Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Sisters on the Move. . .Launching New Dimensions of Service Soror Joyce Henderson Regional Director
Greetings from the Regional Director
INSIDE THIS ISSUE PAGE Undergraduate Talk ............. 3 Founders’ Day ...................... 5 Ivies Beyond the Wall ............ 6 Legislative Day ..................... 7 Chapter Twitter ..................... 8 Voices .................................. 9 Sisters in Motion ................. 10 2015 Regional Conf. ........... 13 Nominating ....................... 15 Standards ........................... 16 Membership ........................ 16 Protocol ............................ 19 Connection ........................ 20 EAF .................................... 21 Acknowledgements ............. 23
Special WinterSpring Edition
Greetings, sorors of the Marvelous Mid‐Atlantic Region, Thanks to each of you for your part in helping us come “Together Toward Tomorrow” as we assembled to celebrate the region and to con‐ duct the business of the sorority. Sorors, you have propelled our region forward. I am deeply honored, and I thank the hostess chapters of the Northern Western Virginia (NWVA) Cluster, the Conference Chairman, Soror Michelle Jones, Conference Co‐Chairmen, Sorors Tracey Watkins, Nieta Scott Dunmore, and Destini Orr, for the spectacular job done in such short order. These sorors remained focused and guided on the principle of the three Cs: the Capacity to lead and serve sorors attending the con‐ ference; the Commitment to working our programs of service; and the display of true Compassion for sorors’ needs. Please know the sorors of the NWVA Cluster came together in good faith to execute the 62nd Mid‐ Atlantic Regional Conference with over 2,800 attendees. Job well done! Sorors, we acknowledge there were issues with the convention sound system and the conference bags, and we sincerely apologize. The quality control issues with the conference bags occurred across nine regions. This matter has been raised to the Executive Director. The Corporate Of ice is working with the vendor to resolve the matter. Again, I sincere‐ ly apologize for this occurrence. I do hope that you felt welcomed and at home during your attendance at the 62nd Mid‐Atlantic Regional Conference. It was my goal to ensure you received exciting, informative, and entertaining information throughout the conference. Thank you for your record‐number attendance and sup‐ port! I love each of you and will always cherish the wonderful memories of this record‐breaking conference. Over the past few months, I was able to celebrate with Sigma Kappa Omega, Zeta Pi Omega, and Delta Alpha in observing beautiful Founders’ Day celebrations and signi icant milestone chapter anniversaries. Keep up the good work in your commitment to honoring those who came be‐ fore us.
(> page 2) Spring 2015
Volume 1, Issue 2
Volume 1, Issue 2
Greetings from the Regional Director (continued)
We welcome to our sisterhood and to this region all of the newly initiated members who joined the ranks of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®. I was ever so proud on March 29, 2015, to welcome new members of Nu Epsilon, Christopher Newport University, and to serve as their luncheon speaker. It has been a very busy season. Please know that your Regional Director has represented you at the Winter Directorate Meeting, at four regional conferences, and on Capitol Hill at the His‐ torically Black Colleges and Universities’ (HBCU) Bipartisan Caucus meeting chaired by our so‐ ror, Congresswoman Alma Adams, of North Carolina. Kudos to Soror Yvonne Pettis, North Carolina State Coordinator, and Soror Ań Jou Johnson, In‐ ternational Representative to the Connection Committee! They hosted one of the largest legis‐ lative days in recent times on May 6, 2015! We were joined by a visit from the Grand Basileus of Omega Psi Phi, Mr. Tony Knox, and the North Carolina District Director of Alpha Phi Alpha, Mr. Carl Pickney.
On April 23rd, our nation made history with the U.S. Senate's con irmation of Loretta Lynch as the 83rd U.S. Attorney General. Ms. Lynch will be the irst African‐American woman to hold the post.
I would like to commend all of you for rallying your elected of icials to vote af irmatively for her con irmation. A North Carolina native, Ms. Lynch's stel‐ lar and impressive career is a remarkable demonstration of passion and per‐ severance. With many of the critically important issues faced by communi‐ ties and citizens across our country today, I am extremely con ident and be‐ lieve our 83rd Attorney General will deliver on her promise to deliver truth, fairness and justice.
Let us celebrate this historic moment that showcases an African‐American woman who is a role model for all women around the world
I want to share a few reminders: Don’t forget to place a line item for the Boule’ hospitality suite in your budgets. Remember to do something fun and sisterly over the summer and incor‐ porate this in your chapter retreats. An Undergraduate Summit will be held on August 21‐22, 2015 in Concord, NC. All undergraduate chapter basilei and graduate advisors are required to attend. Details were provided in the spring mailing. We are asking graduate chapters that su‐ pervise an undergraduate chapter to help underwrite or sponsor your undergraduate repre‐ sentative to this mandatory meeting. This does not replace the Undergraduate Roundup, which will be held September 25‐26, 2015.
