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5-4 Environmental Embeddedness and Social Characteristics | Academic Research
This study explores how ecological parks are developed in Taipei City to promote urban sustainability. Ecological parks are important for sustainability, but development pathways differ. The study emphasizes the importance of analyzing policy, environmental context, and social networks to understand the development of ecological parks in Taipei City.
Year: 2020
Research Institute: Department of Geography, Nation Taiwan University
Professor: Sue-Ching Jou, Jing-Chein Lu
Publisher: Taiwan Institute of Urban Planning
Collaborator:Mei-Yi Liu
Role: Research Assistant
Work: Policy Research, GIS Analysis, Infographic
Biotope area factor (BAF) analysis, showing different degrees of Ecology Park in Taipei City Ecological richness may be observable to the naked eye, but in order to provide a more objective assessment of the ecological value of parks and green spaces in Taipei City, we utilized data from the National Land Use Survey to conduct a Biotope Area Factor (BAF) analysis. This allowed us to evaluate the ecological significance of various parks and their surrounding areas.
5-5 Editorial design | Side Project
Other Works
I have a passion for editing and photography, which I used to create a book on European cityscapes during my undergraduate studies. After graduating, I collaborated with a non-profit organization to publish a book on the recovery of a local community in Ishinomaki, Japan after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. I am committed to continuing to use my skills to document unique stories from various locations.
Year: 2016
Book Title: Escape the city from the city
Publisher: Landscape Architecture, Chung Yuan Christian University
Work: editing, graphic design, photography
Year: 2020
Book Title: Xplore Ishinomaki
Publisher: Believe in Next Generation
Work: editing, graphic design, photography
5-6 10th CYLA, Graduation Exhibition | Spatial Design
During 4 years, We have learned from each other and accumulated experiences from the challenges of the Urban/ natural environment. This Exhibition reminded us of our core values. The landscape may change over time, but the land's true essence remains.
Year: 2017
Location: Taipei
Collaborator: Dan-yue Zhu
Work: Spatial & Detail Design