3 minute read
Ian Taverner is the author of Cookfulness, the cookbook designed for those living with chronic illness and pain. Every issue Ian will be contributing an exclusive new recipe, complete with his unique cooking format and hints and tips to allow everyone to make tasty, nutritious meals in their own kitchen, and in their own time. NO BAKE FESTIVE TIFFIN
Can be GF and/or Vegan with straight swaps
Give Yourself Time – when you need to take extra time, take a step back, breathe and re-Cookfulness yourself KEY – steps marked for when something really important is needed
Hints & Tips – to help you throughout and after Cookfulness Playlists – get your best tracks going!
Difficulty rating: 1 2-3 4 5 Preparation time: 20 mins
Makes: never enough! Give yourself time: 30 mins (plus 90 mins in fridge to set) Cooking time: 0 mins
8 inch square cake tin/ tray Greaseproof paper Scissors Small saucepan Spatula Teaspoon Knife Chopping board
Freezer bag and rolling pin for biscuit bashing! Microwaveable bowl for optional topping
Take your time with the melting of the chocolate mixture, slow and steady wins the race! If you don’t have a rolling pin or bag, just break them up by hand or get someone to help give them a bash
Try using different flavoured biscuits, ginger, cookies etc Mix up the dried fruits, the combinations are endless Try adding some stem ginger for a bit of heat, even a pinch of salt or chilli flakes are delicious
Try flavoured dark chocolate
Cut the greaseproof paper so it will fit into the bottom of the cake tin and also up the sides (no neatness required!) Add the biscuits to the bag and bash with the rolling pin to crush to small pieces (not crumbs) In the saucepan, add the chocolate, sugar and butter and gently melt KEY heat gently to melt, do not let it boil Once all combined and melted, remove the pan from the heat Gently stir in the crushed biscuits, mixed dried fruit, mixed spice and cinnamon to the mixture Using the spatula, pour the mixture into the lined tin (how much you leave behind for ‘chef testing’ is up to you!) Put into the fridge and leave for a minimum of 90 minutes to set
KEY after 1 hour of the tiffin being in the fridge gently melt the chocolate and cool until it is spreadable (you can use a microwave to do short bursts until melted or melt over a gentle heat), then pour over the tiffin base and return to the fridge for a final 30 mins Once set, you can remove it from the tin using the greaseproof paper as lifters, onto a chopping board and cut into pieces!
300g digestive biscuits* 150g dried mixed fruits (cranberries, sultanas, cherries etc) 250g dark chocolate* broken into pieces (min 70% cocoa) 150g butter* 150g soft brown sugar 1 Teaspoon mixed spice ½ Teaspoon cinnamon OPTIONAL TOPPING
250g of either white or milk chocolate* Follow Ian’s Cookfulness journey on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook all @Cookfulness
Website – www.cookfulness.co.uk YouTube - Cookfulness
Cookfulness is available in hard copy & e-book on Amazon / BookshopUK / Waterstones
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PressureAreas CentrobedTurningBeds
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