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LEARNING STARTS HERE with the story behind the story.
Teddy Rides a Bike focuses on the social value of:
De ter mina tion • a quality that makes you keep trying to do something that is difficult • the act of not giving up on a task or an action In this story, Teddy struggles with learning how to ride a bike. With the help, encouragement, and advice of a new friend, Teddy learns that getting back up and trying again after failing over and over is well worth the effort. When young children are introduced to the Teddy stories, their desire to hear the stories over and over helps them absorb key social values. As this story unfolds, children discover that being determined enables them to reach their goals, even if it’s easier to give up. After reading Teddy’s tale together, the following questions will help you jumpstart a conversation about determination with your child:
• Why does Teddy want to learn to ride a bike?
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• What happens each time Teddy falls off the bike? • What does Zee do to convince Teddy to keep trying? • Where does Zee ask Teddy to find his determination? • Where would you find your determination if you wanted to learn something? • What is one thing you are determined to do after watching Teddy ride his bike?
Sharing these questions with your child after each reading will reinforce the value of determination and emphasize the importance of never giving up - all in a friendly, stimulating, and warm story that children enjoy. Danelle Schulze
Doug Grant
Education Specialist
2 Kids Publishing
Social Values Media
None of this publication, either in whole or in part, including the characters developed and included, may be reproduced in any manner, or any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational retrieval system, without the written consent of the publisher. For information about obtaining permission, please email 2 Kids Publishing at: info@2kidspublishing.com. Copyright Š 2016 by 2 Kids Publishing (www.2kidspublishing.com) All characters portrayed in this book are solely owned, and their rights reserved, for any and all purposes, by the publisher, and permission for any use of these characters, either singularly or together, must be obtained from the publisher as noted above. Resemblance of any character to any living person, or other fictional character(s), is purely coincidental. All rights reserved. Design by Q Aloi, Westamerica Communications Lake Forest, CA www.mywestamerica.com ISBN 978-0-991-61317-5 Proudly produced in the U.S.A. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: Pending
Lillian Pluta
One Saturday morning,
visitors came to Teddy’s house.
Hannah came to play with Matthew, Teddy’s boy. But someone special came to play with Teddy and his pals, too.
Idles, the family cat, and Puddles, the clever turtle, oohed and aahed when they saw her.
i t was Zee, Hannah’s doll! Funny Monkey flipped over and said, “Look! Zee brought her shiny, red bike.” Teddy headed toward the bike. “Ohhh! I want to learn to ride.”
“You’re too floppy,” said Monkey. “You might fall off,” said Idles, the friendly family cat.
“Try my skateboard,” said Puddles. “It’s lower to the ground.” 8
eddy shook his head. T “No! I REALLY want to ride the bike.”
“I’ll teach you,” said Zee. “I’m floppy too, and I can ride.” Teddy smiled. “Thank you.”
nacktime, Matthew and Hannah,” “SMatthew’s mother called out from the house.
fter the children ran inside for their snack, ATeddy put on Zee’s helmet. It fit perfectly. He sat on the bike, careful not to fall. ”You can do this, Teddy!” Zee cheered. “Remember to balance and pedal slowly.”