Design Works By Johan Liou

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Johan Liou

Johan Liou Chinese name Country Birthday mobile E-mail

劉柔含 Taiwan 1992.3.31 0988782341

Skills 2D Adobe photoshop Adobe illustrator Adobe inDesign Adobe flash Coral painter Coral draw Sony vegas Processing

3D Solidworks Photoview

Education 2007 2010 now

HsinChu Chien Kung Junior high school National Hsinchu Girls' Senior High Department of Industrial Design, National Cheng Kung University

Experience 2011 member instructor member

NCKU Pop Dance Club NCKU Industrial Design Camp Department of Information, NCKU Student Union 2012

maneuver section club leader maneuver section advertising section, area decoration section

Movie <B> by NCKU ID student NCKU Roller Club NCKU Industrial Design Welcome Camp Camp of University Life 2013

director co-founder

Idea Bank Group, Student Association of NCKU Industrial Design VIVO










Product Design p.


Graphic Design Rolling Market/ Brunch Queen/ ID Magazine/ Creative Taiwan/ Exit/ ID DM/ Photography/

Water Me/ Crystal Animal/ Just A Piece/ Bubble Gum Bookmark/

Product Design Wa e Me Water Crysta Crystal tal Animal An Anim nimal TTape Ta ape ape e Dispe Disp D sp pen nso nsor or Bubble B Bu ubb ubble Gum Gum m Boo Bookma okm ma ark k

Water Me Deliver joy and comfort

Water me Product 5

Design Concept We aim to deliver comfort, but some places seem not to be comfortable...




We personally went to the places below, and interviewed some people. Many people went to restaurant as a group for relax or celebration, they didn't really feel uncomfortable with other stranger groups. As for hospital, it is a uncomfortable place. People felt cold and overwelmed there. But there are too many departments to investigate respectively, so we finally decided to focus on "bus".


We more focused on mental issue Try to fix the feeling of unease

Water me Product

1.bell’s too high 2.hands might be hurt by door 3.change problem 4.unstable handle 5.eye sight / people are afraid to have eye contact 6.overwhelmed atmosphere 7.the interaction between people sitting beside is indifferent 8.too many stairs in the bus 9.sanitary 10.people with big bag might walk difficultly 11.too many people getting on the bus in a short time 12.accidently holding someone’s hair when getting on the bus in a rush could be embarrassed for the first and the last one getting off the bus 14.priority seat = label ? 15.worry about who sits beside 16.uncontrolled child 17.worry about stealing and forgetting to take the bag off the bus 18.sleep over 19.unsure the time to ring the bell 20.privacy issue 21.dilemma for giving the old seats



Water me Product Product


I think people on bus should open thier mind instead of hiding from others, so I drew many sketches about how to enhance chance for people to interact and decrease the feeling of embarrassment.


The final target is to improve the atmosphere of comfort and enhance people's interaction, so we decided to design a device that could grow the plant with people's interaction.

Modeling First mock-up

We made a mock-up and saw how it fit in the bus, but the shape seemed too heavy for the bus.

2nd mock-up

After we made the second mock up, we discussed the problems of current mockup and try to solve it.

3rd mock-up Water me Product

And then we made third mock-up by paper to help us define our final design.


Final idea Bus Pole

We design a device that let people interact. But if we force them to use the device face to face at the same time, it may be more umbarrassed and uncomfortable. So it's a device let people interact at the differet time. When you get on a bus, you may hold a easy card to pay, then you walk down the path, passing by the device. Once you use your easy card to the device, you devote to help the plant. Accumulation sign and Accumulation sink will gain a light and water respectively. After 4 people helping the plant, Accumulation sink will filled with water, and water comes down to the plant.

Bionic pattern cover Accumulation sign

(inside) Water pump Accumulation sink Warm light

waterloggingresistant plant Transparent pot

RFID sensor

People want to see who's the next person helping watering the plant just like himself/herself. They will gain sense of belonging by watching the plant growing. And they may have new conversation of plants or other things. Finally persude the goal of comfortable atmosphere on bus.


Why we use plants?

