Flint High School Prospectus 2010-2011

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Dear Parents and Carers, Welcome to Flint High School! This prospectus is designed to give you information about our school and convey something of its special spirit and culture. Of course, the best way to find out about our school is to pay us a visit. Please make an appointment and we will be happy to show you around. We believe that the best way to find out about a school is to speak to the students themselves, so we have a special hospitality team of students and prefects who can act as your guide. I have had the privilege of being Headteacher since September 2008. I am convinced that we have a successful school and one where each child is valued, challenged and supported. We are a relatively small school, which means that your child is very much an individual. I know many of the children here by name and I have quickly got to know many families, which makes a difference. Our examination results this year at GCSE were the best for 10 years – at 5A*- C up by 10%, which is an incredible leap in one year. In 2009, results had improved significantly so I am confident that we will continue to see this rise in standards. Our growing cohort of A level students had 99% pass success, with 32% of the grades at A or B enabling them all to pursue their studies at university or take up employment. Record numbers of students returned to the Sixth Form and more parents are selecting Flint High School as their first choice. Traditions include the Leaver’s Ceremony and Prom, which sees our Year 11 students dressed in their finery, celebrating 5 years at Flint High School, watched by their proud families. The annual Remembrance Service attended by the Mayor, Assembly Member and Member of Parliament is very moving; trips to Glan Llyn, Belgium, France, volunteering, fund raising, sport and outdoor activities all combine to give our young people opportunities for leadership and experiences, which enrich their lives. Changes and improvements are happening all the time. We introduced a new school uniform last year with blazers and ties and the whole community has commented on the smartness and pride of the students as they come to school. We have created Plas Seren, a learning support and inclusion centre and this year we built a new ICT suite. We are improving the fabric of the building to give a better learning environment for our youngsters. The curriculum is changing to meet the needs of the 21st century. We are committed to enhancing children’s basic skills, so we have introduced dedicated essential skills lessons to target literacy and numeracy in Year 7. At Key Stage 4 and in the Sixth Form, a wide range of option choices are available to cater for every ability and career pathway. In 2008, the whole community, including our governors, devised a new motto for Flint High School, Believe Achieve Succeed which represents our vision and our ethos. Flint Link Action Group FLAG, a PTA equivalent, which has a real voice and impact on the running of the school underlines the strength and importance of our partnership with parents. We do indeed face a challenge to provide an all round education in this rapidly changing and competitive world, whilst recognising the need to develop in our students an understanding, tolerance and compassion for others so that they emerge as confident and caring citizens, who can lead fulfilled lives. I am proud to be the Headteacher of this school; proud of the potential and talent within and hope that you will consider this school as the right choice for your son or daughter. Yours sincerely, Pamela McClean Headteacher


Flint High School Maes Hyfryd Flint Flintshire CH6 5LL Telephone: Fax: Website Email

(01352) 732268 (01352) 731066 www.flinthighschool.co.uk fhmail@flint.flintshire.sch.uk


Mrs P.McClean BA Hons, N.P.Q.H




Mrs. A. Roberts (LEA)


Mrs. L. Schofield (Co-opted)


Cllr. Mr. H.T. Howorth Mr. J. Davies Mrs. J. Williams Mr. J. Gunn

Parent Governors:

Mrs. L.A. Madeley Mrs. S. Probert Mrs. H. Conway Mr. S. Conway Mr. E. Pierce-Jones

Community Governors:

Mrs. S. Rule Mrs. J. A. Aldridge Mrs. S. Rule Mr. S. Aldridge

Teacher Governors:

Mr. W P C Jenkins Mr. R Davies

Staff Governor:

Mr. K Hughes


Mrs. P. McClean

Aims of the school •

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To strengthen links between parents, students and staff in order to develop well-rounded individuals who are willing and able to make a positive contribution to their community. To inspire and foster a love of learning. To embrace achievement in all areas of school life and to promote success throughout the school community. To promote tolerance and understanding of all faiths, creeds, disabilities, races and sexual orientations. To provide all with help and encouragement so that students can identify their own targets and fulfil their potential. To provide an environment where all can work and develop in safety. To ensure that students leave with a range of skills and knowledge, with the flexibility needed to operate in a world of rapid change.

