June voices

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Saturday June 3rd Women’s Group J.D.Shore Café Upper Water Street, 10:30am Saturday June 3rd Rushton Lecture Port Williams UBC 10:30 am Sunday June 4th

The time has come for me to leave you all, and a job I love, and for you to welcome someone new into the Church Office.

Alana Foster

FBCH Sanctuary 10:30 am Sunday June 11th Congregational Meeting

(following Gathered Worship)

Assembly Room

Monday June 5th, 12th, 19th Children’s and Youth Bible Study Various Homes 6:00 - 8:00 pm Saturday June 17th Men at Work Breakfast with Gerry Post Church Parlour 8:30 - 10:00 am Sunday June 18tth Deadline for Summer Connections Sign up Sheet Church Parlour Friday June 23rd Breanna Mill in Concert FBC Sanctuary 7:30 pm Sunday September 24th FBC Choir of the Ages Under Directiion of Maestro Bernhard Gueller Saturday November 4th Annual Tea & Sale

There are so many emotions when you face leaving a place you have shared with others, in my case, for 23 years. I am excited to face the next phase of my life and so sad to leave all of you. I am happy not to face the daily travel and getting up early in the morning five days a week, and sad not to have to do it. My favourite Bible passage is Mark 10:43 - 45 “... Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant and whoever wants to be first must be a slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give his life as ransom for many.” I have tried to approach my career with this passage in mind, basically to be a good servant, to my employer, my God, my family and to myself. Many will think “A servant?! Really?” with the image of a person meek and subservient, to be given little thought by others. I think we can all agree that image does not fit me! I prefer to think of a servant as someone who helps others by smoothing the way for them, by doing things so others do not have to, enabling them to focus on other things. Someone who works with others, perhaps not with any authority or presence, but still an integral member of the team. Every team has leadership and members that are of a higher profile. Are they, the Team Leaders, servants? They certainly are. They might be responsible for making important decisions and ensuring the team works to the best of their abilities, and are very likely the public face of the team, but they are also a servant to that team by making sure each member’s well being is looked after, that respect is given to everyone, and acknowledging the part each person plays in getting the work done. They also may report to someone else, so they are a “servant” to them. These past 23 years I have been your servant and I have had many, many team leaders. I have always been treated with respect, kindness, generosity and made to feel a valued member of the FBCH team. I had good Team Leaders! I hope I have made your work easier and assisted in your service to God and the wider Continued on page 2

. . . the usual reasons we all have for retirement, more time to myself, my gardens, my family and my church. It’s time to serve myself. . .

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It’s Time to Say Goodbye

community. There are too many individuals to thank here. All the congregants, clergy, Assistant Sextons and others, that I have had the great privilege to work with (and it really has been a privilege) have touched me greatly. I always learned something new, was allowed to grow in the job and given support to do it. Have there been difficulties? Sure there have, but as Frank S. sings “... but then again, too few to mention.”, and we went through them together. I do wish to give special thanks to Rev. John Boyd, Rev. Lynn Uzans, Rev. Jenny Drewitz, Rev. Nelson Metcalfe and Lynette Wahlstrom for the support and friendship they have given me over the years. It was great fun working with you. Many people have asked why am I retiring now. This is a challenging position and I am getting older and I sense in myself that I have fewer of the necessary skills to keep up, both with changing technologies and with the day to day problems. Also, the usual reasons we all have for retirement, more time to myself, my gardens, my family and my church. It’s time to serve myself. So as I take my leave of you I thank you for the wonderful friendship and times we shared together and I know you will offer the same to the person who will now occupy the Church Office. Will things be the same? No, but isn’t that part of the fun? Your Servant, Alana Foster, Office Administrator to June 30, 2017

Continuing through June 5, the church office will be closed each Monday to allow Alana to use vacation time prior to her retirement date. You can still reach church staff via e-mail or by using the automated voice messaging system. To phone, just dial 902-422-5203 and follow the voice prompts to reach the line of the person with whom you wish to speak or leave a message.