Lastly, I want to convey my congratulations and well wishes to our sorors who graduated this summer and are well on their way to creating their future and forging their paths. I extend my gratitude and appreciation to all of you who continually enrich the lives of others. Stay sincere to the mission and purpose of our sisterhood, as together we continue to be of service to all mankind. Sisterly yours, Soror Joyce Henderson Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
A Celebration of Soror Ruth Anderson Smith: The Diamond Effect by Sorors Christina Allison and Jessica McKoy* On Tuesday, November 18, 2014, Alpha Chi Chapter celebrated the diamond anniversary (75 years of membership) of Soror Ruth Anderson Smith. Soror Ruth Anderson Smith is an initiate of Alpha Chi Chapter of Alpha Kappa Al‐ pha Sorority, Inc. at North Carolina Col‐ lege, known today as North Carolina Central University in Durham, NC (NCCU). She is currently a mem‐ ber of the Chi Omega Chapter h in Rocky Mount, North Caroli‐ a hadij , Soror K ror Jessica h s a N e a So na, and is a NCCU Alumnae ror Ronn Allison, mith, So oror Christina S n o rs e S and Golden Eagle. phertt, uth And Soror R ror Kenisha Sy s d n o m ia ile So back: D ndrea L Woods, Front to oror Courtney inn and Soror A S Soror Ruth was interviewed by Sorors Christina u , Wiggins ror Hyleah O'Q So Allison and Jessica McKoy during the celebration. The interview McKoy, explored her outlook on campus life, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® (AKA) in general, and Alpha Chi Chapter. It was a remarkable experience to gain Soror Ruth’s personal perspective of the previous face of Alpha Kappa Alpha. She spoke fond‐ ly of her mentor, Soror Anna Easter Brown, a founding member of the sorority, and the Chi Omega Chapter. While we were timid in our approach to the interview, Soror Ruth Anderson Smith answered each question with poise and excitement, leaving no dull mo‐ ments out of her responses. Every answer was accompanied with a smile. The interview illustrated how different Greek life is now compared to when Soror Ruth was initiated. She spoke about her early life through her college career. It was amazing to hear how similar college life is now to when Soror Ruth was an undergraduate, as well as hearing how the chapter operated then. Both Sorors Christina and Jessica ex‐ pressed that it was an incredible opportunity to understand what drew Soror Ruth to AKA. Soror Ruth expounded on her active engagement and love for the organization. Her enthusiasm towards Alpha Kappa Alpha could be a reason why a plethora of young ladies show interest and remain active in the organization after graduating. Years from now we would hope to have a similar impact on young ladies in pursuit of “Service to All Mankind.” Moments such as this are “a once in a lifetime” opportunity that should never be forgotten. *Gratitude to Soror Linda Simmons‐Henry, International Archives Representative to the Mid‐Atlantic Region, for her vision and leadership in assisting with the interview.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2 UNDERGRATUATE TALK (continued)
Great Things are Happening in Delta Alpha Chapter! On Thursday, April 30, 2015, Fayetteville State University (FSU) held its Annual Inaugural Ball and Bron‐ co Pride Awards Ceremony ‐ the Blue Tie Affair, at 7:00 PM in the Rudolph Jones Student Center Ball‐ room. At this prestigious event, Delta Alpha Chapter received numerous honors and awards. Following is a list of awards the chapter received: The Resident Life Commendation Award was given to Soror Anyka Williams for her outstanding ser‐ vice and participation in the resident life campus programs and activities. Soror Anyka has served as a Residence Assistant for the past two years. The Student Activities Committee Commendation Award was given to Soror Jerraye Daniels for her outstanding service and participation in the Stu‐ dent Activities campus programs and events. Soror Jerraye has previously served as Miss FSU in 2013‐ 2014. She was also a member of the Student Activities Committee Executive Board. The Order of the Bronco Award was awarded to three members of the Delta Alpha Chapter. The Order of the Bronco Award recognizes outstanding seniors at FSU who have best demonstrated exemplary in‐ volvement, leadership, and achievement in their college experiences. It honors their academic achieve‐ ment, outstanding leadership, community service, personal character, and service of institution‐wide signi icance. Sorors Shaunece Smith, Jalynn Jones, and Jerraye Daniels were the recipients. Receiving this award signi ies that they have transcended the University motto: Res Non Verba ‐ Deeds, Not Words, in all facets of their college experience. New Sorority Member of the Year was awarded to Soror Shaunece Smith by the FSU National Pan‐ Hellenic Council (NPHC). Soror Shaunece exempli ies the ideals of sorority life. Highest Individual Grade Point Average among Sororities Award was given to Soror Rebekah Moss, by the FSU NPHC, for earning the highest individual GPA among the Greek letter sororities. Soror Rebekah has a 4.0 GPA and is a junior at FSU. The Highest Sorority GPA Award was awarded to the Delta Alpha Chapter for their scholastic achieve‐ ments during the 2014 ‐2015 academic year, fostering the principles of the NPHC at FSU, including high scholastic achievement. The NPHC at FSU Chapter Excellence Award for Outstanding Community Service Project of the Year was received by Delta Alpha Chapter in conjunction with the Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Frater‐ nity Inc. Both chapters collaborated together on a service project for the boys and girls mentoring group at W.T. Brown Elementary School by hosting a day‐long program on the campus of Fayetteville State Uni‐ versity. The chapters hosted 30 students for the day, and the program included lunch with the Chancel‐ lor, tours of the campus, and small group sessions. On, Friday, May 1, 2015, Soror Alaska Hawkins was inducted in the Tau Psi Chapter of NPHC and re‐ ceived the Order of the Omega Award, honoring her for her leadership and academics in a Greek‐Letter organization. Soror Alaska was one of two Delta Alpha members who received this award for the 2014 academic year.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
In addition, Soror Anyka Williams was honored by the College of Education, and received the Out‐ standing Student Teacher of the Year Award. Soror Anyka completed her student teaching experience at Mac Williams Middle School this past semester. On Saturday, May 2, 2015, Delta Alpha Chapter was presented with a $100 check from the Of ice of the Registrar for their participation in the early Fall 2015 registration. The chapter received this mon‐ etary award for having the highest number of active members register for classes for the fall semes‐ ter. Great things continue to happen with the Delta Alpha Chapter.
’ D
On January 16, 2015, Upsilon Omicron Omega Chapter kicked off its Founders’ Day celebration at the popular Roger Brown’s Restaurant in Portsmouth, VA on the can‐ dlelit terrace with a blast of a horn and singing of the hymn. The event was posted on Facebook and Instagram inviting, all sorors to attend. As a result, over 70 so‐ rors were present, with nine inactive sorors re‐ questing chapter information. As Basileus Anissa Walker said, “This event was a reclamation event as well.” The front portion of the restaurant was reserved and beautifully decorated in pink and green. Sorors enjoyed live jazz entertainment as they mingled from table to table celebrat‐ ing 107 Years of Sisterhood. It was an evening illed with sisterly fellowship. Sorors Tanya Perry, Kim Jenkins, and Traci Maye worked diligently to create the perfect atmosphere. The cake was so beautifully decorated one was overheard to say it was too pretty to eat. However, once it was sliced, it disappeared quickly. Sorors Perry, Jenkins, and Maye were so creative – they of‐ fered a signature beverage called the “Pearls and Ivy.” “We had a fabulous time,” said Basileus Anissa Walker. Soror Barbara Ciara, Norfolk, Virginia, Upsilon Omicron Omega Chapter
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
W C C L P C F ' D The graduate chapters of the Western Carolina Cluster (WCC) linked pearls on February 7, 2015 to host a joint Founders’ Day luncheon. Approximately 400 graduate, undergraduate and general mem‐ bership sorors, as well as inactive pearls, united at the Sheraton Airport Hotel in Charlotte under the theme, "Linking Our Pearls to Launch New Dimensions of Service.” Led by WCC Coordinator, Soror Patrice Wright, all WCC graduate chapter basilei and event chairmen, Sorors Lisa Moore and Cyn‐ thia McKnight, the steering committee planned an afternoon of food, fellowship, sisterhood, and service. Sorors were charged by keynote speaker, 18th MAR Director, Soror Joyce Henderson, to continue to love and serve. Golden to undergraduate sorors accepted the charge and enthusiastically stood on their feet in support of the Regional Director's call to action. All host chapters presented contributions and provided service hours on behalf of the International Program Target III ‐ Family Strengthening: "Childhood Hunger Awareness" initiative to bene it organi‐ zations serving children within their local communities. The host chapters also surprised the 18th MAR Director by presenting a monetary donation in support of her scholarship fund endowment. The hardworking WCC graduate chapters and basilei who hosted the event included: Alpha Lambda Omega (Soror Kelly Dargins), Delta Xi Omega (Soror Lillian Morgan), Gamma Gamma Omega (Soror Charlotte Cato), Lambda Upsilon Omega (Soror Terry Stafford Scott), Rho Psi Omega (Soror Renae Sanders), Xi Phi Omega (Soror Detra Williams), and Zeta Mu Omega (Soror Beverly Tribble).