Times of the School Day 8.45 – 9.05 9.05 – 10.05 10.05 – 11.05 11.05 – 11.30 11.30 – 12.30 12.30 – 13.30 13.05 13.10 – 14.10 14.10 – 15.10

Registration Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Break Lesson 3 Lunch Doors Open Lesson 4 Lesson 5

Senior Staff

Curriculum Co-ordinators

Mrs. P McClean Ms H Crich Miss J Pughe Mr. M Taylor Mrs. C Millington Mr. M Edwards

Mr. A Clewett ( ICT) Mr. M Catterall (Humanities/PSHE) Mr. R Davies (Technology) Mrs. C Millington (English) Mr. N Spearpoint (PE) Miss O Tattum (Creative Arts) Mr. M Taylor (Science) Mrs. N Williams (Maths)


Type of school Flint High School is an LEA maintained school; a popular mixed comprehensive for students between the ages of 1118. There are currently 692 students on roll and we have seen an expansion in our numbers, which is very positive in the climate of falling rolls. Sixth Form students belong to the DCOS consortium, which is a collaboration between four schools. Most of our youngsters come from our local primary schools, with whom we have a close relationship. Our strength lies in the size of the school – large enough to deliver a broad and balanced curriculum and small enough to care for and know the students well, so that they thrive. We are proud of the fact that we are a community school; indeed many students walk to school or take a short bus journey to reach us. Many of our parents and even grandparents were themselves students of Flint High School, which demonstrates their loyalty; some of our staff are proud to be former students too and we have staff who send their own children to our school.

Admissions In Years 6/7 the school follows the LEA policy on admissions. From Year 7 onwards, students new to the area are admitted to the school nearest their address. Applications for admission should be made directly to the Headteacher. If parents wish to transfer a child at any time after the start of Year 7, it is important that they first discuss the matter with the appropriate staff at their current school. Once enrolled, staff at Flint High School will make every effort to make new students feel welcome and settle in quickly. If your child has a statement of Additional Educational Needs, then the LEA must first consider applications for admission. We have a reputation of offering excellent care and support for students with additional needs and we work closely with Ysgol Maes Hyfryd to access their expertise.


The curriculum What will my child learn? Years 7, 8 and 9: Key Stage 3 The full range of National Curriculum subjects is taught to all students. They study English, Mathematics, Science, Welsh, French, Music, Art, I.T., Technology (including Home Economics, Craft and Design and Textiles), Physical Education, History and Geography. All students study Religious Education and follow a course in Personal, Social and Health Education. New on the curriculum this year is Essential Skills. How are the classes organised? At Key Stage 3, children are in mixed ability tutor groups and in banded teaching groups. Groups F and L are for the more able and consist of classes of 30 students approximately. Groups I, N and T have smaller numbers of about 20, to enable them to have the same breadth of learning. Changes in bands do take place following regular reviews and often in consultation with parents. Maths and Science are taught in sets, based initially on childrens’ performance in primary school and on CATs Cognitive Ability Tests, which measure potential. Once again, flexibility enables some changes. Years 10 and 11: Key Stage 4 We run a comprehensive programme to guide option choices, which includes pathways days and evenings for parents. Students follow the core subjects in English, Mathematics, Science, I.T., Welsh, RE, Physical Education and Personal, Social and Health Education. Students then choose three additional subjects. Collaboration between six local high schools and Deeside College enables us to offer a wide menu of subjects, including vocational qualifications, such as Construction, Public Services, Photography and Engineering. Careers Wales have introduced an on line service so that all students will make their option choices via the internet The vast majority of students pursue courses equivalent to GCSE gaining at least nine qualifications at this level. BTEC and OCR qualifications are courses with a more practical bias and we select carefully the right course for our students. In Science, most students take the BTEC route, equivalent to two GCSE grade Cs or above which does not have an end of year examination, whilst the most able students follow a more traditional course, enabling them to specialise later at A level, The aim of the school is that all students are encouraged and expected to achieve their personal best. We run a mentoring programme for some students, who may be at risk of under-achieving and in which parents are actively involved.


