The Mentor

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The Mentor Newsletter December 2011 Mentoring Leaders Valuing Diversity Workplace WellBeing Network Learning Event MentorNet Resources

In this issue...

Welcome & News in Brief

Welcome & News in Brief

Welcome to your newsletter! It’s been another busy time for the scheme – our latest network learning event was a huge success and we were delighted to welcome Vicki Espin, who delivered an afternoon session to our members on “Enhancing Leadership and Performance at Work”.

Deaneries to manage a case study approach to show the powerful impact that mentoring can have on organisations and how it can help to support our staff to meet their current and future priorities. Watch out for the results which we will publish on our website and in future newsletters.

The session examined different styles of leading people and developing performance and one of the main things that struck me was how mentoring can be used in such a practical way to achieve real results. Thanks to all who came and to Amanda for making the day such a success.

We continue to run a number of learning, development, and networking events – check the calendar of events for upcoming sessions in your area.

Scheme Update Mentoring Theory: Using The Developmental Model of Mentoring Network Learning Event October 2011 Mentoring Is Not Only About Performance Valuing Diversity Background to Change Mentoring Leaders Testimonials Mentoring Tools: MentorNet Our Futures – The NHS transition support portal

As we move towards the end of the year there are a number of sessions available to support you in your mentoring role … the events up to Christmas are booking fast so make sure you get a place. And finally as this is our last newssletter of the year, can I be one of the first to wish you all a peaceful Christmas and an exciting new year!

Emma is working on a project to evaluate the scheme which will help to show the benefits for our members but also how mentoring plays a key role in leadership development at all levels and within any organisation. She is also working with individual Trusts and


Scheme Update November 2011: 2330 members Scheme members by Work Type 180






120 96


Mentors, 822


60 40

Mentees, 1509











29 8


Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership


Mentoring Using the Developmental Theory: Model The Developmental Mentoring Model

The North West Mentoring Scheme promotes a more modern form of mentoring called Developmental Mentoring. Whilst still appropriate for specific context, traditional forms of mentoring are less relevant for most leaders and managers.

“The Developmental Mentoring style promoted by the scheme means that every session is structured, useful and worthwhile both for my Mentees, and also for me as a Mentor.” Bethany Darbyshire Organisational Development Facilitator Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust

The main points of Developmental Mentoring are: •Mentors are drawn from wide range of roles and backgrounds. •Cross-organisational, cross-professional and peer mentoring relationship are encouraged. •Emphasises the needs of the individual as well as the organisation. •Mentors encourage autonomy and self development, identifying rather than providing opportunities for development. If you have any questions about the developmental model we would be happy to have a chat with you about it, just contact the scheme on 0161 772 3608 or by email

Quote Bank “Kindness is in our power, even when fondness is not.” Samuel Johnson

“If all our misfortunes were laid in one common heap whence everyone must take an equal portion, most people would be contented to take their own and depart.”

“Every cell in our body eavesdrops on our internal dialogue.” Deepak Chopra

Socrates This edition’s quotes have been kindly submitted by Cathy Bridge of Bridge Associates. If you have a favourite quote that you would like to donate to our “Quote Bank” please email

Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership


Network Learning Event October 2011 The Network Learning Event took place at the awardwinning Conference Centre at LACE, which is situated on the edge of Sefton Park in Liverpool.

The theme of the event was Enhancing Leadership & Performance at Work and was attended by over 50 members of the scheme. Delegates consisted of both mentors and mentees, representing both NHS and local government organisations within the North West of England. As delegates arrived, they were asked to sign in at the reception area and received their name badge and the infamous “Icebreaker Activity”. Some great stories arose from that activity including finding out that someone had saved the life of a dolphin and that someone owns their own lake! The scheme manager, Rob Booth, welcomed everyone in attendance and gave a short update on the scheme’s progression. Rob announced plans to run an ILM accredited mentoring program and talked about the success of


recent Resilience for Managers training. Rob also shared the news that the scheme has successfully run NLP Diploma programs in conjunction with Bridge Associates. Rob introduced the key speaker for the event, Vicki Espin MA, a Corporate and Executive Coach and Co-founder and Director of The Corporate and Executive Coaching Organisation. Vicki is a highly skilled, professional corporate and executive coach with more than 20 years experience of working with UK and multi-national organisations representing a wide spectrum of business sectors. Acclaimed as one the UK’s top executive coaches, her work includes 1:1 coaching and team coaching with business leaders, the training of new coaches within organisations and of professional coaches. Vicki engaged delegates immediately by opening with questions about what each person would be taking away with them from the day. Following a brief introduction, Vicki covered the characteristics of leaders, their environment and detailing various behaviours. Vicki went on to explore how different styles of leading people can directly impact on performance, and used interactive cards and Fink Cards in group activities. Vicki then closed with an interesting study question: “Reflect on some of the major forces that have influenced your organisation’s environment over the past 3 years: •Economic •Environmental

