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The Memory of Water - Conscious Life Magazine

By Aurixia

We begin our lives in amniotic fluid which is 99% water.


Our first cellular relationship with our mothers takes place in her waters. Roughly 60% of our bodies are water. And roughly 70% of the earth surface is water.

All the water that has ever been on the planet has been reconstituted through rivers and seas, evaporation, rain, snow, ice and dew drops. This has been happening since the birth of the earth and the water we experience today is that very same water. Water on the planet is finite.

Water holds memory. So with this in mind when we swim in, or drink fresh clean water we are experiencing the cellular history of the planet. Not only does it store impressions but it also is susceptible to subtle influences, including pollutants and chemicals used on and around the earth.

In the late 90s the Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto brought to our attention the importance of the power of intention and its affects on all living substances. He showed the world that when you spoke kindly or wrote loving, appreciative words to any living being, food or a body of water, they responded with health, vitality and longevity. If on the contrary, you projected the feelings

or words of shame, disgust or any negativity, the substance in question would shrivel and die. He performed many experiments and encouraged children, in particular, to perform these experiments as he felt they were unfettered by preconceived ideas. He experienced that people don’t believe what they can’t see, so he developed a method whereby he froze water, creating water crystals intending to make the invisible visible, showing us how water holds memory and how our intentions affect these molecules.

Check out the YouTube clip below for more info on Dr Masaru Emoto’s work.

More recently in the fascinating, lesser-known studies of Luc Montagnier, who was the joint recipient of the Nobel prize for discovering the HI virus in 2008, we see the same findings

In double-blind experiments, he proved that not only does water have the ability to retain memory but can receive messages at a distance. He proved this in an experiment between France and Italy with a film crew documenting it In both counties.

He showed that by placing the HI virus in a water solution that was diluted so many times that there was only a minuscule trace of a molecule ( much the same as homeopathy), that this energetic frequency could be sent through resonance via the internet to another body of water across continents.

His experiment proved that water can store a memory of an imprint, it can conduct information and that it can also work at a distance in an instant, in real-time.

We know that everything is energy and energy vibrates. Quantum Physics tells us that intention affects matter. Both Masaru Emoto and Luc Montagnier are two examples of proving this in a laboratory.

We live in a time where we are awakening to the fact that our human potential is far more powerful than weever imagined. Our thoughts, feelings and intentions have a great impact on all around us. Within this realisation, it opens doors to infinite possibilities.

Set your intention and feel the difference.

Conscious Life Magazine

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