Soror Syrena Pridgen-Hudson Eta Omicron Omega Chapter High Point, NC Soror Margaret Castleman Lumsden* Zeta Kappa Omega Chapter Elizabeth City, NC Soror Vivian Purcell Zeta Pi Omega Chapter Fayetteville, NC Soror Shirley F. Jones Zeta Kappa Omega Chapter Elizabeth City, NC
Soror Minnetta Scott* Zeta Pi Omega Chapter Fayetteville, NC Soror Elmagene Moser McDowell Alpha Phi Omega Chapter Danville, VA Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Ivies Beyond the Wall
Soror Shanna Vann-Hall Chi Iota Omega Chapter Kenansville, NC
*last surviving charter member of the chapter
Volume 1, Issue 2
AKA Legislative Day/AKA Day at the Capitol
Meet and Greet: Soror Marilyn Saulsbury (Virginia State Coordinator) and Soror An’Jou C. Johnson (Mid‐Atlantic Representative, International Connection Committee) kicked off the AKA Legislative Day/AKA Day at the Capitol by hosting a Meet and Greet Reception on Sun‐ day, February 15, 2015. Seventy‐two of 75 invited guests attended the event. Members of the Divine Nine were in attendance, along with other local leaders in the community. Soror Joyce Henderson, Mid‐Atlantic Regional Director, Soror An’Jou C. Johnson, and Soror Mari‐ lyn Saulsbury gave greetings to invited guests. Also in attendance was Soror Yvonne Pettis, North Carolina State Coordinator. Breakfast/Program: On Monday, February 16, 2015, the Mid‐Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Joyce Henderson, and 152 sorority members and guests participated in the annual AKA Legislative Day/AKA Day at the Capitol. A breakfast/program was held on the campus of Virginia Union University. At the request of Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, the program emphasized Family Strengthening and Civil Rights/Social Justice (Target III). The goal of the program was to clarify basic elements of the grand jury process. In addition, panelists addressed the importance of voting at local and state levels. Race, civil rights and the justice system are challenges within the African‐American commu‐ nities. Hence, a panel of three participants discussed pre‐selected questions with a modera‐ tor presiding. The panel included Soror Kimberly Bowers (Past Vice‐Chairman, Virginia State Board of Elections), Soror Lisa Wilson (Deputy Commonwealth’s Attorney at Arlington County), and the Honorable Charniele Herring (House of Delegates 46th District). Soror Marilyn Saulsbury served as moderator. Following the panel discussion, a brief question/ answer/suggestion session allowed the audience to address the panelists and acquire addi‐ tional information. The Honorable Mamie Locke, (Senate of Virginia, 2nd District) and the Honorable Mamye BaCote, (House of Delegates 95th District) presented current governmental updates regard‐ ing legislation in the State of Virginia. Soror Joyce Henderson concluded the breakfast/program with commentary about the dili‐ gence of the hard‐working sorors of the Mid‐Atlantic Region with “voting power.” She stressed the importance of continual utilization of this political power to ensure the suc‐ cessful civil rights of Black communities and robustness of Black families in Virginia and North Carolina. The audience was reminded to know elected of icials, visit elected repre‐ sentatives in work setting, and to continually engage and educate family and/or friends about the importance of the grand jury process and habitual voting. On to the Capitol! Fifty‐three sorors and guests walked to the Virginia State Capitol, where the Honorable Mamie Locke introduced the group from the loor. At the conclusion of the day’s events, Soror Joyce Henderson, Mid‐Atlantic Regional Director; Soror Clara Hines, 14th Mid‐Atlantic Regional Director; Soror Ań Jou C. Johnson, Mid‐Atlantic Representative to the International Connection Committee; and Soror Marilyn D. Saulsbury, Virginia State Co‐ ordinator, discussed current affairs with Governor Terry McAuliffe and posed for photos.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
Chapter Twitter
Alpha Lambda Omega’s Voice Is Heard In the Community
Alpha Lambda Omega Chapter (Charlotte, NC) has been active and involved in community projects. Chapter members partic‐ ipated in a MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 19, 2015. The event, hosted by the chapter’s Family Strengthening Committee, implemented the principles of Launching New Dimensions of Service Target III and made a “day on” of service instead of taking a “day off.”
Approximately 76 chapter members from Alpha Lambda Omega, Kappa Kappa (UNC‐Charlotte) Gamma Delta (Johnson C. Smith University) and Sigma Psi (Davidson Soror vo lunte ers o College) gathered at the Another Choice for Black Chil‐ utsid e of a dren Adoption Agency residential facility to help renovate the dopt ion a genc property, which houses children who no longer may be placed in fos‐ y ter care and/or have aged out of adoption consideration. Sorors worked in 2‐ hour shifts from 11:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. to clean and paint the seven‐bedroom home. In addition, sorors cleaned and painted the kitchen and great room and stained cabinets to be installed in the kitchen, while other sorors beauti ied the landscaping. Because of the high level of engagement, they decided that they would return to continue working on the property for another day of activity in order to Soror volunteers outside of adop on agency residen al facility on MLK Day of Service complete additional tasks.
