the hospital.
His experience also inspired him to find ways to make a difference in his community. One way, he says, is through his business – the chain of Mollie Stone’s grocery stores. “Since 1986 our goal has been to make a difference in people’s lives through food,” he says.
Another is his involvement with the hospital and the community. Mike is also a Marin General Hospital Foundation Board Member.

Marin General Hospital Foundation
Marin General Hospital Foundation May 17, 2014 Some EveningEnchantedEnchanted A black-tie gala Did you know through the Haynes Cardiovascular Institute we: • Provide the latest technologies, some generally found only at academic, tertiary institutions, including the “Lariat” Some Evening tchn technique to prevent clots and pulmonary vein isolation (PVI), the most advanced ablation technique, for people with atrial fibrillation. • Provide rapid response for heart attacks, twice as fast as the national average. • Have a heart attack mortality rate that is more than 21 percent better than the national average (5.5 percent versus 7 percent). • Have a success rate for coronary intervention that Marin General Hospital Foundation consistently exceeds 98 percent. May 17, 2014 Some EveningEnchantedEnchanted A black-tie gala
May 17, 2014 Some EveningEnchantedEnchanted A black-tie gala
Marin General Hospital Foundation
May 17, 2014 Some EveningEnchantedEnchanted

Chef Charlie Palmer at Pigs and Pinot, Healdsburg
Geary St, 415.397.9728, georgekrevsky gallery.com

Hackett-Mill A selection of marble works by Manuel Neri, through May 9. 201 Post St, 415.362.3377, hackettmill.com
John Berggruen Gallery
Works in various mediums. 228 Grant Ave, 415.781.4629, berggruen.com
Bay Area Discovery
Museum Super Kids Save the World Centering around “green” materials and practices, this exhibit teaches kids to be super starting with the four Rs: recycle, reduce, reuse and repair (Sausalito). 415.339.3900, baykidsmuseum.org
Marin History Museum
An Afternoon in a Victorian Parlor A display of an old-fashioned sitting room in the historic Boyd Gate House (San Rafael). 415.454.8538, marin history.org
Marin Museum of the American Indian
Explore Native American history, languages, art and traditions (Novato). 415.897.4064, marin indian.com
Marin Museum of Contemporary Art
Emerging Artists of the Bay Area Works by new local artists, March 8–April 13 (Novato). 415.506.0137, marin moca.org BAY AREA
Asian Art Museum
Yoga: The Art of Transformation An exhibit looking at the philosophical underpinnings of yoga over its long history, through May 25 (SF). 415.581.3711, asianart.org
California Academy of
Sciences Nightlife Enjoy music, creatures and cocktails for adults only and explore the exhibits and aquarium displays every Thursday night (SF). 415.379.8000, calacademy.org
Conservatory of
Flowers Butterflies and Blooms An English garden with monarchs, swallowtails, painted ladies and more, through March 16 (SF). 415.831.2090, conser vatoryofflowers.org
Contemporary Jewish
Museum Frog and Toad and the World of Arnold Lobel Work by the author and illustrator, through March 23 (SF). 415.655.7800, thecjm.org
de Young Modern Nature Works by Georgia O’Keeffe and Lake George, through May 11 (SF). 415.750.3600, deyoung.famsf.org
Exploratorium Ongoing interactive exhibits exploring science, art and human perception (SF). 415.397.5673, exploratorium.edu
Museum of Craft and
Design Obsessive Reductive A group exhibition of 18 artists working in a variety of mediums including paper, wood and metal, through March 30 (SF). 415.773.0303, sfmcd.org
Oakland Museum of
California The Smallest of Worlds A selection of intricate dioramas portraying everyday Mexican street scenes from the collection of celebrated San Francisco artist Rex May, through July 6 (Oakland). 510.318.8400, museumca.org
San Francisco Botanical
Garden Magnificent Magnolias Enjoy a floral spectacle as San Francisco’s rare and historic magnolias burst into bloom. Visitors to the garden can take advantage of free Magnolia Walk maps, docent-led tours and special signage, as well as unique classes and activities, through March 31 (SF). 415.661.1316, sfbotanicalgarden.org
Sonoma Valley Museum
of Art Discovered: Exceptional Artists of Sonoma County Meet four local artists with lots of talent and possibility, March 14–April 27 (Sonoma). svma.org
The Walt Disney
Family Museum Magic, Color, Flair Works by Mary Blair, through September 7 (SF). 415.345.6800, waltdisney.org
Yerba Buena Center
for the Arts Control Jacqueline Kiyomi Gordon investigates of cybernetic systems of control within sound and architectural designs of the 20th and 21st centuries, through May 25 (SF). 415.978.2787, ybca.org
MAR 1 Marin School of the Arts Showcase
Check out student artwork, performances and presentations in film, dance, photography, visual arts and music while raising money for the school. Osher Marin JCC (San Rafael). msashowcase.org
MAR 2 Awards Night at
the Lark Theater Ring in Hollywood’s most glamorous evening with a special red-carpet event. Highlights include hors d’oeuvres courtesy of Left Bank, wine and champagne, desserts from favorite local bakeries and host/comedian Mark Pitta. Lark Theater (Larkspur). 415.924.5111, larktheater.net
MAR 6 Mardi Gras
Dinner Celebrate Mardi Gras with a special dinner at M.H. Bread and Butter, followed by traditional King Cake. M.H. Bread and Butter (San Anselmo). 415.755.4575, mhbreadandbutter.com
MAR 6–9 Wine, Women
and Wellness This weekend getaway centers on the celebration of women, with the added bonuses of food, wine and relaxation. Enjoy dinner at La Toque, tastings and additional wellness events. Westin Verasa (Napa). westinnapa.com
MAR 8 Women of the Vine Grand Tasting
Event Sponsored by More Uncorked, this tasting opportunity brings together more than 30 of Napa Valley’s women winemakers for some sipping and discussion. Various locations (Napa Valley). moreuncorked.eventbrite.com
MAR 8 Denim and
Diamonds Ball The volunteers of Tiburon/ Belvedere (known collectively as The Raccoons) sponsor a ball to raise money for Marin General Hospital. Enjoy a live band, dinner, dancing and a silent auction while supporting a good cause. Corinthian Yacht Club (Tiburon). 415.435.5223
MAR 13 Sassy City
Chicks This shopping event affords guests an opportunity to score spa treatments, spring trends and great getaways, all while sipping
Dancers Backstage by Edgar Degas

