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Editor’s note

Editor’s note

JOKESfunniES grOan ErS lOl lEt’S Start thE yEar Off SwEll with SOmE Q:What did the queen bee say to the baby bee? A: Bee-hive yourself! Q: Why are you wearing a wet t-shirt? A: Because the label says wash and wear.Q: Doctor, Doctor, it hurts when I press my finger here....and here.... and here! What’s wrong with me? A: You have a broken finger! Q: Why did the farmer call his pig ‘Ink’? A: Because it kept running out of the pen! Q: Why do toolmakers always escape from fires? A: Because they know the drill! Q: Where is the easiest place to find a diamond? A: In a pack of cards Q: What do you get if you cross a cow, a sheep and a goat? A: The milky baaa kid! Q: Why did the sparrow go to the library? A: To look for book worms Q: What do you call a cow with a twitch? A: Beef jerky

riddlES ha ha



Adrian Rennie

A successful classroom teacher, Adrian is passionate about excellence in teaching. He combines simple yet effective classroom techniques and Art Costa’s Habits Of Mind to create a culture of thinking.

Alan Cooper

Alan Cooper is an educational consultant based in New Zealnd. As a principal, he was known for his leadership role in thinking skills, including Habits of Mind, learning styles and multiple intelligences, information technology, and the development of the school as a learning community.

Allison Mooney

Allison is a passionate and endearing speaker who infuses a desire in her audience to significantly increase their performance as educators through identifying the behaviours and traits of others. Author of Pressing the Right Buttons, Allison has been twice awarded “Speaker of the Year” by the Auckland Chapter of NZ National Speakers Association. www.personalityplus.co.nz

Dr Arthur Costa

Arthur is co-director of the Institute for Intelligent Behaviour and the creator of “Habits of Mind.” Actively concerned that there must be worldwide change in educational systems if we are to meet the needs of a global society, Arthur compels educators to create classrooms that are thoughtful places to learn. www.habits-of-mind.net

Barbara Griffith

Barbara has been a primary school teacher for 36 years. She has specialised in the teaching of literacy for more than 20 years and recently retired from a position as a Resource Teacher: Literacy, which she had held for the last 16 years.

Christine Kerr

Christine has 30 years experience in education, the last decade in school management. She facilitated a structured counselling service for her intermediate school students and is a qualified, professional life coach. Passionate about meeting young people’s needs for ongoing success, Christine created the Mighty Minds programmes. Using 21st-century research and mindset tools, she inspires young people to take leadership in their own lives, culminating in a total package for future reference throughout their lives. Post-programme support is available for participants through a range of media pathways and interactive funshops. Visit www.lifeseeker.co.nz

Glenn Capelli

An author, songwriter, radio and television presenter and creator of the Dynamic Thinking course for Leadership, Glenn delivers a message of creativity, innovation and thinking smarter. He teaches people how to be a learner and thinker in today’s fastpaced and ever-changing world through the use of creative thinking, humour, enthusiasm and attitude. Glenn’s new book, Thinking Caps, is available from Spectrum. www.glenncapelli.com

Greg Ward

Greg Ward is a business MC, a speaker, a corporate entertainer. He is currently writing the book Outside Your Head: Growing Business through Creativity and Innovation. You can find him here: www.gregward.co.nz

Jenny Barrett

Jenny is the CEO for Breathe Technology. Her enthusiasm for technology came when thrown in the deep end whilst teaching at a Taiwan high school. Jenny has since undertaken a Master’s of Education (Ed. Technology) and has supported classroom teachers to use educational technology in UK and NZ projects. www.breathetechnology.co.nz

Jill Wright

Jill Wright is a country Victorian parent of two primary-aged children. Her interest in education resulted in a stint as a teacher’s aide, and later with some dissatisfaction with the school system. Through her current dedication to home schooling and the home school network, Jill filters ideas back into schools via her husband, who is a P-12 teacher.

John Shackleton

With a sports psychology and sports coaching background, John now shows international business audiences techniques that exercise and improve the biggest, most powerful muscle in the body – the brain. His clients include Coca-Cola, Air New Zealand, IBM, Hewlett Packard, Sony and Renault. www.JohnShack.com

Dr Judy Willis

Dr. Judy Willis practiced child and adult neurology for fifteen years before returning to university to obtain her Teaching Credential and Masters of Education. She then taught elementary and middle school for ten years and is now a presenter at educational conferences and provides professional development workshops nationally and internationally about classroom strategies derived from neuroscience research. Her most recent book, Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies that Change Student Attitudes and Get Results 2010 ASCD, is about changing negativity to motivation. www.RADTeach.com

Julie Woods

Julie Woods is called that blind woman and has been dubbed the “Queen” of Cooking Without Looking! Julie Woods is an inspirational speaker, author and radio show host who once refereed a game of nude touch rugby! www.thatblindwoman.co.nz

Kate Southcombe

Kate’s business, EPR Training, combines her passion for horses and her educational background by supplying online products to support people with behaviour management of horses and children. This novel approach is grounded in science and draws on the principles of applied behaviour analysis. Kate is an Early Childhood Education lecturer and private tutor.