On Sunday, January 25, 2015, Alpha Lambda Omega also hosted a community viewing for the historical drama, “Selma.” Over 200 people attended the event, including members of Mecklenburg County’s Race Matters for Juvenile Justice Initiative, elected of icials, and county departmental directors. A panel discus‐ sion directly followed the event. Connection Committee members provided all attendees with a copy of the “Democracy NC 2015 MLK Voting” brochure and encouraged the audience to register and exercise their right to vote. This event gave the Connection Committee and chapter sorors the opportunity to Take ACTION and Be the Voice in their community.
Psi Psi Omega Launches New Dimensions of Service The Psi Psi Omega Chapter (Stafford, VA) “Launched” New Dimensions of Service at their first MLK Day of Service event on Saturday, Janu‐ ary 17, 2015. The chapter collaborated with the Stafford Emergency Relief through Volunteer Ef‐ forts (S.E.R.V.E) to sponsor a "Stuff the Truck" food drive in front of the Worth Avenue Giant Food store in Stafford, VA. Thanks to the local communi‐ ty, Psi Psi Omega collected 2,248 pounds of food and $232.00 in cash donations for S.E.R.V.E.
On Monday, January 19, 2015, Psi Psi Omega continued to Launch New Dimensions of Service with three addi‐ tional MLK Day service events: donating to the Commu‐ nity Touch (Victory Transitional) Facility in Bealeton, VA; planting above ground flower boxes with youth at the STEM Tot Academy, Woodbridge, VA; and participating in an interactive visit with the residents of Parker Adult Care Services in Stafford, VA.
Psi Psi Omega Donating at Victory Transitional (Pictured are: Sorors Jennifer Cole (right) and Tamekia Roberts (rear))
Psi Psi Omega brings 2,248 Pounds of Food to Stafford Emergency Relief
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
Voices Soror Patrice Wright Speaks Out for Justice
Soror Patrice Wright, Western Carolina Cluster Coordinator, has received na‐ tional attention after speaking out regarding a 15% service charge for guests of the Ritz‐Carlton Hotel during the CIAA basketball tournament held in Charlotte, North Carolina. During their visit to the Ritz‐Carlton, Soror Pa‐ trice and her husband’s receipt for refreshments from the hotel’s lounge featured a 15 % CIAA service charge. Although they had been to the Ritz t ‐Carlton several times, they had never been charged a surcharge that h ig e Wr c i r t was associated with any organization that was in town. r Pa Soro Soror Patrice questioned the charge and has been featured on WBTV News, WCNC News, The Tom Joyner Morning Show, NPR News, Atlanta Black News, and in the Charlotte Observer, just to name a few. Additionally, the of ice of North Carolina Attorney General, Roy Cooper, has stepped in and demanded answers as to why the hotel added a 15 % service charge for guests of the hotel’s lounge during the CIAA basketball tournament in February. We await the outcome!
Moments in Mid-Atlantic Region History
Since 1953, the Mid‐Atlantic Region has been an integral part of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® history and culture. In celebra‐ tion of the national Black History Theme for 2015, “A Century of Black Life, History and Culture,” following are select historical mo‐ ments in the Mid‐Atlantic Region, taken from the award‐winning Re‐ gional History Book entitled Mid-Atlantic Region: A Continued Story Soror Linda Simmons-Henry Mid-Atlantic Region Historian of Timeless Service. D ? In 1953 the Mid‐Atlantic Region was formally established at the 33rd Boule in St. Louis, Missouri. According to the Boulé minutes, two West Virginia chapters joined the Mid‐Atlantic Region at that time, Beta Omicron and Beta Lambda Omega. Rose Butler Browne, Ph.D. was appointed as the irst Mid‐Atlantic Regional Director. When the Sorority by‐laws were revised at the 1962 Boulé (Detroit, MI), the chapters in Blue ield, West Virginia were reassigned to the Great Lakes Region. The oldest graduate chapter in the Mid‐Atlantic Region, Delta Omega Chapter, Petersburg, Vir‐ ginia (formerly Nu Graduate), was chartered at Virginia State University on May 15, 1926. The Eighteenth Boulé was the irst conference held in the Mid‐Atlantic Region after its inception. It was held from December 27‐30, 1935 at Virginia Union University, Richmond, Virginia. Once the Mid‐Atlantic Region was formed, Zeta Epsilon Omega Chapter, Suffolk, Virginia, was chartered on February 14, 1954, and Delta Theta Chapter, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, was chartered on February 20, 1954.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
Sisters in Motion
Iota Kappa Omega Chapter (Greenville, NC) - Sorors on the Move! The Sorors of Iota Kappa Omega have been diligently working in the community as well as excelling in the workplace. There have been several sorors within the chapter who have been recognized for their hard work within their places of employment. Dr. Daphne Brewington was chosen as Vidant Medical Center’s “Hospital Hero” by the Coalition to Protect America’s Healthcare, whose goal is to protect ac‐ cess to the best quality healthcare for all. Soror Teair Purcell received a job promotion at East Carolina University on September 22, 2014 and now holds the position of Early Intervention Service Coordina‐ tor, where she serves children birth to kindergarten with disabilities. Soror Gail Smith, teacher at J. H. Rose High School, was inducted into East Carolina University’s Educators Hall of Fame on October 18, 2014. Soror E. Ramona Brown retired from East Carolina University in December 2014. Soror Pamela Whitehead, teacher at Lakeforest Elementary School, was recognized as news channel WITN's Teacher of the Week for Wednesday, January 28th, 2015. The chapter has several sorors who are authors and publishers in their own right. Soror Diane Taylor, CEO of Taylor Made Publishing, published, among other books, ECU head football coach Ruf in McNeill’s book, A Pirate's ABCs. Sorors Norma Warren and Cheryl Robbins, owners of Reign Incorpo‐ rated, premiered a new web series, “Forbidden Fruits,” and launched a new book, Imani Hates the School Bus. Sorors of the Iota Kappa Omega Chapter would like to congratulate each of these sorors on all of their accomplishments, and we wish them much more success in the future.
