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JoseAlberto Villarreal

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Lavonte Montgomery

Lavonte Montgomery

The Boy they Call Beast

As of last month he's completed a full 2 years of hard work and grinding in the sport of jujitsu.These last 730 days have turned J.A.V 3 aka Beast into one disciplined sharp fine tuned machine. Jujitsu, is what he does and jujitsu is who he is. Who's he ? He's J.A.V 3 but to his family he's


JoseAlberto Villarreal the 3rd.This 11 year old boy is out of SanAntonioTx. He first realized his love for this lifestyle and everything that came with it. Since his very first day of class.The intensity and the butt kickin.The whole aspect of this competitive sport known as jujitsu. From the first time his feet touched that mat JoseAlberto Villarreal the 3rd was hooked.

Training out of a deep gym where if you don't evolve you basically get run overed.That gym being "UnityTraining Center" under the tutelage of Professor Ray Rdz better known asThe Judge. MMA flyweight fighter

Coach Eddie Fraire and CoachAnthony

Along with a mixture of some of the most skilled and ever evolving mini ninjas in the city. Each teammate bringing there own unique set of problems and skills to the mat to be solved with each session.Together make J.A.V 3 the competitor he is today. He is a Beast !!!

Along with his bud "Epic Eric" together they are constantly and consistently sharpening each others skill set even after hours.As well as on weekends. While your average 11 year olds are doing whatever it is that eleven year old regular kids do.This pair are putting in that overtime it takes to be not just good. But great.

Which is just what Beast requires since he usually finds himself in a unique position.That being he signs up to compete at the 65lb and under category. Due to his age however it's not anything new when he ends up getting bumped in weight class and finds himself rolling with bigger sometimes stronger kids. J.A.V 3 welcomes the challenge however It's something he believes that has forced him to evolve his game on those mats. In fact that's what brings the beast out of him.

It's a must especially with such high goals and expectations he has set for himself. Which they all start with what his coaches always tell em. Make sure you “Get 1% better everyday.”

One of the highest goals Beast has set for himself would be to get inside that cage. "That's something I would love to do." He says with a scary confident look and tone to him that jus adds to thee aura. Beast who turns 12 on May 5th (Cinco De Mayo baby) expects to be a fighter one day. So until that day comes you can expect to see his mug and hear his name at competitions. JoseAlberto Villarreal the 3rd.Those initials J.A.V 3AKAThe boy best known as Beast!!!

J.A.V the 3rd would like to send Shout outs to all his coach’s at Unity for always motivating him to push forward. Facing all adversity

To my Professor Ray for his one on one talks he has with me.To Coach Eddie for taking me under his wing and giving me all the advice he’s given to me.And of course to my parents for blessing me with opportunities that they didn’t have when they where younger ✌

Beasts Currentcredentials

Grey belt

Awards= to many to count but I have a-lot.

Countless tournaments which I have placed in every single one I’ve competed in.Along with many swords, and many metals.

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