Sixth Form Why choose to stay at Flint High School? Our Sixth Form is part of the Deeside Consortium, DCOS, which consists of John Summers, Connah’s Quay, St David’s in Saltney and of course Flint High School. The rationale for this collaboration is to be able to offer our students a wide range of courses and experiences, whilst having the security of their ‘home base’. We know our students very well and the pastoral support offered to all is invaluable. Sixth form life is very different to being in years 7-11 and students have to get used to working more independently and being well organised. Transport is provided free of charge between centres. Flint High School students have lessons with students from three other schools and we find that this social mix is good preparation for university and /or future employment. Our Sixth Form is a genuinely open one. Specific qualifications are required to continue with a subject at AS and A2 level and we are able to offer a variety of Level 2 courses for some students. In order to join our Sixth Form, there is a commitment to work hard towards individual goals, to attend regularly and to be punctual. Students receive careful counselling before selecting the best route to take, what entry qualifications they need to begin the course and they are guided later on with their university applications and employment routes. EMA payments are given to students depending on parental income. We offer a broad range of AS levels, studied over one year, and full A levels, studied over two years. Students receive expert counselling as to the feasibility of combinations. PE is available to all and very much encouraged, as is participation in drama and musical productions, for which our school is well renowned. All our Sixth Formers study the Welsh Baccalaureate qualification, which incorporates Key Skills, modules on Wales and the wider world, enterprise and volunteering. These lessons take place at Flint High School and enable students to acquire the ‘soft skills’ which are vital for future success, such as team working, initiative etc. Students run their own Sixth Form Council, and are increasingly involved in organising charity events, assisting in main school lessons, coaching school teams, and running a Buddy Reading Scheme for younger students. Volunteering is a key feature of our Sixth Form programme, including the CSLA Sports Leaders Award. A qualification can also be gained by students who engage in a range of personal development opportunities.


Moodle : a Virtual Learning Environment Via the school’s web site, students have access to Moodle, which is an online service providing lessons, called courses, accessible to students at home or wherever they can access the internet. This means that students can see what work needs to be covered, read information to help with their learning and follow instructions given by their teacher. At Flint High School, we are committed to expanding this area of learning and teaching to benefit all.

Religious Education Religious Education is part of the curriculum throughout the school. It is taught as a separate subject in all years. Assemblies fall within the broad Christian tradition but are not overtly religious. They form an important part of our school life to foster a strong feeling of community and to give time for reflection. We also celebrate individuals’ and groups’ achievements during assembly, such as contributions to school, sporting successes and academic performance.

Health and Sex Education We accept a responsibility to inform young people in these often highly sensitive areas. Our programme, incorporated into the work of Science and Personal, Social and Health Education, seeks to provide a sound factual basis on matters relating to sex, diet, smoking, alcohol, drugs and parenthood. We aim to place all such work in a personal context and to emphasise moral and social issues too. We offer individual counselling, as needed, through Form Tutors, Learning Managers, our very experienced Inclusion Welfare Officer and our school Counsellor. All children have access to the School Nurse. We also liaise closely with outside agencies who provide support for individual students.

Careers Education We have an extensive programme of careers education which starts in Year 9 and which is contained within the scheme for Personal and Social Education. All Year 10 students have access to our in house Learning Coach. We offer a week’s work experience for all students in Year 10, and run a series of meetings and interviews in co-operation with Careers Advisers. With the help of local businesses, we have developed a scheme of mock interviews for Year 11 students. This benefits the students and gives them confidence when they enter the real world of work.


Additional Needs and Learning Support Flint High School has an excellent reputation for providing a caring learning environment for children and we are committed to offering an inclusive education for all. A team of skilled, well-informed and dedicated staff supports students with additional educational needs. We are fortunate to have ten Teaching Assistants, who work with the youngsters in a variety of ways. Some students are taught in smaller groups for some subjects and receive extra support to improve their literacy and numeracy. Many students with additional educational needs will have already been identified in their primary schools and placed on the Special Needs Register. Any other students who would benefit from extra input are speedily identified, using a range of data at our disposal. Parents are encouraged to contact the Additional Needs Department at any time if they feel their child would benefit from extra help. We are a resourced school for a small group of students each year with Moderate Learning Difficulties, We aim with all students to respond sensitively to their needs, offering appropriate support and help, but also to extend and challenge, to boost selfconfidence and enhance self-esteem and to ensure that success is achievable by all. Some children need extra support when they start secondary school, so we offer extra lessons during registration and after school to boost literacy and numeracy skills. Children then have a better ability to access and understand the curriculum and have more confidence as a result. Parents are informed at an early stage of these lessons and we appreciate their support in ensuring attendance and in taking an interest in their child’s progress.

Ysgol Maes Hyfryd The new specialist school, which opened in September 2009, was built adjacent to our school because of our reputation for excellent provision as well as the space on the campus for the building. The collaboration between the two schools is developing rapidly and we, as well as our primary equivalents at the Gwynedd and Ysgol Pen Coch, are the only schools in Wales with a specialist school alongside a mainstream school who share facilities and expertise for mutual benefit. Some Ysgol Maes Hyfyrd children join lessons in Flint High School, supported by their own teaching assistant. We have some students taking GCSE Art and Music, for example, which we find is very successful and which enriches our school.