With the scattering of the nuclear family in today’s society … I see the church, more than ever before, Visitation Committee called upon to fulfill the role of a caring, supportive family to individuals as they come to realize they need people.” Thus wrote Lic. Phyllis Menzies in the Annual Report, February, 1980, as she reported on her First Baptist Ministry to seniors. First Baptist Church members have had a long history of caring for one another, with the “Afternoon Auxiliary” being able to trace its visitation efforts back to the early years of the 20th century. Originally, the ladies visited at Christmas time, going to nursing homes with boxes of homemade cookies until the staff started to complain about those on special diets. Then they switched to gifts like pencils and notepaper or special soaps. In recent years, the Auxiliary has been delivering poinsettias at Christmas and daffodils at Easter to our shut-ins. As one member of our current Visitation Committee mentioned to me, when she visited her father shortly before his death, he reached into his pocket and pulled out the little card which had accompanied his gift of daffodils from the ladies. Those flowers meant a lot to him. In the 1960’s, Rev. David Kennedy was taken on as a Minister of Visitation, and in the years since, fellowship groups, Stewardship initiatives, missionary groups and others have all contributed to the Visitation Ministry, supplementing the ongoing pastoral care efforts of our Ministers. Since 1991, Annual Reports have contained an update on the work of the formal Visitation Committee, originally chaired by Sandra Nowlan and focussed on “the elderly and shut-ins, new members, families who had children dedicated, and bereaved members.” In 2005, a major step forward was taken when Rev. Nelson Metcalfe was engaged as Minister of Visitation, a role he serves to this day. In the Annual Report for that year, a comment clearly reflects the response of First Baptist’s membership to this Minister’s contribution to our well-being: “Rev. Nelson Metcalfe, our part-time Minister of Visitation, is in a special category. He ‘paves the way’ to make our visits more meaningful.”

Members of the Visitation Committee Joe O’Brien, Marsha Hurshman, Rev. Nelson Metcalfe, Laurie Cruess, Alberta Morgan, Margie Flack, David Gibson, Grace Gibson, Sherry Allen Lee, Tony Marshall, Heather McNeil, Rev. Lynn Uzans, Rev. Jenny Drewitz, and Diaconate Representatives



Friday October 13, 2017 at 5:30 pm SILENT AUCTION WITH A TWIST!!

We kindly request donations… Do you have a special gift? Do you like to cook (a favorite cake or pie); entertain a small group; knit, sew, or hand craft something fun? What about working in the garden; taking a small group for a sail; or doing odd jobs for a friend? Are you a photographer who would consider a family shoot; or an artist with a flair for colour? OR, Do you have a little collectible, a hand-knit item, or perhaps a special item for re-gifting? There are so many gifts that we know others are bound to enjoy. Questions? Contact Dianne, Donna, or Peggy Talk to us, we would love to hear from you. Donna Darrell moreend@eastlink.ca tel 902 422 7884 Peggy Dunbar peggydunbar@eastlink.ca tel 902 477 3891 Dianne Kokesh d.kokesh@bellaliant.net Donations to the Harvest Supper are in support of a community organization TBA

June 4: Pentecost Holy Communion; Baptism Acts 2:1-21; Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 1 Corinthians 12:3b-13; John 20:19-23 Slow Burn – Alana Foster Music: Daley June 11: Trinity Sunday Genesis 1:1-2:4a; Psalm 8 2 Corinthians 13:11-13; Matthew 28:16-20 With You Always – Rev. Jenny Drewitz Music: Songsters and Tchaikovsky June 18: Pentecost 2 Father’s Day Genesis 18:1-14; Psalm 100 Romans 5:1-8; Matthew 5:35-10:8 Cat’s In The Cradle – Rev. Lynn Uzans Music: Grace Notes and White June 25: Pentecost 3 Sunday School Closing Genesis 21:8-21; Psalm 86 Romans 6:1b-11; Matthew 10:24-39 Letting Go of Fear – Rev. Lynn Uzans Music: Lang and Stanford