• Legion
of Honor
Intimate Impressionism from the National Gallery of Art Nearly 70 paintings by 19th-century avant-garde artists, March 29–August 3 (SF). 415.750.3600, legionof honor.org
on cocktails. Expect big discounts and a quintessential girls'night-out experience. Regency Center (SF). 312.890.3028, sassycitychick.com
MAR 14–16 Taste of
Yountville Celebrate all things Yountville with a weekend of food, drink and beautiful scenery. Enjoy live entertainment, an arts and crafts fair, chef demonstrations and garden tours from the locals who know the area best. Various locations (Yountville). 707.944.0904, yountville.com
MAR 15 Beyond the Blue Fashion Show and
Auction The Marin Catholic Parents' Association presents the school’s annual fashion show and fundraising auction. Enjoy a luncheon or dinner (both furnished by Il Fornaio) accompanied by a fashion show featuring more than 250 students and clothing from local boutiques. Civic Center Exhibit Hall (San Rafael). 415.464.3800, marincatholic.org
MAR 16 Gently Used
Art Auction Get rid of old paintings, prints and fine art books you no longer want while possibly finding fresh pieces for your collection at this local auction. Donations will be accepted March 8–11 during library hours. Bel-Tib Library (Tiburon). 415.789.2665, thelibrary.info
MAR 18–23 Bouquets
to Art The de Young continues its annual springtime tradition as floral designers create bloom-filled interpretations of pieces from the museum’s permanent collection. Aside from the exhibit, enjoy luncheons, a raffle and children’s art activities. de Young (SF). 415.750.3600, deyoung.famsf.org
MAR 21–22 Pigs and
Pinot Celebrate all your love of pork with a weekend of intimate dining and education events hosted by chef Charlie Palmer. Guests will also learn the perfect pairings for pig from area master sommeliers. Hotel Healdsburg (Healdsburg). 800.889.7188, hotel healdsburg.com
Thankfully, there’s Healdsburg.

