Cacti Are An Intriguing Houseplant

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Those who like indoor plants but forgo their pleasure in the belief they are too busy to care for them properly or do not have enough room for them should consider an intriguing alternative. It can be found in the world of cacti. Unlike most conventional leafy plants that require constant pampering, cacti have an inbred ability to survive even in adverse situations, and the many odd, fanciful forms they assume are always interesting. If you are cramped for plant space, you will discover that a sizable collection of different kinds of small cacti can be grown in dish gardens, other diminutive containers or small pots. Even seedlings of the big fellows, such as the giant saguaro, prickly pears and Old Man cactus can be grown for years in such accommodations before they become large enough to become a problem. In such space-saving containers, the cacti can be displayed by a window, as a table centerpiece or as an accent on a table or buffet. One cactus buff we know grouped at least a dozen fanciful specimens in a wooden box especially built to fit in a south window in his office where he gets year-round enjoyment from them. Perhaps the most important factor favoring cacti as house plants is that they are right at home in the warm, dry atmosphere of homes and apartments that is so detrimental to leafy types. Some cacti actually will thrive in situations where other plants will fail. At times some will favor you with exotic blooms. Varieties range from the spineless kinds that develop into dramatic specimens several feet tall, such as the Cereus or night-flowering group, to the smaller peanut, button and hedgehog varieties. It is virtually impossible to describe here the full range of varieties, which number well over 1,500. Cacti enthusiasts, however, find it fun, as well as a challenge, to seek out the identity of those in their collections. This is not always easy, but variety illustrations in good garden books with complete sections on cacti can be helpful, as are the catalogues of many commercial growers. Home cacti collections usually are started with a few inexpensive potted plants purchased at plant shops or supermarkets, or obtained on impulse at roadside stands while traveling through desert regions of the Southwest. The young plants are so irresistible that they sell themselves. Most cacti will root readily from cuttings, which means that once you have a few plants, you can expand your collection. The cuttings can be taken when the plants are in active growth in spring or early summer. Allow the cut surfaces to heal over and form a callus, which avoids the risk of rotting during rooting. This may take several days, after which the cuttings can be inserted to root in a moist mixture of sand, vermiculite and perlite.


For more venturesome green thumbers, growing cacti from seeds is a rewarding project and an economical way to begin a collection. Patience is a requisite, however, as some varieties take weeks to germinate.

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