1 minute read
Kristina Charles wanted to move to New York City and then realized that everything she was looking for was here in Acadiana.
A small-town girl from Baldwin, La, she moved to the Lafayette area 7 years ago and fell in love with the culture and food.
She is a 2020 journalism graduate of Loyola University New Orleans.

Her extensive background in marketing encouraged her to pursue a Master of Science in Marketing and Communications at her alma mater.
For two years, she has been a contributing writer for various publications, including 337 Magazine, and feels like she is just getting started.
Kristina enjoys fashion and lifestyle writing, binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy, and the finest of all desserts (cheesecake!)
Kristina is a lover of all things fashion and brings 337 Magazine inside stories from the area's largest yearly fashion event, Acadiana Fashion Week.
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