Learning Journal All students are given a learning journal at the start of the year to record their timetable, homework, targets and special events. The learning journal contains useful tips on improving literacy and numeracy, school rules and expectations and is a vital means of communication between home and school. We expect parents to check and sign their child’s learning journal every week to ensure that homework is being completed. It is also a way of communicating with us very easily. If your child is absent for any reason, you can write a note in the learning journal, giving the reason why.

Homework The nature of homework can vary enormously, from reading to writing an essay, from interviewing an adult to designing a poster. It is essential that children complete homework regularly and develop good habits. We have a homework club on Tuesdays and Thursdays before school starts from 8.20 onwards and after school on these days too, when a teacher is in the library to help students with research and organisation. Parents have an invaluable part to play, of course. We trust that all parents will support our homework policy by taking an active part in what their children are doing, by providing a suitable working environment at home and by contacting us as soon as problems or worries arise.

Use of the Welsh Language Flint High School is an English speaking school, proud of its Welsh location, heritage and traditions. Welsh is taught as a second language as part of the National Curriculum, with children studying the language form years 7 to 11. There are bi-lingual signs throughout the school. We strive to use Welsh as often as possible in the life of the school; for example we have a Welsh phrase of the week which we are all encouraged to use. An Eisteddfod, with recitations and performances all in Welsh, is held annually. This year, the Mayor and Mayoress of Flint were our honoured judges. We entered two groups of students for the first time ever in the history of the school, in the national Urdd competition, a celebration of Welsh talent. Both groups won through to the


county heats, whilst one group went on to perform in Cardiff. Students are also given the opportunity of attending an annual Welsh course at Glan Llyn, which is very popular and we have trips to Cardiff to watch international Rugby.

Beyond the Classroom: extra- curricular activities Flint High School prides itself on the range and quality of activities and experiences, which are available to our students and which contributes so much to producing well balanced young people. Sport figures prominently amongst the extracurricular activities offered by the school. The widely acclaimed PE department runs several teams and provides representative teams for all the Flintshire School Championships. Students from the school are often chosen to represent the county in a variety of sports. Some students even play at National level. We have our rapidly developing basketball team,the Flint Jets, linked to the professionals; opportunities for adventurous activities abound, with a kayak club and mountain bike club, so that everyone is catered for. Our 5x60 officer, promoting exercise and good health, supports the school in encouraging children to take part in exercise for at least 5 times 60 minutes per week.

Sporting facilities are excellent. We have extensive playing fields, tennis/ netball courts, a large, well-equipped gymnasium, and a very well apportioned sports hall with a climbing wall, and an all weather, astro turf pitch. The Performing Arts Department organises a range of after school and lunchtime activities, including Funky Theatre every Thursday evening. All students have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument. The school hosts a large number of concerts and larger productions at intervals throughout the year, so that performance has become a major feature of school life. The Sixth Form students perform to rave reviews – last year’s performance was Flint Dog Millionaire. Recently, the department took 40 students to New York to experience the excitement of Broadway. Within the school, there are numerous clubs that welcome all enthusiasts: Engineering, Climbing, Computer, Art, Science, Dance and Drama are all on offer. Day trips and residentials, including skiing and a trip to France, enrich the


lives of our students. We are grateful to the staff who organise such experiences. Charity events and fundraising activities are always well supported and enjoyed by the children. Last year we supported Children in Need and Barnados. School Organisation and Tutors Each student is placed in a mixed ability form group: in order to ensure continuity of care students normally stay in the group, with the same Form Tutor, throughout years 7 - 11. Each year group is overseen by a Learning Manager, whose responsibility is to provide the bridge between academic achievement and pastoral support for the students. We hope and encourage parents to approach the school via the Form Tutor and Learning Manager over any concerns they may have about their children. Should a problem arise, we can secure prompt access to external support services through our Inclusion Social Worker or our Child Protection Officer,

Reporting on progress Parents receive a progress card three times a year throughout their school life, informing them of their child’s targets and progress. This card contains their target and also their current levels at Key Stage 3 or grades at Key Stage 4. It also indicates the precise nature of concerns per subject, if there are any, and commendations for very good effort, attitude or achievement. Once a year, parents will receive a written report, an in-depth analysis of their child's performance over the full range of school subjects, together with a short list of student targets for each subject. All students are encouraged to plan with their tutor and teachers how they are going to improve. We hold a Parents' Review Day for years 7 – 9, when parents and the student meet the form tutor to obtain feed back about their child and ask questions. In years 10 and 11, we run a Parents’ Evening, when parents meet the subject teachers.