Karen Boyes

Karen Boyes is a leading authority on effective learning and teaching in Australasia and is founder and CEO of Spectrum Education. A highly skilled, enthusiastic and dynamic presenter with over 18 years experience in the education profession, she works with teachers, parents, students and corporate clients internationally, unleashing their peak performance. www.spectrumeducation.com


Karen Tobich

Karen is a food stylist who is passionate about living off the land and creating and presenting food. She believes that sharing food connects people and fosters quality relationships in so many ways. She shows you how to transform home and locally grown seasonal foods into delicious healthy and inspiring foods to make, to give, and to share.

Lucy King

Lucy King is a beginning teacher nearing the end of her first year at Tawa Intermediate in Wellington. Though new to the profession, Lucy is passionate about working with kids, developing positive relationships and improving her skills as a teacher.

Maggie Dent

Maggie Dent is an author, educator, speaker, and parenting and resilience expert with a special interest in the early years and adolescence. She is a passionate advocate for the healthy, commonsense raising of children in order to strengthen families and communities. Maggie has a broad perspective and range of experience that shapes her work, a slightly irreverent sense of humour and a depth of knowledge that she shares passionately in a commonsense way. Her finest achievements are her four adult sons, deep human connectedness and her five books. www.maggiedent.com

Dr Marvin Marshall

Marvin is an international staff developer and the author of the best-selling book, Discipline Without Stress, Punishments or Rewards: How Teachers and Parents Promote Responsibility & Learning. His approaches demonstrate how using internal motivation and non-coercion is far more effective and significantly less stressful than using threats, punishments, rewards, and other manipulations aimed at obedience. www.marvinmarshall.com

Michele De Bellis

Michele De Bellis began her work as a special education teacher and went onto professional development supporting district leaders, principals and university faculty in the areas of literacy and school reform. Central to all of her work is a commitment to building collaborative infrastructures within systems that support self-directedness. As a trainer for Cognitive Coaching and Adaptive Schools and Professional Development Director for the Institute for Habits of Mind, Michele is committed to excellence for all learners. Reach her at Michele.debellis@gmail.com

Ngahi Bidois

Ngahihi o te ra is the National Speakers Association Speaker of the Year 2011 and is an International Leadership Speaker, author and consultant. His website can be viewed at www.ngahibidois.com

Robyn Pearce

Robyn Pearce is known around the world as the Time Queen, helping people discover new angles on time. Check the resources on her website www.gettingagrip.com, including a free report for you: How to Master Time in Only 90 Seconds. She is a CSP, a Certified Speaking Professional. This is the top speaking accreditation in the profession of speaking and held by only about 800 people around the world.

Rowena SzeszeranMcEvoy

Rowena Szeszeran-McEvoy has a 23-year career in the fitness industry and is now serious about the business of education. She is the director of the Australian Institute of Massage and the National College of Business, after having served as the head lecturer in both the business and fitness colleges.

Simon Evans

Before joining CORE Education, Simon Evans worked with Breathe Technology as an Educational Technology Advisor and was a primary classroom teacher for 11 in New Zealand and the United Kingdom. He now works with schools and the relieving community. For more information, call 0800 D9 TEACHER or sign onto www.educatingthedragon.blogspot.com

Steve Francis

Steve Francis understands the challenges and demands of being a principal. He has led a number of Queensland State Schools from a one-teacher school through to a large metropolitan school and was previously a member of QASSP Management Committee. After 18 years of successful principalship, Steve ventured with his family to Hong Kong as the principal of an international school for four great years. He returned to Queensland to start a new business venture supporting leaders to reach their potential, write three books, A Gr8 Life…Live it now!, Time Management For Teachers and First Semester Can Make Or Break You, and develop the Gr8 People educational resources and the Happy School articles. He is conducting a one day workshop ‘Establishing a Feedback Culture’ for QASSP members. Further details are on the QASSP website and www.stevefrancis.net.au

Thelma van der Werff

Thelma van der Werff is a chartered colour therapist who has developed a fascinating new concept called “Colour Coaching. Colour Coaching uses the psychology of colour to determine someone’s talents and stumbling blocks and is a simple tool for practitioners and therapists in assessing and supporting their clients. Thelma has written two books:Why are you wearing those colours? and Dress to Impress. Thelma teaches her Colour Comfort method in New Zealand, Australia, The Netherlands, and Germany.

Tricia Kenyon

Tricia has been involved in the field of literacy for 17 years, firstly as a Resource Teacher:Reading, then as a Resource Teacher:Literacy. She is passionate about books and reading, and feels privileged to be in a position where she can share that passion with students, their parents, and fellow teachers.

Wendy Sweet

Wendy Sweet is a regular contributor to Teachers Matter magazine on health and lifestyle issues. She has a lengthy career in the industry and is best known for having founded personal training in NZ for the Les Mills group. Wendy lectures at the University of Waikato in the sport and leisure studies division in the faculty of education and is currently undertaking her PhD. She is a well respected seminar presenter on work-life balance and has presented at a number of professional development workshops for schools. She can be contacted on wsweet@ xtra.co.nz or wsweet@waikato.ac.nz

Yvonne Godfrey

Yvonne Godfrey is the founder of Miomo (Making it on my Own), a 10-day, live-in experience to equip 17- to 24-year-olds for a responsible, independent and successful adult life. www.miomo.co.nz

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