•Emerging Technologies •People’s Expectations How do your answers impact your thinking and actions as business leaders?” We would love to hear what you came up with and if you would like to share please email us at the scheme at nwmentoring@gmw. Rob came back to thank Vicki for her enigmatic and engaging presentation and delegates were given an opportunity to provide feedback and enter a prize draw from both the networking activity and feedback cards. The networking activity prize was a pack of Fink Cards -– coaching questions on cards which have been used successfully in mentoring sessions. The feedback card winner was very fortunate to receive a signed copy of Vicki’s book: “77 habits of Highly Successful Coaches”, which she had kindly donated to support the event. All in all the day was a huge success and the team would like to thank everyone who attended and especially Vicki for sharing her enthusiasm, expertise and valuable time with us. The team would like to extend our gratitude to the members and stakeholders who have helped The North West Mentoring Scheme to grow from strength to strength through your participation and support. We look forward to seeing you at the next network learning event!

Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership

Mentoring Is Not Only About Performance As this statement suggests, for most people involved in mentoring, the focus of attention is on performance. I don’t want to challenge this as the overriding goal of mentoring but I do want to promote the idea that the health and wellbeing of the mentee should figure prominently in the mind of any mentor. I make this point because good mental and physical health is a key platform for ensuring high performance. There is very good research evidence (see Robertson and Cooper, 2011) showing that psychological wellbeing is linked to more effective performance for individuals – and for business units as a whole. In business units where the wellbeing of the staff is high,

“Mentoring is a process which supports learning and development and thus performance improvements, either for an individual, team or business.” North West Mentoring Scheme So, if the wellbeing of mentees is important how might a mentor approach this issue? My advice is to keep it simple and focus on the key areas that are the drivers of psychological wellbeing at work. There are three main categories: •Underlying personality factors Some people are more prone to feeling the impact of pressure than others – and this is where underlying personality comes into play. If you are working with someone who tends to become worried or feels down easily, then supporting them emotionally will be just as important as focusing on performance.

good mental and physical health is a key platform for ensuring high performance

performance indicators such as user/ customer satisfaction and productivity are better. Good psychological wellbeing is also critical for physical health and there is research showing that psychological wellbeing is linked to a wide range of important physical health outcomes, from mortality to the common cold!

•Personal circumstances The whole person comes to work and an untroubled and enjoyable personal life is a good platform for high performance at work, just as a troubled home life is almost certain to create problems. •The workplace There are six important workplace factors that are important influences on psychological well-being at work: Resources and Communications To perform effectively people need

to feel that they have the right equipment and resources – and that they are adequately informed. Control Positive wellbeing and the experience of stress are linked to the level of control that people experience at work (the extent to which they feel able to influence things at work). Balanced Workload A good balance between work and other aspects of people’s lives is an important contributor to overall wellbeing. Job Security and Change Feeling secure about one’s job and comfortable with likely changes is important for wellbeing at work. Work Relationships Good relationships at work are energising and provide support. Job Conditions Conditions of work often influence people’s level of satisfaction and wellbeing at work. To find out more about the six essentials of workplace well-being and how to ensure they are having a positive impact go to:

Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership


Valuing Diversity in the North West Mentoring Scheme: The Scheme’s Policy on Diversity