An Anti-Bullying School The school has a simple but comprehensive policy and procedure for dealing with bullying. Incidents, though they occur, are not frequent. We will always deal with a situation. Students should feel confident that they will be listened to. If a child feels they are being bullied, then they need to inform a teacher


immediately, so that we can tackle the situation swiftly and put an end to such unacceptable forms of behaviour. We have an anti bullying policy, produced in conjunction with parents and students, which is on our web site. Parents can ask for a copy at any time. We also have guidelines in the student learning journal.

Achievement and Rewards All children are encouraged to do their best, both in their learning and in the community. Children can gain achievement points for a good piece of homework, for making that extra effort, for going out of their way to be helpful etc. Children gain achievement points and these are then rewarded by opportunities to go on trips or take part in a fun activity at school. We have an Awards’ Evening in October to recognise success in examinations, achievement against the odds and contributions to citizenship. It is a special event, by invitation only.

Behaviour for Learning We recognise that effective learning can only take place within an ordered and purposeful atmosphere. We expect courtesy, respect and consideration from all members of the school community. The vast majority of our children behave sensibly and visitors are always impressed by the atmosphere around the building both during lesson times and at breaks and lunch times. We have a new behaviour for learning policy. This outlines the rules and the consequences of any behaviour which undermines learning or which makes others feel unsafe. Children acquire behaviour points, if they choose to be un- cooperative. When children choose to break the rules, there are sanctions. We run detentions after school with at least 24 hour warning given to parents. We have a Green Room, where children spend the remainder of a lesson, if their conduct has meant they have to be removed from a classroom. We have the inclusion zone in Plas Seren, where students are given work to complete in isolation. In more severe cases, students are suspended from school for a set period. We then re admit the student with a parent to discuss the problem.


Induction; preparing for Flint High School We take great care in preparing an extensive Induction Programme to ensure that children transfer easily and confidently from primary schools. The Learning Manager for year 7 and the ANCO, additional needs coordinator, visits each primary school to talk to teachers about the new Year 7s and their particular capabilities and needs. During the summer term all prospective students spend two days at Flint High School. Special lessons are created for them; they meet several of their teachers and familiarise themselves with certain routines and their new surroundings. We organise a special Parents' Evening for the parents of new entrants at Flint High School late in the Summer term, where they have the opportunity to meet their child's form tutor and in the first half term, parents attend a short meeting with the form tutor to find out how their child is settling in. In Flint High School we have a system of 'Buddies', students chosen to act as support figures to the incoming students. They are only one year older than the new students. The 'Buddies' meet the Year 6 students during the two days they spend with us in the Summer Term and then help the children settle in to their new school in September.

Flint Link Action Group: FLAG This is a newly formed group of parents and friends of Flint High School, whose purpose is to represent their children and promote the school and community, with fund raising and marketing. FLAG members have influenced key decisions, including the new uniform, the reporting system and the choice of capital building projects to improve the school. Meetings are very informal and there is no commitment to attend regularly. We are able to communicate with parents via email. This group will go from strength to strength and have a significant impact on the life of our school and we want as many parents as possible to become involved.


Involving Parents We recognise that the active interest and support of parents is vital to the success of young people at school. It is because of this that we seek the closest possible co-operation between staff and parents. •

If you wish to see a teacher in school, please, as far as possible, try and make an appointment for this.

Please contact us as soon as you are aware of any problem that might be affecting your child at school. Early action is almost always the key to resolving a difficulty easily.

Attendance and Punctuality Our school encourages and expects good attendance and punctuality. Please ensure that, barring illness, your child's attendance is regular and uninterrupted and that she/he arrives punctually at school. Wherever possible, we would like parents to make medical appointments for their child out of school hours. If a child is absent, parents need to let us know the reason why asap by: • writing a note to the form tutor • writing in the learning journal • telephoning the school • emailing our attendance officer on Attendance@flint.flintshire.sch.uk Without this information, your child’s absence is recorded as unauthorised ie that they are truanting, and this can affect future access to further education and employment. We are concerned that some students have reduced attendance; holidays during term time are therefore discouraged because of the impact upon learning. The National Assembly for Wales emphasises the following points: •

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Parents do not have an automatic right to withdraw students for holidays during school time. Holidays in term-time are to be avoided at all costs as even a week away affects progress and ultimately examination performance. Schools need to consider requests individually and then decide whether they are able to authorise an absence or not. Only in exceptional circumstances may schools agree leave of absence in excess of ten school days in any one school year (and ten days should not be regarded as the norm, in any event). If parents keep a child away without the approval of the school, then the absence will be treated as unauthorised.