Issues of the Heart Published by Soror Betty Long
Reverend Dr. Betty H. Long, a member of Gamma Upsilon Ome‐ ga Chapter, just released a book entitled, “Issues of the Heart, Expe‐ riencing the Kingdom of God,” a daily devotional consisting of a collection of meditations, prayers and spiritual insight. They can provide consolation, motivation, and or inspiration to a variety of practical situations and life is‐ sues, as illustrated in this book. It is designed for daily personal and/or small group study. A book‐signing was held at the Heaven and Earth Bookstore in Hampton, Virginia on March 14, 2015.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
Sisters in Motion Rho Psi Omega Charter Member Sworn-In to North Carolina State Senate
Members of Rho Psi Omega Chapter (Charlotte, NC) and Zeta Mu Omega Chapter (Gastonia, NC) celebrated with Dr. Joyce Waddell as she was sworn in on January 9, 2015 as the irst African‐American woman to serve in the North Carolina (NC) State Senate ‐ District 40. Dr. Waddell is a proud Alpha Kappa Alpha Silver Star and a charter member of Rho Psi Omega Chapter. She also served on the Charlotte‐Mecklenburg School Board for ive years (2009‐2015). Prior to being sworn in, Dr. Waddell shared that she will do what she can when she starts her new assignment in a Republican con‐ trolled legislature. She also triumphantly stated, “Just because you are in the minori‐ ty doesn't mean you don't have a voice. There is a voice, and I will exercise that voice." As an accomplished member of the Charlotte community, Senator Waddell served for over two decades within the public school system, and her late husband, Dr. E.E. Waddell, a noted educator, is the namesake of E. E. Waddell Language Academy in Charlotte. Senator Waddell is also an Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) graduate and proudly supports her alma mater, South Carolina State Univer‐ sity. She currently serves on the following NC Senate subcommittees: Education & Higher Education, Workforce & Economic Development, Insurance, Pensions/ Retirement & Aging, State & Local government, Finance and Commerce.
Soror Nadine Beach Appointed to Technology Advisory Committee On December 9, 2014, Psi Psi Omega Basileus, Soror Nadine Beach, was appointed to the Technology Advisory Committee (TAC) of the Stafford County School Board, as the Rock Hill Dis‐ trict Representative. Advisory committees are charged with compiling data, analyzing problems, summarizing indings, and developing recommenda‐ tions for school board consideration. The mission of the TAC is to advise the School Board of Stafford County concerning communi‐ Soror Nadine Beach ty perspectives about the school division’s technology plan for both instructional and administrative support functions. This appointment allows Soror Beach to impact the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) programs and IT infrastructure for Stafford County schools as well as to have input in technology capital planning for Stafford County public schools. Strong public school STEM programs will help to expand the future infor‐ mation technology and security workforce. Congratulations to Soror Beach for this historical achievement in Service to All Mankind!
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
Sisters in Motion
Zeta Mu Omega Soror Receives Two Top Honors
Soror Pearl Burris-Floyd is the only daughter of the late Deacon James Charles Burris, Sr. and the late Deaconess Ola Mae Wilson Burris. She is a native of Dallas, North Carolina and a product of the Gaston County public schools. Pearl graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in Biology, the UNC School of Medicine Cytology Program, and she also earned a Masters degree in Healthcare Administration from Pfeiffer University. She delivered her ministeri‐ al sermon on November 23, 2014, as a licensed Baptist minister of the Gospel. Soror Pearl has served as Co‐Chairman of the Transition Team of the North Caro‐ lina Department of Health and Human Services for Governor Pat McCrory and was appointed to the State Board of Directors for the Partnership for Children/Smart Start by Governors Beverly Perdue and Pat McCrory. Most recently, she was elected to serve a four‐ year term on the UNC Board of Governors. She will be sworn‐in in July 2015. God blessed her to work as a Senior Advisor to the Secretary of Health and Human Services in Raleigh, N.C., the Vice President of Governmental Affairs for the Greensboro Partnership, Greensboro, N.C., and is currently the Chief Operating Of icer for the Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce in Gastonia, N.C., having been sworn‐in on May 1, 2015. A recognized community leader, Soror Pearl has used her God‐given talent, skill, compas‐ sion and intellect to represent her community and the great state of North Carolina. She is a former Gaston County Commissioner and Representative in the North Carolina General As‐ sembly. She continues to serve Gaston County as a member of the CaroMont Healthcare Board of Directors and Off the Streets Program, Inc. Founding Board of Directors. God has blessed her to have a successful 35‐year medical career as a cancer detection specialist and laboratory administrator. She is also a mother, grandmother, sister, caregiver, servant leader, and friend. She is a silver star Alpha Kappa Alpha woman with 39 years of service to all man‐ kind. Minister Pearl is an active member of the First Baptist Church in Dallas, N.C., where she has served as a Sunday school teacher for 15 years, youth advisor, editor of the church newslet‐ ter, president of the Pastor’s Aide, and president of the gospel choir. She is currently serving as Associate Minister, Chairman of the Board of Trustees, and sings with the hymn and mass choirs. Most important is that she is not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Her favorite scripture is Psalm 34:1 ‐ “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” Zeta Mu Omega is proud of their “pearl” and the service she provides for all mankind.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
2015 Regional Conference
62nd Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Brought 2,700 Sorors to Richmond “We’re on the Move…Together Toward Tomorrow” The 62nd Mid‐Atlantic Regional Conference, under the theme of “We’re on the Move…Together To‐ ward Tomorrow,” took over Richmond, Virginia, on April 9‐12, 2015. More than 2,800 sorors from undergraduate and graduate chapters in Virginia and North Carolina participated in workshops, service projects, and a host of other fun and festivities under the leadership of Soror Joyce Hender‐ son, Mid‐Atlantic Regional Director. Organized by the Northern Western Virginia Cluster, the conference began with a Public Reception and Meeting on April 9 that acknowledged the sorority’s 2014‐2018 International Program, Launching New Dimensions of Service , and the National Campaign, Think HBCU . The Honorable Terry McAuliffe, Governor of Virginia welcomed sorors and guests to the Commonwealth of Virginia while Mayor Howard Myers of Petersburg, Virginia presented the Regional Director with proclama‐ tions and keys to their respective cities. The Region also received a proclamation from the City of Richmond. Mr. Dennis Washington, vice‐president of Institutional Advancement at Virginia Union University, and Dr. Pamela V. Hammond, interim president of Virginia State University, participated in the event, while attendees enjoyed musical selections by the Virginia State University Concert Choir. Honorees received special recognition for supporting four of the ive target areas under the Inter‐ national Program: Dr. Otha Thornton, president of the National Parent‐Teacher Association in Alex‐ andria, VA (Educational Enrichment); Mr. Maurice S. Henderson of the National Business Education Association and immediate past president of the National Association of Parliamentarians in Reston, VA (Global Impact); Mrs. Terika R. Richardson, Chief Executive Of icer of Retreat Doctors’ Hospital – Henrico Doctors’ Hospital Campus in Richmond, VA (Health Promotion) and Mr. Benja‐ min Crump, born in Lumberton, N.C., Partner of Parks & Crump Law Firm in Tallahassee, Fl. (Family Strengthening). Other highlights included the collection of more than 1,600 backpacks in support of AKA One Mil‐ lion Backpacks℠. The backpacks were donated to Elkhardt Middle School, J.E.B. Stuart Elementary School, Peter Paul Development Center and Armstrong High School, all in Richmond, VA. Undergraduate, graduate chapters, and individual sorors received awards in the categories of chap‐ ter, soror, attendance, international program, citizen of the year, exhibit, and arts and crafts. We were honored to have our Supreme Basileus, Soror Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, attend the con‐ ference, along with other members of the Directorate: Soror Glenda Baskin Glover, First Supreme Anti‐Basileus; Soror Autumn Kyles, Second Supreme Anti‐Basileus (Gamma Theta Chapter, Mid‐ Atlantic Region); Soror Charletta Wilson Jacks, Supreme Grammateus, and Soror Danette Anthony Reed, Supreme Tamiouchos. Also in attendance were the North Atlantic Regional Director, Soror Meredith Henderson; Mid‐ Western Regional Director, Soror Jan M. Carpenter‐Baker; Far Western Regional Director, Soror Barbara Trotter; International Regional Director, Soror Gizette Canegata Thomas and Soror Cynthia Howell, Executive Director.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
The 62nd Mid‐Atlantic Regional Conference culminated with the Ivy Nights Gala and Regional Conference Prayer Breakfast. On Saturday, sorors celebrated the Harlem Renaissance with a “Roaring 20’s” theme, and Sunday, the GRAMMY® Award‐winning singer and songwriter, Karen Clarke Sheard, delivered an inspirational and uplifting message to over 350 guests at the Prayer Breakfast. Click on the link below to see highlights of the 62nd Mid‐Atlantic Regional Conference! T R C S S :
al Dire Region
ts y Nigh v I d n e att eady to r e m e d Supr c t or a n
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
Message from 2014 – 2016 International Nomination Committee (INC)
Greetings Sorors! Members of the International Nominating Committee are excited about the task ahead of us during the 2014 – 2016 term. We have been working enthusiastically and tirelessly since the 66th Boule to produce the current issue of So You Want to Run for Of ice (November 2014). Become familiar with So You Want to Run for Of ice (November 2014) if you are con‐ sidering running for of ice on the regional or international level. The International Leadership Training Program (2014 – 2018) Candidate Certi ication Requirements are outlined as de ined by the International Leadership Training Committee. Don’t miss this great opportunity to take advantage of opportunities to take the required courses offered at Regional Conference, Leadership Conference, Undergraduate Roundup and Cluster Meetings. The International Nominating Committee presented a workshop at the Regional Con‐ ferences and Leadership Seminar entitled So You Want to Run for Of ice: Electing Leaders to Launch New Dimensions of Service. The workshop will ensure that you have a thorough understanding of the changes in the newest edition as well as the guidelines for nomination, certi ication and the campaign process. Questions or concerns should be addressed to your regional representative to the International Nominating Committee or to the Chairman of the Committee: Soror Carolyn G. Randolph Chairman International Nominating Committee South Atlantic Region Representative Soror LaFrances Williams Mid‐Atlantic Regional Representative to the International Nominating Committee Zeta Chi Omega Chapter Your International Nominating Committee is committed to “Launching New Dimen‐ sions of Service” by providing you with information necessary to run for of ice.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
Standards: Exceeding Expectations of Excellence (#E3)
International Membership Committee
International Standards Committee
by Soror Giselé M. Casanova, Chairman, International Standards Committee
Soror Vikki Andrews, Mid‐Atlantic Region Representative, International Standards Committee The theme for the 2014‐2016 International Standards Committee is “Exceeding Expectations of Ex‐ cellence (#E3).” We know that Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority chapters strive to operate at a level of excellence. Your International Standards Committee wants to ensure that all chapters will EXCEED our Expectations of Excellence. In order to do so, each year chapters are required to submit their Standards End of Year (EOY) Report no later than December 31st. In order to recognize chapter excellence, the “S.T.A.R.” (Standing Tall Among Regions) award was created. To be eligible for “S.T.A.R.” recognition, chapters must: 1) have at least 60% participation in completing the chapter self‐assessment; 2) have correctly completed and turned in their Stand‐ ards EOY Report by December 31st; and 3) have turned in to the Regional Director all other End of Year reports by the designated due dates. Award recognition took place at the 2015 regional con‐ ferences. A goal of the International Standards Committee is to evaluate all chapters during the “Launching New Dimensions of Service” administration in order to ensure effective chapter operations. The Al‐ pha Kappa Alpha Evaluation Team (AKA E‐Team) will evaluate chapter compliance starting during the 2015 Undergraduate Roundups and Cluster Retreats. The Alpha Kappa Alpha Investigation Team (AKA I‐Team) is charged with conducting prompt, fair and objective fact‐ inding investiga‐ tions. Your International Standards Committee is here to serve you! We want every soror to be engaged, empowered, energized, and to Exceed Alpha Kappa Kappa’s Expectations for Excellence! Soror Vanessa Rogers, Chairman International Membership Committee Soror Ebony M. Turner, Mid‐Atlantic Region Representative, International Membership Committee Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® is the premiere Greek‐letter organization in the world founded by and for African‐American women. We are committed to nurturing, developing and pro‐ moting continuous lifelong membership. Therefore, we know that Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Sisterhood is Multidimensional. We strengthen our bond of sisterhood by discovering and sharing Innovative ways to retain members in our chapters. We emphasize Lifelong membership by Engaging in mentoring for undergraduates, graduates, and new members embraced in the larger circle of our sisterhood for the irst time. All of these attributes inspired the theme for the 2014‐2018 Interna‐ tional Membership Committee: “Membership Makes Me S.M.I.L.E.” As your International Membership Committee works diligently to serve you over the next four years, our framework for membership is aligned with Supreme Basileus Dorothy Buckhanan Wil‐ son’s vision of “Launching New Dimensions of Service.” As we are reminded that Sisterhood being Multidimensional, Innovative, Lifelong and Engaging, we want you to smile and get excited about membership! Over the next two years, we will focus on the Membership Intake Process (MIP) and
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Volume 1, Issue 2
Soror Vanessa Rogers, Chairman International Membership Committee Soror Ebony M. Turner, Mid‐Atlantic Region Representative, International Membership Committee
