Shih Che-Yi Portfolio

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ABOUT ME CONTACTS 0621448921 Overtoom 551A 1054LK Amsterdam



MAR.2018 - JUN.2018

2019 -

Association Making Architecture (AsMA)

Master of Landscape Architecture

SEP.2017 - MAR.2018

2011 - 2017

Exhibitions Coordinator

Ta Li International Corporation Ltd. Project Manager & Executive Assistant

Amsterdam university of the arts (Netherland)

Bachelor of Landscape Architecture Chinese Culture University (Taiwan)

SHIH CHE - YI Taipei . Taiwan

FEB.2016 - NOV.2016

G. Gallery

Exhibitions Coordinator


JUL.2015 - DEC.2016

- Illustrator

- AutoCAD

CNHW Planning & Design Consultants

- PhotoShop

- Sketchup

- Lightroom

- Lumion

- InDesign

- Keyshot

- Premiere

- Cinema 4D

PT Intern


DaDa Idea PT Intern

- After effect

21 . 10 . 1992

TRISTAN DA CUNHA How To Reform a Country?


his is the project that I used to participate in the design

competition held by Royal College of Art. Tristan da Cunha, part of the British Overseas Territory, is located in the South Atlantic Ocean. It has an area of 207 square kilometers and population of 300 people. Lobster is the only exported product, a single line of business industry. The only transport to the outside world is by fishing boat and shipping once a month. Hence, the island is described as the remotest country on earth. In addition, due to the rugged volcanic landscape, there is only limited land and water resource for use, and it is constantly blown by the north-west wind from the tropics. The living environment on the island is extremely challenging and thus makes it difficult to develop sustainable and multiple industries. Various scales are used to design and plan for this project with the major objective being to consolidate existing local resources on the island for development to reach its full potential. For example, using natural resources to rebuild a city, which serves as the foundation for inducing sustainable energy, and using windbreak planting approach to create a brand new rotational farming practice and irrigation system, and possibly to grow a variety of crops. Ultimately the goal is to make it accessible to air travel to improve the island’s development potential and resources application.

5 km

Food Crops


Due to the actual complexities of the life in Tristan da Cunha,

we propose a renewed approach to the transformation and management of the landscape. In particular, we propose to start-up in the mid term a process of low-tech development by which the landscape could gain integrated environmental performances in terms of wind protection, water management, and agricultural productivity.


Cash Crops




Agricultural System In order to develop an agricultural system that can enhance the sustainability of Tristan da Cunha, we propose a mix of food crops -that ameliorate local diets- and cash crops -that enhance the possibility of trade- suitable for the local soil. Wind speed behind 15m high windbreak

Irrigation and drainage canal Drainage canal

Windbreaker about 100 m

Secondary windbreaker

Secondary agriculture fields about 100 m

Water reservoir

Primary agriculture fields about 100 m

Flat landscape as infrastructure about 40 m

water storage about 150 m



The landscape of the Settlement stone walls, shrubs and trees consolidate city boundaries and provide wind protection so as to reduce environmental stress of the dwellings and the connected issues of maintenanc

Bridge and hub +40m

The landscape of the Surroundings canals and retention basins consolidate the path and increase water catchment capacity

The landscape of the Plainstone walls, shrubs and trees provide wind protection while canals, and reservoirs increase water storage so as to increase agricultural productivity of land in terms of food crops and cash crops

Bridge and retention basin +120m

Bridge and retention basin +140m

+50m Flat landscape and reservoirs +65m 1 km



ial sta crop ge s o rota f la tion nd s sc inte ap e d grat ev ed elo w pm ith en t

At city scale, due to the actual development of village and environment, we propose to elaborate on reliable photovoltaic technologies, especially since in Tristan da Cunha they are now under implementation and testing. In particular, we propose to integrate the development of a performative landscape and energy infrastructure with the development of public space. Because of this, we also propose to diversify and integrate public and private development.

Windbreaker about 100m

Open-field public facilities about 150m

Facilities with private dwellings about 600m

Open-area for water management about 300 m

Pu qu blic inq fac ue iliti nn e ial s un sta its ge int s o eg f d rat ev ed elo w pm ith en t

Photovoltaic powerplant integrated with roof of new public facilities porch subdivided in 5 units

Windbreaker landscape made of stone walls, shrubs and trees to be fully grown in 20 years Main shrub: New Zealand Flax (local) Main tree: Fraxinus Angustifolia (imported)

Photovoltaic systems integrated with roof of additions and renovations of private dwellings or boundaries Electric network suitable for diffuse photovoltaic energy production

500 m

Building unit

The building unit is made of photovoltaic roofing and stone walls, both for the public facilities and private dwelling, due to the condition of Tristan.