The North West Mentoring Scheme values and celebrates the diversity amongst our members and staff. We want to ensure there is a common vision and sense of belonging for all stakeholders. What is Diversity all about? •Our mentors and mentees have the capacity to recognise differences in people and respond positively to them. •The scheme actively encourages a variety of approaches to the provision, delivery and evaluation of our services so that those delivering and receiving them are not disadvantaged in the process. •Our members know the historical barriers and disadvantages people experience and are prepared to address discrimination by the use of positive action. •Mentors and mentees behave in a way that reflects and promotes the principles of valuing diversity that can be recognised by all our members and partners. •We will challenge behaviours and processes which do not positively advance the diversity agenda whilst being prepared to accept feedback about our own behaviour. •We listen, support and monitor the diverse contributions made to service


developments without prejudice. •We recognise peoples’ strengths, aspirations and abilities, and help to develop their potential through their mentoring relationships. What is diversity in the North West Mentoring Scheme? The valuing diversity competency is integral to all the activities undertaken by our mentors and mentees. It underpins the values and context of the North West Mentoring Scheme. It is understanding how valuing diversity can improve our mentoring relationships by using the backgrounds and experiences of our members. Ensuring that the work the scheme delivers is in line with the requirements of the Equality Act 2010 and those of the Public Sector Equality Duty. It also includes mentors providing a supportive, open environment where all mentees have the opportunity to reach their full potential. Roles and Responsibilities. The NW Mentoring Scheme will: •Contribute to and monitor the implementation of equality and diversity policies in a way that demonstrates continuous improvement to services. •Be able to conduct audits and monitor the impact of policy and behaviours of our mentors, mentees and staff, taking action when policy and procedure are being undermined. •Recognise and tackle issues of harassment along with providing advice on how to deal with and support those

who are victims of victimisation and harassment of any kind, challenging negativity and behaviours that do not meet the values of the scheme. •Behave in a way that models a positive approach to diversity, encouraging all contributions. •Ensure the standards and policy are communicated to all team members. •Communicate the policies and strategies on diversity to our members so they behave in a way that reflects the positive aspects of the statement and our ethos. •Ensure access to the scheme is available for all. •Develop people to their full potential when these opportunities are appropriate. Scheme members are encouraged to: •Be aware of the importance of equality and diversity. •Treat everyone as an individual, irrespective of their circumstances. •Conduct their mentoring in a manner that reflects the importance of diversity. •Challenge inappropriate behaviour and behave in a way that role models a positive approach to diversity. •Demonstrate an understanding of diversity and its positive impact on the scheme. •Challenge inappropriate behaviour and negativity whilst being prepared to accept and seek feedback about their own performance in relation to interaction with others. •Understand and influence positive action and policies. How will the scheme meet these roles and responsibilities? Following discussions with diversity

Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership

representatives from across the North West, the scheme will provide the following to support and embed the principles of diversity amongst both our members and staff: •We will engage with local and regional groups that are made up of diversity leads from across Trusts to ensure that the provision for diversity is aligned with their vision and meets the requirements of the Equality Act. •We will build on our existing provision for our learning events to ensure they are

accessible for all our members across the region. •MentorNet (our online matching and reporting tool) has the capacity to report on the diversity of our members against the main equality strands. Further roll out of the system has the potential to give more information which can be used to elicit greater information as to how the scheme supports equality and diversity within our current members. This is reliant on our members registering on MentorNet and supplying this information. •The principles of diversity will underpin

all the learning and education events that the scheme delivers or commissions. We are currently refreshing our training offer to include diversity awareness as part of our mentor development days and mentee awareness sessions. •We will state this Equality and Diversity Statement on the scheme’s website for all members and interested parties to view. If you would like to talk to us about our diversity policy, please email us at

Background to Change Neil Espin, Managing Director. The Corporate and Executive Coaching Organisation. Over the last few years businesses in all sectors have seen and undergone unprecedented change. Most organisations have undergone a series of fundamental changes including business ownership, restructures and staff redundancies, this has included some high profile and successful employees. Without doubt staff will be suffering from the effects of change and are likely to be somewhere on a spectrum from confusion to disengagement with the organisation. At this critical time just when organisations need the remaining staff to be productive and engaged, they underestimate the impact of change and tend to manage it badly.

and depression. 2) Exploration – including searching for meaning, letting go of the past. 3) Commitment – including application, enthusiasm, energy and co-operation. The above also has a negative impact on the following tangible areas, as the fear of change begins to take hold. •performance and productivity •key staff retention •interpersonal and intergroup relations •communication •leadership and decision making •problem solving, planning and goal setting •organisational structure