mentoring. The Undergraduate Membership Intake Process is currently under re‐ view with major revisions are on the horizon to simplify the initial paperwork sub‐ mission. By now, all active members should have received an electronic survey to provide input on the current Membership Intake Process for graduate and under‐ graduate members. Your feedback is very important to us. Additional input was solicited during the 2015 regional conferences with a goal of bringing forth recom‐ mended changes during the 2016 regional conferences and Boule. When the Membership Intake Process ends, mentoring begins. The sorority’s men‐ toring manual has been revised to re lect the new administration’s emphasis on enhancing mentoring in all chapters. The new manual, entitled Mentoring: A New Dimension of Lifelong Membership, is included in the fall mailing. The new manual provides suggestions on designing a mentoring program, with activities your chap‐ ter may implement. Each chapter was encouraged to establish a mentoring pro‐ gram in January 2015. We are asking all Chapter Basilei to appoint a Mentoring Committee Chairman and establish a committee to ensure that the mentoring pro‐ gram is a signi icant part of the chapter's plan. Alpha Kappa Alpha Mentoring Goals:
International Membership Committee
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To encourage sorors to grow personally and professionally and increase their leadership capabilities To promote a learning environment that will encourage sorors to embrace a responsibility for the protection of the Sorority and its culture, history and physical properties To communicate to sorors the seriousness of the vows and the commitment they carry by developing relationships based on caring sharing and the transfer of knowledge To enrich the membership experience of sorors through the establishment of an internal support system focused on continuous learning within Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® To foster sisterly relations and the conduct of sisterly behavior The mentoring manual also shares the bene its of mentoring:
Promotes membership development and satisfaction Enhances a soror’s contribution to a chapter, sorority and community Improves self‐interest in the transfer of sorority knowledge; and Minimizes personal and relationship con licts (> page 18)
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
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Soror Vanessa Rogers, Chairman International Membership Committee Soror Ebony M. Turner, Mid‐Atlantic Region Representative, International Membership Committee
Meet your 2014-2018 International Membership Committee: SOROR VANESSA ROGERS LONG – CHAIRMAN (SOUTH EASTERN)
SOROR ANALISE O. ANISE SOUTH ATLANTIC SOROR WANDA KING NORTH ATLANTIC SOROR EBONY M. TURNER MID‐ATLANTIC SOROR KIMBERLY WILLIS GREEN SOUTH ATLANTIC SOROR WIONA BERRY GREAT LAKES SOROR MITZI DEASE PAIGE SOUTH EASTERN SOROR EMILE PENDARVIS BLAINE SOUTH CENTRAL SOROR CATHERINE E. MILES CENTRAL REGION SOROR LORI K. SIMMS MID‐WESTERN SOROR CAROL R. DIXON FAR WESTERN SOROR PRESLEITH YVETTE MCPHEE INTERNATIONAL SOROR CARRIE J. CLARK (RESOURCE) GREAT LAKES The International Membership Committee looks forward to meeting you, listening to you, and providing you with sisterly service regarding your questions, comments and concerns about mem‐ bership. If you have any inquiries, please email us at Why? Because Membership Makes Me S.M.I.L.E., and we hope, it makes you smile, too! Spread the word! Sisterly,
Soror Vanessa Rogers Long, Chairman International Membership Committee
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
International Protocol Committee
Protocol Matters in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Soror Sharon Bowman, International Protocol Chairman Soror Teresa Smith Mid‐Atlantic Region Representative International Protocol Committee Protocol is everyone’s responsibility. All chapter members should be aware of the roles and protocol practices high‐ lighted in The Of icial Guide to Alpha Kappa Alpha Protocol. The Protocol committee plays a key role in the chapter. Duties include monitor‐ ing, analyzing, and advising in all matters that require appropriate order for pro‐ grams, meetings, events, etiquette and consistency in the way we conduct busi‐ ness. Furthermore, the Protocol committee strives to preserve the sorority’s positive public image and makes every Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority experience better for everyone. Your role, as an individual soror, is to understand and follow the pro‐ tocol of our sorority. When we all have the same information and follow the same rules, our sisterhood is strengthened. Protocol is a key priority in the Launching New Dimensions of Service administra‐ tion. During the fall 2014 cluster and undergraduate roundup meetings, a com‐ prehensive review of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority’s protocol practices was pro‐ vided. All members are encouraged to purchase the updated Of icial Guide to Al‐ pha Kappa Alpha Protocol at regional conferences or via the Members Only online store. If you have questions regarding protocol, please refer to the Of icial Guide to Al‐ pha Kappa Alpha Protocol or reach out to your chapter, regional, or international committee Protocol committee members – we are all here to help.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
International Connection Committee
Soror Sylvia Blackmon Roberts, Chairman Take A.C.T.I.O.N. Soror An’Jou Johnson, Mid‐Atlantic Region Representative, International Connection Committee
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated® has adopted a 24‐month advocacy, social jus‐ tice and voter awareness‐focused Connection program that encourages sorors and chap‐ ters to “Take A.C.T.I.O.N.” A.C.T.I.O.N. stands for Advocate, Communicate, Train, In luence, Organize and Network. Our six Community Impact Days will allow sorority mem‐ bers to undertake speci ic actions that impact local communities. COMMUNITY IMPACT DAY#1 MLK DAY OF SERVICE & ACTION January 17 – 19, 2015 CALL TO ACTION For the first Community Impact Day, chapters are to “take A.C.T.I.O.N.” and host a so launch of our comprehensive “Be the Voice” voter awareness program, a four-pronged pla orm that focuses on: Educa on Registra on Mobiliza on Par cipa on Chapters and sorority members are to “organize” voter educa on, registra on and mobilizaon efforts in their local communi es. Through concerted efforts, sorority members will assist in making eligible residents aware of their vo ng rights, local voter iden fica on requirements in their communi es, and the importance of exercising the right to vote in all elec ons. CHAPTERS ARE ASKED TO DO THE FOLLOWING Promote registering/voting for justice in your local community. Provide voter regis‐ tration and education material to your local community at chapter events, service pro‐ jects, HBCU and local college fairs, worship service, and other community focused events in your area. Chapters may also host voter registration and education drives as part of MLK service activities on January 19. Prepare to attend your AKA Day at the Capitol activity. In addition, the International Connection Committee will provide focused, consistent and measurable ACTIONs for sorors and chapters to take directly to local and state legislatures. The International Connection Committee in collaboration with State Connection Coordinators will be distributing more information soon. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your Regional Representative to the International Connection Committee or your State Connection Coordinator. Thank you in advance for your participation.