Water me Product 9

Because green makes people feel relaxed. And growing plant makes people feel the sense of accomplishment and belonging. To invent too many people watering the plant makes plant die, we will grow waterlogging-resistant plant there.

waterloggingresistant plant Transparent pot

Filter layer

Why we use easy card?

The device will record who devoted the most to the plant. When the plant grew big enough, it will be sent to the most devoted people.

Storing sink

Final Design

Product 10

Crystal Animal

Crystal Animal



Brand Development Meeting Minutes 2012.9.19


How to creat a brand


set brand image make consensus marketing analysis create CIS schedule idea benefit evaluation modeling material production & S.O.P.

packaging product photographing marketing strategy selling place price record product sellingcondition

Want-to-do product

Brand Image

collapsible interactive relaxing moveable useful growing having topics memories life new & surprising sense of accomplishment

simple & easy energetic unadorned fasion kind & friendly warm soft sense of accomplishment confident dream cheap empathy

How to achieve breaking somthing growing something finishing something rebuilding something

If tree could grow up, why couldn't the animals?


We decided to make a product that can grow. And if the product could be assemble, and people finished it, they would gain more sense of accompishment. So the final idea came from crystal tree, which is famous in everyone's childhood.

Crystal Animal

Final Decision


Material Study We wanted crystal to refer to animal's fur, so crystal should just grow on the animal's skin. We tested that which mateiral to make animal's body was beter, wood or acrylics? It turned out that wood absorbed too much water so that paper couldn't crystalized well. In fact, much crystal would cystalized on wood body. It cause the situation that crystal spread over the animal, not just skin part.

We tested paper to pick out the one could grow the most beautiful crystal and the most amount of crystal Also we tested solution, to find the best proportion.

Crystal Animal Product 13

We tested how colour would work with crystal and found that blue would be carried with the solution and become blue crystal. And other colour still stayed on paper. Since only one colour can be crystalized, we canceled the idea of colourful crystal animal. If customer want to colour the animal, they could do it on their own.

LOGO Development





Laser Cutting

We drew some outlines of animal, and used laser cutting machine to cut transparent acrylic borad.

Manual Book

刺蝟紙片 x3


壓克力片 x4

Manaul book is for assembling acrylic chips, papers, and the solution. It was packaged with other parts. Just assemble step by step, you will have your own animal soon!

1 用壓克力棒將壓克力與紙片 依序串起來

壓克力棒 x1

3 松鼠尾巴紙片 x1 壓克力片 x3 溶液 x1 2 向後摺

壓克力棒 x1

1 將尾巴紙片摺好

貴賓狗紙片 x4

1 拉出紙片掛上 壓克力,中間 圓洞掛上棒子

壓克力片 x5

用壓克力棒 將壓克力與 紙片依序串 起來


溶液 x1

3 2 壓克力棒 x2

用壓克力棒將壓克力與紙片 依序串起來

將尾巴圓球 互相卡住



獅子紙片 x2 壓克力片 x5 溶液 x1


壓克力棒(方) x1

1 用壓克力棒將壓克力與 紙片依序串起來

Here were the small logo for each animal


孔雀尾巴紙片 x1

Crystal Animal

溶液 x1


壓克力片 x5


溶液 x1

往後摺 壓克力棒 x1

1 將尾巴紙片摺好


用壓克力棒將壓克力與 紙片依序串起來

Final Product

Final Products

hedgehog peacock lion



Growing Process

Crystal Animal Product 15

We made five kinds of animal, hedgehog, squirrel, lion, poodle, peacock. They were made by acrylic body and paper skin. Through time passing, paper absorbed the solution, and got more and more crystal on it, just like a little animal growing mature and geting furrier.


We we re p a c ka g i n g eve r y part of product into a small container. Then decorated it.

Market We went to market, and sold it by ourselves.

Crystal Animal Product 16

Tape Dispensor Product 17

Just A Piece foldable, portable tape dispensor


It is a simple , portable tape dispenser just made by a piece of plastic. It redueces the massive comsumption of the plastic material. It's also easy to assemble. you can just fold it, combining it with your tape. Otherwise, you need not to worry about the blade of tape dispenser since you can hide it. Just insert the blade into the hole on the tape dispenser if you are not using it.

