Mini Zine
What is 27 frames? 27 Frames is a New England art/music/skate zine that mostly focuses on using film photography to capture the subjects that are featured.
Wouldn’t sticking to just film limit a lot of opportunities for your zine? Yes and no. Its very different and not many people still use film. Especially for live music, its all digital now. But its also lost art we would like to support and use as much as possible. And a lot of people are starting to go back to film/appreciate the quality, which is awesome. I would hate to see the day they stopped making film.
How did you get the name 27 frames? 27 frames is the amount of exposures you’re giving with the fujifilm disposable camera. Since I’ve become hopelessly addicted to using them. I had to go with the name.
What intrigued you about disposable cameras? The fact that you can do so much with them. For example damaging film, leaving one in the freezer or cutting holes in it to let light through to get all these weird little effects. Thats what really got me hooked.
Here are a few photos! Hope you don’t hate them! More zines with interviews and all that will be out so on!
Thanks for flipping through! Check this page and the tumblr for updates on new zines. Thank you! 27frameszine.tumblr.com