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
Chapters in the Mid-Atlantic “Pumped” It Up for EAF Members of the Mid‐Atlantic Region were asked to take on the Educational Advancement Founda‐ tion (EAF) Pump It Up! Chapter Challenge, and they met the task head on. Each chapter was given the goal of having 95% of their chapter donate their shoe size multiplied by two (for two feet). Chapters of the Mid‐Atlantic Region showed their creativity by creating Pump It Up videos of their chapters getting excited about the challenge and posting them on social media and snapping shots of the green pumps they wore to the EAF Breakfast during the Mid‐Atlantic Regional Conference. The Mid‐Atlantic Region supported in record‐breaking numbers with over $22,000 raised for the EAF. This year EAF celebrates 35 years of promoting lifelong learning, and the support of this re‐ gion displays the pride we have in being the birthplace of EAF. It also shows that sorors love a chal‐ lenge! Congratulations to the following chapters for meeting the goal of 95% participation. Alpha Psi Omega Delta Xi Omega Iota Omega Kappa Omicron Omicron Pi Omega . . . to all the chapters Omicron Psi Omega in the Mid‐Atlantic Phi Omega Region for making the Pi Omicron Omega EAF Pump It Up! Sigma Alpha Chapter Challenge Sigma Kappa Omega fundraiser one of the Tau Mu Omega best we’ve ever had! Tau Phi Omega Xi Rho Omega Zeta Omicron Omega
“Thank you”
The EAF “35” Club
Thanks to the following sorors for joining the “35 Club” by donating $35 or more towards EAF during the Mid‐Atlantic Regional Conference appeal! Your generosity is appreciated.
Soror's Name
Chapter Af iliation (if provided)
Lula Council
Lambda Delta Omega
Eula Scott
Lambda Delta Omega
Doris Moseley
Upsilon Omega
Camille Harvey
Lambda Omega (> page 22)
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2
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Soror's Name
Af iliation (if provided)
Carmel Jones‐Boyd Glenda Brown Debbie Cadet
General Xi Upsilon Omega Pi Rho Omega
Patricia Gould Champ Iris Chapman Sharon Diggs Kellee Edmonds Gwendolyn Edwards Sheri Evans Priscilla Green Felicia Harris Mary Hicks Lucy Hicks Carolyn Holt Cheryl Ivey Rhonda Scott Johnson Mia Johnson Michele Jordan Cleopatra Kitt Sonia Joyner Shelia Lea Rhonda Luss June Monterio Dorothy Neals Dr. Nancy Jones Oltjenbruns Laverne Partlow Patsy Piggott Ivory Powell Gwendolyn Quick Jacqueline W. Roundtree Veronica Smith Natasha Villines Bynetta Wiggins Brenda Johnson Catherine Simmons JoAnn M. Thomas Wilson Deborah Sykes Carolyn House Stewart Clara M. Hines Yvonne Pettis Jinx Kenan Nadine Stewart Krystal Woodson Dia Collins Brenda Powell
Upsilon Omega
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Psi Gamma Omega Alpha Phi Omega Zeta Chi Omega Alpha Phi Omega Zeta Chi Omega Sigma Tau Omega General Upsilon Omega Gamma Iota Omega Delta Xi Omega Pi Rho Omega Chi Omega Lambda Kappa Omega Omicron Chi Omega Beta Chi Omega Iota Kappa Omega Sigma Kappa Omega Zeta Chi Omega Zeta Chi Omega Alpha Phi Omega Pi Rho Omega Rho Psi Omega Pi Rho Omega Rho Psi Omega Beta Iota Omega Zeta Chi Omega General Omicron Omega Omega Upsilon Omega Omicron Chi Omega Beta Iota Omega Rho Eta Omega Omicron Chi Omega Gamma Theta Omega Lambda Omega General Pi Omicron Omega Chi Rho Omega General Member Upsilon Kappa Omega Beta Chi Omega 22
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Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Volume 1, Issue 2 Â Â
Sisters on the Move. . . Launching New Dimensions of Service
Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated®
Mid-Atlantic Region Soror Joyce Henderson, 5911 Edsall Road, Unit 411 Alexandria, VA 22304 CELL: 703-901-4091 EMAIL: Mid-Atlantic Region Staff Soror Brenda Andrews - Executive Assistant - Soror Saundra McCullough-Cobey - Exec. Asst., Administration (Scheduler) - Soror Cassandra Borden - Executive Assistant, Administration - Soror Connie Greene - Executive Assistant, Operations (MIP) - Soror Amirah Salaam - Personal Assistant - Soror Yvette Darnaby - - Personal Assistant - Soror Tia Johnson - Special Advisor -
MAR WEBSITE: Submit your articles for the Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Messenger to: MID-ATLANTIC MESSENGER ARTICLE DEADLINES: Winter 2015 Issue deadline - February 1st (Issue released March 15th) Spring 2015 Issue deadline - May 1st (Issue released June 15th) Summer 2015 Issue deadline - August 1st (Issue released September 15th) Fall 2015 Issue deadline - November 1st (Issue released December 15th) Chapters should send their chapter newsletters to: Mid-Atlantic Regional Communications Chairman - Soror Ayana Hernandez (
ghe Marvelous Mid-Atlantic Messenger Editor: .................................Soror Joyce Putman Production Staff:................Soror C. Starr Garrett Soror Robin Green Newsletter Publisher: ........Soror Gloria Bell