GRAND DESIGNS Jessica Latham highlights how OTs can apply their skills to influence the design world
am part of a wonderful local authority occupational therapy team in Bournemouth supporting children and young people who are disabled and their families. Our day-to-day intervention for children involves all manner of equipment, aids and adaptations a core resource for many OT roles. Much of my time is spent perusing product websites, meeting with product advisors and considering if a product will meet the particular needs of a child and have a positive impact on their independence and wellbeing. When you see a child with strong involuntary movements now able to chill and relax after school, or hear a sibling excitedly exclaim that their brother will now “be able to eat Christmas dinner with us,” all because of a well-designed piece of equipment, you realise how impactful good design can be. Think for a moment about some of the items you own.
Have you ever had something that feels like it was designed just for you because it works so well?