We will all be pretty scattered over the summer; how can we still stay in touch with each other? Let’s partner up and connect once a week by phone, e-mail or in person, with different questions. This will not take a lot of time, and you do not need to be physically close together, just the intention of being together in spirit. How will it work? 1. Everyone willing to be part of "summer connections" please sign up in the parlour or e-mail Rev. Jenny (jennydrewitz@fbchalifax.ca). This is for all ages, no restrictions; even if you are not physically able to be at First Baptist Church, you can still be part of “Summer Connections.” This is a congregation wide activity. Please sign up by June 18th. 2. June 18th, all names will go into a hat and will be partnered. Rev. Jenny will advise the partnerships of who they are. 3. Each week focus questions will be sent out for all participating. Something like, "Where did you see God this week?" or "What was your biggest challenge this week?". Here’s What Some People Said From Last Year: - "I very much enjoyed the questions and I felt like I could open up to my partner and share my honest answers with them." Amelia Crowell - "This was a lovely experience. I had opportunity to get to know an amazing Christian woman from our church. Our discussion of the questions put a more spiritual slant on everyday events." Sharon Taylor - I thought it was a great idea to get to know a person I didn't know anything about in the congregation just a little bit. - Christine Fall Moore - "As a “displaced FBC Halifax member” living in Victoria, BC, the Summer Connections was an amazing opportunity to feel “connected” to the church and at the same time I was able to get to know a fellow church member in a deeper and more personal way. I am so thankful for this opportunity and want to thank my partner (he knows who he is) for such wonderful conversations and spiritual companionship over the summer. I look forward to an ongoing connection with my partner." - Ian Easter

This summer, let’s get to know each other on a deeper level and bring you closer to someone in the church. (Kind of like a spiritual reading buddy, or prayer partner.) Questions? Please contact Rev. Jenny Drewitz

Beginning on June 5 for three consecutive Monday's from 6-8pm we'll meet in peoples homes, have dinner and jump into Scripture. We'll focus on the book of Ezra. This is open to anyone grade 5 and up. Please let Rev. Jenny know if you plan to attend so we have enough food for all.

Saturday, June 17th, from 8:30 - 10:00am in the Church Parlour. Discovering the Power of Prayer in a Muslim Country with Gerry Post. For over 25 years Gerry has been an advisor to leaders in government and businesses around the globe. His specialty is land management and modernizing governance - a big aspect of this is fighting corruption. The power of prayer has helped him get results. His work has been recognized internationally, including the World Leadership Award in Town Planning for an initiative he led in the Middle East. Please RSVP to: neil.ritchie@invictahealth.com or 902-489-9123 for more info. All welcome!

We are inviting everyone who has been in the Senior Choir to join us on our FBC 10:30 service, Sept. 24th, 2017, for a special 190th celebration focusing on music. Won't it be fun to see faces from our past, and sing together too! Our musical guest is Maestro Bernhard Gueller, from Symphony Nova Scotia.

Julie Shore will lead the women’s group who meet this Saturday, June 3rd, 10:30am at the JD Shore Cafe. Topic : Stop your stinkin’ thinkin’... Be transformed by the Renewal of your mind

ARK Sunday Supper: - It is our turn to prepare 18 Casseroles, Sunday, June 25th. The recipe is Chicken Casserole and the recipe can be found on the bulletin board outside the parlour along with the sign up sheet. Recipes are also available at: fbchalifax.ca/outreach/community-outreach

Saturday, June 3 at Port Williams United Baptist Church. This years guest speak with be Rev. Lynn Uzans, "An Anglican in Baptist Circles." Registration begins at 10:30 and will include a luncheon (a choice of salmon or chicken for lunch – please indicate your preference). To register ($25,00) please email Lana Churchill at jchurchill@ns.sympatico.ca or visit c-abf.ca

Although it may seem early to be thinking about the "Christmas Tea and Sale" while we are still waiting to plant our gardens without fear of a killing frost, it is nevertheless, time to mark your calendars with the date of Saturday November 4th.

