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Do Blue Light Glasses Work? Potential Benefits for Sleep & Eye Health
Photo Courtesy of www.draxe.com
By Jillian Levy, CHHC of www.draxe.com
Many experts tell us that when it comes to managing our heal th, including our body w eights a nd moods, w e shoul d b e careful not to underestimate the pow er of sleep. One reason why so many adul ts and children today are thought to be living in a sleep deprived state is because of high ex posure to el ectronic devic es that emit bl ue light. Because blue light is capa ble of disrupting our circadian rhythms, or “inter nal clocks,” blue light glasses ar e now r ecommended to improve sleep quality and other concerns.
What are the benefits of blue light glasses? While more research on the topic is warranted, there’s some evidence that blue light blocking glasses can positively impact your metabolism, focus, appetite control and more.
Read on to find out how to choose the best blue light blocking glasses for your needs, plus tips regarding when and how long to wear them.
What Are Blue Light Glasses? Blue light glasses are a special type of eyewear that can block or filter blue light that is emitted from digital screens and electronics.
If you regularly deal with issues like eye strain, blurry vision, headaches and trouble sleeping — which you believe may be tied to your use of electronics — then wearing blue light filtering glasses can be a worth a shot.
What is blue light that glasses block?
Blue light is a type of high-energy light that is bright and has a short wavelength. These are wavelengths of light between 420 and 480 nanometers on the visible light spectrum. While it mostly has a bad reputation, blue light also has some benefits, such as making us feel alert and awake.
Most of our exposure comes from sunlight, but electronics also contribute to the amount of blue light that reaches our eyes on a daily basis. Electronics that give off blue light include televisions, smartphones, laptops, computer monitors and tablets, which many teens and adults now report spending multiple hours using every single day.
How do blue light glasses work?
These glasses are most often used at night to help block blue light emitted from LED devices from reaching the eyes.
Studies have found that blue light exposure can suppress natural production of the hormone melatonin, which has sleep-inducing effects. Therefore it’s thought that too much exposureat night can keep you up and disturb your natural sleep-wake cycle.
Wearing blue light filtering glasses is therefore a way to prevent sleep dysfunction and possibly to protect the eyes in other ways.
Do They Work? Potential Benefits Do blue light glasses really work? Opinions regarding their studies conducted thus far have been mixed overall.
effectiveness and findings
Research focused on the effects of blue light glasses is largely still underway. One reason it’s difficult to determine how well they work for the majority of people is because their use isn’t tightly regulated, since authorities such as the Food and Drug Administration in the United States do not consider these glasses to be medical devices.
The American Academy of Ophthalmology and the Association of Optometrists in the U.K currently don’t recommend the use of blue light glasses for the general public, a lthough they haven’t stated that they are dangerous or should be avoided.
Their stance is that there isn’t enough high-quality research showing that they work, plus that symptoms like eye strain and headaches may actually be due to issues like squinting while using electronics and poor posture, not blue light exposure.
That said, some experts and many people do report experiencing benefits from blue light blocking glasses. Potential benefitsmay include:
• Reduced eyes strain, dry eyes and blurriness • Reduced headaches • Improved sleep habits and decreased insomnia, especially having an easier time falling asleep • Enhanced vision (including less blur) • Possibly increased protection against development of certain eye diseases, although this is Conscious Life Magazine
If blue light filter glasses are capable of helping you sleep better, then th ere’s reason to believe that their benefits can be far-reaching.
Sleep deprivation can make it more likely that you’ll develop a range of serious health issues, such as obesity, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes and others. Therefore getting more sleep can be highly protective and important for improving overall quality of life.
What to Look for in Blue Light Blocking Glasses What is the best brand of blue light blocking glasses? I t really depends on the filter strength that you require and how severeyour symptoms are.
In terms of where to buy blue light glasses, you can purchase either prescription or nonprescription blue light glasses from your optometrist, in drug stores, in stores that sell glasses/eyewear or online.
If you’re dealing with vision-related problems, such as cataracts, or you’ve recently had eye surgery, it’s best to speak with your optometrist about his/her recommendations, since it may be possible you actually require contacts or glasses in addition to filtering glasses.
Filters that block blue light can be added to prescription glasses at a relatively low cost, typically under $100. You can purchase non-prescription blue light glasses for around $30 to $100 as well, although more expensive brands are also available.
If you’re concerned about also blocking providing 100% protection from UV light.
UV light, look for glasses that have a
When to Wear Them
How do you know if you need blue light glasses?