At local scale, due to the difficulties inherent to the activity of refurbishmentďźŒand the danger of over-reliance on the diesel generators, we propose to first extend the properties with building units made of photovoltaic roofing and stone walls, so as to provide spaces that in a second moment could replace existing dwellings. In this way, we aim to simplify the integration of landscape, energy infrastructure, and public space development in the context of private properties.

The building unit can be built with local craftmanship. And it can be connected with the stone walls that define the boundaries of the properties, so as to variously shape the organization of this last.

Building unit as addition

Backyard with tree-garden about 6 m

Private dwelling about 8 m

Frontyard with addition about 8 m

Building unit as extension

Street space about 8 m

Extension of dwelling about 8 m

Private dwelling reaching property boundaries about 10 m

The building unit, by the means of the photovoltaic panel,can provide energy to the household appliances.

The frontyard-backyard boundary the building unit can define property organization and offer environmental protection to inner gardens

Building unit as neighborhood facility

Photovoltaic 12m2 12m2 of photovoltaic could provide 1.2 Kwh

Enough for 2 people 1 person need 0.667 Kwh (UK average)

Building unit as extension

Building unit as addition

Photovoltaic 1920m2

Enough for 288 locals

1920m2 of photovoltaic could provide 192 Kwh

288 person need 192 Kwh (UK average)

Considering the 6600m2 of public facilities porch and the potential 3300m2 of private buialding units, the production of energy can exceed the demand, giving space for adevelopment of other activities.

The public-private boundary the building unit can consolidates property boundaries and enable local improvements of public space

10 m


Seating capacity: 50 Maximum range: 3,713km


Seating capacity: 120 Maximum range: 4,448km

Airbus A-320

At island scale, due to the yet uncertain development of renewable energy technologies, we propose to start-up in the long term an infrastructural network that facilitates the access of any technology, as well as the accessibility of the most suitable location for any technology. Because of this, we propose to develop a series of strategic infrastructural patches that integrate other large-scale trasformations or accessible features of the landscape.

Seating capacity: 180 Maximum range: 6,150km

Airbus 737-700

Seating capacity: 150 Maximum range: 9,950km

There are more than 60 flights/week between South Africa and Brasil that pass closeby Tristan. Therefore an new airstrip could profit from the needs of technical stops, while providing access.


about 1000 m

Landscape of cliff about 1000 m

Fern landscape of higher plains about 3000 m

Accessible grassland of volcano flank about 1500 m

Moss and scree landscape of volcano crater about 1500 m

The way of the Settlement +650 / 1050m, trail +40 / 650m, built stairway The Airstrip 2100m lenght runway

The way of the Plain +650 / 1050m, trail +65 / 650m, built stairway

The way of the Ponds +800 / 1050m, trail +600 / 800m, informal trail around the craters

The way of Sandy Point +350 / 1050m, trail +10 / 350m, built stairway

There are some relevant traffic routes that pass close by Tristan da Cunha. They are resources for a sustainable development of the island. Such as SAex, South Atlantic express internet cable will be operational in 2020. The increase in bandwidth will enable a better media- exposition of Tristan da Cunha, especially if associated with an innovative pathway of development of the island, as well as improve educational standards. Beyond the 9 ships/year that connect or pass by the island, there are 31 ships/year of tourists, that can extensively interact with Tristan if a proper accessibility network provide easier access to the island landscape.

The way of Stony Hill +650 / 1050m, trail +100 / 650m, built stairway

2 km

SYLVAN THEATRE RENOVATION Granite Stones, Clover, and an Artificial Cloud.


he Sylvan theatre place in Cherkasy city park of Cherkasy city in Ukraine, built in 1966, due to lack of maintenance, now has been closed and abandoned. This building have three same problems in most of modern architecture: 1. buildings are mono-functional. 2. buildings are fully open or fully closed, with no intermediate conditions. 3. buildings are designed and developed without proper consideration of natural processes. Essentially, these aspects cooperate to transform the buildings in a burden of management and maintenance: mono-functionality implies long periods of uselessness, open-close dichotomy turns uselessness into a burden of policing and control, man-nature dichotomy finally turns uselessness into an unsustainable problem of maintenance, while policing and control become a sort of hysteria. Because of this, we propose a set of interventions to renovate the Sylvan Theatre in Cherkasy: 1. the introduction of the informal functions of the park in the theatre, so as to increase the utility of the last. 2. the strategic opening and development of the of the theatre, so as to enable both opening and closure. 3. the integration of natural features as furniture and aesthetic solutions, so as to acknowledge and integrate natural processes in the theatre.

In order to substantiate these interventions, a transformation of the theatre layout has been drafted, first of all. In opposition to today’s plan, that showcases a closed space situated to the side of the central crossroad of the park, a strategic opening of the theatre and the integration of the theatre and the pathways of the park shape the proposal. Indeed, by means of a transversal axis, the theatre’s space and the pathways create a sort of roundabout, a new hub for the park. Moreover, this axis does not cut throughout the theatre, only, but extends to the pathways. In this way, a flow of people through the theatre space is ensured when no theatre activities take place. Additional entrances and sloped paths enable a diffused accessibility. This notwithstanding, the punctual opening of the theatre permits to exploit if needed the closed character of the original space.