How to use plastic piece

blade 1 just fold it easily Tape Dispensor

hide blade if not using it


2 combine it with tape


Idea Development


The concept is from folding paper. I try to reduce material using so I design it with simple shape show aesthetics.

Tape Dispensor Product 19


It is fun that the tape dispensor will swing after you used it and placed it on the table.

Research Catogory


wood plastics stainless steel acrylics lether paper

combined with stationery portable slip-resistance safe blade dust-proof special way to cut the tape fit special customer easy to change tape fit with tape of any size use by one hand


portable desktop


Customer Family with baby

Chidren (befor 12)

1 0.8 0.6

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2


0.4 0.2 Safety


usually shop with parent no chance to decide


function portability special needs form price


function portability special needs form price

Disability (esp.hand) Price!

little allowance & needs portability

1 0.8


easy to use

0.2 Safety


function portability special needs form price

The old


function portability special needs form price

Special needs!

Tape Dispensor

0.6 0.4 0.2

1 0.8 0.6 0.4

for works & functional



function portability special needs form price

1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2


1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2


function portability special needs form price


Bubble Gum bookmark

Bubble Gum Bookmark Product 21






Research Market Survey & Image Map Form

Function I c o l l e c te d m a ny d i ffe re nt t y p e o f bookmark, and divided them according to form and function. It turned out form is the most important to bookmark. But if a bookmark is functional and also elegant, it will be great.

Bubble Gum Bookmark

Patent Collecting

Product 22


Bubble Gum Bookmark Product 23

Develop ideas and drew the sketches, then chose the one I like the most to develop mock-up. I want to add some fun to my bookmark, so I chose the one that could be shaped, and could extend.

Mock-up Idea easy to shpae

stick to anywhere

mark the point

easy to find

when you are not using it



The bookmark is removable and reusable, and allow you to squeeze and reshape as you wish.


So I changed this shape to arrow shape, and made it longer so that it could be pulled to book cover. And I changed fabric into flexible one, or I think silicone is okay.

Bubble Gum Bookmark

There were some problems in this mock-up. The fabric wasn't flexible so the bookmark couldn't stretch very much. And the bookmark was too small, actually it was not easy to find in book.


Graphic Design Rolling Market Brunch B nch Queen uee ID Magazine a a n Creative C re ive Taiwan wa Ex Exit ID DM Club Flyer C Cl F ye Photography

2013 This is the poster designed for creatives market. The theme of the market is "rolling", so I designed the poster with many things rolling into a bag, which means you will get many things if you go there.

Rolling Market graphic 27

These are the other version of poster.

2013 This is a cover of magazine, which introduces coffee shops, brunch......

Insaide pages of magazine below.


Brunch Map

Brunch Queen graphic 28

2013 T h e co ve r o f I D Bank Magazine. The contents are all about design, and o u r d e p a r t m e nt (Industrial design). The topic of magazine was "spring".

ID Magazine graphic 29

Inside pages Column of afternoon tea

This is a poster for a training camp. The theme is Creative Taiwanrefresh the old things.


So I made old wood contrary to the new wood, a n d p u t Ta i w a n in the middle, to show the concept of turning the old things new.

Creative Taiwan




2011 Exit graphic 31

T h i s s h ows t h e m e nta l status that people traped theirselves and peaked out the world from small hole, thinking there was always light out there, but no light here.

2011 This is a DM design for department of industrial design. I use tracing paper to print on both side of paper. you have to fold it to see the whole information. it's more fun.

This is the DM after folded. The blank will be filled in.

ID DM graphic 32


Club Flyer graphic 33

This is a flyer I draw for NCKU Roller Club to recruit new member.


I guess we are all busy to our place in some reason. Photography graphic 34

Photography graphic 35


"Tainan poetry space" was like a poem at that time...


Sun was shining. The couple was shining




Photography graphic 37


At this place about to be shutted down, it seemed that she wanted to say something

Just sitted there thinking, and slowly blended into ground...



graphic 38

Johan Liou 0988782341

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