If you regularly use electronic LED devices at night, particularly once the sun is down, you may benefit from trying them. However, if you don’t want to invest in these glasses and are skeptical about their effects, experts suggest simply decreasing your evening screen time and/or setting all of your devices to “night mode,” which helps automatically result in less blue light exposure.
Is it OK to wear blue light blocking glasses all the time?
This may not be necessary, but it shouldn’t be harmful either. Some people find that wearing the glasses while they work helps their eyes feel better and allows them to work longer more comfortably.
If you spent a couple of hours on electronics daily, especially during the daytime when you’d be getting blue light exposure anyway from the sun if you were outdoors, it’s probably not a problem to skip the glasses. Some blue light exposure during the day, particularly from natural sunlight, is even beneficial for regulating your circadian rhythm, so don’t be worried about a normal level of exposure.
Overall, the best time to wear blue light glasses is at night, during the hours leading up to bedtime when your body is producing more melatonin. But if your eyes feel less strained when you wear them during the day too, then experts say this is fine to continue doing.
Risks and Side Effects Blue light glasses may be capable of taking stress off of your eyes and helping you sleep better at night, but they aren’t the only way to take care of your vision of circadian rhythm.
Here are other steps to take if you wish to sleep better and avoid eye strain, headaches and other issues:
• Get sunlight exposure during the day by going outdoors. Just be careful about too much UV-
A and UV-B light reaching your eyes, which may be damaging — therefore consider wearing sunglasses if you spend lots of time in the sun. • Avoid alcohol and nicotine, especially closeto bedtime. • Exerciseregularly, which can improve sleep quality. • Develop a relaxing nighttime routine that helps you cope with stress and unwind. I deally this routine shouldn’t involve electronics — instead try reading a book, stretching or taking a warm bath. I f you do use electronics at night, switch them to night mode. • Keep the temperaturein your room low, and wear clothes that don’t make you too hot. • Limit the amount of hours you spend on electronics if possible. I nvest in a good ergonomic chair to support your posture, and make sure your screens are at the right height so you’re avoiding forward head posture. Ideally have your eyes be about 25 inches from the screen and looking just slightly down. • When working on a computer or device, take a break every 20 minutes and look at an object at least 20 feet away for 20 seconds.
Conclusion • What is the b enefit of b lue light blocking glasses? They help filter/block bright blue light that is emitted from electronic devices. • Too much blue light can contribute to issues like sleep dysfunction and possibly eye strain and headaches. • What are the best blue light glasses? I t depends on why you’re wearing them. If you have severe symptoms or are recovering from eye surgery, you may need a prescription and should speak with a doctor. Otherwiseyou can purchase them at drug stores or online. • Research focused on the effects blue light filtering glasses is overall lacking, and opinions differ about whether or not they are necessary. However, some people find they reduce symptoms like eye strain, dry eyes, blurriness, tension headaches and trouble falling asleep — especially among people using electronics for many hours daily and at night.
Image: emmacodd on Pixabay
Image: Geralt on Pixabay
Photo by Dani Costelo on Unsplash
By Annie Wyatt September 17, 2020 What we thi nk and speak is directly related to our lives on a day to day basis. We are always manifesting even throug h our thoughts. Ever y statement, thoug ht and acti on is a reflection of what is happening in our lives. Every situati on or person that we encounter is a mirror reflection of what we are thinking or feeling.
What we think and see has a direct bearing on whether our thoughts are for our benefit or for our detriment. I f you think about your thoughts as being a boomerang, what you put out is what you bring back. So when you think big, that’s like being abundant and positive. When you think small that’s like being n egative and diminishing your possibilities and opportunities. So if you think you are poor, you will be. I f you constantly say and think that you will be financially abundant, you will be. We are constantly creating our own reality and it is possible to manifest the best for you, to come to you in the easiest possible way.
How do you do this? By establishing your priorities, your values and by being specific. By first deciding exactly what it is that you wish for in your life. Most people don’t know what they truly wish for and so therefore, they never manifest what they want. Some people believe that life happens to them including what oth er people do however, we always have a choice and it is about utilising our free will of choice to create our abundance. Being in a theta brain wave is an effective way to manifest. I n manifestation, the spoken word is effective only 30 – 40 % of the time. Visualising is effective 50% of the time and being in a theta brain wave while manifesting Conscious Life Magazine
is effective 80 – 90% of the time. One is able to achieve a theta brain state with the h elp of Theta Healer, using th e Theta Healing Technique. Th e healer helps you to release th e beliefs that are blocking your abundance, going as far back as to your ancestry and through your genetic lineage on a core and a soul level. With th is healing technique the past, the present and the future is explored, helping you to find the best for you in the now.