It is important to acknowledge that people do not view change in the same way, for example, there are two distinct groups of people affected by organisational change: 1) People who are made redundant and leave, usually very quickly, creating a shock wave within their colleagues. 2) People who remain in their role. These people ask the question, why did I remain and why was he/she made redundant and not me? The latter is known as the survivor syndrome and if not tackled with tangible, observable support and communication the very people the organisation wishes to retain to build the new organisation tend to leave within a relatively short timeframe. Elizabeth Kubler Ross’s groundbreaking work on the impact of bereavement is often applied to other situations of major change including organisational change to help people make sense of the impact of loss. It shows that people pass through four key stages on ‘The Change Curve’ when any change takes place:

It has been shown that whilst passing through each of these stages is inevitable, that coaching and mentoring as a 1-1 method of support encourages people to move through these stages more quickly to become more productive as well as advocates for the new look business. In this way the impact of mentoring is increased as people are able to see the methods of support being offered by the organisation and therefore the support is observable and tangible as well as sending a signal to the staff that the business is developing and planning for the future.

1) Denial – including shock and business as usual as people get their heads down. 2) Resistance – including anger, blame, incompetence

Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership

Neil Espin, Managing Director of CECO 01328 831993


Mentoring Leaders To Take Action Shelly Rubinstein, Chartered Psychologist. Managing Director of Impact Consulting Psychologists. Mentoring leaders to take action We believe that mentors can assist by helping leaders to manage difficult processes. Following the recession, the need for cost cutting is being followed by restructuring in many organisations. This can develop a ‘climate of fear’ which undermines staff confidence. The result can be negative behaviour amongst staff, paralysis in decision making, habitual ‘back-covering’ and falling productivity. Mentors give support to the leaders to enable them to sustain their energy to make the necessary changes. Positivity promotes success Research has shown us that successful organisations tend to sustain positive and supportive cultures, underpinned by visionary leadership, shared responsibility and rewarding initiative and innovation. So, how can mentoring help leaders to create a positive environment? A mentor who may have been through a similar change can be a sounding board for the ideas of their mentee and can offer personal support. Who do we mean by leaders? We believe that there are leaders in all areas of an organisation, not only those who are formally managing staff in a hierarchy. During challenging times, those who demonstrate transformational leadership behaviours will be successful and will help others to be successful. Mentoring can enhance those leadership behaviours. The Psychologica Model below enables mentors to identify the behaviours that are most likely to lead to effective leadership. They can highlight the impact of style on leadership. Style relates to our preferred

ways of behaving and seeing the world. It impacts on our performance, how others see us, and our sense of direction in life and manifests as a tendency towards either assertive (active) or responsive (reactive) behaviours. We are generally at our most effective when we have these in balance (interactive) and at our least effective when we focus on neither (nonactive). The Psychologica System © In addition to our style, the system also looks at how we demonstrate our leadership through our ‘function’ which is the product of our three capacities (Thinking, Feeling and Doing) and three capabilities (Organising, Adapting and Communicating). These six categories provide a basic structure for a skills framework which can be used to assess performance of individuals, teams and whole organizations. Positive change results from recognising how the key elements of the framework work together. The mentor uses this system to help leaders to identify their strengths and development needs. Leaders’ effectiveness is enhanced through learning how to balance and control their abilities across these different skill categories. Using mentors gives a real opportunity to learn from the organisational memory and to embrace the challenge, bringing positivity and energy to our work, and dispel negative attitudes. It is crucial that we harness the energy and enthusiasm of leaders through positive mentoring.

To find out more go to:

Shelly Rubinstein, Chartered Psychologist. Managing Director of Impact Consulting Psychologists.


Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership


We asked our members how mentoring had impacted on them, both professionally and personally and this is what they told us ... “I wanted to join the scheme to enable and support people to visualise or resolve the issues or challenges they may be facing, in a safe and supportive environment. They key outcome of this for me would be a more satisfied and focused individual who could consequently perform better. I believe this would ultimately benefit the quality of services provided to patients.”

“I think the scheme is absolutely brilliant. When I first joined scheme I was at my wits end, knew nothing about this scheme and would not have thought that a mentor would be an answer to my situation.

Tony Armstrong Associate Director of Medical Education at Central Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.

“Thank you for your support.”