Although this event raises money for the church, we would like to keep in mind that it is first and foremost about being hospitable. The hospitality we offer members of the broader community, and the hospitality and loving community we offer each other as we work together is what truly makes this a memorable occasion. Mary Anne and I would encourage you to speak with family and friends over the summer about the wonderful offerings at the tea and sale: crafts, jewelry, new to you, jams and jellies, baked goods, books, and the antique emporium. There is elevator access to all 3 levels of the sale activity. Think prayerfully also about donating your time, treasure and talents to this wonderful occasion. The ticket price will be raised this year to $8. Bring 3 friends and share a table for four for $30. The tea includes homemade sandwiches and sweets, and of course, the best tea in town. In appreciation of the many volunteers who so generously give of their time we are for the first time, offering a volunteer ticket for $4. As you enjoy your summer, please ponder the opportunities there are for you to serve in this event. Rest assured, you can expect at least one phone call or conversation in September from your conveners....

Mary Anne Eisener and Kathy Schwartzentruber

"FBC Voice Recital, featuring Breanna Miller, accompanied by Lynette Wahlstrom: Friday, June 23rd, 7:30 pm. This is a benefit for Breanna as she embarks on a new venture in Graduate Voice studies at San Francisco University.

A dear and valued Alto Soloist for the Senior Choir, Breanna has helped direct Songsters, accompanied Grace Notes, conducted the Senior Choir, and been a stalwart member of our Worship Music team at FBC. On behalf of the Choir, Music Committee, and FBC Congregation, please come and enjoy an evening of Songs and Arias, and help us give a terrific send-off to Breanna. Friday, June 23rd, 7:30 pm in the FBC Sanctuary, donation at the door."

Sunday July 2nd and Sunday July 9th Nova Scotia Conservatory

6199 Chebucto Road All services will be held at 10:30am.

St. John’s United Church

Sunday July 16th and Sunday July 23rd

1537 Brunswick Street All services will be held at 10:30am.

Presbyterian Church of St. David

Sunday July 30th and Sunday August 6th

On August 6th, Open Communion will be held at First Baptist Church.

1300 Oxford Street

All services will be held at 10:30am

First Baptist Church Halifax

Sunday August 13th Sunday August 20th and Sunday August 27th 1537 Brunswick Street All services will be held at 10:30am.

St. Andrew’s United Church All congregations will worship in their respective communities for the Labour Day weekend, September 3rd.


Rev. Dr. Wm. Carey Harvey, January 11, 2017 Ellen Layton, January 19, 2017 Evelyn Denton, March 30, 2017 Gordon Taylor, April 10, 2017 Lois Burns, April 21, 2017

New Members

Julian Summers – March 5, 2017



Eric and Crystal (Campbell) Hyun, December 31, 2016 Jonathan and Joy Lee, January 8, 2017 – renewal of vows (Sunny and Min Jae Lee) Danny and Ashley (Davis) Evans, May 20, 2017 (Clyde and Lynne Evans)

Of Special Note

August Liam Cheverie and Elliot Cameron Cheverie March 19, 2017

Dr. David Mensink received the Canadian Association of University Teachers Dedicated Service Award

Our Graduates High School

CarolineLife Duggan, Lockview High School with Honours and French Immersion Certification Congregational (parents, John Duggan and Karen Leitch Duggan, Granddaughter, Joan Leitch) DeathsJericho Given, Citadel High School (parent, Kim Harper-Given, Grandson, Mary Harper) Rev. Dr. Wm. Carey Harvey, January 2017 C.P. Allen High School with High Honours Matthew C. K.11,McKee, Ellen Layton, January 19, 2017 (parents, James and Suzanne McKee; grandson Ian and Johanne McKee) Evelyn Denton, March 30, 2017 Spencer Sani, Halifax West High School Gordon Taylor, April 10, 2017 (parents. Fabio and Shelley Sani, Grandson, Eva and John Conn) Lois Burns, April 21, 2017 Katherine Thompson, Mayfield Secondary School (Brampton) (parents, Candace (Eisner) and Mark Thompson; Granddaughter, Doug and Jackie Eisner) Jaaziel Ugbebor, Citadel High School (parent, Rita Ugbebor) New Members Julian Summers – March 5, 2017