10 m

10 m

With the transversal axis, an architectural promenade has been drafted, elaborating on natural materials and features, that enable the acceptance of natural processes in the theatre. The main intervention happens at the level of topography, with the stairs, ramps, and few green walls that drive the users but blur the space of the theatre in the surrounding landscape. Noteworthy, none of the existing trees has been moved: the proposed layout aims at integrating the existing trees in the design, so as to respect the existing landscape and reinforce the merging of the theatre and the park’s forest. Consequently, the theatre stage becomes part of the landscape, too, and the existing architectural features start to be useful for other functions, i.e. the temporary display of public art, the serendipitous meeting of people, the use of space for informal sports activities,etc...

10 m

10 m

Natural references inform all of the architectural features: the drainages turn into waterfalls, the seating of the theatre into rocks (that are natural but shaped to offer a good sitting place), and the removable roof into a cloud of translucent fabric (that handle rain, shadow, and the acoustics of the theatre). The rock and also the seat uesd the unique Volga blue granite, a herbaceous planting is introduced, i.e. the clover, or trifolium pratense. This is a diffused plant in Ukraine, resistant to climatic variations, as well as to walking. It is useful to develop green surfaces and infills. Moreover, this plant blooms during spring and summer, with small pink and white flowers, the color of which does resonate with the nuances of the Volga blue granite that characterize the seating and the pavement of the theatre. In such an uncommon landscape, the natural events do not ask for a steady maintenance of the theatre, neither their happening offers a feeling of abandonment.

Trifolium pratense

Granite Stones



HARUYOSHI PEDESTRIAN Not only a stree but also a new identity


he site of the project is located on the adjacent streets near Haruyoshi dist., rich in history, and Hakata dist, a populated city, in Fukuoka of Japan. As a result of old-fashion and inferior urban planning, the relatively narrow streets have to bear a high capacity of vehicles per day, which in turn causes damage to the living quality of the environment. The deserted and ruined low-rise buildings have taken much space in the area and left the safety of the city at risk as well as reduced the possibility of commercial development. A new roadway now in scheduled could reduce traffic congestion in the future. And the prearranged commerce train station built in the north of the site brought about all the possibilities of whole new development. Under the premise of relieved traffic, I tried to redesign a one-way traffic system to be friendlier to pedestrians in addition to reforming the abandoned buildings to a public space that is far more needed in this area. With the least torn-down and the most creation of multi-functional open space, as well as the integration of pedestrian roads into pedestrian zone and the connection with the commerce train station, the residents of the area will get to receive the light of liberation in their living quality. 100 m

The traditional culture will remain intact; inspired to use traditional textiles and historical elements on the pavement, the local culture is well preserved in different forms and integrated into everyday life in modern society.

First of all, the relief of traffic congestion has transformed the area into a pedestrian-friendly zone. The traffic flow is dedicated to one single direction during rush hours, either entering or leaving the city. Furthermore, in order to reduce the speed of the vehicle, curves are designed into the roadways, which at the same time protects the safety of the pedestrians. The saving space produced by these features makes it available for building sidewalk areas and cycleway in addition to street tree planting to raise the ratio of green cover in the city and to shield residences from traffic noise. Hakata weaving is originated in Haruyoshi and Hataka. The traditional textiles contain diversified designs and patterns, and its merchandise products with extraordinary quality have made the whole Japan take pride in. The textiles’ long standing history allows the travelers to see and explore the traditional crafts with joy; hence, incorporating the patterns of Hakata weaving in the production of pavement as well as the historical occurrences in the area, telling stories from the south to the north, can make the walking zone become an intellectual traveling space instead of solely a walking pathway.



3.5 m



The building will be removed

Neglected or abandoned buildings and places are replaced by development of more diverse public space. In the process of enlivening the area, the major objective is to design for the residents and travelers to freely choose different paths for travelling to connect with the public spaces. Public places of all sizes are served to be parks, community center, or the pathway for commuters in most of the time; however, during a festival or special occasion, they can turn to become temporary shopping streets and group event sitting. Previously it was nearly impossible to host any activity due to lack of public space. I thus hope the public places deliberately designed to be interwoven in the life of the residents could serve more than just a pathway but to become the essential power to bring together the community.

