Hungli’s Portfolio
PEBBLE Smartphone Concept
PEBBLE Smartphone Concept Image Reference
石頭在長期摩擦風化後表面質地會更加光亮細膩,這令人將手機的操作方式連結在一起,手機的操作大部分集中在正面, 背面則是提供手 部握持, 因此PEBBLE應該是如同一塊正面充分被操作使用摩擦後的拋光面, 背面則是初始狀態較粗糙的質地並且符合手型的鵝卵石。
Stones’ surface are more glossy after rubbing for a long time, it inspired me associate with the way we use smartphone, Pebble should be a stone with glossy surface and matte back.
握在手中使用,表面的細膩質地讓您不斷地想握在手上把玩,您滑動、按壓PEBBLE操作, 就像他正以各種方式感知並回應您的觸摸。
For the way of using PEBBLE, imagine it as we are playing a sensitive stone instead. The shape suggests you how to grab it, the texture makes you want to stroke it. The way you slide and press PEBBLE, just like it is responding you in many ways.
Slide to control volume
Swipe to Using Asistance Cursor
Press to wake up the phone
Hidden Camera
PEBBLE Package Design
Panasonic| MX-ZH2800 High Power Blender 主體由圓角和俐落直線組合成簡潔幾何的外觀設計,在頂面及正面為連續面,與大身在顏色和表面部分作對比,兩個部分相互包覆型成的獨特外觀
It is designed with the straight line and radiused corner, make it a simple geometric shape. A polished surface from the top and front with a textured surface from its body, constructing the main image of this product.
High Power Blender Color & Texture Reference
MX-ZH2800 以器具的意象為發想進行此次造型設計, 讓產品能融入居家環境。
The idea of appearance is inspired by the image of ceramics. To make it not only an appliance but a item that can be placed in our home comfortably.
Panasonic| MX-XPT102 Cup Lid
這是一款針對Panasonic MX-XPT102台灣市場的隨行杯果汁機所設計的杯蓋,有別於日本市場所採用的為旋蓋式,台灣向則以方便為導向, 新設計一小頂蓋,向上施力即可打開飲用,在外觀部分也採用和機身相同的設計元素,達到配件與主體的一體設計。
This is a lid design for Panasonic MX-XPT102 tumbler blender in Taiwan. For convenience, there’s a new cover on the top of lid, pulling it to open the lid to drink. The design image is from the body of blender to maintain the consistance of product.
Sport Drone Design Project
The straight lines construct a muscle form of the sporty style and sense of speed. The simple image of bending form increases the visual recognition of the product. It also reinforces the frame-like imagery of lightweight vehicles like off-road vehicles.
Sport Drone Design Project Color & Image Reference