Healdsburg Chamber of Commerce (707) 433-6935 Start your journey at

• MAR 19–23 San
Francisco Flower and
Garden Show Explore 200,000 square feet of display gardens, flowers, exhibits and more. Garden enthusiasts will also enjoy cooking demonstrations and seminars led by a variety of experts. Event Center (San Mateo). 415.684.7278, sfgardenshow.com
MAR 21–23 California’s Artisan Cheese Festival
Join chefs, brewers, wineries and cheese makers for a weekend of cheese. Learn about the craft through seminars, pairings, farm tours and more. The Sheraton Sonoma (Petaluma). artisancheese festival.com
MAR 29 BeTheOne
Garden Party This annual spring event benefis Beyond Differences and features an appearance by Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom. Marin Art and Garden Center (Ross). 415.256.9095
MAR 29 Throckmorton Theatre Anniversary
Bash Celebrate the theater’s 10th anniversary and the building’s 100th with a show featuring a host of special guests. Enjoy cocktails, wine and dessert at the show and a special dinner at one of several Mill Valley restaurants beforehand (tickets sold separately). 142 Throckmorton (Mill Valley). 415.381.9611, throckmorton theatre.org FILM
MAR 3–4 Banff Mountain Film Festival
Catch a selection of Banff lms featuring exotic locales, exploration, adventure, culture and mountain sports. REI (Corte Madera). banffcentre.ca
MAR 6 Femme: Women Healing the
World In celebration of National Women’s Day, the United Nations Association of Marin and the California Film Institute host a screening of Femme, a film about women who are working to heal global society. Filmmaker Emmanuel Itier will be available for questions after the movie. Rafael Film Center (San Rafael). 415.454.1222, cafilm.org
MAR 6 The San Agustin: California
Shipwreck Join

producer George Thelen in watching this historical documentary, recently aired on PBS. The film tells the story of San Agustin, a Spanish galleon that sank in Point Reyes in 1595. Civic Center (San Rafael). 415.473.7419, marincounty.org
MAR 31 Science on
Screen This documentary, subtitled An Epic Story of Cosmic, Earth and Human Transformation, reworks the human connection with the cosmos by reinventing the story of the universe. Rafael Film Center (San Rafael). 415.454.1222, cafilm.org NATURE WALKS & TALKS
MAR 3 Marin Speaker Series: Charles
Best The founder of donorschoose.org, a nonprofit that allows people to donate directly to specific causes at public schools, Best has been included in Fortune’s “40 under 40 hottest rising stars in business” three times. Veterans’ Memorial Auditorium (San Rafael). 415.473.6400, marincounty.org
MAR 5 Mary Anne Radmacher and Liz
Kalloch: She Mary Anne Radmacher and Liz Kalloch discuss their book She: A Celebration of Greatness in Every Woman. The book is filled with profiles of the “everywoman” and iconic ladies, along with advice on leadership, friendship, happiness, compassion and inspiration. Book Passage (Corte Madera). 415.927.0960, bookpassage.com
MAR 5 Alain de Botton and Adam Gopnik
International bestseller and Zurich native Alain de Botton writes books on the subjects of love, travel, architecture and literature. He discusses his works with New Yorker columnist Adam Gopnik. Nourse Theater (SF). 415.392.4400, cityarts.net
MAR 7 Robert Moss
Dream expert and shamanic teacher Robert Moss discusses his book The Boy Who Died and Came Back: Adventures of a Dream Archaeologist in the Multiverse. Moss gives readers the tools they need to explore the world through their dreams. Book Passage (Corte Madera). 415.927.0960, bookpassage.com
MAR 8 The Secret Life
of Bees Enjoy a talk by master gardener James Campbell and learn how to become a bona fide beekeeper to maximize fruit, flower and vegetable growth and get easy access to honey. Tamalpais Valley Service District (Mill Valley). 415.473.4204
MAR 8 Oceans Aglow: Family Night Hike and
Campfire Grab the kids and take a hike to Rodeo Beach in pursuit of the bioluminescent plankton hiding in the sand. After you find some of the sparkling microorganisms, enjoy a campfire complete with s’mores and sing-alongs. Tickets required. Rodeo Beach (Sausalito). 415.992.4700, naturebridge.org
MAR 15 Go Green with
Gray Water Join this workshop to learn about gray water reuse and how you can install a system in your own home. The first in a series of three, this workshop will focus on “Laundry-toLandscaping” systems. Corporate Center (San Rafael). 415.924.6334
MAR 22 Indian Tree
Park Join WildCare for a stroll through Novato’s Indian Tree Park. Enjoy a beautiful hike through redwoods and ferns while learning about local flora and fauna. Indian Tree Park (Novato). 415.456.7283, wildcarebayarea.org
MAR 23 Commonweal
Garden Tour Take a walk through Commonweal Garden’s 17-acre farm. Visit the production garden, chickens, goats, heirloom orchard, yurt classrooms and more. Commonweal Garden (Bolinas). 415.868.0970, commonweal.org