The building will be preserved

THE FORGOTTEN RAILSCAPE And how to rediscover it


inying District is situated in the core zone of Chiayi–Tainan Plain, long been a key pillar of the area. It is also considered the most critical region for sugar plantation and processing, as well as the central political and business district since the Japanese colonial period in Taiwan. For the reasons of its urban planning and the infrastructure development and environmental conditions of the area, the surrounding cities are growing with more resources given, which has encouraged business industries and people increasingly moving out of the district. In the near future it is inevitable to be faced with the problems of labor shortage and declining industrial competitiveness. The site is located in the north-east of a deserted sugar production factory, to enclose Sugar Production Factory (torn down), Xinying Train Station (in use), Chung Hsin Train Station (preserved), and Sugar Railways (abandoned). Xinying Sugar Production Factory was opened since the Japanese colonial rule, and was one of the five major Taiwan sugar production factories. A memory of seeing the train filled with sugar cane is shared by the old people in Xinying. However, the industry eventually fell into a decline. People started to cease the production of sugar, and there were only the railways and facilities of the factory remaining. As a result, this project is intended to transform an abandoned sugar factory into an integrated tourism, cultural and leisure park, making it a rich cultural landmark to connect with the surrounding cities and towns, confronted with the same difficulties, to increase the tourism revenue profits as well as to enliven the city and to attract more people to migrate to Xinying District and the surrounding cities.

To increase accessibility for surrounding cites to Xinying, we reused the abandoned railway which used to be transported sugar between different cites, and turn it in to light rail, this could provide more convenient and comfortable transport for the future tourist. The site in our project will become the transportation core connect to nearby cites, not only light rail, also link to existing cycleway system, railway system. Those three transport System will servers different kind of tourist, railway provide long-distance travel option, light rail connect to surrounding cites, bicycle give a elasticity way to travel around site and Xinying area. This transportation network work like a blood vessel system, and our site just like the heart, which pump in and out people, moreover the network will enliven various industries in nearby cites.

500 m

10 km

The range of the site is enormous with multiple planning purposes. It is expected to consume vast amounts of money. In order to reduce the risk and increase the development success rate, we have design the construction to take place in three phases, a 5-year plan, 7-year plan, and 10-year plan. The first phase is aimed at forming integration of public transportation to enable varied transfer routes, such as light rail, train, and cycling, to establish a new starting point for tourism and recreation center. The second phase, beginning with the stability of the tourism industry, is designed to interest innovative startups to build in the park to boost multiple industrial development. The third phase, also the final stage, offers a novel residential setting for locals and new immigrants to cope with the potentially increasing population.

100 m

The objective is to feature the new tourism industry’s development and sustainability, and at the same time to merge to the local people’s daily life.

The objective is to increase the building space for other industries than the tourism so as to avoid economic dependence.

The objective is to create additional living space to accommodate population growth, and at the same time to showcase a construction model for surrounding cities and towns.

This area is a quiet zone with zero construction to preserve planting and natural features. Let time be the rule of the land. It is also compliantly saved for future development.

100 m

The historical passage It serves as one of the major entrance pathways to enter the park. Because of its location in the farthest north of the site, adjacent to Xinying Train Station and Station Front Shopping Center, also connected with the cycling routes, the area has possessed the advantage of transportation linking to the outer world. As a result, passengers of the public transportation, like trains or buses, as well as cyclers will go through the passage to enter or leave the park. The remaining of sugar cane tramways is retained and repurposed to deliver lectures in history, and appear visually that the road is divided into pedestrian pathway and cycling route to allow for the crowd to come deep in the park.

The railway scenery This area was originally dedicated to train dispatching, transporting sugarcane raw materials and its production in and out of the sugarcane factory. The spacious old railway track, along with the remaining facilities and instruments are to showcase the history of sugar factory for educational purpose. Carriages of different sizes are remodeled for usage as little shops and flower beds, as well as the combined carriages smartly rearranged on the densest railway network to present a different space, such as mini-shopping streets, hallways, or exhibition centers.

Redesign the skyline This is the old site of sugarcane factory, an expansive area with lots of scrap from demolition. The scrap is used to redesign the skyline to remodel the main spirit of the landmark, building a multifunctional construction as the creation of a vertical forest. The inner space of the construction is used to display historical artifacts or an exhibition place. Additionally it is spacious for artists to create land art to place outside of the structure by utilizing the dented grassy area, which can also be used as a flood storage reservoir to deliver desired standards of protection. When there is a big event to attend or celebrate, such as a concert or traditional festival, the place can also be used intelligently.





Enliven the factory During the Japanese colonial period, a large number of Japanese technicians moved to the place for administration and management of sugar factory, so the area is intentionally used for administration office and warehouse. The big warehouses are redesigned to become the art workshop for the artists in residence or multifunctional exhibition places in addition to being transformed into a commercial property for innovative startups.

Future residential This area was initially the dormitory site for the workers of the factory. Because of disrepair in years, almost all the buildings are torn down. We expect to establish the new residential area by adopting modern ways in the third phase. These newly created apartments will be posted on sale for the new comers to move to the city for settlement.

100 m

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