My friend and colleague Kendal Taytasac, who practices healing on our retreats, found that Theta Healing was a life shifter and a life changer for her. Before becoming a master healer, Kendal worked in the corporate world realising that if she could just understand why people did the things that they did, she would have a greater understanding of other people and of herself. The three things that stop us from moving forward are doubt, disbelief and rejection of self and others.
Through the Theta Healing Technique Kendal liberated herself to mental, emotional and physical freedom and found a sense of ease, harmony and joy in her daily life. All of us have low points and challenges, so having the Theta Healing Technique in her life helped her to move through and past these challenges instantly, giving her an opportunity to open her abundance up further, bringing what she wanted into her reality and being able to visualise and go beyond her dreams.
If you wish to expand your abundance on all levels including Financial Abundance, contact Kendal for a discovery session and shift yourself from surviving to thriving.
Email Kendal
– By Evelyn Alessandri
Our outside world might be changing drastically at the moment, but it’s our inside world that guides us through these changes, either with difficulty or resilience.
How much time do you spend working on your inner strength? Do you take time out to do things that make you happy? Do you treat yourself kindly? Do you face each day with a positive mindset? The more we care about our inside world the greater our outside world will become. A wonderful way of building your inner strength is through the practiceof gratitude.
What is gratitude? Is it a habit, an attitude, an emotion, a personality trait or a coping response? Perhaps it’s all of these things. For me, it’s the way in which we view our world. It’s a choice to notice the positive things in life, instead of dwelling on the bad.
Why not start your day by thinking of one small thing you’re grateful for and then write it down.
What are the benefits of this habit?
1. I t keeps us present. Practicing gratitude means we look for something good in every day. The more we look, the more we find. By being amazed at the beauty around us, we become more connected to the ordinary things in life and more accepting of life right now, as it is.
2. I t changes the pathways in our brains. Shifting our mindset from dwelling on negativity to one of always looking for the good means we start to form new pathways in the brain. This helps us move away from anxiety and depression. Our brains even retain the positive thoughts and experiences that we have and these act towards a positive buffer when negativeoccurrences happen in our everyday lives.
In fact, regular practice activates the bliss center of the brain due to the build-up of production of dopamine and serotonin. Bliss equals happiness and contentment.
3. Relationships are strengthened How did you feel the last time someone truly made you feel appreciated? I t’s a wonderful feeling to know that we matter. This is the power of gratitude. When we show appreciation of others they will be inclined to respond in the same way.
4. Gratitude and YOU. As you adopt an attitude of gratitude, the more you will start to appreciate yourself. And let’s face it, we all battle with self-love at one time or another. I found my daily gratitude practice not only gave me a positive mental attitude, but it helped me to become more authentic. I was able to identify what my own unique strengths and talents are. Something I’ve found difficult to pinpoint in the past. I also realized what I’m not and instead of beating myself up about it, I became more accepting of myself.
What about when life gets you down? When the curved balls being thrown at you seem impossible to catch. STOP, breathe and remember that just by focusing on one positive thing in your life, and writing it down, you will start to change your thinking.
I t is impossible to block out difficulties, but the goal is to be able to approach them with a different perspective. To choose a positive action, like gratitude, rather than feed negativity with your attention.
Changing your inside world will change your outside world. inside world with joy, happiness and contentment.
Choose gratitude to help fill your
Ways to practice gratitude:
Write in a gratitude journal. Think of one thing every day that you can you are grateful for and write it down. Think outside the box when you’re flexing your gratitude muscles. Say thank you and really mean it. Appreciate the people around you. Don’t judge them. Sending a note/letter of appreciation Keep a gratitude jar Show kindness Volunteer
Gratitude Exercise:
Quieten your mind by taking some nice deep, controlled breaths and think of something you can be truly grateful for. I t doesn’t need to be complicated or big, it can be as simple as taking time out with a n ice cup of coffee. Feel how gratitude feels in your body. By anchoring your gratitude you will lift your spirits.
Words can also play a vital role in helping you to lift your vibration, think abundance rather than scarcity, blessings instead of burdens and happiness rather than depression. Your energy will stay in a much better flow when the words you use are positive.
Gratitude is a gift, a gift to appreciate the new day we have been given.