“The North West Mentoring Scheme provided me with a structure to focus on my career at a time when I had numerous doubts and difficulties. “Careers don't just happen, they require effort! However where do you get the necessary help, support, guidance and time to reflect? I found these all and more through the scheme within a relatively short time frame. “The additional workshops helped

“I am very grateful for my mentor and even though we have not met for some time I know that she is only a phone call away.

Jan Broom Dental/GP Appraisals Manager | Primary Care Directorate Wigan

me define my values and design a career in keeping with my values. Working with a mentor brought a new dimension and objectivity to my experiences, skills and goals. The lessons learned in the mentoring program spilled over into my personal relationships and responsibilities. “The best perk of all is that I have got to know the other mentors and mentees on a more personal level and developed a wonderful friendship with my mentor.

“Many of us have mentored and coached individuals within and out of work. The NW mentoring scheme provides structure, learning and ongoing support to build on previous skills and knowledge, to make the mentor/ mentee relationship as productive as possible. Some of the tools used and skills learned are applicable to every day working, and would welcome the mentor training and development to anyone who has responsibility for staff. “Thanks.” Mike Leaf Acting Director of Public Health NHS North Lancs

“Finally, the scheme has helped me recognise that I have so much to offer an organisation and community. I recommend the scheme very highly to others and encourage them to get involved at the earliest opportunity.” Mo Gnanalingham MB ChB (Honours), FRCPCH, PhD, NLP (Diplomas) Consultant Paediatric Intensivist, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital

Thank you so much to our members for writing to us with their testimonials. We would love to hear more of your thoughts on the impact that mentoring has had on you and your experiences as a member of the scheme: Please email us at with the subject “What Mentoring Means to Me”.

Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership


Mentoring Tools: MentorNet New! Resources Area When you next log in to MentorNet, check out the new ‘Resources’ tab where you can download the latest User Guide, the scheme’s Diversity Policy, and our Ethical and Confidentiality Code. If you have a request for documents you would like us to share, please send us an email to

Using MentorNet as both a mentor and mentee: If you are registered as a mentor and a mentee, you will see the 'mentor view' by default when you initially log in. A link in the top header will allow you to 'switch to mentee view' and 'switch to mentor view' as required. If you are registered as a mentor only, but would also like access as a mentee (or vice versa), navigate to the 'My profile' tab on your home screen, and click the link near the top of the page to make your application. Your application will be subject to approval by an administrator, and you will receive notification when your application has been approved or declined. Once approved you will only need one log in to access both profiles!

Using MentorNet to set appointments: Did you know that MentorNet can record your mentoring hours for you and neatly display them in your profile? If you would like MentorNet to track your mentoring hours, all you need to do is set your appointments when you are logged in, and select the relationship you want to set an appointment for. You may propose session dates/times for your next meeting; up to three dates/times may be proposed in any single update. Your mentoring partner will be prompted to review your proposed session dates/times and either accept them or reject them. Likewise, any sessions proposed by them will be displayed for you to accept or reject. Confirmed sessions may subsequently be cancelled by either mentor or mentee. Any proposed sessions whose dates pass without them being confirmed will be deemed by MentorNet to not have occurred. Please note that the session dates confirmed via this screen are used to calculate your total mentoring hours figure, which is recorded on an ongoing basis and used for reporting by administrators.

Do you have any questions about MentorNet? Email us on 10

Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership

Transition Support Portal ‘Our Futures’ is an online transition support portal for all NHS employees experiencing change due to NHS reforms and organisational re-structures.

The site offers advice on managing both personal and organisational change including; • Tools that enable personal/professional reflection and enhance confidence • Tips on applying for jobs, attending interviews and assessment centres • Advice on becoming self employed and setting up a business

• Rights, entitlements and benefits as an employee • Managing your finances during redundancy, resignation or early retirement • Executive Leader Support, diagnostic tools and competency frameworks

The site was commissioned and developed by the NHS North West Leadership Academy and NHS North West on behalf of its members. NHS Trusts and organisations across the country are also encouraged to use the website to support their local change and reform strategies. For further information on the site or for comments or feedback please contact us or 0161 625 7348. Mentoring for innovation, integration and leadership


The North West Mentoring Scheme Greater Manchester West NHS Foundation Trust Harrop House Bury New Road Prestwich Manchester M25 3BL Telephone: 0161 772 3608 Email: Web:

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