We always look to having parental support on this matter.


School Uniform We believe it important that our students look smart at all times as they are representative of our school. Our new school uniform, introduced in September 2009, is making a difference to the overall image we present to the community. Students are wearing their uniform with pride and we appreciate parents’ support in maintaining our high standards of appearance. Excessive make up and extremes of hair cut or colour are not allowed because they look inappropriate with uniform. Parents can claim a uniform grant if their income is at a certain level. Personal Property We will take reasonable precautions to ensure that personal property is neither lost nor damaged, but neither the school nor the Local Education Authority can accept liability for this. It is very important that students' garments and possessions are named, to avoid confusion in the event of loss. When possible, students should keep all of their property with them at all times. Whilst it is advised that mobile phones are not brought into school, we have accepted that many students wish to have them. Our school rule is that students must not use their phones inside the building; if they are seen to have them inside, the phone will be confiscated and then returned to parents who must come to school to collect it. The same rule applies to other possessions which are confiscated e.g. jewellery , which is not allowed It is not a good idea for students to come to school with any form of expensive property. (e.g. expensive pens, watches, personal stereos). These can always go missing and be damaged; unfortunately the school has no funds or insurance to cover either loss or damage.

Break and Lunchtime Arrangements School meals are available to all students between 12.35 and 1.10 p.m. Students can also eat their own packed lunches in the School Dining hall. Parents who want to enquire about free school meals should contact the School Office. During break time students can buy hot and cold food and drinks from the School Dining hall and there is a Breakfast Club every morning from 8.20 onwards. All students years 7 -11 must remain on the school site during break and lunch time, unless they have parental written permission to go home for lunch. When children have parents’ permission to leave the premises, it is


expected that they go straight home and do not buy food en route. Local shopkeepers will not serve our students at lunchtime, except for Sixth formers, who have the right to be more independent.

Charging and Remissions Policy Broadly speaking, education taking place wholly or mainly in school hours is free of charge, where it forms part of the normal curriculum. Residential courses taking place wholly or largely in school hours are subject to charges only for the board and lodging element. If they occur wholly or largely outside school hours, parents have to pay to cover the full cost, unless such visits constitute an integral part of examination courses. Financial Support Parents may be entitled to financial assistance in the form of free school meals or clothing grants. As a general guideline, these are available to those families that are in receipt of Income Support. There are also Maintenance Grants available (EMA) to families of students continuing study in the Sixth Form. In cases of specific difficulty, not covered by the above, the school has some resources to support individual students on school related activities: in such a situation, please contact the Headteacher directly.

Transport Free transport is available to and from school to students up to the end of Year 11, who live within the catchment area of the school, at a greater distance than three miles from home to school. Students living outside this area normally have to pay transport costs. Transport for those students who are travelling to other schools or college for their lessons is provided free.

Disabled Access A lift for disabled students is situated near the staff room/sixth form centre. We are always ready to make special arrangements, if at all practicable, for those students for whom movement is difficult. We can alter the rooms where certain lessons are taught, so that all subjects can be accessed. The school possesses three entrances with disabled access ramps. Certain toilets have been fitted with special handrails.


Flintshire School Health Services Flintshire has a comprehensive School Health Service provided by the North-East Wales Trust. The aim of this service is to promote the health of your child in the widest sense and to identify any health problems that may develop. The primary contact with the School Health Service is through the School Nurse who is able to liaise directly with all other areas of Flintshire's Health Services and other agencies should the need arise. All Health interviews are strictly confidential and your consent will be sought before discussing any issue with the school teaching staff. Obviously, it would be in your child's best interest for the teaching staff to be aware of any medical condition that may affect his/her progress in the classroom. The School Nurse visits regularly to do routine sight tests, to check the children's general health and to liaise with the school staff regarding any health problems. The School Nurse is based at Flint Clinic - 01352 732280

Accuracy of Information The information in this prospectus was accurate at the time of going to press in September 2010 We will always endeavour to notify you of any changes as speedily and efficiently as possible.


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