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Local teachers honored with Teachers of the Year awards


Teachers of the Year were recently selected throughout the Shelby County school district. Here’s a look at the winning teachers in the 280 Living coverage area.


► How many years have you been teaching? I have taught 30 years here in kindergarten at Oak Mountain Elementary. It is sometimes hard to wrap my head around the fact that I have walked into this building, walked these halls for 30 years. I am so thankful!

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? My favorite part of being a teacher is the privilege of being a part of these little lives and their families. I have been so blessed to have been placed here and to serve these students. It is when you realize that you “get to do this” every day, and from there you find joy. It is such a sweet gift when you hear from former students and their families. You just pray that what you are doing is making a difference in some of their lives.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? This is my first time to receive this honor and I do appreciate and cherish it, especially since I will be retiring this year.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? I would like my students to remember that they were a part of a special family — Ms. Lazarre's SuperStars — that they are loved and valued. I want them to know that I believe in them, that they can be leaders and be successful.


► How many years have you been teaching? I have been teaching for 18 years.

► How long have you been at your current school?

I have been at Mt Laurel Elementary for 13 years.

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? My favorite thing about being a teacher is getting to know each student and seeing their relationship with me and the other students develop over the school year. We are definitely a family!

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? This is my first time being nominated for Teacher of the Year.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? I hope that my students will look back and remember third grade being FUN. It was my favorite year in school. If nothing else, I hope they leave me with a passion for reading!


► How many years have you been teaching? 12 years.

► How long have you been at your current school? 2 years.

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? The ability to make an impact not only with children, but also with colleagues. I love being able to support my colleagues in a professional environment to build capacity within our district.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? Yes, in my previous district in 2020.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? I want students to remember feeling respected and cared for. All the flashy stuff can entertain, but it’s the steady check-ins and conversations that keeps them connected to us. I want them to remember the little conversations where I’ve stopped and showed concern.


► How many years have you been teaching? 26 years

► How long have you been at your current school?

About 9.5 years so far. I taught at Oak Mountain Intermediate School in the early 2000s and returned to OMIS in 2017.

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? As a special education teacher, I believe that it is my task to determine the best way for a student to demonstrate their learning. I have seen a student that rarely speaks start smiling when he is able to read a story aloud. I have seen a non-verbal student learn phonics and start spelling words on his communication device. Teaching is all about those moments in the classroom when students realize that they are capable learners. My goal is to help my students realize they can achieve regardless of the challenges they face.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? Yes. I was nominated for Teacher of the Year in Sylacauga when I taught at Pinecrest Elementary School. I was also nominated for Teacher of the Year in Tallapoosa County Schools.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? Sometimes, when a student has a disability, learning new tasks tends to come with a lot of “I can’t” statements. “I can’t read the sentence. I can’t do the math problem.” Students may give up easily and become frustrated. As a self-contained special education teacher working with students that are functioning significantly below grade level, I feel that it is important that I encourage students to believe in themselves as learners and doers. I want my students to leave me feeling confident, supported and successful through their learning experiences. I want to see my students become inspired to say, “I can do this!”


► How many years have you been teaching? I have been in education for 18 years. I have taught in the elementary classroom and gifted education classroom, been an assistant principal and principal and now I am teaching at the middle school level.

► How long have you been at your current school? This is my third year at Oak Mountain Middle School. This is my first year teaching sixth grade math. Prior to that, I taught sixth grade Advanced English Language Arts.

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? Todd Whitaker says “The best thing about being a teacher is that it matters. The hardest thing is that it matters every day.” I would agree with him. I strongly believe that teachers have the opportunity to make a difference each day in the lives of their students. I count it a privilege and joy and also take it very seriously.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? Yes, in 2011 I was Chelsea Intermediate School’s Teacher of the Year and selected as the Shelby County Schools Elementary Teacher of the Year. I was also a Top 5 finalist for the Jacksonville State University Teacher Hall of Fame.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? I always tell my students I want to be their hardest class and their favorite class; if that happens, I will feel successful. I hope they'll remember the community we built in our classroom and that learning can be fun.


► How many years have you been teaching? 20 years, all at Oak Mountain High School

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? I love seeing students succeed. From improvement in math class to getting a role in the school play, playing well on the court to being promoted to manager at a job, success looks as different as the students we teach. I’m thankful to have a front row seat and celebrate with them on their journey.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? No, this is the first time I have been selected as Oak Mountain’s Teacher of the Year

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? I certainly hope my students learn a little math that will help them in their future, but more than anything, I want them to know they are valued and are capable of making an impact on their community.


► How many years have you been teaching? This is my seventh year.

► How long have you been at your current school? This is my third year in Shelby County and at Forest Oaks Elementary. I taught at Pinecrest Elementary in Sylacauga for four years before coming to Shelby County.

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? I enjoy interacting with the students and seeing them enjoy learning — especially when they enter my class on the first day of school not-so-excited about learning. I like feeling like I’ve made them enjoy the process even though it is sometimes difficult.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? No.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? I hope they remember that I cared about them as humans first, and learners second. I push my students to grow beyond what they are sometimes comfortable with, but when they see they can do things they did not think were possible, I want them to remember that feeling and develop a love for learning. I have found that moment does not happen until they realize that I actually care about them as a person first.


► How many years have you been teaching? 17 years

► How long have you been at your current school? 15 years

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher?

Teaching first grade, I love being the foundation for learning. It brings me joy to see my students excited about learning and to help them to develop their own gifts and talents.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? No, this is my first nomination.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? I hope they remember me as someone who showed them that learning is an adventure that doesn’t end when we leave school. I hope they have fun memories and felt loved while they were in my care.


► How many years have you been teaching? 10 Years

► How long have you been at your current school?

Seven years

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher?

Getting to see my students’ excitement when they accomplish a goal and then getting to celebrate that accomplishment with them. School can bring extra pressures and I love being their go-to teacher when they need a shoulder to lean on or someone to encourage them.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? No.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? That I created a relaxed learning environment that let them escape from the pressures of school and life. Hopefully they will also remember the fun food labs they got to participate in.


► How many years have you been teaching? I have been teaching for 17 years.

► How long have you been at your current school? This is my sixth year at Chelsea High School.

► What’s your favorite part of being a teacher? My favorite part of being a teacher is the opportunity to have a positive impact in students’ lives and education.

► Have you been nominated for Teacher of the Year before? Yes, I was Teacher of the Year for Chelsea in 2019. I was Teacher of the Year at Benjamin Russell High School in 20162017 and Teacher of the Year at Childersburg High School in 2008-2009.

► What do you want your students to remember most about having you as their teacher? I hope my students remember how important their education is to me and that each student felt successful in my class.

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