Dedications Dylan Clancy,and Bachelor of Business Management with a specialty in Consumer Behaviour, August Liam Cheverie Elliot Cameron Cheverie – March 19, 2017

University of Western Ontario (Grandson, Doug and Jackie Eisner) Amelia Crowell, Dalhousie University School of Nursing Of Special Note: (Tom and Adele Crowell) Dr. David Mensink received University Teachers DedicatDave Csinos, PhDthe inCanadian practicalAssociation theology of from University of St. Michael’s College in Toronto ed Service Award (through the Toronto School of Theology) Jennifer Ferguson, Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology with a Diploma in Forensic Science (Daughter of Bill Ferguson and Leslie Ferguson) Marriages Elizabeth Fountain, received Doctor of Humane Letters Honorary Degree from Eric and Crystal (Campbell) Hyun, December 31,a2016 Mount Saint Vincent University spoke at the Jonathan and Joy Lee, January 8, 2017 – renewal of vowsand (Sunny and Min JaeMay Lee) 18 Convocation. MacDougall, Dalhousie Danny and Ashley (Davis) Evans,Kathleen May 20, 2017 (Clyde and Lynne Evans) Law School, (Clyde and Lynne Evans) Angel Moore, Bachelor of Arts, Double Major of International Development and Sustainability, Dalhousie University Meghan Thompson, Bachelor of Arts with Honours in Communications Studies, Wilfred Laurier University (Granddaughter, Doug and Jackie Eisner) Drea Uzans, Dalhousie Medical School (Daughter of Lynn and Elmer Uzans)


Jennifer Dexter, Canadian Accredited Insurance Broker with Honors (CAIB) (Daughter, David and Marlene Dexter) Christopher Ford, Commercial Pilot, Moncton Flight College (Grandson, Sharon & Frank McGill) Bethany Myers has had a new novel published. See her writings on wattpad.com

I can't keep count of the number of people who express their appreciation for our Worship Music at FBC, but I try to pass along their encouraging comments to our Choirs and Musicians every time. It brings to focus how important and vital volunteers are to our Music Ministry, at every level. We have a stalwart group of singers in the Senior Choir, Men Without Jackets, Grace Notes, and Songsters Choir. We have choral section leads and soloists, an In-House Band, and various instrumentalists, all who contribute to our Worship Ministry with great enthusiasm. We have parents who help organize, listen to, and encourage their children to develop and share their musical talents. We have a stellar Music Committee, Choir committees, Choir librarians, and many more who help and encourage Music Ministry in our congregational worship. What are the rewards of volunteering your musical talents at church? Personal fulfillment, interacting joyfully with others, experiencing and sharing worship, sharing your spiritual gift. Who do you reach out to? Everyone who hears you, old and young, quiet and boisterous, people of varying needs, members and visitors alike. How does volunteering as a musician help the church grow?

Fosters discipleship, mentoring, community, and gives the church a unique way to worship, meditate, and pray. So, thank you to all our volunteers. You help to build a church of love, worship, and community. And for all those who would like to join, please do contribute your talent and efforts. We have room for all levels and abilities. You really do make a difference. Submitted by Lynette Wahlstrom Music Director, FBC

. . .was founded in 1827 as the Granville Street Baptist Church (renamed First Baptist Church in 1886) and is a member of the Halifax Region United Phone: 902-422-5203 Baptist Association as well as the Canadian Association for Baptist Email: office@fbchalifax.ca Freedoms (formerly the Atlantic Facebook.com/FirstBaptistHalifax Baptist Fellowship). We are intentionally ecumenical and Twitter: twitter.com/FBCHfx inclusive in our services (Sundays at 10:30 a.m.) and programs. We are an affirming church.

1300 Oxford Street Halifax, NS B3H 3Y8

Photo by Warren Hoeg - June

connect How many Ferrets did you find? There are 12 running around in the newsletter. For the inquisitive minds—you might ask “why Ferrets?”. It’s from a practical joke dating back to the mid 1990’s of which Alana was one of the perpetrators. These cute little Ferrets, scattered through the newsletter, are in honour of her retirement.

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